Muslim Woman Teacher Gets Fired for a Haj.


Aug 2, 2009
Muslim Probationary teacher decides to take a three week haj to Mecca during the school year. The school stated that if she did she would lose her job. The Muslim woman goes on her 3 week haj to Mecca during the school year anyway. She gets fired. The Muslim woman sues the school.

Our Dept of Justice Head, the Obamarrhoidal Twit and Ridiculous Nincompoop Erik Holder rises to her defense.

Is Holder a MuslimArseLicking Stooge ?

Waddaya think ?
I think its bullshit. If her vacation time does not cover it then she is no different then any one else. Your job is on the line. And in my opinion she did deserve to be fired.

But i see this crap going to court as religious discrimination. And she will more then likely win.
Muslim Probationary teacher decides to take a three week haj to Mecca during the school year. The school stated that if she did she would lose her job. The Muslim woman goes on her 3 week haj to Mecca during the school year anyway. She gets fired. The Muslim woman sues the school.

Our Dept of Justice Head, the Obamarrhoidal Twit and Ridiculous Nincompoop Erik Holder rises to her defense.

Is Holder a MuslimArseLicking Stooge ?

Waddaya think ?

I saw this story, and accept that folks will ask for, or demand, all kinds of perks....whether they deserve same or not.

But that fact that the DOJ is taking this case because you is one of the protected groups is nothing short of Orwellian!
“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

And, related:

DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination of the victim’s race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ. The overweight straight white male who is verbally and/or physically harassed because of his size can consider himself invisible to the Justice Department.

When the Justice Department is more interested in making ideological statements through seemingly sugar coated campaigns, no one should feel protected.
DOJ to white male bullying victims: Tough luck - Washington Times

Glad you posted this: this is outrageous in the United States of America.
rep on the way.
Every teacher cannot. Unless he/she is Muslim. There is an entire dept within the DOJ that promotes the Muslim agenda. With our tax dollars. This case will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And if she wins, it will cost employers millions.
Im so fucking tired of the USA getting the short end of the stick when it comes to foreign beliefs and "rights". So fucking tired of it.
well, some political interests cannot survive without populating the country with as many special interests as possible.
Yep. Total bullshit that she gets three weeks off if she doesn't have it stored up. Worked with a guy who went on Haj and he had all the time saved problems at all. She just wanted to go before she had saved the time.
I want to go to Australia for three weeks. Can I lose my job if I don't have the vacation time?
well, some political interests cannot survive without populating the country with as many special interests as possible.

The groups make up the amalgam that keeps the Democrats in power:
1.Blacks (12.1%)
2. Latinos (7.4%)
3. Single mothers
4. Seniors, 65+ (16% of the vote)
5.Labor unions
6. The Young 18-29 (18%)
7. The left and radicals

They made have hurt themselves big time with #4.
well, some political interests cannot survive without populating the country with as many special interests as possible.

The groups make up the amalgam that keeps the Democrats in power:
1.Blacks (12.1%)
2. Latinos (7.4%)
3. Single mothers
4. Seniors, 65+ (16% of the vote)
5.Labor unions
6. The Young 18-29 (18%)
7. The left and radicals

They made have hurt themselves big time with #4.

I would add the urban indigent...oh wait...:eusa_whistle:
She was a non-tenured teacher. New teachers are essentially on probation for three years. If she was serious about her job, she would never have done anything to jeopardize her tenure. So she should cut the bullshit, and just admit his was a set-up from the get go. She's a professional troublemaker who is being enabled by our own justice dept. Disgusting.
Glad to see that no one is defending her...

That said; How does these 3 weeks differ from 3 weeks spent protesting????
Glad to see that no one is defending her...

That said; How does these 3 weeks differ from 3 weeks spent protesting????

They dont differ in my opinion. Walk off the job to picket, then you lose the job. Someone is ALWAYS waiting for the chance.
Its a little sticky but she asked for 3 weeks unpaid leave and when she couldnt get that she resigned.

This country was made up of "foreign" beliefs, Grace. Youre just used to the ones we have.

This was something she had to do for her religious beliefs. I dont see why you people think shes so evil. Wait, shes Muslim....right.....

I dont even believe in any religious hocus pocus but I sure can see how some of you think you have every right in the world to have it your way. F**k the rest, right?
Its a little sticky but she asked for 3 weeks unpaid leave and when she couldnt get that she resigned.

This country was made up of "foreign" beliefs, Grace. Youre just used to the ones we have.

This was something she had to do for her religious beliefs. I dont see why you people think shes so evil. Wait, shes Muslim....right.....

I dont even believe in any religious hocus pocus but I sure can see how some of you think you have every right in the world to have it your way. F**k the rest, right?

Where did I say she was evil or it was because she is muslim? Link please.
I dont give a damn about her religious beliefs. You dont take 3 weeks off a job without earning it with time earned or it being said AHEAD of time of her hiring. She was told she could not go during that period or she would be terminated. She did it anyway.
The only one making it about her religion is.....hold on...are ya ready?
If she resigned...why is she suing?

I think Ill be 3 weeks late on paying my rent. When the landlord files for me to be removed, Ill sue him. Why? Cuz I was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and couldnt be bothered with paying the rent due. Youre the landlord. That ok with you?
Then when you proceed, Ill sue you for stomping on my rights to go to Jerusalem and not paying my rent on time.
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Every teacher cannot. Unless he/she is Muslim. There is an entire dept within the DOJ that promotes the Muslim agenda. With our tax dollars. This case will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And if she wins, it will cost employers millions.

Simple solution. Dont hire muslims.

Do Jew get Hanukkah off? Could this be considered discrimination against atheists? Can i start some religion that says i can take a month off whenever i want or see fit to do?

Its PC bullshit.

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