Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya

as I have said , you are a silly person as you deny whats going on in the muslim world no matter if its in Minnesota or in the muslims messed up third world home lands . You do serve a purpose though so I am glad that you are here Progressive !!-------------------------- So you try to change the subject ehh ?? Stick to the subject of 'muslims' and islam in this thread . Start a thread on Christian fantasies that you have in your mind and I might respond Progressive !!.
I'm not trying to change the subject silly, just pointing out your hypocrisy. As a matter of fact , I did start such a thread...Republican Officials Partnering With Christian Extremists | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

See you there.
I'll stick to this muslim thread , as far as your other thread i'd guess that you are also getting your azz kicked in that thread Progressive .
I'll stick to this muslim thread , as far as your other thread i'd guess that you are also getting your azz kicked in that thread Progressive .
Can't deal with it? Not getting my ass kicked anywhere. You are but you're to stupid to know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
:afro:, yep , you are a progressive Progressive but as I've already said , you serve a purpose !!
I'll stick to this muslim thread , as far as your other thread i'd guess that you are also getting your azz kicked in that thread Progressive .
Can't deal with it? Not getting my ass kicked anywhere. You are but you're to stupid to know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
:afro:, yep , you are a progressive Progressive but as I've already said , you serve a purpose !!
I know that I serve a try to make the world a better place.
Stories in the news today that should ( but probably wont) cause the bigots and paranoid schizophrenic hate mongers to cring in shame.
Montclair synagogue hosting Christmas dinner for Syrian refugees Montclair synagogue hosting Christmas dinner for Syrian refugees

Feeling concern over the "demonizing of immigrants," members of Bnai Keshet, a Reconstructionist congregation, invited 10 refugee families in Elizabeth to join them Friday night—which also happens to be the start of the Jewish Sabbath.

"They were very enthusiastic," said Kate McCaffrey of Maplewood. "We really have no idea what their experiences with Jews are or what their feelings are. They accepted the invitation overwhelmingly."

The event came about because "members of our congregation and people throughout the Jewish community have really felt called to help the refugees," said Rabbi Elliott Tepperman, the leader of Bnai Keshet.

Syrian refugees join Berlin Jewish community for last night of Hanukkah Syrian refugees join Berlin Jewish community for last night of Hanukkah

At a time when concerns have been raised about possible anti-Semitism among the 800,000 Muslim refugees now seeking asylum here, the joint celebrations sent a message “that peace and tolerance are stronger than any dispute,” said Rabbi Yehudah Teichtal, the head of Chabad in Berlin, said at the ceremony.

“Those who spread fear have but one purpose, to destroy the unity and peace between cultures,” he said.

New York mayor: Syrian refugees are like Jews escaping Nazis New York mayor: Syrian refugees are like Jews escaping Nazis
Speaking at a synagogue in Brooklyn on Saturday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio compared Syrians fleeing their country’s civil war to Jews escaping the Nazis.

At the Orthodox congregation of Shaare Zion, founded by Syrian Jewish families in the 1940s, de Blasio urged the audience to empathize with the plight of the refugees, The New York Post reported.
...The Muslim community can be a valuable resource in fighting extremism. See post #21...

Two Republican's, albeit well credentialed publishing in an far right , anti immigrant, anti Obama publication...

And in post #21 you linked a (pronounced: piece in a lame attempt to validate your prog POV.

As with most sanctimonious, head-up-ass progs you may never see the irony and hypocrisy in your words.

I know that I serve a try to make the world a better place...

