Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to be dismantled

Dismantling the Muslim Brotherhood is a positive move in the right direction.
Israel and various arab dictators have been trying to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood for decades.

Never gonna happen........ :cool:

Nice to see who an alleged American is cheering for here........
Yes, I am cheering for the democratically elected government of Egypt.

As every loyal and patriotic American that belives in freedom and democracy should be doing.

And not the military junta that staged a coup and seized power. .. :cool:
Funny how the biggest supporters of Democracy and Freedom of Speech here on the board.

Support the military coup of the democratically elected MB government.

And cheer the governing junta which wants to ban the media outlet Al Jazeera. .. :doubt:

What are you going to do when we start doing the same thing to you radical muslim pricks pushing your sharia bull shit here?

Maybe you should move to some muslim utopia, like iran.
What are you going to do when we start doing the same thing to you radical muslim pricks pushing your sharia bull shit here?
....................... ^^^^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Is it just me or is Mubarak starting to look better and better by the day?

funny you should say that Gravity-----hubby said the same thing last nite----as
he was drifting off--------then he started mumbling about some chick named---
"dahlia" who <sob> probably looks better than do I. ----but he did mention
Mubarak too-------maybe he is thinking of setting her up with----THE ACQUITTED
MUBARAK_----and seeing her as FIRST LADY OF EGYPT.

IMHO----not that mubarak was some great bargain---he looked better
than ANY of the alternatives---from the outset. Same is true of
MUSHARRAF and SALEH (of yemen)----and---<reaching back>
SHAH PALAVI (?_ whatshisname---of Iran) Someday ---we might
see ASSAD as "better" julius ceasar was not all that bad either
Is it just me or is Mubarak starting to look better and better by the day?

funny you should say that Gravity-----hubby said the same thing last nite----as
he was drifting off--------then he started mumbling about some chick named---
"dahlia" who <sob> probably looks better than do I. ----but he did mention
Mubarak too-------maybe he is thinking of setting her up with----THE ACQUITTED
MUBARAK_----and seeing her as FIRST LADY OF EGYPT.

IMHO----not that mubarak was some great bargain---he looked better
than ANY of the alternatives---from the outset. Same is true of
MUSHARRAF and SALEH (of yemen)----and---<reaching back>
SHAH PALAVI (?_ whatshisname---of Iran) Someday ---we might
see ASSAD as "better" julius ceasar was not all that bad either

Oh I am sure Assad will look better than whatever comes out of Syria. So far Iraq has not produced a guy worse than Saddam to lead but time will tell.
Funny how the biggest supporters of Democracy and Freedom of Speech here on the board.

Support the military coup of the democratically elected MB government.

That Democratically-elected MB government was encouraging attacks on minority Christians in Egypt
Funny how the biggest supporters of Democracy and Freedom of Speech here on the board.

Support the military coup of the democratically elected MB government.

That Democratically-elected MB government was encouraging attacks on minority Christians in Egypt

Proof that western democracy won't work in Egypt ?

yes---According to----a former Syrian ---and a former Lebanese person---
a chance encounter for me------it won't work in Syria or Lebanon either

CANDIDATES" keep in mind Achmadinejad---won ---
That Democratically-elected MB government was encouraging attacks on minority Christians in Egypt

Proof that western democracy won't work in Egypt ?

yes---According to----a former Syrian ---and a former Lebanese person---
a chance encounter for me------it won't work in Syria or Lebanon either

CANDIDATES" keep in mind Achmadinejad---won ---

Perhaps someone should pass this information onto our policy makers who are so keen on spreading democracy all over the world.
Proof that western democracy won't work in Egypt ?

yes---According to----a former Syrian ---and a former Lebanese person---
a chance encounter for me------it won't work in Syria or Lebanon either

CANDIDATES" keep in mind Achmadinejad---won ---

Perhaps someone should pass this information onto our policy makers who are so keen on spreading democracy all over the world.

oh gee-----WE AGREE the main thrust in dealing with lands that insist on systems
as perverse as Shariah or are in DANGER of doing so-----SHOULD be to find ways
to protect the VICTIMS who do not want that crap----and provide them with
opportunities to develope their own systems-----which could very well be of
the DEMOCRACY kind. To that end I support land and demographic shifts
where needed. Let start with PUNJAB---- The Sikhs over there are having
big problems with the muslims-------they are not all that fond of the hindus
either-------maybe they need a land of their own--------for a SIKHOCRACY, How about
a nice place for christians-----at the very least all of Cyprus----the other guys can
go back to Turkey -------also ---LEBANON for the christians of Lebanon, Syria---
and ---any Copt who so desires seems good to me-----a chunk of Egypt might be added
Funny how the biggest supporters of Democracy and Freedom of Speech here on the board.

Support the military coup of the democratically elected MB government.

And cheer the governing junta which wants to ban the media outlet Al Jazeera. .. :doubt:

I agree--there is something very odd about these events.

I guess democracy just doesn't work in some places ??

Democracy and Islamic law are incompatible. This is why peace in the ME may never be attainable. There may be an outward pretense of democracy. But what rules are not elections but allah.

I knew the world would be sorry when Morsi was "elected"
Democracy and Islamic law are incompatible. This is why peace in the ME may never be attainable. There may be an outward pretense of democracy. But what rules are not elections but allah.

I knew the world would be sorry when Morsi was "elected"

I agree and this was clearly demonstrated by adopting the sharia based constitution established by the Morsi regime, amongst other factors.
Democracy and Islamic law are incompatible. This is why peace in the ME may never be attainable. There may be an outward pretense of democracy. But what rules are not elections but allah.

I knew the world would be sorry when Morsi was "elected"

I agree and this was clearly demonstrated by adopting the sharia based constitution established by the Morsi regime, amongst other factors.

Of course any Muslim majority country will have some form of Sharia law as an underpinning.

I wouldn't expect it otherwise. The terms Muslim and Secular are oxymoron.

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