Muslim Persecution of Christians: Summer of Horror for Women

The muslim rape story was invented by the ultra RW nuts of the Gatestone Institute.

You can read all about the organization at 'Loon Watch'.

Gatestone Institute |

This guy is a pro-Iranian anti- American nut job

Ali Gharib is a national security reporter for ThinkProgress covering U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, particularly Iran. Before joining the Center for American Progress, he wrote and blogged for Inter Press Service as well as the Columbia Journalism Review’s website,, and AlterNet, among other

Stories by Ali Gharib | Alternet
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

The front page shows the picture of an Indian Woman abducted, tortured, and murdered by the Taliban for daring to write that the Islamist are bad to women........................

Taliban to Sushmita Banerjee: Why did you write nasty things? - India - DNA


When will the day come that the victims fight back............aka the families of the fallen...............

It is already occurring in places around the world, as people get tired of the fanatics BS.

[ame=]Dhule ..Attack hindus with police on muslim - YouTube[/ame]

Hindus fed up...................fighting in India...............
Very outraged as we have been since the times of the Taliban first gaining control in Afghanistan. There are many international groups working to improve the lives of those women by either educating them or getting them out of there...if they will go.
And after the U.S. military leaves Afghanistan in 2014.

These western busy body groups will be forcibly driven out of the country....... :cool:
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Egypt bans 55,000 mosque preachers in crackdown on Islamists - English | Front Page

Around 55,000 unlicensed clerics in Egypt will be barred from preaching in mosques, the country’s minister of religious endowments said on Tuesday.


You don't see this in Head Line News. The Moderates, aka the military, is saying NO TO RADICAL ISLAM, and they aren't hiding Jack Squat about it.

Egypt is fighting RADICAL ISLAM right now. They refuse to go back to the stone ages as the Radicals want and they will enforce it.
After Eid Manaz 20,000 Muslims attack and murder Hindus in Jammu, Kashmir, and loot and arson their shops |

Could that article be why the Hindus are ticked off. 20,000 Muslims burning and attacking Hindus.........
The muslim minority in India is continually persecuted by the majority Hindu population.

So at times the muslim victims are forced to defend themselves against the violent Hindu hoards. .. :cool:


Same ole same ole from you. I didn't expect anything different from you. You are the Radical Islamist main defender on the boards. Anything said against them is a lie ya know.

You are useless to me.
Just another anti-Islam/muslim thread based on a fraudulent news story. .. :cuckoo:

The truth hurts Sunni boy?:eusa_shifty:
If the story was true......I would be outraged.

But it's it's a non issue. .. :cool:
Sure sure. Muslims are constantly slaughtering Christians and burning up churches across the Muslim world. This is nothing new. "Muslim outrage", selective and fake.

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Mobs Burn Christian Coptic Churches

Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority has become a favorite target for Muslim Brotherhood supporters and other radical Islamists across the country in the wake of the military’s decision to clear supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi from their Cairo sit-ins this morning.
No sooner did security forces, backed by armored cars and bulldozers, clear encampments in the city’s Nadha and Raba’a al Adiwiya squares did the Islamists turn to targeting Christian churches. Approximately 1,000 Muslim Brotherhood supportersset fire to the Churches of Abraham and the Virgin Mary in Menya.
Angry mobs also targeted churches, monasteries and other church properties in Alexandria, Suez and a number of other cities in Upper Egypt, according to Egypt’s Al-Ahram.
Muslim Brotherhood members (Preview) also firebombed Mar Geergiss Church, the main Coptic church in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag, burning it to the ground. Islamists had previously raised an al-Qaida flag over the church. St. Theresa Church in Assiut in Upper Egypt was also burned.
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After Eid Manaz 20,000 Muslims attack and murder Hindus in Jammu, Kashmir, and loot and arson their shops |

Could that article be why the Hindus are ticked off. 20,000 Muslims burning and attacking Hindus.........
The muslim minority in India is continually persecuted by the majority Hindu population.

So at times the muslim victims are forced to defend themselves against the violent Hindu hoards. .. :cool:
You mean like the way Pakistani Muslim savages kill Shiites and Christians all the time?

Nah, India's Muslims are usually happier to be Indian than Paki-shitstaini.
Around 55,000 unlicensed clerics in Egypt will be barred from preaching in mosques, the country’s minister of religious endowments said on Tuesday.
Kinda funny how RW conservatives like you will defend the Westboro Baptist Church right to spew their vile hate because you idolize 'Freedom of Speech'.

Yet you applaud the forced silencing of muslim preachers in Egypt. .. :cool: always comes back to that only safe place in the Middle East, Islamic Asiam Islamic Europe and Africa for Christians is Israel. In Israel they have freedom of religion, expression, speech and they are protected as human being like Jews are!
The muslim rape story was invented by the ultra RW nuts of the Gatestone Institute.

You can read all about the organization at 'Loon Watch'.

Gatestone Institute |

I love it they call themselves loon watch, when they are 100 fold nuttier than they people they are attacking. They say they hate "hate," but all they do is spew hate in an incoherent mockery of so-called journalism.

They present no facts, they can't dispute a single item and rely solely on personal attacks, calls for Islamophobia (much like Sharpton screams racism) and 3rd grade writting!

Good find Sunni you really convinced us Christians aren't being persecuted!
From top to bottom, this FILTHY CULT called islam should be wiped off the earth. It's the root of 99% of all the killing on the planet, and it's full of pedophile perverts. Their messiah was a PEDOPHILE.

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