Muslim baker...make me a Mohammed cake; Muslim hotel my pork festival; Can they refuse?

Only if it is a product they offer. JESUS CHRIST you people are morons.
And our Christian baker does not offer cake-top decorations featuring same-sex couples.

Does that work for you, according to your logic?
There we go.

Problem solved.


What will your position be, when the Gay freak-a-zoids take the Christian baker to court, for refusing to affix a same-sex-couple decoration on top?
Once again, if they do not offer an item they are not obligated to sell it.

But all bakeries offer custom decoration. Birthday cake demands almost make it mandatory for them to survive. If they'll put Mickey Mouse or a dinosaur or other images on it...surely they can copy the image of Mohammed on it for me.

And...they offer catering. I can force them to cater my pork and koran burning festival.

No- not all bakeries offer custom decoration. Really- why do you pretend that every bakery must fit your silly strawman?

What is particularly difficult to understand about this?

If a bakery offers to sell custom cakes, with representative decorations on it- then they cannot refuse to do so because you are a Christian- or a Jew- or black or from Germany or because you are in a wheel chair.

But if you are just an asshole who wants to try to force a bakery to make a cake that they don't make, the baker can refuse you just fine.
This Indiana shit is silly. Freedom means being free not to do something also.


If I go find a Muslim baker...and demand cakes be made for my religious diversity celebration. ..should he do it? I want cakes in the shape and image of each religious figure. Especially prophet Mohammed! He cant refuse...right? I want it catered. He may have to watch the Mohammed cake...get its head sliced off.

Should he have to

Oh...and the party will be held at a Muslim owned hotel. In conjunction with the Pork Festival I want to have. If I pay the fee for the conference room...must the Muslim owner rent it to me for my pork festival. ...and my religious diversity cake party where we'll be enjoying a Mohammed cake?

Oh....its different now huh? Because MY opinion is that those Muslim business owners should be able to tell me no and suffer no consequences. Their religious belief should be respected.

yes welcome to an obama Utopia

And our Christian baker does not offer cake-top decorations featuring same-sex couples.

Does that work for you, according to your logic?
There we go.

Problem solved.


What will your position be, when the Gay freak-a-zoids take the Christian baker to court, for refusing to affix a same-sex-couple decoration on top?
Once again, if they do not offer an item they are not obligated to sell it.

But all bakeries offer custom decoration. Birthday cake demands almost make it mandatory for them to survive. If they'll put Mickey Mouse or a dinosaur or other images on it...surely they can copy the image of Mohammed on it for me.

And...they offer catering. I can force them to cater my pork and koran burning festival.

No- not all bakeries offer custom decoration. Really- why do you pretend that every bakery must fit your silly strawman?

What is particularly difficult to understand about this?

If a bakery offers to sell custom cakes, with representative decorations on it- then they cannot refuse to do so because you are a Christian- or a Jew- or black or from Germany or because you are in a wheel chair.

But if you are just an asshole who wants to try to force a bakery to make a cake that they don't make, the baker can refuse you just fine.

Yep. I agree. And a bakery shouldnt be forced to cater an event that they dont want to cater. Right?
There we go.

Problem solved.


What will your position be, when the Gay freak-a-zoids take the Christian baker to court, for refusing to affix a same-sex-couple decoration on top?
Once again, if they do not offer an item they are not obligated to sell it.

But all bakeries offer custom decoration. Birthday cake demands almost make it mandatory for them to survive. If they'll put Mickey Mouse or a dinosaur or other images on it...surely they can copy the image of Mohammed on it for me.

And...they offer catering. I can force them to cater my pork and koran burning festival.

No- not all bakeries offer custom decoration. Really- why do you pretend that every bakery must fit your silly strawman?

What is particularly difficult to understand about this?

If a bakery offers to sell custom cakes, with representative decorations on it- then they cannot refuse to do so because you are a Christian- or a Jew- or black or from Germany or because you are in a wheel chair.

But if you are just an asshole who wants to try to force a bakery to make a cake that they don't make, the baker can refuse you just fine.

