Musk Supports Trump Because Musk is Antiwar.

Mention of that is conspicuous by its absence. Musk could get himself whacked if he interferes too much with America's proxy war against Russia.
If he supports Rump, then he does so because...

1. he is too rich to care what happens to the Republic and its Constitution

2. he naively believes that Rump will "protect and defend" the Constitution if he ever gets into the White House again
Musk is not anti-war. He's pro-Putin. Which is also why he supports pro-Putin Trump.

Musk fully supports Putin seizing as much of Ukraine as he can get.

That's not anti-war. That's pro-totalitarian imperialism.
We have different views on who the bad guys are. Or who is worse. Biden, Zelensky and Company or Putin.

Why is Elon Musk repeating a Putin talking point? The Russia expert who testified in Donald Trump’s impeachment says the world’s richest man is ‘transmitting’ Russian messages


Elon Musk Sets Off Uproar in Ukraine by Tweeting His ‘Peace’ Plan

Crimea is on Obambi.
Directly after Crimea happened Kiev started bombing and killing Ukrainians in those eastern Regions and that's why they voted to go to Russia, that and they speak Russian. Educate yourself and stay away from Prog sources. Kiev and Zelensky are actively working with REAL Nazi's, not the fake Republican Nazi's you people like to scream about.
Crimea is on Obambi.
Nope. Crimea is on Putin. Duh.

Putin's useful idiots in the Republican Party and their media outlets are now demanding we surrender Ukraine to Putin because we are winning and Putin is at risk of losing everything he stole.

History will judge these appeasers very harshly.
Nope. Crimea is on Putin. Duh.

Putin's useful idiots in the Republican Party and their media outlets are now demanding we surrender Ukraine to Putin because we are winning and Putin is at risk of losing everything he stole.

History will judge these appeasers very harshly.

Nope, Obambi stood and watched it happen. Frankly it's not our business anyway.
Nope, Obambi stood and watched it happen. Frankly it's not our business anyway.
Spoken just like the America First appeasers before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

You will be judged just as harshly as those past "none of our business" appeasers are.

Nope, Obambi stood and watched it happen.
That is precisely what YOU appeasers want!

I used to wonder why you people never suffer from cognitive dissonance until I realized that would require cognition.

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