Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

The Muslim and the Christian are equally protected from infringement on the government's part, if they are both American citizens.
Civil behavior and religious conscience aren't the same thing. We don't have the right to physically cause harm to another. We do have the right to stand behind our religious convictions. You are legally protected from being physically harmed. You are not protected from being insulted by another's beliefs, no matter how repugnant you may find them.

Just physical harm?

Yes. I can't hit you with sticks and stones, but I can call you names...

Can you threaten me with burning crosses on my lawn, graffitti on my house, and death threats?

What about if you go to Starbucks in Florida and we scream at you, does that work?
You have this thing about Starbucks.....and Florida....and screaming.


You post constantly on a political message board and you don't know anything about what's going on in politics. I'd say "odd" but it's not, you're just stupid and uninformed
Its a cake people, there lots of bakeries. Find one that wants to make it, pay for it and eat it already.

I can sympathize with being rebuffed. A wedding is a huge deal and it's an emotional deal. It's an even huger deal when it's something that's been long denied to you. You should be able to have a reasonable expectation of being treated like any other customer looking for the same product. Now if the person went looking for a refusal, I'd have no sympathy but that isn't the case in the Oregon case.
Unconstitutional laws constitute lawlessness. Now you're just chasing your tail, peon.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

State public accommodations laws are in fact Constitutional:

‘As we have pointed out, 32 States now have [public accommodations laws] and no case has been cited to us where the attack on a state statute has been successful, either in federal or state courts. Indeed, in some cases, the Due Process and Equal Protection Clause objections have been specifically discarded in this Court. Bob-Lo Excursion Co. v. Michigan, 333 U.S. 28, 34 n. 12 (1948). As a result, the constitutionality of such state statutes stands unquestioned. "The authority of the Federal Government over interstate commerce does not differ," it was held in United States v. Rock Royal Co-op., Inc., 307 U.S. 533 (1939), "in extent or character from that retained by the states over intrastate commerce." At 569-570. See also Bowles v. Willingham, 321 U.S. 503 (1944).'

Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

And again, as you have demonstrated in post after post exhibiting your bigotry and hate toward gay Americans, such laws are very much necessary and proper.

What does going to the baker down the street have to do with interstate commerce?
Does that mean a person has the right to stand up in a theatre and start yelling proclamations about his faith?

Exactly. Like I said. Rights are not unlimited.

If not, your examples didn't prove it. The fact that theater owners get to set the rules on how customers have to behave in their theater is not a limitation on your First Amendment rights. It's simply a result of the fact that movie theaters are private property, and the owners get to set the rules.

Good point.

Let's change the scenario. Does your right to free speech allow you to incite a mob to violence?
I disagree. Rights are limited.

Your rights do not trump public safety, for example. They can not enroach on the rights of another. They can not damage national security.

How would any right conflict with public safety? No right does encroach on the rights of others. How would a right damage national security?

The right to free speech could conflict with public safety - example, the often used "yelling fire (when there is not) in a crowded theatre."

The right of a free press or free speech could damage national security if classified information was publicly released or if treason was commited.
Why are you mindlessly citing stuff that everybody already knows...and which isn't the slightest bit relevant to baking cakes???

Because *you* seem to have this misguided idea that rights are unlimited.
human rights are unlimited, provided your right doesn't violate someone else's.

And there is no right to have a christian bake a fag wedding cake. Doesn't exist. It's neither a human, or a civil, right to be able to force people to commit sacrilege.

It exists by virtue of equal rights. You can't run a business open to the public and then decide that you're going to deny service to a certain part of the public.
I am you stupid dyke, how many times do I need to explain that to you? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Did I ask you that question before? No?
And why do you have to be rude? What is it exactly you are doing to get rid of PA laws in your state? Tell us.

Asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered and asked and answered

At this point, your inability to absorb information is pure stupidity
I would like to read up on it....where did you answer? Is it in this thread?

Well, it doesn't matter since you have no long term memory, does it? really didn't answer the question, did you? Again....quelle surprise.

I've answered the question repeatedly. You actually didn't understand, did you? Be honest.

I think we can explain your fat ass now. You keep not remembering you already ate lunch and eat it again ... and again ... and again ...

Chili cheese fries once a day is a plump toochie. Four times a day ... it's you ... fat ass
I think bripat9643 and I are talking about the same thing. Not to put words in his mouth, but I think that we both consider it unjustified for anyone (including people in the government) to initiate force against the person or property of another. I'm not opposed to self-defense or force used in response to an initiation.

Does that clarify?

