Muslims get Subway stores to remove ham, bacon

Pork is one of my favorite meats, but not market pork. I hunt wild hogs and have between 50 and 100 lbs in the freezer at any one time. Good meat, little fat and oh so good. I even make jerky out of the trimmings rather than waste them. Wild pork Terriyaki style on the charcoal grill is to dream about. Roast half rib section stuffed with garlic and salt and pepper, makes my mouth water.
There are Subway restaurants in Brooklyn that are kosher. I imagine there likely are in Israel as well.

If Subway thinks they'll sell more sandwiches this way, that's their call to make.
There are Subway restaurants in Brooklyn that are kosher. I imagine there likely are in Israel as well.

If Subway thinks they'll sell more sandwiches this way, that's their call to make.

exactly, if you don't approve of an all halal subway, take your business elsewhere and let subway decide.

this was a private business making an economic decision. muslims aren't taking over the world. here in cali we have many vegetarian only restaurants, heck, we even have raw food only restaurants....guess what, those folk ain't taking over the world anytime soon.

In context the word "demand" is used in the sense of economic demand, i.e. consumer preference, not a political demand. Subway is trying to attract business to its outlets in Muslim communities in the UK by accommodating Muslim dietary wishes and tastes. It's the same strategy CocaCola uses to market thousands of different beverages in over 200 countries with different cultures and tastes.

Nothing sinister here; just good old fashioned competitive capitalism trying to make a pound by selling people what they want to buy. What's wrong with that?
There are Subway restaurants in Brooklyn that are kosher. I imagine there likely are in Israel as well.

If Subway thinks they'll sell more sandwiches this way, that's their call to make.

exactly, if you don't approve of an all halal subway, take your business elsewhere and let subway decide.

this was a private business making an economic decision. muslims aren't taking over the world. here in cali we have many vegetarian only restaurants, heck, we even have raw food only restaurants....guess what, those folk ain't taking over the world anytime soon.

Not to mention, for all the Brits who really, really want an Italian BMT, they can always go to any of the 90% of Subways in the UK that are NOT Halal.
CaféAuLait;9029249 said:
If you don't like it, you can shop elsewhere.

Isn't that exactly what should have been told to those protesting ham and pork at Subway?

Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

All customers, or just some? If the market in those areas are primarily Muslim, I suppose I could see the reason.

It just seems to me religion, many, not just Islam is becoming overbearing in what it demands.
They are a private company. If they think this is a good business move, I see nothing wrong with it. They weren't forced to do this. They obviously think there is demand for this.
CaféAuLait;9029249 said:
If you don't like it, you can shop elsewhere.

Isn't that exactly what should have been told to those protesting ham and pork at Subway?

Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

You mean those who like ham and bacon aren't their customers ? And if they are, then they should cater to them by serving the food they like. Right ?

In context the word "demand" is used in the sense of economic demand, i.e. consumer preference, not a political demand. Subway is trying to attract business to its outlets in Muslim communities in the UK by accommodating Muslim dietary wishes and tastes. It's the same strategy CocaCola uses to market thousands of different beverages in over 200 countries with different cultures and tastes.

Nothing sinister here; just good old fashioned competitive capitalism trying to make a pound by selling people what they want to buy. What's wrong with that?

Taking foods AWAY from your menu isn't accommodating Muslim dietary wishes and tastes. It's accommodating Muslim law, at the expense of other people, who DO want those foods to be offered.
There are Subway restaurants in Brooklyn that are kosher. I imagine there likely are in Israel as well.

If Subway thinks they'll sell more sandwiches this way, that's their call to make.

exactly, if you don't approve of an all halal subway, take your business elsewhere and let subway decide.

this was a private business making an economic decision. muslims aren't taking over the world. here in cali we have many vegetarian only restaurants, heck, we even have raw food only restaurants....guess what, those folk ain't taking over the world anytime soon.

Not to mention, for all the Brits who really, really want an Italian BMT, they can always go to any of the 90% of Subways in the UK that are NOT Halal.

Maybe they can't.. Maybe those are farther away, and they don't have transportation, and even if they did, why should that have to travel farther ?
CaféAuLait;9029249 said:
Isn't that exactly what should have been told to those protesting ham and pork at Subway?

Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

You mean those who like ham and bacon aren't their customers ? And if they are, then they should cater to them by serving the food they like. Right ?

They should cater to whatever segment of the population that they think they'll get the most business from. In this case, it seems to be Muslims.
exactly, if you don't approve of an all halal subway, take your business elsewhere and let subway decide.

this was a private business making an economic decision. muslims aren't taking over the world. here in cali we have many vegetarian only restaurants, heck, we even have raw food only restaurants....guess what, those folk ain't taking over the world anytime soon.

Not to mention, for all the Brits who really, really want an Italian BMT, they can always go to any of the 90% of Subways in the UK that are NOT Halal.

Maybe they can't.. Maybe those are farther away, and they don't have transportation, and even if they did, why should that have to travel farther ?

Why shouldn't Muslims be able to eat at Subway?

Your questions are asinine. This was a business decision.
CaféAuLait;9029249 said:
Isn't that exactly what should have been told to those protesting ham and pork at Subway?

Why shouldn't Subway cater to their customers?

You mean those who like ham and bacon aren't their customers ? And if they are, then they should cater to them by serving the food they like. Right ?

They dont matter if the majority of their customers pay the bills stupid. Do you want to tell everyone that lie again about how you ran a business?
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