Musk fires 50% of Twitter workers, makes other changes.. Can anyone answer this Q I have?

So far, so bad.

In what way, Herr Comrade?

Because he fired the DNC censors?


You Nazis are melting down - I love it.
Because you Nazis only recognize government as a legitimate employer, and most of you have spent your life on the dole, the concept that people are paid an hourly wage doesn't sink in.

If people are working 80 hour weeks (they're not) then they are making triple time and raking in massive paychecks.

Of course this is all just bullshit fabricated by you fascists because you lost the ability to censor the opposition [arty.

You are not required to pay overtime to salaried employees. Most employees at Twitter are not working for an hourly wage.

If a private employer wants to fire half his workforce and make the remaining workers make up the difference, he can.

I would advise the remaining employees to take their skills elsewhere
Why does Musk hate America?

All those people are going straight to the unemployment line, and we're going to have to provide and pay for them.

No, they're not. If you're fired you're not eligible for unemployment. Only if you are laid off through no fault of your own (think downsizing) do you get unemployment.

And are you saying that employers should keep bad employees so taxpayers don't have to pay for their unemployment?
Learn to backquote Marener

"Yes. We are the Nazis for wanting antisemites kicked off Twitter."
I didn't realize AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, and Omar had been kicked off Twitter, or that you forum Nazis wanted them to be...

As shared earlier today, Twitter is conducting a workforce reduction to help improve the health of the company. These decisions are never easy and it is with regret that we write to inform you that your role at Twitter has been impacted.

Today is your last working day at the company, however, you will remain employed by Twitter and will receive compensation and benefits through your separation date of February 2, 2023.

During this time, you will be on a Non-Working Notice period and your access to Twitter systems will be deactivated. While you are not expected to work during the None-Working Notice period, you are still required to comply with all company policies, including the Employee Playbook and Code of Conduct.

Within a week, you will receive details of your severance offer, financial resources extending beyond your Non-Working Notice period. At that time you will also receive a Separation Agreement and Release of Claims and other offboarding...
Musk will probably get rid of a lot more before he's through. He'll learn from Trumpy who became the victim of the enemy within. And when Trumpy goes back to the White House in 24, he'll do a lot more firing this time too. You can't trust Democrats.
You are not required to pay overtime to salaried employees.

Only management is salary at Twitter.

Most employees at Twitter are not working for an hourly wage.

That's a lie you simply made up to support your meltdown.

Twitter was a public company - you moron, it's easy to check.

Wait 8% of the workforce is exempt (salary?)

But you just lied that MOST were salary? Is 8% "most"?

If a private employer wants to fire half his workforce and make the remaining workers make up the difference, he can.

I would advise the remaining employees to take their skills elsewhere

Yeah yeah, you lie - we get it.

The Twitter staff let go were mostly work from home positions.
No, they're not. If you're fired you're not eligible for unemployment. Only if you are laid off through no fault of your own (think downsizing) do you get unemployment.

And are you saying that employers should keep bad employees so taxpayers don't have to pay for their unemployment?

True. The Twitter downsizing of remote workers is a lay-off. The people involved are eligible for UI - except the executives.

As shared earlier today, Twitter is conducting a workforce reduction to help improve the health of the company. These decisions are never easy and it is with regret that we write to inform you that your role at Twitter has been impacted.

Today is your last working day at the company, however, you will remain employed by Twitter and will receive compensation and benefits through your separation date of February 2, 2023.

During this time, you will be on a Non-Working Notice period and your access to Twitter systems will be deactivated. While you are not expected to work during the None-Working Notice period, you are still required to comply with all company policies, including the Employee Playbook and Code of Conduct.

Within a week, you will receive details of your severance offer, financial resources extending beyond your Non-Working Notice period. At that time you will also receive a Separation Agreement and Release of Claims and other offboarding...

Twitter is damn generous.
Oops. Elon finding out what the phrase “fuck around and find out” really means.

Wait til the half he didn’t fire start fleeing for sane pastures and quality starts to suffer. Anyone who had stock made out on the buyout and doesn’t need to be there. See ya!

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