Muslims Defend Christians During Attack in Kenya

good , you are back and now blaming America . Anyway , muslims have a history since the invention of 'islam' for conquest , invasion and aggression . What was the reasons for muslim conquest of Christian Spain and attempts to invade Austria and France . Why were muslims sending invading armies to Walachia in Europe in the 1400s [about] ?? Why were the 'barbary' states pirating on European and American shipping so that America went to war with muslims as their first war in the early 1800s [Barbary war]. Anyway , muslim aggression has been going on long before America even existed Progressive !!

Maybe because of this......

The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II’s plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. After the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states, even as Muslims in the region vowed to wage holy war (jihad) to regain control over the region. Deteriorating relations between the Crusaders and their Christian allies in the Byzantine Empire culminated in the sack of Constantinople in 1204 during the Third Crusade. Near the end of the 13th century, the rising Mamluk dynasty in Egypt provided the final reckoning for the Crusaders, toppling the coastal stronghold of Acre and driving the European invaders out of Palestine and Syria in 1291.Crusades - Facts & Summary -

There are two sides to the story.This went on for about 150 years. Christians were just a brutal. You are desperately trying to justify you bigotry but it's not working.
yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
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Progressive talks about 'Appeal to Ignorance' yet he wants us to accept his Feelings and Theories about 'muslims' and 'islam' just because Progressive says so !! Luckily though , thoughtful people can look at history and events that muslims cause currently all over the world . Bataclan , San Berdoo massacre , Charlie Hebdo , Boston bombing and many , many more examples Progressive .
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first of the Crusades were in 1095 but the muslims attacked and took over Spain and Portugal hundreds of years earlier than the start of the Cusades . Spain and Portugal was conquered in 711 AD Progressive . ------------------- Crusades were a response to muslim aggression Progessive !!
yeah , yeah , yeah !! Course I grew up right after IKES operation 'wetback' . I was born into this country in 1949 and the country was fine until the diversity started , probably in the 80s when I took note . I grew up making good money in good jobs and the country was less crowded and my Moms inauthentic chili , spaghetti and Chinese food was fine and dandy . Things were the same or better for my parents that raised 5 kids in good style with 'perks' and with private doctors and only my Dad worked for money . ---------- anyway Go Trump or Cruz 'Progressive !!

Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??
Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

This thread began with a discussion of what is happening with Muslims in the world today, You brought up what was happening in 1400, then you accuse ME of trying to change the subject. The fact is that there is more than enough blame to go around to account for the violence, and the anger and lack of trust. The current wave of Islamic extremism is the product of western policies actions in modern times. Deal with it.
Perhaps we have some things in common. I was born in 1947 in New York City to a mother whose family had recently immigrated from Italy and a father who was first generation Irish/ Hungarian. My community was somewhat diverse-at least religiously- I had Jewish and Christian friends- but was not exposed to other cultures until later. The difference between us is that you seem to be hostile towards and even frightened by diversity. I am not afraid and in fact I embrace it, and quite frankly, I don’t understand what your problem is.

My attitude towards minorities emanates largely from my father’s acceptance of them. One Christmas season, while I was still young, he invited a group of black and Latino coworkers to the house. My mother and others on her Italian side were mortified. They were the racists and the xenophobes but I loved the music and the exposure to this foreign culture. I’m a better person for it.

Every ethnic, racial and religious group to come to this country that has been built on immigration has been met with bigotry and fear. My mother-who was from Sicily and a little on the dark side- was called the N word. Unfortunately, that did not inspire her to be empathetic towards others .but rather hardened to against them

Arabs/Muslims are experiencing that now but will one day be accepted as well. The main difference, as I see it, is the terrorist factor that is being used to demonize them, but let’s not forget that the Italians and to a lesser extent the Irish were derided to their criminal enterprises.

Now, I have a brother-in-law who is Guatemalan, earned his citizenship after coming in undocumented and is a responsible family man and productive member of the community. We are better for the diversity and contributions of people from other countries, cultures and religions. You really need to think more deeply about what it is that you believe in and the implications of what you advocate.

