Muslim Chief of Police Under Fire For Refusing to Salute Flag During Pledge of Allegiance

For people claiming it's patriotic issue,

"In 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that "No one - child or adult -- could be forced to say 'The Pledge of Allegiance. To force someone to say it was in opposition to "freedom and justice for all.""

To say nothing of the whole thing was made to honor Columbus. You know, that pirate who showed up one day and started laying waste to everyone he met.
Columbus had a vision, of everyone bowing before him and christening him with gold and rubies. What he got instead was a lot of dead people.
I starting to worry about my allegiance to my country now, I don't think I've ever sworn an oath of loyalty to its flag.

However, I have said 'Arrrrrrgghhhh me hearties!'
America wouldn't be as it is today without plundering merchant shipping, and the fun of 1812.
For people claiming it's patriotic issue,

"In 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that "No one - child or adult -- could be forced to say 'The Pledge of Allegiance. To force someone to say it was in opposition to "freedom and justice for all.""

To say nothing of the whole thing was made to honor Columbus. You know, that pirate who showed up one day and started laying waste to everyone he met.
Columbus had a vision, of everyone bowing before him and christening him with gold and rubies. What he got instead was a lot of dead people.

Usually if people bow to you en masse' it's only because you just killed a bunch of their friends.
People trying to use this to bash Islam need to get off their lazy butts and flip through a Qur'an. Nothing better to bash a religion than it's own holy text.
A Muslim Assistant Chief of Police in Miami is under fire for what she chose to do during the pledge of allegiance at a ceremony last week.

As Dom the Conservative reported:
Muslim Chief of Police Under Fire For Refusing to Salute Flag During Pledge of Allegiance Top Right News
Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz was livid after he witnessed assistant chief of police Anita Najiy disrespecting the American flag as she refused to put her hand over her heart during the pledge of allegiance.

“If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?” Ortiz told the Miami New Times. “Anyone who isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen, you pledge allegiance to the U.S.
As said in the article - Mustafa Carroll, the head of the Dallas-Fort Worth branch of CAIR in 2013: “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”
And it seems like this person will say the same things in court(of course if somebody will sue her)
And also - since when, person who think that American traditions were created not for everybody can serve to our country?!

Maybe she and the President are just smarter than everyone who had a problem with it?

"The Pledge of Allegiance should be recited by standing at attention, facing the flag, and saluting.

The Pledge was written to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus's voyage. The celebration plans resulted in Columbus Day being designated a holiday for the whole country by President Benjamin Harrison.

The original Pledge was written in August of 1882. The 23 words read as follows:

I pledge allegiance to my Flag
and to the republic
For which it stands
one Nation, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

A change was made to the Pledge in 1923. The original verse was changed from "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the republic. . ." to "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America."

In 1923, along with the word change, it was also decided that everyone should say the pledge with their right hands on their hearts. Then in 1954 Congress added "under God" to the Pledge. It was pointed out that Abraham Lincoln had called the United States "this nation under God" in "The Gettysburg Address."

In 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that "No one - child or adult -- could be forced to say 'The Pledge of Allegiance. To force someone to say it was in opposition to "freedom and justice for all.""
National Flag Foundation


>Maybe she and the President are just smarter than everyone who had a problem with it?
>smarter than everyone

Very funny.
For people claiming it's patriotic issue,

"In 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that "No one - child or adult -- could be forced to say 'The Pledge of Allegiance. To force someone to say it was in opposition to "freedom and justice for all.""

To say nothing of the whole thing was made to honor Columbus. You know, that pirate who showed up one day and started laying waste to everyone he met.
Columbus had a vision, of everyone bowing before him and christening him with gold and rubies. What he got instead was a lot of dead people.

Usually if people bow to you en masse' it's only because you just killed a bunch of their friends.
And took over their Kingdom.
A Muslim Assistant Chief of Police in Miami is under fire for what she chose to do during the pledge of allegiance at a ceremony last week.

