Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to be dismantled

It gets better.

Cairo Cracks Down on Al Jazeera Channel
Offices of the network have been shut down, its reporter was arrested and its license may be revoked.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 8/19/2013, 9:04 AM

The military interim government in Cairo is cracking down on a key adversary – satellite news network Al Jazeera, which is widely seen as being biased in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“The Cabinet has assigned competent authorities to assess the legal status of the Al Jazeera satellite channel, accusing it of threatening stability and national security,” local media said, according to a report on the Egypt Independent Sunday.

The New York Times noted Sunday that while the military interim government had already shut down all of the Egyptian television networks that supported President Mohamed Morsi on the night of Morsi's ouster – in the last four days, “the new authorities have raided and shut down the offices of the pan-Arab Al Jazeera network, taken steps to deny its Egyptian license and, on Sunday, arrested its correspondent Abdullah El-Shamy on charges of inciting murder and sectarian violence.”

Al Jazeera, is based in Qatar and is the only big Arabic-language network that is considered biased in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is widely seen as a key agitator in the rebellions that have spread throughout the Arab world in the last two years.

Read the full article here:
Cairo Cracks Down on Al Jazeera Channel - Middle East - News - Israel National News

The bloggers are doing an excellent job of cutting off advertisers from Al Jazeera television also. Mass emails to these advertisers is forcing them to stop buying air time on Al Jazeera. So far Hersheys has dropped Al Jazeera, so has Foster Grant and many others. The most recent advertiser to drop al Jazeera advertisements was .....are you ready for this?! lol! Ya think? Ahhh! Welllll! Better late than never.

Soon there will be no paying advertisers on Al Jazeera and they will have to dip into their own pockets to spread their brand of anti - semitism! - Jeri
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to be dismantled
where will they send the scrap?

Thanks MOON first big laugh of the day. In my city --DISPOSAL is not
easy------only certain categories of garbage can be thrown to the garbage
collectors------other stuff has to be carted away in trucks----taken to large
dumps were one has to PAY to do the dumping--------just a bit of house
hold repair can put a person in that position ------they call that scrap
"construction materials" other problems of disposal include poisons,
motot oil---chemicals used in craft and art, etc---------medical waste is a
huge problem even for the average family doctor.
Long ago-----a colleague described his HAJJ-----which---
would have taken place----before I knew the guy----and something like
50 years ago. The way HE described it------the big desert out there
was the recipient of ALL WASTE-------which was simply ------placed
DIRECTLY in the sand. Sandstorms obscured it all
Now maybe people will understand why Mubarak banned them from politics for 30 years.
As soon as the Brotherhood took over, they put in Sharia Law and started burning Christian Churches and persecuting them.
They are Jihadist terrorists, they tried to do it peacefully , it didn't work.
They support Muslim Terrorists groups and they fund them.
Their ideology is exactly the same.

Way back circa 1988-90------A copt colleague told me---with tears in his
eyes how much he hated Mubarak because of HIS persecution of Copts.
The man claimed that Mubarak had murdered the Coptic PATRIARCH
somewhere, sometime I do remember anti Copt Quotations ----attributed
to Mubarak. He denigrated and threatened them----- Mubarak is,
simply ---probably the lesser of the evils just like Sadaam was for the
Chaldeans -----less evil than the ISLAMICISTS
Now maybe people will understand why Mubarak banned them from politics for 30 years.
As soon as the Brotherhood took over, they put in Sharia Law and started burning Christian Churches and persecuting them.
They are Jihadist terrorists, they tried to do it peacefully , it didn't work.
They support Muslim Terrorists groups and they fund them.
Their ideology is exactly the same.

Way back circa 1988-90------A copt colleague told me---with tears in his
eyes how much he hated Mubarak because of HIS persecution of Copts.
The man claimed that Mubarak had murdered the Coptic PATRIARCH
somewhere, sometime I do remember anti Copt Quotations ----attributed
to Mubarak. He denigrated and threatened them----- Mubarak is,
simply ---probably the lesser of the evils just like Sadaam was for the
Chaldeans -----less evil than the ISLAMICISTS

He did not support them, did not give them protection nor religious freedom.
Mubarak supported Islam.
He did not order the burning of their Churches or outright murder of all Christians like the Brotherhood did.
Actually, the BBC and Al Jazeera are the best network organizations to watch for quality world wide unbiased news.

Whereas, the American ones are the worst; ABC,CNN, FOX, MSNBC.

And are more concerned about Britney's new tattoo or Lohan's latest court date. .. :cool:
Actually, the BBC and Al Jazeera are the best network organizations to watch for quality world wide unbiased news.

Whereas, the American ones are the worst; ABC,CNN, FOX, MSNBC.

And are more concerned about Britney's new tattoo or Lohan's latest court date. .. :cool:

Then why are all of Al Jazeera's advertisers dropping them like a hot potato? Why isn't that happening with ABC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC?

I know of no other television station in America who is being boycotted by the number one companies throughout the United States other than Al Jazeera television! Expain that one! You can't!

Now maybe people will understand why Mubarak banned them from politics for 30 years.
As soon as the Brotherhood took over, they put in Sharia Law and started burning Christian Churches and persecuting them.
They are Jihadist terrorists, they tried to do it peacefully , it didn't work.
They support Muslim Terrorists groups and they fund them.
Their ideology is exactly the same.

