Musk: "Twitter Might Have to File Bankruptcy"

I know this guy can be, um, mercurial, and I think we need aggressive dreamers, particularly in tech. So I'm fine with him.

I just don't understand this foray into the ugly world of politics. No doubt this is costing him a shitload of money, and he sure doesn't look good. Stay in your lane, brother, you were fine there.
Headlines... You can't buy attention--its the only thing he cannot afford apparently.
What do you mean?

Much of what is coming out was suspected to have been the case. But he still paid 44 billion dollars for the company, either he did not do his due diligence or he did not care. Maybe he needs a tax write off or something
This is gold

That’s the thing, even if he kills it, it’s a win. The platform was a shit show before he took it over.

No it was not. Advertisers do not want their messages alongside right wing hate speech. Either Musk removes right wing hate speech from Twitter or he goes bankrupt.
Prog politicians would have exterminated most of their populations. And we will need to reduce a percentage of it as we head towards prog utopia. Euthanasia is coming. The sickly and the elderly will be gently pushed and sternly told to do what is best for the godless state we are embracing.

Do you know what this thread is about? It's not even in conspiracy.
Well, that didn't take long.

oh it was well on it's way, that's why Musk was able to buy it. The demafasict had really wreaked the company....not a bad idea to completely restart and make it successful
As I mentioned in another thread on this............................................

The moment Musk began going public about his political views, was the moment his products faced losing market share regardless of what he sells.

This is where we are at in America today. It doesn't matter what your views are, if you go public with them, you'll lose a large segment of American consumers.

If you go back just a couple years ago, Musk was viewed positively by nearly everyone. That's all gone now thanks to the fact that he became vocal. There will now be millions of consumers that will not purchase a Tesla strictly due to Musk's political views.
Twitter especially is at risk since it's mainly used by celebrities, corporations, journalists, MSM, that always lean to the left.

I guarantee you every time he tweets, those in his board rooms cringe knowing he is likely to alienate more and more consumers.

This is a lesson every CEO needs to learn. Whatever your views are, keep them to yourselves!!!!
Well, that didn't take long.

Massive layoffs, obliteration of the morale of your people, elimination of company leadership, ignoring your advertisers concerns, and enacting poorly thought through revenue grabs that had to be repealed within hours or days.....

......doesn't demonstrate much understanding of the business.

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