Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya

here you go Progressve --- Nice suspect arrested in Turkey last week 'en-route to join ISIS' --- muslim jihadi stabs 3 soldiers in NICE France . Looks like the muslim had tried to join the 'islamic state' at an earlier date . Read and learn Progressive !!
Here you go bubba. You know , we could go tit for tat like this for a while but I will be the last man standing because hatred and fear takes a terrible toll-mentally, physically and spiritually. I feel sorry for you. Life is a lot easier with love and peace in your heart

The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam

There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of the faith, and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence, its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a terrifying prospect. Fortunately, this is not the case.

The very word Islam, which means "surrender," is related to the Arabic salam, or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as the Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A.D., a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington.
What the hell were those those Muslims thinking? Protecting Christians from al-Shabab? Don't they know that they were supposed to join al-Shabab in it's quest to kill Christians? I bet they did it, just so they could come to the US and become citizens.
Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers during an extremist attack on a bus in Kenya on Monday.
Members of the al-Shabab militant organization shot at a bus in Mandera, Kenya, forcing it to stop. Once the militants boarded the bus, they attempted to separate Muslim and Christian passengers, intending to kill the Christians on board, the BBC reported.
“We even gave some non-Muslims our religious attire to wear in the bus so that they would not be identified easily. We stuck together tightly," Abdi Mohamud Abdi, a Muslim passenger, told Reuters . "The militants threatened to shoot us but we still refused and protected our brothers and sisters. Finally they gave up and left but warned that they would be back.”

So what?

Nobody is denying that there are some Muslims, especially outside the Middle East, with humane feelings but this does not change the fact that Islam is a ruthless, murderous religion if followed according to its pure original concepts.

Any Muslim who does not follow these concepts can not really be considered as a true believer and certainly is not regarded as such by the current extremist in charge who are setting the standard for the whole religion.

"So what?"
These Muslims risked their lives while protecting the Christians. That's a pretty big "what"
Based on the several threads filled with all the hate towards all Muslims, by the many posters who paint all Muslims with a broad brush as radicals who want to kill us all. I guarantee not too many USMB posters would risk their lives to save Muslims. The really disturbing part is, many of these same folks like to portray themselves as Christians.
Does that answer your "so what?" question?

You obviously are too impatient to have properly read my post.

It is still the same as before...

"So what

Nobody is denying that there are some Muslims, especially outside the Middle East, with humane feelings......... "
you are silly Progressive , now you are name calling , like I said , you are silly . Tit for Tat , naw not me . I'll just post reality when I feel like it and when I find some reality to advertise . You liberals are useful to my agenda and I'm glad that you showed up Progressive . Just keep posting !!
you are silly Progressive , now you are name calling , like I said , you are silly . Tit for Tat , naw not me . I'll just post reality when I feel like it and when I find some reality to advertise . You liberals are useful to my agenda and I'm glad that you showed up Progressive . Just keep posting !!
You bigots and hate mongers are useful to the extremists agenda....silly. So how is your health?

Religious And Civic Leaders Have A Message For Fear-Mongering Candidates Religious And Civic Leaders Have A Message For Fear-Mongering Candidates

Muslims are our equals,” declared an open letter signed by nearly 50 religious and civic leaders. Printed on a full page of the Washington Post on Monday, the letter decried what it described as “highly offensive remarks” made by “politicians, candidates, and commentators” in recent weeks.

“Our religious principles teach us to love and respect each other, and our civic responsibility demands that we take a public stand against this gross injustice happening before our eyes today,” the letter read, before specifically addressing such injustices. “Simply, suggestions that a Muslim cannot serve as President, or that Muslims should be registered and their mosques closed, are un-American and un-Constitutional.”

Signatories of the letter ranged from rabbis to reverends and from rights’ groups leaders to diplomats.

Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick,who was the first to sign, worried that fear-mongering has led to leaps of logic.

“I’m scared of the crazy fringe. I’m troubled by it,” he told the Washington Post. “It’s not the world I want to live in.”
TRUMP probably has a pen and phone similar to mrobamas and he can use his pen and phone same as mrobama does . Also , looks like some Highly Regarded law professors are agreeing with TRUMP on exclusion of muslims and that's good news Progressive !!
and I never said that they weren't equals , all I do is advocate for their exclusion from the USA Progressive !!
and I never said that they weren't equals , all I do is advocate for their exclusion from the USA Progressive !!
You never said that they weren't equals ...all you do is advocate for their exclusion from the USA ? Do you even realize how stupid, bigoted and contradictory that is? I don't think so.
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TRUMPS got work to do if he gets in Progressive . Go Trmp , Go Cruz !!
Oh yes he would have work to one:

