Muslims Denounce ISIS As ‘The Enemies Of Humanity’ at Public Protest in Michigan


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Glad to see this. ISIS is evil and many Muslims agree. I appreciate them speaking out and wish there were more willing to do so.

Muslims Denounce ISIS As ‘The Enemies Of Humanity’ at Public Protest in Michigan

ISIS members are "crazy criminals who are abusing our religion," said Imam Mohammed Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights. "You’re a bunch of gangsters … you’re not Islamic."
About fucking time some muslim's stepped up to the plate to do what is right!

Yet, we hear NOTHING about this......

I haven't seen other stories like this one. Either it's extremely rare for Muslims to speak out or it just doesn't get reported. We need a lot more of this.
Look at Islam's Bloody Borders around the world today. I don't understand why people accept such statements at face value. If these people feel so strongly about ISIS putting Islam in a bad light, why don't they go and fight and exterminate ISIS. Put some skin in the game - it's the reputation of YOUR religion that is at stake.
Actually, nothing of the things that those crazy extremists do has to do with real Islam. Like the Inquisition has nothing to do with actual Christianity. But... But the world is too ignorant to see the difference.
And the peaceful Muslims like those in Michigan are too passive to change the situation. Too bad for the whole world.
Still I'm glad to know that there are people ready to finally do something.
And they'll all hang together at Mecca next Ramadan. Talk is cheap.
Muslims suck.

I agree.

Instead of talking a good story let the Muslims actually do something about those dirtbags.

Don't wait for it though. Ain't gonna happen. They try to put a good face on things but when push comes to shove they won't do squat.

They probably agree with this Sharia law bullshit and are hoping the whole world will be Muslim.
Openly condemning ISIS is a start. Of course, Christians don't feel responsible for the likes of the Westboro church or abortion doctor killers. Every group, religion, party, etc has some radicals that attached themselves.

I am giving them the benefit of the doubt here and hoping that they will encourage more to take a stand against the violence. I do wish they'd openly condemn Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood and the other terrorists.

To me, it's a sign that not all are embracing the extremists. While the extreme element is present in all groups, you have to watch for signs that the radicals actually lead and control the group. When people stop objecting to extremism and silently go along, they are just as dangerous as the ruthless leaders.

I have been waiting for Muslims to speak out and I got my wish. I want to see more of this and it sure would help if the Muslims living in other countries would rise up against this violence.
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About fucking time some muslim's stepped up to the plate to do what is right!

Yet, we hear NOTHING about this......


Hamas certainly has it's problems but it is in no way even remotely equivalent to ISIS' barbarity nor is it a religious extremist group - their fight is territorial. Sounds like someone is busy with the propaganda.
I haven't seen other stories like this one. Either it's extremely rare for Muslims to speak out or it just doesn't get reported. We need a lot more of this.

It's not extremely rare - for example world wide there has been a lot of condemnation for extremes of violence but it either doesn't get reported or it gets ignored :dunno:
Look at Islam's Bloody Borders around the world today. I don't understand why people accept such statements at face value. If these people feel so strongly about ISIS putting Islam in a bad light, why don't they go and fight and exterminate ISIS. Put some skin in the game - it's the reputation of YOUR religion that is at stake.
Muslims are fighting against ISIS in Syria. The same Muslims ignorant idiots on this forum did not want Obama to arm.
USMB nutters must make their point. For years, they insist that Muslims never object to extremists. Of course, that is patently false. Muslims have denounced the actions of terrorists loud and often.....the world over.

Now, seeing that Muslims are fighting terrorists and dying at the hands of terrorists.....we get this nice, sweet acknowledgment that denunciation has taken place.

BUT!!!!!! It's too little.....too late.'s rare. Or.....gee whiz....I hope they do more!

Silly nutters.
About fucking time some muslim's stepped up to the plate to do what is right!

Yet, we hear NOTHING about this......


The rapid truce may be because of ISIS, no sane person will forget the brutality of Hamas however.
USMB nutters must make their point. For years, they insist that Muslims never object to extremists. Of course, that is patently false. Muslims have denounced the actions of terrorists loud and often.....the world over.

Now, seeing that Muslims are fighting terrorists and dying at the hands of terrorists.....we get this nice, sweet acknowledgment that denunciation has taken place.

BUT!!!!!! It's too little.....too late.'s rare. Or.....gee whiz....I hope they do more!

Silly nutters.

And as usual American liberals rush in to counter any criticism of their precious Muslims.
That anybody can condone what ISIS is doing is proof of that person or organizations inhumanity. ISIS, and all their supporters need to be wiped from the face of the Earth.

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