As Dom the Conservative reported:
Muslim Chief of Police Under Fire For Refusing to Salute Flag During Pledge of Allegiance Top Right News
Fraternal Order of Police President Javier Ortiz was livid after he witnessed assistant chief of police Anita Najiy disrespecting the American flag as she refused to put her hand over her heart during the pledge of allegiance.

“If you’re not pledging allegiance to the United States, my question is what country are you pledging allegiance to?” Ortiz told the Miami New Times. “Anyone who isn’t offended by that is not American, because when you become a U.S. citizen, you pledge allegiance to the U.S.
As said in the article - Mustafa Carroll, the head of the Dallas-Fort Worth branch of CAIR in 2013: “If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land.”
And it seems like this person will say the same things in court(of course if somebody will sue her)
And also - since when, person who think that American traditions were created not for everybody can serve to our country?!

Maybe she and the President are just smarter than everyone who had a problem with it?

"The Pledge of Allegiance should be recited by standing at attention, facing the flag, and saluting.

The Pledge was written to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus's voyage. The celebration plans resulted in Columbus Day being designated a holiday for the whole country by President Benjamin Harrison.

The original Pledge was written in August of 1882. The 23 words read as follows:

I pledge allegiance to my Flag
and to the republic
For which it stands
one Nation, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

A change was made to the Pledge in 1923. The original verse was changed from "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the republic. . ." to "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America."

In 1923, along with the word change, it was also decided that everyone should say the pledge with their right hands on their hearts. Then in 1954 Congress added "under God" to the Pledge. It was pointed out that Abraham Lincoln had called the United States "this nation under God" in "The Gettysburg Address."

In 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States decided that "No one - child or adult -- could be forced to say 'The Pledge of Allegiance. To force someone to say it was in opposition to "freedom and justice for all.""
National Flag Foundation


>Maybe she and the President are just smarter than everyone who had a problem with it?
>smarter than everyone

Very funny.

Knew enough about the Pledge to rightly not salute during it. More than you knew.
So, dudes, why is it always the overt patriots who wish to take away other people's freedoms? I've noticed this trend, it's not imagination.
People trying to use this to bash Islam need to get off their lazy butts and flip through a Qur'an. Nothing better to bash a religion than it's own holy text.
The Koran is dangerous and should be erradicated along with those who promote it, especially during this war on terrorism.
Miami cop who didn t salute flag gains support union chief keeps up pressure Miami Herald Miami Herald

On Monday, Ortiz fired off a letter to Llanes asking that Najiy be removed as commander of the department’s Honor Guard because she failed to salute the flag and place her hand over her heart during the Pledge of Allegiance at a ceremony last week. Ortiz produced a 23-second video that he plastered over social media showing Najiy standing at attention with her arms at her side as three other top commanders and the chief did the same but with hand covering heart.

Ortiz then cited a section of the police department’s code of conduct that allows for punishment if proper attention isn’t given during a flag ceremony. Police brass shot back, saying U.S. military code supercedes the city code when it comes to the Honor Guard. It calls for military personnel to face the flag, stand at attention and remain silent during indoor ceremonies.

And that’s exactly what Najiy did, said Miami Police Maj. Delrish Moss. He said the assistant chief was simply following protocol and that not saluting the flag had nothing to do with her personal beliefs.

Want to bet if she weren't Muslim there would be no uproar?
A high ranking officer in a major American PD...who is Muslim and refusing allegiance to America.

Ha...what could go wrong!?!?
obama balls pledge.png
A high ranking officer in a major American PD...who is Muslim and refusing allegiance to America.

Ha...what could go wrong!?!?
In any event, it seems likely that Little Miss Muslim Deputy Police Chief is going to have a hard time getting officers to support her in future.
A high ranking officer in a major American PD...who is Muslim and refusing allegiance to America.

Ha...what could go wrong!?!?

She did not refuse to pledge allegiance.
A high ranking officer in a major American PD...who is Muslim and refusing allegiance to America.

Ha...what could go wrong!?!?
In any event, it seems likely that Little Miss Muslim Deputy Police Chief is going to have a hard time getting officers to support her in future.

Too bad. Her fellow officers appear to support her. In all regards she appears well qualified for the job. It's a pity bigotry rears it's ugly head.

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