False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

In addition. This thread is about religious extremism and the relationship between Christians and Muslims. So, to mention Christians is hardly changing the subject. I mentioned Christians to call out the hypocrisy of whining about Islamic extremism and the threat that it poses while ignoring Christian extremism
False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

This thread began with a discussion of what is happening with Muslims in the world today, You brought up what was happening in 1400, then you accuse ME of trying to change the subject. The fact is that there is more than enough blame to go around to account for the violence, and the anger and lack of trust. The current wave of Islamic extremism is the product of western policies actions in modern times. Deal with it.
Its the muslim way to conquer and convert by the sword and they have been doing that since the invention of 'islam' in about 700 AD so a little history on muslim ways and thinking , religion plus their current savage actions are on topic . You just want to change the subject by talking about Christianity . I already told you start a discussion thread about Christianity but I won't discuss Christianity in this thread Progressive .
False example. You can't compare Muslims to the previous groups of immigrants. When there are potential terrorist threats among these Muslims, the US just does not have to expose it's people to this risk at this time. Set aside the fact that a big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer shariah law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate. Only a country willing to commit national suicide would let more in without figuring it out first. There needs to be a full and comprehensive discussion as to who we should let in and why. The Obama administration cannot be trusted to carry out what is in the best interest of our nation.

It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

In addition. This thread is about religious extremism and the relationship between Christians and Muslims. So, to mention Christians is hardly changing the subject. I mentioned Christians to call out the hypocrisy of whining about Islamic extremism and the threat that it poses while ignoring Christian extremism
I'm not whining , I'm calling attention to muslims and islam . Maybe one day effective action will be taken to deal with islam . Trump or Cruz coming up with the possibility of winning the Presidency is a good thing if they practice what they preach Progressive .
It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

This thread began with a discussion of what is happening with Muslims in the world today, You brought up what was happening in 1400, then you accuse ME of trying to change the subject. The fact is that there is more than enough blame to go around to account for the violence, and the anger and lack of trust. The current wave of Islamic extremism is the product of western policies actions in modern times. Deal with it.
Its the muslim way to conquer and convert by the sword and they have been doing that since the invention of 'islam' in about 700 AD so a little history on muslim ways and thinking , religion plus their current savage actions are on topic . You just want to change the subject by talking about Christianity . I already told you start a discussion thread about Christianity but I won't discuss Christianity in this thread Progressive .

I made the points that needed to be made. If you are just to obtuse to understand them, it's not my problem.
It is a valid example. Other immigrant groups have had their violent traits among some of them. For instance, the Italians brought us the Mafia.

It is you who are relying on a logical fallacy, specifically the red herring of focusing exclusively on the issue of terrorism while ignoring my argument that millions of peaceful Muslims are being treated badly and being blamed for the actions of a few.

You are also guilty of an appeal to ignorance by saying that "big number of Muslims harbor anti American sentiments and prefer sharia law over the constitution, and are unable to accept the culture and values of this country and coexist or assimilate." I'm going to call bullshit because you don't know that, you can't know that and you do not specify what those "large numbers" are.

Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

In addition. This thread is about religious extremism and the relationship between Christians and Muslims. So, to mention Christians is hardly changing the subject. I mentioned Christians to call out the hypocrisy of whining about Islamic extremism and the threat that it poses while ignoring Christian extremism
I'm not whining , I'm calling attention to muslims and islam . Maybe one day effective action will be taken to deal with islam . Trump or Cruz coming up with the possibility of winning the Presidency is a good thing if they practice what they preach Progressive .

You are short sighted and narrow minded. You are obsessed with what they will do to the Muslims, but you don't give a fuck what they will do to the rest of us. That is just plain stupid. Right wing extremism is the much greater thread to our democracy, the Constitution and our way of life. In addition, either of those Jackasses would squander more American lives in useless, never ending war than will ever be killed by Muslims on American soil.
Wow you just hop from one false example to another. None of the immigrant groups i.e. Italians, Chinese, Irish, etc. displayed an intention to slaughter Americans simply because they were Americans, dufus.

And yes, 25% of AMERICAN MUSLIMS support violent jihad against the infidels and 56% support shariah law over the constitution. Want more if this shit in our country? Go right ahead and commit national suicide. By the time you realize what you've done it will be too late, same thing that happened to the Europeans.

Another appeal to ignorance by putting out figures without documentation, but expect people to accept. How many Evangelical Christians want biblical law over the Constitution? My guess is a whole lot mare than the number of Muslims who want Sharia law. You are only concerned about theocracy when it's Islamic Theocracy. You don't give a rats hind parts about the Constitution
and then , Progressive quite often tries to change the current subject from discusson of islam and muslims to discussion of Christians and Christianty . Changing the subject is a common progressive ploy , especial when you are losing your azz ehh Progressive ??