Yep. I agree. And a bakery shouldnt be forced to cater an event that they dont want to cater. Right?


A bakery is not required to cater an event it does not want to- but if a bakery does cater- then the bakery cannot refuse to cater an event because of the persons race or religion or color or whatever the local jurisdiction requires.
There we go.

Problem solved.


What will your position be, when the Gay freak-a-zoids take the Christian baker to court, for refusing to affix a same-sex-couple decoration on top?
Once again, if they do not offer an item they are not obligated to sell it.

But all bakeries offer custom decoration. Birthday cake demands almost make it mandatory for them to survive. If they'll put Mickey Mouse or a dinosaur or other images on it...surely they can copy the image of Mohammed on it for me.

And...they offer catering. I can force them to cater my pork and koran burning festival.

No- not all bakeries offer custom decoration. Really- why do you pretend that every bakery must fit your silly strawman?

What is particularly difficult to understand about this?

If a bakery offers to sell custom cakes, with representative decorations on it- then they cannot refuse to do so because you are a Christian- or a Jew- or black or from Germany or because you are in a wheel chair.

But if you are just an asshole who wants to try to force a bakery to make a cake that they don't make, the baker can refuse you just fine.

Yep. I agree. And a bakery shouldnt be forced to cater an event that they dont want to cater. Right?


A bakery is not required to cater an event it does not want to- but if a bakery does cater- then the bakery cannot refuse to cater an event because of the persons race or religion or color or whatever the local jurisdiction requires.

So its all or none huh? If you cater must be willing to cater all?

If Muslim bakers customize one cake...they must customize my Mohammed cake.

We are either free to say no...or we arent. Which is it?
I'm contemplating going to a bakery and demanding a cake with the image of a naked female Santa Claus wearing a strap-on, fucking a crucified Jesus in the ass. And when they refuse, I'm going to sue them for violating my civil rights. I mean bucs90 makes such a solid case, what could possibly go wrong?
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?
What is the difference between...

A Muslim being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of Muhammed upon it, utilizing his religion's bans on representation of the human form, or the Prophet, as the basis for his refusal...


A Christian being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of a homosexual couple upon it, utilizing his religion's bans upon homosexuality as the basis for his refusal?
There is no difference. No one was asked to put an image of a homosexual couple on a cake. A bakery does not have to provide a product it doesn't offer.
If they sell custom cakes and any bakery would, then they must custom make a Mohammed cake.
How does the OP feel about women wearing burkas? Got a problem with that?

If they want to wear one...go for it. I think beards on hipsters living in the city look retarded. But go for it.

More freedom. Not less.
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?
What is the difference between...

A Muslim being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of Muhammed upon it, utilizing his religion's bans on representation of the human form, or the Prophet, as the basis for his refusal...


A Christian being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of a homosexual couple upon it, utilizing his religion's bans upon homosexuality as the basis for his refusal?
There is no difference. No one was asked to put an image of a homosexual couple on a cake. A bakery does not have to provide a product it doesn't offer.
If they sell custom cakes and any bakery would, then they must custom make a Mohammed cake.

Thats right. Its not pornographic. It breaks no government laws. Its a Mohammed cake...just like a Jesus cake or a puppy dog cake or a Happy Divorce celebration cake.
"Muslim baker...make me a Mohammed cake; Muslim hotel my pork festival; Can they refuse?"

You're a ridiculous, ignorant idiot.
"Muslim baker...make me a Mohammed cake; Muslim hotel my pork festival; Can they refuse?"

You're a ridiculous, ignorant idiot.

Ah...but do they have the right to refuse? See...its not just white Christians who have religious beliefs.
Actually...the more I think of it...the more I think maybe ill try this. Get a couple friends and promise them free beer. Find a Muslim bakery. Request a few cakes with each religious figure decorated on in. Ill provide the images.

Religious Diversity celebration party.