Force? Like being 'forced' to pay taxes, or 'forced' to stop when you come up on a stop sign?

No. Like having force being initiated against you for not engaging in trade with another person.
What force?

You mean you believe force wasn't used against the bakers who didn't want to bake a cake for the queers?

Why are they exempt from the law when the rest of us have to follow it?

No one is saying they are. What we are trying to explain is that the law is unjust.
Where's the argument? You can't use religion to deny service in a retail store. If the Muslims are being given a pass on prosecution, there's a problem.

If no one took them to court, there is not.
Yes. I can't hit you with sticks and stones, but I can call you names...

Can you threaten me with burning crosses on my lawn, graffitti on my house, and death threats?

What about if you go to Starbucks in Florida and we scream at you, does that work?

Can you threaten me with burning crosses on my lawn, graffitti on my house, and death threats?
What about if you go to Starbucks in Florida and we scream at you, does that work?

You can scream at me all you want, in what ever state you want, as long as the owner doesn't mind you disturbing the peace. You can yell at me on the sidewalk, you can yell at me in the street. What you can't make me do is bake a cake if it is against my religion.

LOL, another liberal dip shit who doesn't get it. If I had a nickle ...
I do not believe the right of free speech means you can slander, libel or create public panic.

I agree with slander and libel, to a point. A lot of posters, including myself, have said all sorts of slanderous and libelous things about one another. But it never leaves the confines of this discussion board. Should we have the government regulate slander and libel on a forum?

Creating a public panic however is a different animal. I see the media doing it all the time. Blowing seemingly innocuous events out of proportion to the point where it causes mass hysteria. The Media has a great way of hyping things. For example, white man shoots black man in self defense. Media simply says white man shoots black man. Alter the wording just slightly and you alter the perception of the event. Hence Black Lives Matter and et cetera. Riots, cop killings, and racial tension.

Should we regulate freedom of the press, so as to avoid creating a public panic?

You can only go so far before it actually does infringe on free speech.
Its a cake people, there lots of bakeries. Find one that wants to make it, pay for it and eat it already.

It's just religion people. You want to have a religion that's unconstitutional, move to another country. lol

Religion is suppose to be Constitutionally protected moron.

It's protection is limited. Where's that Mormon practice of polygamy nowadays?

...and you 't find cake a strange dividing line?
Its a cake people, there lots of bakeries. Find one that wants to make it, pay for it and eat it already.

I can sympathize with being rebuffed. A wedding is a huge deal and it's an emotional deal. It's an even huger deal when it's something that's been long denied to you. You should be able to have a reasonable expectation of being treated like any other customer looking for the same product. Now if the person went looking for a refusal, I'd have no sympathy but that isn't the case in the Oregon case.

Oh bull crap. If you were worried about your wedding, the last thing you'd want would be to force a baker against his will to bake you a cake. You'd be worried about if he'd do something wrong intentionally or if he just wouldn't give a shit. Peace of mind is the logical answer, go to someone who wants to deal with you.

Seriously, stop being a brain dead liberal for a moment and admit if your standard was not wanting to worry about things, you'd never have government force with the power of guns someone to bake you a cake against their will. Be honest for once in your life. No fucking way would you do that
Its a cake people, there lots of bakeries. Find one that wants to make it, pay for it and eat it already.

It's just religion people. You want to have a religion that's unconstitutional, move to another country. lol
You just won the "Oxymoron of the Month" award for you entry "unconstitutional religion."

Congratulations, dumbass!
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Um ... government guns? So you're saying if we refuse to obey government then there is no consequence? My God, you are an idiot
Oh, this is interesting. What government guns were pulled on the cake bakers in Oregon? Was it a SWAT team?

I don't think I would be calling other people idiots if I were you after hysterically crying about government guns in this case. :lol:

(government guns.....*snicker)

What do you think would happen to the bakers if they told the government to take its $100,000 fine and stick it where the sun don't shine?
What has happened...the fine goes up. Just like if you refuse to pay any kind of fine, like for illegal parking, or safety/health violations of your business (more rules/laws you must follow to have a business license), etc.
And when the baker doesn't pay the new higher fine?

It's quite telling you and your liberal friends won't apply the your oh so tolerant standards to Muslim bakers that you would to Christians. Why?
If you mean the example in DO know that Michigan doesn't include sexual orientation in their PA laws, right?

Now...if the Muslim bakers in Michigan refused to bake a cake for Christers.....they should be fined (they would have been fined)

If the Muslim bakers were in a state such as Oregon that does include sexual orientation in their PA laws....they should be fined (they would have been fined).

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