Musk refuses to take down tweet that says Jimmy Fallon is dead...proving

Yes, Twitter may have been a misinformation sewer prior to Musk taking it over, but Musk said that one of the things he was going to do was to clean it up. Sadly, he's failed miserably on that count so far. Did you know Jimmy Fallon is dead? Twitter said so!
Adcertisers..other than the Pillow Guy...are gonna cut Elon's knees from under him. Let the Kentucky red nexks buy Teslas and pay Twitter the fee.
Yes, Twitter may have been a misinformation sewer prior to Musk taking it over, but Musk said that one of the things he was going to do was to clean it up. Sadly, he's failed miserably on that count so far. Did you know Jimmy Fallon is dead? Twitter said so!
Liar sez what?

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