Muslim #BlackLivesMatter co-founder begs Allah to help keep her from killing white men

"Muslim #BlackLivesMatter co-founder begs Allah to help keep her from killing white men"

And you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.
it is true libturdness at its finest.
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....
View attachment 71346
Won't help. Once infected with the virus of Islam, cognitive ability and rational thought begins to deteriorate rapidly in the brain ending with permanent mental illness. In severe cases, patient engages in self detonation.
^^^ A good example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and bigotry common to most on the right.
really? why is it a libturd democrat prosecutor arrests a man he has video evidence showing the man didn't do? Dude, why is it libturd democrats can't prove CO2 is harmful to climate? holy fk, the libturds are losing all over the place.
I say let's all pitch in and help the bitch buy herself a suicide vest so she can blow herself up while yelling "Allah Akbar! Black Lives Matter!"
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....

you couldn't care less. you just wanted to post another rant about black people white trash boy.

that said, she didn't co-found Black Lives Matter, she co-founded BLM in Toronto.

and what she said was stupid.

and if a normal person said it (eg. not bigoted pondscum like you) we'd all probably agree she sucks. but it certainly isn't a reflection on the organization itself.

in other words..... and? *Shrug*
BLM was started by a bunch of Soros funded black lesbians. This is common knowledge nowadays.

yeah,.... no.

but thanks for the irrelevant wacko rightwingnut talking points.

Yeah, yes. Dumb ass useful idiot.

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action
I wish the sonofabitch would die already. Any one have the grim reapers phone number.
All lives don't matter, especially not the ones who are criminals, thugs, drug dealers, murderers, terrorists, bigots, etc. whether they are black, white, or brown.

Half Lives Matter!
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....
View attachment 71346


Here's Toronto

The grim history of the Ku Klux Klan in Toronto - Spacing Toronto

No no no...We must talk about the dangers of Tweets not the actions of real racists
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....
View attachment 71346


Here's Toronto

The grim history of the Ku Klux Klan in Toronto - Spacing Toronto

No no no...We must talk about the dangers of Tweets not the actions of real racists
it's very clear who the real racists are. We just received that confirmation from her text to allah. She hates white. We know this now. We appreciate relieving herself of holding that thought hostage in her heart. She is free now to continue her bigotry and racism with all of the attention she requested.
Substitute the h/l Jerry Falwell prays for power not to kill black long before we would hear haaater...umum. Kkkkk...umum
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....

you couldn't care less. you just wanted to post another rant about black people white trash boy.

that said, she didn't co-found Black Lives Matter, she co-founded BLM in Toronto.

and what she said was stupid.

and if a normal person said it (eg. not bigoted pondscum like you) we'd all probably agree she sucks. but it certainly isn't a reflection on the organization itself.

in other words..... and? *Shrug*
So a racist supports Trump, and it automatically makes Trump a racist. But one of the founders of blm tweets she wants to kill white men and it means nothing? Liberalism is a mental disease.
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....

you couldn't care less. you just wanted to post another rant about black people white trash boy.

that said, she didn't co-found Black Lives Matter, she co-founded BLM in Toronto.

and what she said was stupid.

and if a normal person said it (eg. not bigoted pondscum like you) we'd all probably agree she sucks. but it certainly isn't a reflection on the organization itself.

in other words..... and? *Shrug*
So a racist supports Trump, and it automatically makes Trump a racist. But one of the founders of blm tweets she wants to kill white men and it means nothing? Liberalism is a mental disease.
there aren't enough thank yous in the icon bar to click for this post.

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, ......etc........thank you
Substitute the h/l Jerry Falwell prays for power not to kill black long before we would hear haaater...umum. Kkkkk...umum
Another good example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity and hasty generalization fallacy common to most on the left.

Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

Oh how sweet. A #BlackLivesMatter co-founder in Toronto....named Yusra Khogali.....tweeted out her prayer to Allah to ask him to help prevent her from murdering white males.

Now she's pissed her tweet - prayer is public and she says it's hurting her groups real cause.

For one.....I didn't know Allah has Twitter. Second....yet another example of how radical Muslims are slowly uniting with #BlackLivesMatter.

The potential killer of white people who had to beg Allah to stop her.....
View attachment 71346
Bucs, lots of black people have been Muslim since the 60's. So it follows there are black Muslims in BLM. Nothing to see here. Terrorists don't pray to STOP murdering people.

You're right, terrorists don't pray to stop murdering people. They pray to get help for murdering people.
And yet the morons wonder why there are so many of these sold.
"Muslim #BlackLivesMatter co-founder begs Allah to help keep her from killing white men"

And you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

EVERY Clayton Jones post contains the word "fallacy". Has anyone else noticed it? It's like he's a college freshmen who became starstruck by his sociology professor using a new fancy word and now wants to seem smart by using it himself. In Every time.

In at least one post recently, he used it three times.
This is why I've suggested that Clayton is a computer program.
"Muslim #BlackLivesMatter co-founder begs Allah to help keep her from killing white men"

And you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

EVERY Clayton Jones post contains the word "fallacy". Has anyone else noticed it? It's like he's a college freshmen who became starstruck by his sociology professor using a new fancy word and now wants to seem smart by using it himself. In Every time.

In at least one post recently, he used it three times.
This is why I've suggested that Clayton is a computer program.

It's hilarious. It's so obvious what he is. Like a kid with a new toy wanting to show it off for everyone.....he's a college kid who heard "fallacy" many times in sociology class from his 65 year old hipster professor and now wants to sound cool by using every damn post he makes.
If she were white, and had publicly stated that she prayed to God to help her find the strength to not kill black people, it's likely she would be kicked out of the country.
There is no freedom of speech in Canada.
"Muslim #BlackLivesMatter co-founder begs Allah to help keep her from killing white men"

And you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

EVERY Clayton Jones post contains the word "fallacy". Has anyone else noticed it? It's like he's a college freshmen who became starstruck by his sociology professor using a new fancy word and now wants to seem smart by using it himself. In Every time.

In at least one post recently, he used it three times.
This is why I've suggested that Clayton is a computer program.

It's hilarious. It's so obvious what he is. Like a kid with a new toy wanting to show it off for everyone.....he's a college kid who heard "fallacy" many times in sociology class from his 65 year old hipster professor and now wants to sound cool by using every damn post he makes.

He likes saying it, makes him think of 'phallic' imagery. :laugh:

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