Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque To Open First Free Clinic In The Region - And It's Open To Everyone


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?
i didn't think of that at first. my first reaction was wow - how great for someone to take care of people & for the people he will be treating. but sadly, you are right... there is a real chance some nutbag will go full tilt crazy seeing the 'right' kinda religion mixing up with dirty moooozlems.
An opthamologist from Syria saved my eyesight back in the '50s when a bicycle tire blew up in my face. He put my head in this contraption so I couldn't move and used the suction of a hypodermic need to draw the grains of powder out of my eyes. I was lucky my school teacher Mom was home that day when I came in because if it had been a school day, she wouldn't have been. The doctor said in another 3 or 4 hours, the infection would have blinded me. I can still see that needle coming at my eyes but his hand was steady and I held still.....very still. Later, his daughter was the first date I had, and his wife just passed last year....she was 99.
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Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?
How awful to set up this clinic...I'm sure there's some nefarious evil moooslim plan.
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

No but some crazed Christian might.
I doubt their care would be trustworthy.

i'm sure those that need care don't give a damn what you think or doubt.
They might need care. Whether they get it from muslims is debateable. They will certainly get care. But useful care from the death to America crowd is what they won't get.

silly you. do you advocate 'stopping' such a nice gift to those that need it?
Heavens no. This is a free country. Those non muzz that would look to a soldier of allah to get their booboos bandaged should at least think twice. They are getting that bandage from someone who would rather cut their heads off.
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

Oh please...

I don't see any right-wingers in the US, saying they supported murder.

Besides that, you look around the world, Muslims are in far more danger of being killed by other Muslims. They are safer in the US, than elsewhere.

Gaza News Agency on Twitter

Hamas shooting down people in the Gaza strip... then blaming 'da joooooooos' of course.
Yeah they told Laura Loomer that too " open to everyone" lying fkrs and it will be proven inn a few days watch, they won't let anybody not a demo twat in lol.

watch someone will go and prove these ...ts won't let " Everyone in" ..


You pathetic black democrats are the dumbest , useless mother fkrs on the planet. PPL ARE BASHING THEIR HEADS INTO THE WALL TRYING TO WAKE stupid fkrs up like you .,,,

The secret Islamic report called “the Project” (that was discovered during a police raid of a senior Muslim Brotherhood financier’s home in Switzerland), outlines and exact plan to infiltrate and destroy the U.S. from within:

1. Network and coordinate actions between like-minded Islamists organizations;

2. Avoid open alliances with known terrorist organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of “moderation”;

3. Infiltrate and take over existing Muslim organizations to realign them towards the Muslim Brotherhood’s collective goals;

4. Use deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn’t conflict with Sharia law;

5. Avoid social conflicts with Westerners locally, nationally or globally, that might damage the long-term ability to expand the Islamist powerbase in the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers;

6. Conduct surveillance, obtain data, and establish collection and data storage capabilities;

Muslim Brotherhood Project7. Put into place a watchdog system for monitoring Western media to warn Muslims of international plots fomented against them;

8. Cultivate an Islamist intellectual community, including the establishment of think-tanks and advocacy groups, and publishing “academic” studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movements;

9. Develop a comprehensive 100-year plan to advance Islamist ideology throughout the world;

10. Balance international objectives with local flexibility;

11. Build extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant;

12. Involve ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions;

13. Instrumentally use existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;

14. Draft Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation;

15. Avoid conflict within the Islamist movements on all levels, including the development of processes for conflict resolution;

16. Institute alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals;

17. Create autonomous “security forces” to protect Muslims in the West;

18. Inflame violence and keep Muslims living in the West “in a Jihad frame of mind”;

19. Support Jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support;

20. Make the Palestinian Issue a global wedge cause for Muslims;

21. Adopt the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for global Islamic domination;

22. Instigate a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and reject any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;

23. Actively create Jihad terror cells within Palestine;

24. Link the terrorist activities in Palestine with the global terror movement;

25. Collect sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support Jihad around the world.

* After the 2001 discovery of The Project in Switzerland, the Muslim Brotherhood quickly employed the deception of Taqiyya to try to distance itself from the document. The strategies outlined above, however, continue to be implemented across the world, including in Europe, UK and America.

Mosque building? In 2011, in a small town in Temecula, CA, a mosque proposal for a 15,000 square foot building was highly controversial. The Islamic 500 family community which is one hour from the Mexican border was seen as a red flag to citizens. The sheer size of the mosque and the funds which the Muslims claimed would be directly from those 500 families rang hollow.