Way back circa 1988-90------A copt colleague told me---with tears in his
eyes how much he hated Mubarak because of HIS persecution of Copts.
The man claimed that Mubarak had murdered the Coptic PATRIARCH
somewhere, sometime I do remember anti Copt Quotations ----attributed
to Mubarak. He denigrated and threatened them----- Mubarak is,
simply ---probably the lesser of the evils just like Sadaam was for the
Chaldeans -----less evil than the ISLAMICISTS

He did not support them, did not give them protection nor religious freedom.
Mubarak supported Islam.
He did not order the burning of their Churches or outright murder of all Christians like the Brotherhood did.

hi peach-----how have you been? this board is turning into the new
POI board
Way back circa 1988-90------A copt colleague told me---with tears in his
eyes how much he hated Mubarak because of HIS persecution of Copts.
The man claimed that Mubarak had murdered the Coptic PATRIARCH
somewhere, sometime I do remember anti Copt Quotations ----attributed
to Mubarak. He denigrated and threatened them----- Mubarak is,
simply ---probably the lesser of the evils just like Sadaam was for the
Chaldeans -----less evil than the ISLAMICISTS

He did not support them, did not give them protection nor religious freedom.
Mubarak supported Islam.
He did not order the burning of their Churches or outright murder of all Christians like the Brotherhood did.

hi peach-----how have you been? this board is turning into the new
POI board

I'm fine. How have you been?
What is the POI board?
He did not support them, did not give them protection nor religious freedom.
Mubarak supported Islam.
He did not order the burning of their Churches or outright murder of all Christians like the Brotherhood did.

hi peach-----how have you been? this board is turning into the new
POI board

I'm fine. How have you been?
What is the POI board?

POI ---the erstwhile Politics of Israel board---uhm I know
I remember you from SOMEWHERE ---before the messageboard
cultural revolution
I have never been on anything other than this message board. Not twitter, not facebook, nothing.
There is another peach here. She hasn't posted anything since Feb. of this year
She is just peach, not peach 174.
The Muslim brotherhood is against free speech and women's rights.

I simply pointed out their animalistic behavior.

If this is how they treat their own brothers, I'd hate to know what will they do to a Jewish child if having the opportunity.

That is all what the Arab-MidEast is about.

your people butchering eachother.

Thank heaven's for the Jews' sanity in this crazy area.

Didn't they win an election ?

Apparently not, didn't you hear the last news? now it says those were forged. Considering the masses who demonstrate against the Islamization of Egypt, now it seems plausible.

No. I didn't hear that the elections were rigged or ballots were forged. I think they got pissed at who they elected and just decided to get rid of them. It was way more effective than impeachment but not very civil.
Dismantling the Muslim Brotherhood is a positive move in the right direction.
Israel and various arab dictators have been trying to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood for decades.

Never gonna happen........ :cool:

I agree with you, , sunni----that jihadism and the ideology in support
of the forced imposition of the atrocity "shariah" willl never be
completely ended------just as psychosis will always be with us.
Militants kill 25 Egyptian policemen in Sinai

Suspected militants on Monday ambushed two mini-buses carrying off-duty policemen in Egypt's northern Sinai, killing 25 of them execution-style and wounding two, security officials said.

The militants forced the two vehicles to stop, ordered the policemen out and forced them to lie on the ground before they shot them to death, the officials said.

Militants kill 25 Egyptian policemen in Sinai - Israel News, Ynetnews

Looks like Hamas and Iran's fingerprints are all over this one. Very stupid move by Hamas. But then again, these were never known for their intelligence.
Funny how the biggest supporters of Democracy and Freedom of Speech here on the board.

Support the military coup of the democratically elected MB government.

And cheer the governing junta which wants to ban the media outlet Al Jazeera. .. :doubt:
The Egyptian people didn't have much of a choice the first time around. It was either Morsi or a Mubarak type candidate. So Morsi came to power via protest vote. However days after Morsi and his party took over, he and his cronies began to show their evil intentions for Egypt, and the ugly, barbaric, disgusting face of Islamism.

Apparently the Egyptian people wanted no part of it, the pro army protests which were the largest ever in Egypt's history were proof of that.

Cheers to the Egyptian people and their patriotic military for not letting their country turn into an Islamic Shariah cesspool.
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Dismantling the Muslim Brotherhood is a positive move in the right direction.
Israel and various arab dictators have been trying to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood for decades.

Never gonna happen........ :cool:

The Muslim Brotherhood are a bunch of clowns.Not surprising that Sunni Man supports them

The "muslim brotherhood" is just another name for a phenomenon which
has characterized the "ummah" for the past 1400 years. It is an
organized group of wild eyed murderers out to impose strct islamic
rule and law-------such people are responsible for the murder of not just
millions ----but HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people ---over the centuries

As "purification" type forces-----they arise periodically in just about all
lands with significant muslim populations----- they function on the same
principles that fueled the Inquisition-----try to keep in mind----the concepts
of the Inquisition-----imported to the USA ---are actually the reason for
the genocides upon the native americans-----we americans went so far
as to enact laws making it legal to confiscate Indian children for
"cultural enrichment". For the brits who post here----just think ----
CROMWELL ---(no inquisition and no jihad---but his agenda did
include a kind of IMPOSITION OF A SPECIFIC RELIGION---or die)

The "muslim brotherhood" is just a little part of the ARAB SPRING---
It is time to confess-----is there anyone out there who----two years ago---
was LAUDING the "arab spring" (sunni need not answer)

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