Musk tours Gaza border kibbutz with PM, says ‘no choice’ but for Israel to destroy Hamas

Was Hamas fighting for freedom when they butchered Israelis and others on October 7th? Most would agree that was terrorism instead of warfare.
It just showed the level of depravity that exist in the character of Hamas in which has now gotten their so called constituency destroyed in their evil name. Anyone with the ability to resort to the tactics and depravity that Hamas used, has got to be destroyed. No other way if we live in a decent and somewhat moral world for the most part still.
Was Hamas fighting for freedom when they butchered Israelis and others on October 7th? Most would agree that was terrorism instead of warfare.
Yep, and any quarters given or made possible for terrorist by the ignorant or these sympathizers of terrorism is totally unacceptable.... We got some brainwashed sicko people in this world today.... It's entering into a parallel realm, otherwise as to what Heaven might have been experiencing before the devil and his demons were kicked out of it not so very long ago.
I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Hamas terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list if they are in America. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness. Yes we are free in America, and yes we have freedom of speech, but it should come also with responsibility and a show of solidarity against evil when it does the things that HAMAS had done on that day.

The entire video of Hamas actions on the 7th should be released for all in the world to see (unedited), just like it was done in the hanging days of the olden days, otherwise that finally became a deterrent for murderers, robber's, pirate's and other such depraved law breaker's that renounced civilized society, and had went rogue killing and pillaging with no conscious left or no respect for human life left within them.
Tech mogul Elon Musk arrived in Israel on Monday to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Presiden Isaac Herzog, other officials and victims of the October 7 Hamas atrocities as well as the families of hostages.

The billionaire arrived less than two weeks after he endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory on his X platform, which led to major companies pulling advertisements from the site.

Musk started his visit by touring a kibbutz in southern Israel that was among the worst affected during Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, together with Netanyahu.

During the tour of Kfar Aza, Musk was shown the horrors of the Hamas attack, which saw terrorists storm the community and 20 or so others, butchering and burning entire families and kidnapping scores of civilians to Gaza.

Musk said the experience was “jarring” and that he was struck by what appeared to be “joy” on the part of the terrorists in the video. Following the tour, Netanyahu and Musk did a live broadcast on the billionaire’s social media site X, formerly Twitter.

“The rebuttal is often made that well, you know, Israel has killed civilians also in Gaza,” Musk said. “But there’s an important difference here, which is that Israel tries to avoid killing civilians, doing everything it can to avoid killing civilians. And, you know, there’s not sort of joy expressed.”

Musk also said that “there’s no choice” but for Israel to destroy Hamas, but that Israel then needs to “help those that remain,” likening a future postwar scenario to the post-World War II US occupation of Germany and Japan.

“If you want security, peace and a better life for Gazans, then you need to destroy Hamas. You first have to get rid of the poisonous regime as was done in Germany and Japan,” said Netanyahu, to which Musk responded: “There’s no choice.”

Obviously, Israel has no choice but to destroy Hamas if it is ever to be able to protect itself from Palestinians terrorism, but if the UN, EU, Red Cross and others would hold the Palestinians accountable for allowing Hamas to use their children and themselves as human shields, there would be far fewer civilian casualties in Gaza.

How many killed so far?
I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Hamas terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list if they are in America. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness. Yes we are free in America, and yes we have freedom of speech, but it should come also with responsibility and a show of solidarity against evil when it does the things that HAMAS had done on that day.

The entire video of Hamas actions on the 7th should be released for all in the world to see (unedited), just like it was done in the hanging days of the olden days, otherwise that finally became a deterrent for murderers, robber's, pirate's and other such depraved law breaker's that renounced civilized society, and had went rogue killing and pillaging with no conscious left or no respect for human life left within them.

Netanyahu supports Hamas. Hamas was essential to his strategy to prevent any 2 state solution.
So ..... me unsubscribing to "X" was a good decision after all. Intuition turned out to be a wise move. :p
I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Zionist terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list no matter what country they are in. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness.
I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Zionist terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list no matter what country they are in. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness.
I suspect the watch list if one exists, is more likely to contain people like you and me.
I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Hamas terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list if they are in America. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness. Yes we are free in America, and yes we have freedom of speech, but it should come also with responsibility and a show of solidarity against evil when it does the things that HAMAS had done on that day.

The entire video of Hamas actions on the 7th should be released for all in the world to see (unedited), just like it was done in the hanging days of the olden days, otherwise that finally became a deterrent for murderers, robber's, pirate's and other such depraved law breaker's that renounced civilized society, and had went rogue killing and pillaging with no conscious left or no respect for human life left within them.
Good God. Too funny! Total lack of understanding.
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I'm hoping that all who are sympathizing with the Zionist terror organization on this site, are being put on a homeland security watch list no matter what country they are in. No way should any of you not be watched if sympathize with that kind of depraved evilness.
I suspect the watch list if one exists, is more likely to contain people like you and me.
There is no doubt of that.
There is no doubt of that.
Some of these genocide supporters likely claim they are devoted Christians. Yet more hypocrisy. They haven’t learned from their Lord. He said “blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.”
Was Hamas fighting for freedom when they butchered Israelis and others on October 7th? Most would agree that was terrorism instead of warfare.

It just showed the level of depravity that exist in the character of Hamas in which has now gotten their so called constituency destroyed in their evil name. Anyone with the ability to resort to the tactics and depravity that Hamas used, has got to be destroyed. No other way if we live in a decent and somewhat moral world for the most part still.

Since the IDF is meticulously following International Humanitarian Law, only as many as necessary to destroy Hamas.
I need you guys to meet me at the peace demonstration.
Some of these genocide supporters likely claim they are devoted Christians.
That's a given.
Yet more hypocrisy ...
... and they smell of curdled milk.
They haven’t learned from their Lord. He said “blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.”
There's the problem right there - the standard misquote. What he actually said was, "Blessed are the cheesemakers".

Was Hamas fighting for freedom when they butchered Israelis and others on October 7th? .
If you could gather your thoughts (your genuine ones, not your gallery-posturing ones) you'd realize that Freedom for Palestine is nearer now than it has ever been. Why? Because of Hamas and what happened on October 7th.
If you could gather your thoughts (your genuine ones, not your gallery-posturing ones) you'd realize that Freedom for Palestine is nearer now than it has ever been. Why? Because of Hamas and what happened on October 7th.
Hamas is Finished ( they just don’t know it yet , Rafah is gonna be Pacified
I need you guys to meet me at the peace demonstration.

Sure, go right ahead and get yourself arrested. Every one of them should be arrested and if here on a visa, told to leave the country or face immigration charges for committing a criminal act.

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