Musk Calls for Disbandment of Fake News Fraudulent Fact-Checker

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
Musk Calls NewsGuard a 'Scam,' Demands Its Disbandment

Elon Musk railed against the left-wing media fact-checker NewsGuard on Thursday, calling the ratings company a "scam" and saying it should be "disbanded immediately."Musk's reaction came in the aftermath of a series of posts on X

Comment: This is one aspect of democrat fake news: They create fake news fact-checkers to give legitimacy to their fake news. NewsGuard, Politifact, etc . . are all frauds
Foundation for Freedom Online executive director Mike Benz says that NewsGuard, led by adviser and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, worked with the European Union on a disinformation code that would prompt governments to bankrupt alternative news sites.
There might be one or two genuine and honest Fact Checking sites but the essential idea was dreamt - up as a propaganda weapon to push misinformation and disinformation to the unsuspecting Sheeple .

The ever present audience of Gullibles .

Clever move by Musk as he is himself a CIA insert / asset acting as controlled opposition .
There might be one or two genuine and honest Fact Checking sites but the essential idea was dreamt - up as a propaganda weapon to push misinformation and disinformation to the unsuspecting Sheeple .

The ever present audience of Gullibles .


Clever move by Musk as he is himself a CIA insert / asset acting as controlled opposition .

That is insane. You were doing so well too

That is insane. You were doing so well too
Almost anything may be insane these days unless you are an"A list " protagonist and actually part of the narrative , but I think you will find our Gay friend Elon is exactly as I say .
Time will out .
It saddened me when I found out the evidence but, if true , that marks it as a very smart operation .
When FB got sued over their FACT CHECKING, FB‘s defense was that FACT CHECKING is merely opinion and protected 1A speech for someone to lie in a FACT CHECK.

Ol Elon hasn’t been in the news lately...every 3-6 weeks he has to say something inflammatory to get attention.
Ol Elon hasn’t been in the news lately...every 3-6 weeks he has to say something inflammatory to get attention.

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