:lmao: You are the very definition of sanctimonious.
and , may I add that the guy is bonehead' with his reasoning !! He is 'kumbaya' all the way , probably a mrobama supporter and voter .
Nobody has said all muslims are bad, what we have said is nobody can say which ones are terrorists and which aren't. We aren't even trying to, thus the immigration ban until we do

Dumb. We can't stop terrorism by banning Muslims from entering this country. If we start acting in fear, we are giving the terrorists exactly what they want. They should be ignored as much as possible and the best way to fight them, is to live our lives exactly as we always have.
banning muslims is just commom sense WSister . Look around the world Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo in Paris , look San Berdoo California . And look at muslim violence all over the world . Russia , Mumbai , Chechnya , Boston bombing yada yada and the list goes on and on !! As regards living life , I agree . But its best to live life without muslims WSister !!
That is ridiculous, untenable and un-American. It is also hateful and paranoid. Your rhetoric along with Trump and the rest of his minions are just creating more radicalized Muslims. The Muslim community can be a valuable resource in fighting extremism. See post #21 above which you have thus far chosen to ignore. Stop the hate and fear!

Notice, everytime the West and non Muslims take defensive actions, they are "creating more radicalized Muslims" according to the IslamoNazi appeasers on the left. So what was radicalizing Muslims before? Perhaps lack of leadership, strength, resolve and calling the enemy what it is contributes more to the radicalization, than Westerners taking actions to protect themselves from this cancer of Islamism.
islam is a fighting religion , conversion by the sword , always been like that since its invention in about 6-700 AD . Heck , shortly after invention of islam which means 'submission' the muslims started raiding and conquering neighboring lands . Spain [andulusia] was one of the lands and muslims conquered it about 700 and were only kicked out as RULERS in the late 1400s . muslims tried parts of Europe but failed in Austria and France . Vlad Tepes fought them in his lands and the muslims turned around when they encountered Vlads ' Forest of the Impaled' . In more recent times the USA fought the muslims in the USA first war around 1800 . From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli is a song of the Marines Corp and commemorates that first ever USA war [Barbary War] . ------------ Anyway , every Westerner and especially American should read and learn what muslims are like . Plus they should watch current events in Europe with the invasion of the Syrian refugee invaders Progressive .
and heck , muslims and its islam has a history of aggression , slaughter . jizyah and dhiminitude for those that survive the slaughter !!
yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.
and if anyone can correct me on any facts concerning my quick history of muslim aggression , hey , please correct !! I'll check out the correction and maybe learn more .
Nobody has said all muslims are bad, what we have said is nobody can say which ones are terrorists and which aren't. We aren't even trying to, thus the immigration ban until we do

Dumb. We can't stop terrorism by banning Muslims from entering this country. If we start acting in fear, we are giving the terrorists exactly what they want. They should be ignored as much as possible and the best way to fight them, is to live our lives exactly as we always have.
banning muslims is just commom sense WSister . Look around the world Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo in Paris , look San Berdoo California . And look at muslim violence all over the world . Russia , Mumbai , Chechnya , Boston bombing yada yada and the list goes on and on !! As regards living life , I agree . But its best to live life without muslims WSister !!
That is ridiculous, untenable and un-American. It is also hateful and paranoid. Your rhetoric along with Trump and the rest of his minions are just creating more radicalized Muslims. The Muslim community can be a valuable resource in fighting extremism. See post #21 above which you have thus far chosen to ignore. Stop the hate and fear!

Notice, everytime the West and non Muslims take defensive actions, they are "creating more radicalized Muslims" according to the IslamoNazi appeasers on the left. So what was radicalizing Muslims before? Perhaps lack of leadership, strength, resolve and calling the enemy what it is contributes more to the radicalization, than Westerners taking actions to protect themselves from this cancer of Islamism.
Why were they radicalizing before? Is that a serious question? You might want to look at this.....from a rather conservative publication:

As Coleman was to learn, and as all of America should have learned by now, in the eyes of radical Muslims, America has done much to deserve their wrath.

First, America’s wars in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan are considered to be Western intrusions into the Muslim world, power-grabbing moves aimed at world domination, sometimes motivated by greed (= oil), always motivated by a sense of the superiority of American democracy.

What we view as wars of liberation at the cost of precious American lives, they view as acts of exploitation, as murderous incursions that are wiping out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of their people. (I am not supporting these views; I am simply stating how radical Muslims view us.)

