Muslims get Subway stores to remove ham, bacon

Jews aren't trying to shove Kosher down our throat last time I checked.

Muslims aren't trying to shove halal down anyone's throat, either.

They just want to be able to buy sandwiches at Subway - and it seems that Subway wants to sell to them.

You might be misunderstanding the word "demand" in the OP. It's not "demand" as in a command - it's as in "supply and demand"

What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:
No he was not an agnostic. What gave you that idea?

Yeah bible thumping. Like you and your retarded Christian ideology soapbox preaching.

Youre a fucking moron. The Christian religion has been front and center in the destruction and killing of societies around the world. You must a retard to try and say any other religion is more bloodied.

You just disrespected me with your bible thumping. I could be gay but what difference does that make? I dont think I give a shit about what you call a sin. You dont matter.

Actually he was an agnostic. I hate to piss all over your paradigm with truth again.

Too bad so sad for you.

You are just relentless is attacking Christianity. You are nothing but a pathetic, hypocritical, bloviated piece of steaming shit.

I asked you how you were disrespected and asked if you were gay? How is me asking if you are gay disrespectful? It is perfectly legitimate question.

Go ahead, and explain to me how that is disrespectful. This ought to be good.

In what ways has Christianity "destroyed" society? You are not one of those ignorant morons who actually think Hitler was a Christian, are you?

You have any idea what muslims have done? Oh, just one of those things they did was start the trans-atlantic slave trade. I doubt you know the actual history of that.

The crusades? I am sure you know the real history of that, and why that started. Yeah, it was muslims that were systematically executing people. But, you have the liberal (hate All things Christian) education.

You ignorant as hell. See you in hell dipshit.

Actually he wasn't an agnostic. He was a Christian. Catholic to be specific.

Shutup whining about me attacking Christians. You dont bible thump me then I have all the respect in the world. You come at me with that "holier than thou" crap I will show you how much of a hypocrite you are. Worst religion to ever hit the planet in terms of lives lost. Not that it doesnt have its good points but it has some fucked up bad points.

i didnt say asking me if I was gay was disrespectful. I said you were disrespectful which you are.

If you dont know how many societies Christianity has destroyed by now my bet is that you are in denial and will waste my time attempting to educate you.

I know all about the islamic religion as well and hold it in the same regard as the christian one. I just think the christian one is worse.

You wont be seeing me in hell. When you are dead you dont know what happens next.

Yeah, he was a Catholic as a child, but he was no Catholic when he was bombed the building. I am so sorry that the truth just destroys your preconceived beliefs. He was in fact an agnostic when he bombed the building and was NOT acting on behalf of the BIBLE.

It is not even close when it comes to lives lost. In almost every case of mass violence, they were not acting on behalf of true Christianity. They may have called themselves Christian. They may have even carried a bible, but they were not following true Christianity.

If you want to say that, then fine. That is the difference, and that is what makes you ignorant as hell.

It is the same if I blame atheism on the reasons why Stalin committed mass murder or Mao Zadong.

They were atheists who committed mass murder. They did not commit mass murder because they were atheists.

You see, you cannot spot your fallacy. In your case it is a syllogism. You still do not get it. Just because one calls themselves a Christian, does not make them a Christian. True Christianity is following the examples of Christ.

If you want to say many did not through the years, then fine. However, many did follow this example. Those Saints, often go totally ignored. The pointing finger of the perpetual accusations are based on nothing but fallacies on your part.

For example, this Saint.

In the case of muslims, they are commanded to kill the infidel. So, they are acting on behalf of what they are commanded to do. They follow their prophet, who commands them to kill the infidel.

Not like Christ, who commands us to do the opposite. If there is justice that needs to be done, then that is different. Sorry, but Saddam was a tryant and murderer.

I shed no tears for him. Just like I shed no tears for Hitler dying in strife.
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I'm not quite understanding your dare. Why would I insult someones religion that is not doing anything to me? Are you a moron?

If you dont like TM how about Jim David Adkisson or Paul Jennings Hill?

You liberals are literally too easy for me. You apparently do not even get the point. Therefore you would never acknowledge it. I love point out to you in my way how none of you stand for anything and pointing your clear double standards that affirms my claims. Now, just keep on ignoring the execution of women for being raped and keep on claiming how you pathetic people care for the poor and down trodden.

Yeah, you never insult Christianity. Of course not.


Really not sure why you made it so clear McVeigh was a Christian when he was an agnostic......

Oh never mind. Let me know if you want me to list the 1000 things smelly muslims have done over the last 30 years, so someone like you can yell.........


Too easy for what? What are you talking about? What is your point? You don't seem to have one other than your ramblings about a double standard and your retarded dares to disrespect the Islamic faith. i just asked you why would I do something like that?

I insult retarded bible thumping hypocritic Christians when they throw that BS up in my face. At that point they have shown their disrespect for my views.

I said TM was a Christian who was following a Christian terrorist playbook. Are you disputing that?

Do you also insult retarded Quran-thumping Hypocritical Muslims when they throw that BS up in your face?

If Subway has stores in Muslim neighborhoods they will make more profits if they meet religious standards
You liberals are literally too easy for me. You apparently do not even get the point. Therefore you would never acknowledge it. I love point out to you in my way how none of you stand for anything and pointing your clear double standards that affirms my claims. Now, just keep on ignoring the execution of women for being raped and keep on claiming how you pathetic people care for the poor and down trodden.

Yeah, you never insult Christianity. Of course not.


