Musk reveals Twitter only has 1 Billion in cash


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
US should know how to screw up a company. overpay for it and then you drive it into the ground.

Or...maybe that was your intention? should know how to screw up a company. overpay for it and then you drive it into the ground.

Or...maybe that was your intention?
Because transparency and integrity is what lying democrats call driving it into the ground .
You lefties sure are a twisted bunch ... should know how to screw up a company. overpay for it and then you drive it into the ground.

Or...maybe that was your intention?
Its just the absolute height of hypocrisy, you a basement dwelling thing of the pit, likely jobless and totally lacking in personal responsibility of any kind, leveling critique against arguably one of the greatest industrialists in human history, absolutely stunning hypocrisy and of course a heaping helping of psychopathic arrogance.... :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, only $1,000,000,000 in cash lying around?
How will they survive? :rolleyes:
I have more than that stuck in my couch cushions.

Elon "We should have freedom of speech & transparency about illegal govt interference"
Lefties "We hope you die MF'er"
Wow, only $1,000,000,000 in cash lying around?
How will they survive? :rolleyes:
I have more than that stuck in my couch cushions.

Elon "We should have freedom of speech & transparency about illegal govt interference"
Lefties "We hope you die MF'er"
Considering he owes several billion it's not much of a cushion.

How much debt was used to buy Twitter?

Musk paid $44 billion to buy Twitter. But it wasn't all his money. He borrowed $13 billion of it to help foot the bill, and Bloomberg News is reporting that the banks that lent him that money are now trying to offload those loans. They've reportedly received offers for as little as 60 cents on the dollar.Nov 11, 2022

Potential buyers offer lower prices for Musk's Twitter debt​

Dems don't have a damn thing to do with Elon blowing his wad.
Oh yes, Dems are going to make him sorry he became a right wing fascist as they walk away from both twitter and tesla. You think the far right is going to keep these companies afloat. Think again.... should know how to screw up a company. overpay for it and then you drive it into the ground.

Or...maybe that was your intention?
This will be fun to watch as your constant Trump hater posts morph into Musk hater posts. should know how to screw up a company. overpay for it and then you drive it into the ground.

Or...maybe that was your intention?
Do you have a billion dollars in cash? If not, you have no room to bitch, bitchboy.
Considering he owes several billion it's not much of a cushion.

How much debt was used to buy Twitter?

Musk paid $44 billion to buy Twitter. But it wasn't all his money. He borrowed $13 billion of it to help foot the bill, and Bloomberg News is reporting that the banks that lent him that money are now trying to offload those loans. They've reportedly received offers for as little as 60 cents on the dollar.Nov 11, 2022

Potential buyers offer lower prices for Musk's Twitter debt

Weren't you the one telling me that he wanted Twitter to be something like a bank or something?
Oh yes they do: media control.

Twitter is a free market company. I stopped using it when Elon musk started charging for a verified check mark.

Corporations stopped using Twitter when Musk allowed anyone to spoof corporate accounts and post bullshit under their names.

Countries have stopped or are reducing their use of Twitter, because of fake account and the amount of hate speech on the platform.

This is going on worldwide. The American media has nothing to do with it. Musk took a wonderful exchange of information platform and turned it over to the kids from Fourchan. If the rest of the world wanted to post on Fourchan we’d already be on FourChan.

Musk bought Twitter because he thought it was a fabulous platform that he could turn into something that made money. When he got the fabulous platform, he fired or drove out all of techs and changed everything about the platform that made it fabulous. Now it’s just another Internet cesspool.

The corporations, the nations of the world, and a large number of media news people have simply left. That’s the true meaning of the free market.

When your favourite product changes the formula and the new one doesn’t do anything like the old one did, you stop buying it.

This is the “New Coke” experiment of social media. New Coke tasted more like Pepsi. Coke drinkers hate Pepsi. If we wanted to drink Pepsi, we’d buy Pepsi. By the time, Coke realized their mistake, many of us had moved on, and never went back.
Twitter is a free market company. I stopped using it when Elon musk started charging for a verified check mark.

Corporations stopped using Twitter when Musk allowed anyone to spoof corporate accounts and post bullshit under their names.

Countries have stopped or are reducing their use of Twitter, because of fake account and the amount of hate speech on the platform.

This is going on worldwide. The American media has nothing to do with it. Musk took a wonderful exchange of information platform and turned it over to the kids from Fourchan. If the rest of the world wanted to post on Fourchan we’d already be on FourChan.

Musk bought Twitter because he thought it was a fabulous platform that he could turn into something that made money. When he got the fabulous platform, he fired or drove out all of techs and changed everything about the platform that made it fabulous. Now it’s just another Internet cesspool.

The corporations, the nations of the world, and a large number of media news people have simply left. That’s the true meaning of the free market.

When your favourite product changes the formula and the new one doesn’t do anything like the old one did, you stop buying it.

This is the “New Coke” experiment of social media. New Coke tasted more like Pepsi. Coke drinkers hate Pepsi. If we wanted to drink Pepsi, we’d buy Pepsi. By the time, Coke realized their mistake, many of us had moved on, and never went back.
I also stopped using it when Musk bought it. It is nothing more than his play toy...and he is losing money on it.

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