Muslims get Subway stores to remove ham, bacon

Subway removes pork from stores after 'strong demand' from Muslims | Mail Online

*Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after *strong demand' from Muslims
*185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat
*Halal refers to objects or actions permissible under Islamic law
*Pork is forbidden and while other meat can be eaten, it must be sourced, slaughtered and *processed according to strict rules
*Subway said all halal meat served in its branches has come from animals that were stunned *before being slaughtered
*Halal-only menu is in response to 'strong demand' from Muslim customers

Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers.

It has confirmed turkey ham and turkey rashers will be used instead in 185 of its stores, where all the meat will now be prepared according to halal rules.
The chain, which has around 1,500 outlets across the UK, explained its decision by saying it had to balance animal welfare concerns with 'the views of religious communities'.

Traditional halal slaughter sees animals have their throats slit before bleeding to death. But Subway stressed that the meat served in its sandwiches would come from animals that have been stunned first, a practice that aims to reduce any suffering.

In Arabic the word halal means 'permitted' or 'lawful' and defines anything that is allowed or lawful according to the Qur'an.

It is often used to indicate food - particularly meat - has been prepared in accordance with Muslim principles and techniques.

Read more: Subway removes pork from stores after 'strong demand' from Muslims | Mail Online
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Do not worry folks. That is England. That could never happen here. Naaaaaah.

Does not matter which country, liberals are utter pieces of shit. Yes, I blame this sort of utter shit on liberals too.

I live in Ireland and have seen no evidence of this happening.
Halal is the same as Kosher. The two religions originated in the same area, with the same ideas of cleanliness.

Simillar, but not identical.

Comparison of Islamic and Jewish dietary laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The idea behind Kashrut is also that the animal should die as quickly as possible and feel the least amount of pain.

But the whole thing with Subway looks totally stupid, at least at the onset. However, before we all jump, it would probably be good to know WHERE those 200 Subway stores are strategically located. If those stores are deep within heavy muslim neighborhoods, then I would say that Subway just made a decision that is based directly on capitalism, although I might not like them doing it. If those 200 stores are not within heavily muslim neighborhoods, then I would say that Subway just knelt before creeping Shariah.
they are a private business catering to customers. if most of their customers want only halal, then why should the company not serve only halal? it is a business decision. i highly doubt subway did this for religious reasons or bowing to muslim pressure. those stores likely have higher muslim customers than other stores.

if businesses don't give the consumer what they want, then they won't be in business for long.

Well said. I agree with you about this.
Halal is the same as Kosher. The two religions originated in the same area, with the same ideas of cleanliness.

Who gives a shit? I love eating ham and bacon. I imagine many English people do too, who would never join a pathetic religion like Islam which advocates murder and rape.

I have no idea what your point is anyway. Is Israel forcing countries to abide by Judaism?


Christians are allowed to eat unclean beasts and things, so eat up

Christians realize that ALL animals are God's creatures, therefore only those who think they know better than God, declare that some animals are "unclean".

Muslims also hate "man's best friend", the dog. Purely out of jealousy and envy because they know they can never measure up to dogs.
Has anyone ever seen a liberal mock muslims and their beliefs the way they mock Christianity and their beliefs?

Consider how liberals all say how much they care about gay rights, womens rights, and the rights for freedom of expression, you would think they would mock a religion that stones women to death for being raped, beheads homosexuals, and burn books and will execute someone for drawing a picture of Mohammed.

No, you hardly see anything from them mocking their beliefs. Not only do they not mock them, they defend their beliefs. Nothing from the left.


Lets take a guess why they would not even express their outrage over this incident.

Liberals are pigs. Not for one second do I think they are all of a sudden on the side of "capitalism" when Subway shops took out bacon and ham from their menu.

Not for one second.
What happened to buying a turkey sub if you hate pigs...Don't get the ham sandwhich....
Why should ham and bacon be denied from the rest of the customers...

Thats the way it works in Islamic countries, whats denied for Muslims is denied for all.
CaféAuLait;9029249 said:
Isn't that exactly what should have been told to those protesting ham and pork at Subway?

Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

Because they're mooslem

Yeah, I would love for one of you bloviated hypocrites who incessantly ridicule Christianity and Christians explain how selling bacon to NORMAL PEOPLE is NOT catering to MOOOSLEMS.

I still have not heard any of you even attempt to explain that.

LOL at the hypocrites on the left defending MOOOSLEMS simply because they are a darker shade of pigment than their stereotypical version of a Christian.

You can all go ahead and deny it.

Hey "Seawytch" tell us your thoughts on these sandNwords stoning a WOMEN to death for being raped.

How about them beheading homosexuals?

Well, I thought you cared so much for those groups. Right, I will bet somewhere in your fucking mind you think they never did any of those before BOOOOOOSH. It is all BOOOOSH's fault.

You can deny that, but we all know how ridiculously hypocritical and ignorant you all are.
Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

Because they're mooslem

Yeah, I would love for one of you bloviated hypocrites who incessantly ridicule Christianity and Christians explain how selling bacon to NORMAL PEOPLE is NOT catering to MOOOSLEMS.

I still have not heard any of you even attempt to explain that.

LOL at the hypocrites on the left defending MOOOSLEMS simply because they are a darker shade of pigment than their stereotypical version of a Christian.

You can all go ahead and deny it.

Hey "Seawytch" tell us your thoughts on these sandNwords stoning a WOMEN to death for being raped.