Really not sure why you made it so clear McVeigh was a Christian when he was an agnostic......

Oh never mind. Let me know if you want me to list the 1000 things smelly muslims have done over the last 30 years, so someone like you can yell.........


Too easy for what? What are you talking about? What is your point? You don't seem to have one other than your ramblings about a double standard and your retarded dares to disrespect the Islamic faith. i just asked you why would I do something like that?

I insult retarded bible thumping hypocritic Christians when they throw that BS up in my face. At that point they have shown their disrespect for my views.

I said TM was a Christian who was following a Christian terrorist playbook. Are you disputing that?

Do you also insult retarded Quran-thumping Hypocritical Muslims when they throw that BS up in your face?

Yes if one was ever to Quran thump me. Funny how they dont do that despite Christians claiming they are attempting to take over the world.
Jews aren't trying to shove Kosher down our throat last time I checked.

Muslims aren't trying to shove halal down anyone's throat, either.

They just want to be able to buy sandwiches at Subway - and it seems that Subway wants to sell to them.

You might be misunderstanding the word "demand" in the OP. It's not "demand" as in a command - it's as in "supply and demand"

What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

You eat at one of the other thousands of stores that do.
Jews aren't trying to shove Kosher down our throat last time I checked.

Muslims aren't trying to shove halal down anyone's throat, either.

They just want to be able to buy sandwiches at Subway - and it seems that Subway wants to sell to them.

You might be misunderstanding the word "demand" in the OP. It's not "demand" as in a command - it's as in "supply and demand"

What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

I think it's pretty clear that subway expects to gain more business than they'd lose. Why else would they do it?

There are still nearly 1700 Subways in the UK that aren't halal, anyone who really wants a BLT can go to any of them. The halal ones are in Muslim majority areas.

This isn't anything new. There are halal and Kosher chain franchises all over Brooklyn.
Muslims aren't trying to shove halal down anyone's throat, either.

They just want to be able to buy sandwiches at Subway - and it seems that Subway wants to sell to them.

You might be misunderstanding the word "demand" in the OP. It's not "demand" as in a command - it's as in "supply and demand"

What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

I think it's pretty clear that subway expects to gain more business than they'd lose. Why else would they do it?

There are still nearly 1700 Subways in the UK that aren't halal, anyone who really wants a BLT can go to any of them. The halal ones are in Muslim majority areas.

This isn't anything new. There are halal and Kosher chain franchises all over Brooklyn.

Supposedly Muslims are a minority in England, I can't imagine they would make more money catering to smaller portion of the population unless this store is in a Muslim dominant area, this would be like Subway switching up its menu to appeal to Koreans or something over here, Kim Chi sandwiches or whatever.
Muslims aren't trying to shove halal down anyone's throat, either.

They just want to be able to buy sandwiches at Subway - and it seems that Subway wants to sell to them.

You might be misunderstanding the word "demand" in the OP. It's not "demand" as in a command - it's as in "supply and demand"

What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

You eat at one of the other thousands of stores that do.

Why does anyone have to go anywhere? why not just keep the pork sandwiches at the same store, if you don't want it don't order it? :dunno:
What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

I think it's pretty clear that subway expects to gain more business than they'd lose. Why else would they do it?

There are still nearly 1700 Subways in the UK that aren't halal, anyone who really wants a BLT can go to any of them. The halal ones are in Muslim majority areas.

This isn't anything new. There are halal and Kosher chain franchises all over Brooklyn.

Supposedly Muslims are a minority in England, I can't imagine they would make more money catering to smaller portion of the population unless this store is in a Muslim dominant area, this would be like Subway switching up its menu to appeal to Koreans or something over here, Kim Chi sandwiches or whatever.

Muslims are a minority in the UK.
The halal Subway restaurants also represent a minority of Subway restaurants in the UK.

Of course those restaurants are in Muslim majority areas. Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.
If they collect enough subway stamps they'll get an extra virgin.

You hoping it'll be you?

Businesses are free to cater to their local consumer base, but some decisions turn out to be short-sighted or backfire altogether.
What about the folks that eat ham and pork? their out of luck because the Muslims don't want it? :dunno:

I think it's pretty clear that subway expects to gain more business than they'd lose. Why else would they do it?

There are still nearly 1700 Subways in the UK that aren't halal, anyone who really wants a BLT can go to any of them. The halal ones are in Muslim majority areas.

This isn't anything new. There are halal and Kosher chain franchises all over Brooklyn.

Supposedly Muslims are a minority in England, I can't imagine they would make more money catering to smaller portion of the population unless this store is in a Muslim dominant area, this would be like Subway switching up its menu to appeal to Koreans or something over here, Kim Chi sandwiches or whatever.

and that what they are doing. i have no doubt these are muslim majority areas.
i really don't understand why anyone is upset about this. is a private business making a business decision. don't like it, don't shop there.
Business responding to demographics is a pretty simple concept. I can't understand why any Capitalist would object. As has been pointed out over and over to run a successful business you have to take into account what your customer base is demanding (again as has been repeated, demand as in supply and demand). It's such a fundamental axiom in any economic model you Capitalists who are objecting to some Subway franchiser's decisions to go halal, well guess what? Your Islamophobia is showing like the hem of a sassy Victorian maiden's undergarment.

A little advice from to start-ups;

"Understanding the demographics of your target customers is critical for the success of your business. Not only do you need to understand them in order to decide exactly what your product and services mixes will include, but this information will also affect pricing, packaging, promotion and place."
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