Musings on Debt.


Ad astra!
Sep 5, 2011
Does anyone else find it curious that it was the rest of the world that owed the US, and yet we forgave most of it/lowered the amount/etc.

Yet when we are in debt all they do is ask when they will get their money back?
Does anyone else find it curious that it was the rest of the world that owed the US, and yet we forgave most of it/lowered the amount/etc.

Yet when we are in debt all they do is ask when they will get their money back?

No. I don't find it curious at all.

Writing off Europes debts after WWI AND WWII was a damned smart investment.
How about this?

TAKE ACTION: We're Paying War Reparations to Guam for What Japan Did

"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and his eight compatriots, all of whom have co-sponsored a bill that would require that America pay reparations to the people of Guam for - get this - the actions of the Japanese in World War II.

And while this bill holds up $126,000,000.00 for the repayment of the people of Guam for what the Japanese did (as well as $5,000,000.00 for "the Secretary of the Interior [to] establish a grants program [to]...award grants for research, educational, and media activities that memorialize the events surrounding the occupation of Guam during World War II, honor the loyalty of the people of Guam during such occupation, or both, for purposes of appropriately illuminating and interpreting the causes and circumstances of such occupation and other similar occupations during a war"), our soldiers can't even get a dime in supplemental appropriations
TAKE ACTION: We're Paying War Reparations to Guam for What Japan Did

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