1.Suspend the constitution

2. Round up, brand and detain all of the Muslims

3. Deport 11 million undocumented aliens

4. Pay off he top generals to do his bidding.

5. Start WW III

You are the kind of dupe who enabled Hitler!
TRUMPS got work to do if he gets in Progressive . Go Trmp , Go Cruz !!
Oh yes he would have work to one:

1.Suspend the constitution

2. Round up, brand and detain all of the Muslims

3. Deport 11 million undocumented aliens

4. Pay off he top generals to do his bidding.

5. Start WW III

You are the kind of dupe who enabled Hitler!
as I already pointed out , a couple highly regarded law professors have agreed that the TRUMP can exclude certain groups . You noted my link so you have read the link Progressive . Anyway according to those 2 , they gave TRUMP the legal 'go ahead' !!
ww3 has already started , time to get your Grand Daughters ready for the draft and fortunately they get to fight in first line combat Progressive !!
the exclusion that TRUMP advocates is exclusion of any NEWLY imported muslims . No foreigner has a Right to immigrate to the USA Progressive !!
as far as your other suggestion of rounding up and the branding of muslims in the USA , well TRUMP nor I advocate anything like that Progressive !!
yeah , the Trump does advocate deporting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens in the USA , that's probably why he is so popular Progressive !!
yeah , the Trump does advocate deporting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens in the USA , that's probably why he is so popular Progressive !!
You're sounding a bit unhinged dude Better take a chill pill [emoji33]

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yeah , the Trump does advocate deporting the 20 - 30 million illegal aliens in the USA , that's probably why he is so popular Progressive !!
Be afraid very afraid!

Zmirak: Obama Wants Refugees To Destroy 'Middle Class, White, Christian America' Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 12/17/2015 4:13 pm

John Zmirak, a conservative writer and an editor of James Robison’s The Stream website, said in an interview with former Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller this week that President Obama wants to accept refugees from the Syrian civil war because he sees Muslims as “tools” to “destroy the middle class, white, Christian America that he has hated since his youth.” - See more at: Zmirak: Obama Wants Refugees To Destroy 'Middle Class, White, Christian America'

Huckabee: 'Duplicitous' And 'Irrational' Liberals Have Aligned With Islamists Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 12/17/2015 11:15 am

During the debacle in Houston when lawyers for the city’s mayor issued and then withdrew subpoenas for the sermons of a handful of pastors who were campaigning for the repeal of a nondiscrimination ordinance, Mike Huckabee was “outraged” that “pastors would be told to turn over their sermons.” He said this “trampling of religious liberty” was a violation of the First Amendment that reminded him of the government persecution of Christians in North Korea. Now, it seems that Huckabee has changed his tune, telling “Trunews” host and far-right conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles yesterday that the government should have no qualms about monitoring mosques because Christian pastors would have no problem turning their sermons over to the government. - See more at: Huckabee: 'Duplicitous' And 'Irrational' Liberals Have Aligned With Islamists

Ann Coulter: Only 'President Trump' Can Save Us From Turning Into 'Uganda' Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 12/18/2015 11:09 am

Ann Coulter was not impressed by Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate on CNN, telling Florida talk radio host Joyce Kaufman yesterday that only Donald Trump isn’t “embarrassed about getting white votes” and recognizes that “the threat facing America right now is we’re about to become UgandaCoulter told Kaufman that she’s fed up with Republicans comparing themselves to Ronald Reagan. “For Pete’s sake,” she said, “Reagan was elected 35 years ago. The world was a different place.

The main problem facing America is no longer the threat of a nuke from the Soviet Union, it’s not encroaching communism, the threat facing America right now is we’re about to become Uganda.” She added they we may also soon be “living under Sharia law.” - See more at: Ann Coulter: Only 'President Trump' Can Save Us From Turning Into 'Uganda'
haw , well you can be afraid or skeered Progressive , not me though , lets go Trump , deport those 20 - 30 million illegal aliens . Haw , Progressive is not only a silly old guy but he is also fearful and that's good to see !!
Huckabee wants to monitor mosques , certainly makes sense to me . --- Huckabee Advocates Monitoring Mosques, Says Obama Protecting Islam, Not Americans - Breitbart --- its just commonsense , keep an eye and ear on the mosques and that's a good plan . The mosques are the muslims barracks and armories and that's the quote of 'turkeys' president 'edrogen' Progressive !!
24,000 Sign Letter Of 'Radical Love' In Support Of American Muslims
"We must not allow fear to undermine the values that stand at the very core of who we are as faith leaders and Americans." 24,000 Sign Letter Of 'Radical Love' In Support Of American Muslims

Peace and Christmas joy!


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