It was discovered by San Diego Police and Border patrol a tunnel system, so huge and so professionally built coming from Tijuana into the US, that with the proximity of that Mosque in a bedroom community, it could easily be the stopping point for jihadist to enter the US. This tunnel proves a few things. It’s now known jihadi training camps are in South America-where the jihadists train and assimilate learning spanish and taking on spanish personas, physically they pass as hispanic. Then with the pay off of the drug cartels, they come across using the tunnels. The mosque proposal passed after an eight hour hearing in which many patriot movements voiced their concerns. In the press at large those patriot movements were called “whackos” and “racists”.

That is one example of what type of atmosphere has left the US so vulnerable to the plans the Muslim Brotherhod has in play.

Speaking out, calling the Brotherhood for what is is-a terrorist origanization which goals are widely known, found some with death threats. They have alliances with the left in America. Please take some time to listen to Brigitte, and pass this story along.

Source: The Muslim Brotherhood Project
I doubt their care would be trustworthy.

i'm sure those that need care don't give a damn what you think or doubt.
They might need care. Whether they get it from muslims is debateable. They will certainly get care. But useful care from the death to America crowd is what they won't get.

silly you. do you advocate 'stopping' such a nice gift to those that need it?
Heavens no. This is a free country. Those non muzz that would look to a soldier of allah to get their booboos bandaged should at least think twice. They are getting that bandage from someone who would rather cut their heads off.

oh for fuck's sake. if trump has his way, you're looking at millions who will need help from any health care professional willing to treat them for free.
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

Oh please...

I don't see any right-wingers in the US, saying they supported murder.

Besides that, you look around the world, Muslims are in far more danger of being killed by other Muslims. They are safer in the US, than elsewhere.

Gaza News Agency on Twitter

Hamas shooting down people in the Gaza strip... then blaming 'da joooooooos' of course.
------------------------------- i was going to say similar , maybe a 'sunni' with a will go after a 'shiite' doktor at the clinic .
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

Oh please...

I don't see any right-wingers in the US, saying they supported murder.

Besides that, you look around the world, Muslims are in far more danger of being killed by other Muslims. They are safer in the US, than elsewhere.

Gaza News Agency on Twitter

Hamas shooting down people in the Gaza strip... then blaming 'da joooooooos' of course.
How would you feel about any right-winger here saying we need to burn more mosques?
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

Oh please...

I don't see any right-wingers in the US, saying they supported murder.

Besides that, you look around the world, Muslims are in far more danger of being killed by other Muslims. They are safer in the US, than elsewhere.

Gaza News Agency on Twitter

Hamas shooting down people in the Gaza strip... then blaming 'da joooooooos' of course.
How would you feel about any right-winger here saying we need to burn more mosques?

Why do you even need to ask the question? I'm a right-winger. I do not believe in murdering people. That's a universal position. It doesn't matter if it is a mosque or not.
Muslim Doctors Use Ohio Mosque to Open First Free Clinic in the Region – and It’s Open to Everyone
McKinley Corbley
Mar 20, 2019


Instead of Families Having to Drive Two Hours, This Mosque Inside a Church Brings People Together

The clinic, which was sponsored by the Muslim community, will only be open on the weekends. The doctors will be traveling from across Akron and Cleveland in order to volunteer at the facility on a rotating basis.

In addition to offering primary care services, the clinic will also offer treatment for sleep disorders, asthma, allergies, respiratory medicine, and mental health conditions.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, who is one of the doctors volunteering at the clinic, told WEWS-TV: “We have the ability, we have the potential, we have the resources. Giving a little bit of your time, I think, goes a long way in making a difference in people’s lives.”

Photo by Islamic Center of Cleveland

What a nice, feelgood story, right?

God bless 'em! However, I am concerned for their safety.

Do you guys think some crazed anti-Muslim rightwing zealot would seek to shoot them up or bomb them out of existence?

Oh please...

I don't see any right-wingers in the US, saying they supported murder.

Besides that, you look around the world, Muslims are in far more danger of being killed by other Muslims. They are safer in the US, than elsewhere.

Gaza News Agency on Twitter

Hamas shooting down people in the Gaza strip... then blaming 'da joooooooos' of course.
How would you feel about any right-winger here saying we need to burn more mosques?

Why do you even need to ask the question? I'm a right-winger. I do not believe in murdering people. That's a universal position. It doesn't matter if it is a mosque or not.
But what would feel about any right-winger here saying we need to burn more mosques?
You pathetic black democrats are the dumbest , useless mother fkrs on the planet. PPL ARE BASHING THEIR HEADS INTO THE WALL TRYING TO WAKE stupid fkrs up like you .,,,
Cant disagree with this. "Free" attracts them like flies to shit

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