In addition. This thread is about religious extremism and the relationship between Christians and Muslims. So, to mention Christians is hardly changing the subject. I mentioned Christians to call out the hypocrisy of whining about Islamic extremism and the threat that it poses while ignoring Christian extremism
I'm not whining , I'm calling attention to muslims and islam . Maybe one day effective action will be taken to deal with islam . Trump or Cruz coming up with the possibility of winning the Presidency is a good thing if they practice what they preach Progressive .

You are short sighted and narrow minded. You are obsessed with what they will do to the Muslims, but you don't give a fuck what they will do to the rest of us. That is just plain stupid. Right wing extremism is the much greater thread to our democracy, the Constitution and our way of life. In addition, either of those Jackasses would squander more American lives in useless, never ending war than will ever be killed by Muslims on American soil.
you are cwazy Progressive !!
Know this guy? He is even more hysterical that either you or Roudy. , don't mean "hysterical" as in funny:

Rick Wiles: 'A Bloodbath Is Coming' Due To Immigration Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 12/23/2015 2:00 pm In a cheerful Christmas message yesterday, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles said that homicidal enemies of America are “coming by the millions” into the country. The End Times preacher warned listeners that immigrants “bringing bombs and weapons and chemicals and biological poisons” to kill Americans have already arrived in the U.S., and now millions of such people are entering the country because “the gate is wide open and the wall is down.” “The enemy is pouring into America and a bloodbath is coming,” he said. - See more at: Rick Wiles: 'A Bloodbath Is Coming' Due To Immigration
probably thinking that they'll force you progressive to bath or bush your teeth and no more pooping on police patrol cars . No more rapes in tents like happened at the 'occupy' campsite a few years ago when 'occupy' new York or some such was in New York city near Wall Street ehh Progressive ??
probably thinking that they'll force you progressive to bath or bush your teeth and no more pooping on police patrol cars . No more rapes in tents like happened at the 'occupy' campsite a few years ago when 'occupy' new York or some such was in New York city near Wall Street ehh Progressive ??
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Sounds like you have totally lost it now. Sorry that I've pushed you over the edge like that. Then again, not really.
I'm a Rush Limbaugh , Dennis Prager , Mark Levin type of guy , mostly ElRushbo Progressive .
I'm a Rush Limbaugh , Dennis Prager , Mark Levin type of guy , mostly ElRushbo Progressive .
Why am I not surprised. People like you are not far removed from people like this guy below. First they came for the Muslims.....then , who knows. What is your vision for America Piss-Mo?

Theodore Shoebat Wants The Government To Send SWAT Teams To Shut Down Yoga Studios Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 12/22/2015 12:10 pm Extremist right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat dedicated his most recent video to railing against the evils of Hinduism, declaring that if he was a dictator, he would invade India, destroy all Hindu temples and force everyone to convert to Christianity. After complaining, without a hint of irony, that he regularly gets compared to ISIS for his beliefs, Shoebat proclaimed that he would not hesitate to invade India and force all Hindus to convert to Christianity while also outlawing the practice of yoga in America. "You need to Christianize the land," he stated. "We need to destroy these false religions, end of story. Hinduism is an evil, demonic, anti-Christ religion. It needs to be uprooted from the earth and it has no place in the world." "Yoga? Outlawed," Shoebat continued. "And anyone who teaches yoga? Punished by the state ... I think the U.S. government needs to crack down on this evil, demonic thing called yoga ... You're teaching yoga, have the SWAT team bust open the doors to that place and just arrest everybody." - See more at: Theodore Shoebat Wants The Government To Send SWAT Teams To Shut Down Yoga Studios


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big muslim invader brawl in Germany , read all about it . Probably more info if you 'google' Progressive !! --- German police tackle mass brawl at Berlin refugee shelter --- a little older story from end of Nov. 2015 Progressive
So what exactly is your point with this? No you not understand that anyplace where any refugees are houses-people who have been displaced and distraught-is going to be a tinderbox? Is this how desperate you've become....doing anything and everything that you can to portray Muslims as violent animals? Oh and the article does not actually say that those involved were Muslims. Many of the refugees are Christians! Give me a fucking break- spare me any more bovine excrement!

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