How many Iraqi and Afghani citizens have been killed by American bombs? they would ask. How many innocent Muslim men, women, and children have been slaughtered? They will now inflict that same terror on us, not by dropping bombs on us from the air (since they don’t have the capability of doing so), but by planting bombs on our busy city streets. Why Do Radical Muslims Hate Us?
yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.
good , you are back and now blaming America . Anyway , muslims have a history since the invention of 'islam' for conquest , invasion and aggression . What was the reasons for muslim conquest of Christian Spain and attempts to invade Austria and France . Why were muslims sending invading armies to Walachia in Europe in the 1400s [about] ?? Why were the 'barbary' states pirating on European and American shipping so that America went to war with muslims as their first war in the early 1800s [Barbary war]. Anyway , muslim aggression has been going on long before America even existed Progressive !!
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yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.
not willing to take a chance on muslim religion , culture and tradition if I and Trump get our ways . At least the other imports that you mention had a Christian and Western background and upbringing Progressive !!
and here , The Killing of Fharkunda because she was accused of disrespect of a 'koran' . --- the killing of fahrkunda - Bing --- and its from a mainline publication Progressive . I don't like posting these type things except to educate those that need educating . Anyway , some of those mindless , peaceful villagers that killed Fahrkunda might like to be imported into the USA or Western world someday Progressive !!
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otherwise , well , hows it going , don't be a stranger to the thread Progressive !!:afro:
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and see what Winston Churchill had to say about 'islam' in his book ' The River War' Progressive !!
Nobody has said all muslims are bad, what we have said is nobody can say which ones are terrorists and which aren't. We aren't even trying to, thus the immigration ban until we do

Dumb. We can't stop terrorism by banning Muslims from entering this country. If we start acting in fear, we are giving the terrorists exactly what they want. They should be ignored as much as possible and the best way to fight them, is to live our lives exactly as we always have.
banning muslims is just commom sense WSister . Look around the world Bataclan and Charlie Hebdo in Paris , look San Berdoo California . And look at muslim violence all over the world . Russia , Mumbai , Chechnya , Boston bombing yada yada and the list goes on and on !! As regards living life , I agree . But its best to live life without muslims WSister !!
That is ridiculous, untenable and un-American. It is also hateful and paranoid. Your rhetoric along with Trump and the rest of his minions are just creating more radicalized Muslims. The Muslim community can be a valuable resource in fighting extremism. See post #21 above which you have thus far chosen to ignore. Stop the hate and fear!

Notice, everytime the West and non Muslims take defensive actions, they are "creating more radicalized Muslims" according to the IslamoNazi appeasers on the left. So what was radicalizing Muslims before? Perhaps lack of leadership, strength, resolve and calling the enemy what it is contributes more to the radicalization, than Westerners taking actions to protect themselves from this cancer of Islamism.
Why were they radicalizing before? Is that a serious question? You might want to look at this.....from a rather conservative publication:

As Coleman was to learn, and as all of America should have learned by now, in the eyes of radical Muslims, America has done much to deserve their wrath.

First, America’s wars in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan are considered to be Western intrusions into the Muslim world, power-grabbing moves aimed at world domination, sometimes motivated by greed (= oil), always motivated by a sense of the superiority of American democracy.

What we view as wars of liberation at the cost of precious American lives, they view as acts of exploitation, as murderous incursions that are wiping out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of their people. (I am not supporting these views; I am simply stating how radical Muslims view us.)

How many Iraqi and Afghani citizens have been killed by American bombs? they would ask. How many innocent Muslim men, women, and children have been slaughtered? They will now inflict that same terror on us, not by dropping bombs on us from the air (since they don’t have the capability of doing so), but by planting bombs on our busy city streets. Why Do Radical Muslims Hate Us?

Leftist whacko thinking at its best.

Right, so Muslims think their savagery, intolerance, and terror was justified before, and it's justified today. Therefore, they're going to radicalize no matter what. We better start defending ourselves and identifying and calling the enemy, if we're going to survive and preserve our Western values.
yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

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