Oh...and im "gay". Its why we're celebrating the include them. So if they refuse to provide the religiously decorated cakes for my religious diversiy party...they discriminated against me and my gay friends haha!!! Call the sleaziest lawyer I can find.

Instant payout...or they'll shit down.
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?
What is the difference between...

A Muslim being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of Muhammed upon it, utilizing his religion's bans on representation of the human form, or the Prophet, as the basis for his refusal...


A Christian being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of a homosexual couple upon it, utilizing his religion's bans upon homosexuality as the basis for his refusal?
There is no difference. No one was asked to put an image of a homosexual couple on a cake. A bakery does not have to provide a product it doesn't offer.

So, if a bakery only offered straight wedding cakes, you would say "well sorry gays, that bakery doesn't offer gay wedding cakes? I think not , you dishonest piece of shit
This Indiana shit is silly. Freedom means being free not to do something also.


If I go find a Muslim baker...and demand cakes be made for my religious diversity celebration. ..should he do it? I want cakes in the shape and image of each religious figure. Especially prophet Mohammed! He cant refuse...right? I want it catered. He may have to watch the Mohammed cake...get its head sliced off.

Should he have to

Oh...and the party will be held at a Muslim owned hotel. In conjunction with the Pork Festival I want to have. If I pay the fee for the conference room...must the Muslim owner rent it to me for my pork festival. ...and my religious diversity cake party where we'll be enjoying a Mohammed cake?

Oh....its different now huh? Because MY opinion is that those Muslim business owners should be able to tell me no and suffer no consequences. Their religious belief should be respected.

On your first example, no the baker does not have to bake you your Mohammed cake. The reason is that he won't bake that cake for anyone. See the difference? Your example is completely flawed. In case two, it's pretty much the same. You cannot have your pork festival if he does not allow anyone to have a pork festival at his hotel. When you deny everyone, then there is no discrimination. When you only deny gay couples and you are denying them the same thing the provide to straight couples, that is discrimination. Hopefully this clears things up for you.
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?

Any business owner can refuse different types of products or services to his/her clients. There is absolutely nothing that mandates a business owner must provide certain products or services to anyone. What a business owner cannot do is provide a product or service to one customer but not another. This really is simple. Not sure why you all want to make it so complicated.

Found one!!!! Tuscon, Arizona. Muslim owned bakery.

Time to place an order for a Mohammed cake....and dont forget the cream cheese icing turban. other religious figure cakes. Jesus. Buddah. Satan. All of them.

Surely they cant discriminate against my religious diversity party?

I used to think you had some common sense. Apparently I was wrong.
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?

Nope. Im a customer making a lawful request. Jesus cake. Buddah cake. Mohammed cake. Even a Satan cake for Satanists. ...and one cake thats just solid black and no decorations for atheists.

Religious diversity party. I want Mohammeds turban to be cream cheese icing...slicing his head off first.

Baker is a public business. He has to make it.
That's not how that works. If the baker doesn't make cakes in thise shapes, you're sol. You can't require that the baker make for you anything you want. You don't get to go into the chinese restaurant and order lasagna.

custom cakes are custom cakes

Once again, a business does not have to honor your request if they would refuse that request from anyone and everyone else. You folks need to brush up because you're all making yourselves look really stupid. This is basic law for Christ sakes.
Pork festival would likely have to be allowed. I doubt the cake would have to be made. You can see the difference, right?
What is the difference between...

A Muslim being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of Muhammed upon it, utilizing his religion's bans on representation of the human form, or the Prophet, as the basis for his refusal...


A Christian being offended or inhibited from fashioning a cake with an image of a homosexual couple upon it, utilizing his religion's bans upon homosexuality as the basis for his refusal?
There is no difference. No one was asked to put an image of a homosexual couple on a cake. A bakery does not have to provide a product it doesn't offer.

And what if catering a gay wedding is a service they dont offer?

You're not gonna win this.

If they don't cater to gay weddings, then they cannot cater to straight weddings. If they do cater to weddings, then they must cater to both. You're not gonna win this. In fact, you lost it when you started it because you have no ground to stand on.

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