How about them beheading homosexuals?

Well, I thought you cared so much for those groups. Right, I will bet somewhere in your fucking mind you think they never did any of those before BOOOOOOSH. It is all BOOOOSH's fault.

You can deny that, but we all know how ridiculously hypocritical and ignorant you all are.

No Muslims are stoning gays here...and many American Christians would if they could. (just read the article linked in my signature).
Because they're mooslem

Yeah, I would love for one of you bloviated hypocrites who incessantly ridicule Christianity and Christians explain how selling bacon to NORMAL PEOPLE is NOT catering to MOOOSLEMS.

I still have not heard any of you even attempt to explain that.

LOL at the hypocrites on the left defending MOOOSLEMS simply because they are a darker shade of pigment than their stereotypical version of a Christian.

You can all go ahead and deny it.

Hey "Seawytch" tell us your thoughts on these sandNwords stoning a WOMEN to death for being raped.

How about them beheading homosexuals?

Well, I thought you cared so much for those groups. Right, I will bet somewhere in your fucking mind you think they never did any of those before BOOOOOOSH. It is all BOOOOSH's fault.

You can deny that, but we all know how ridiculously hypocritical and ignorant you all are.

No Muslims are stoning gays here...and many American Christians would if they could. (just read the article linked in my signature).

Ahhhhh, so you think it is perfectly ok for them to do these things elsewhere?

Tell me, seawytch. Do you know what a hypocrite is?

You do not think those kinds of "honor killings" happen here?

I love how you say "American Christians." Let me clarify that code term for everyone people. WHITE RIGHT REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY MEMBERS.

Oh and since you know nothing about Muslims killing people here in America for their religious sake (apparently you are a truther or did not get the memo about what happened on sept 11th 2001), here is a list that you would never hear about on BSNBC.

Justice Story: 'Die, my daughter, die!' An old-world 'honor killing' in modern St. Louis

Read more: Justice Story: 'Die, my daughter, die!' An old-world 'honor killing' in modern St. Louis - NY Daily News

CAIR Still Trying to Blame Muslim Honor Killing on “American Racism”
CAIR Still Trying to Blame Muslim Honor Killing on ?American Racism? | FrontPage Magazine

Man who murdered his daughters in shocking Muslim 'honour killing' is working as a New York City cab driver

Yaser Said; Man who murdered his daughters in shocking Muslim 'honour killing' is working as a New York City cab driver | Mail Online

Those are just three cases. Hey, let me see one of you brave asshole, ignorant hypcrites parade around in public with a picture of Mohammed in a jar of the same manner some brave liberal did that to a crucifix.


Well, if you pieces of liberal hypocritical shit think Christians murder in the name of religion even more than a stink muslim then you should have no problem doing this to a picture of Mohammed.

I dare you seawytch. I dare you to go in public...


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.
Yeah, I would love for one of you bloviated hypocrites who incessantly ridicule Christianity and Christians explain how selling bacon to NORMAL PEOPLE is NOT catering to MOOOSLEMS.

I still have not heard any of you even attempt to explain that.

LOL at the hypocrites on the left defending MOOOSLEMS simply because they are a darker shade of pigment than their stereotypical version of a Christian.

You can all go ahead and deny it.

Hey "Seawytch" tell us your thoughts on these sandNwords stoning a WOMEN to death for being raped.

How about them beheading homosexuals?

Well, I thought you cared so much for those groups. Right, I will bet somewhere in your fucking mind you think they never did any of those before BOOOOOOSH. It is all BOOOOSH's fault.

You can deny that, but we all know how ridiculously hypocritical and ignorant you all are.

No Muslims are stoning gays here...and many American Christians would if they could. (just read the article linked in my signature).

Ahhhhh, so you think it is perfectly ok for them to do these things elsewhere?

Tell me, seawytch. Do you know what a hypocrite is?

You do not think those kinds of "honor killings" happen here?

I love how you say "American Christians." Let me clarify that code term for everyone people. WHITE RIGHT REPUBLICAN TEA PARTY MEMBERS.

Oh and since you know nothing about Muslims killing people here in America for their religious sake (apparently you are a truther or did not get the memo about what happened on sept 11th 2001), here is a list that you would never hear about on BSNBC.

Justice Story: 'Die, my daughter, die!' An old-world 'honor killing' in modern St. Louis

Read more: Justice Story: 'Die, my daughter, die!' An old-world 'honor killing' in modern St. Louis - NY Daily News

CAIR Still Trying to Blame Muslim Honor Killing on “American Racism”
CAIR Still Trying to Blame Muslim Honor Killing on ?American Racism? | FrontPage Magazine

Man who murdered his daughters in shocking Muslim 'honour killing' is working as a New York City cab driver

Yaser Said; Man who murdered his daughters in shocking Muslim 'honour killing' is working as a New York City cab driver | Mail Online

Those are just three cases. Hey, let me see one of you brave asshole, ignorant hypcrites parade around in public with a picture of Mohammed in a jar of the same manner some brave liberal did that to a crucifix.


Well, if you pieces of liberal hypocritical shit think Christians murder in the name of religion even more than a stink muslim then you should have no problem doing this to a picture of Mohammed.

I dare you seawytch. I dare you to go in public...


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.

Actually, I think extremists in all religions suck.

I live in America. American Muslims are not killing gays.

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