Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

No sane person is suggesting violence against Islamic Americans. If you have specific evidence of a recent rash Muslim persecution in America please post specific links. is a straw man argument.

Increase in hate crimes per FBI data are not strawman.

The real victims are the Christians and Jews murdered by the jihadist nut bags in Paris and California. That is where my concern lies and where your concern should lie. Thank you.

The real victims are anyone killed in those terrorist attacks not just the Christians and Jews. There were also 5 Muslims killed in the Paris attacks. I can't find data about other religions or non-religious. many of those were the suicides?

Good grief you're pathetic.


Speaking of pathetic...
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

No sane person is suggesting violence against Islamic Americans. If you have specific evidence of a recent rash Muslim persecution in America please post specific links. is a straw man argument.

Increase in hate crimes per FBI data are not strawman.

The real victims are the Christians and Jews murdered by the jihadist nut bags in Paris and California. That is where my concern lies and where your concern should lie. Thank you.

The real victims are anyone killed in those terrorist attacks not just the Christians and Jews. There were also 5 Muslims killed in the Paris attacks. I can't find data about other religions or non-religious. many of those were the suicides?

Good grief you're pathetic.


Speaking of pathetic...

You're pathetic. Willing to put a lot of people at risk to avoid offending muslims. What a shame you don't care about offending (or killing) the Christians and Jews they target.
Kill them. All. To the last man, woman, and child. It is very simple. Radical jihad has declared war of the U.S. and the entire west. There is no negotiation.
The problem is...does this mean kill 2 year olds who parents and grandparents and gg grandparents are all radical extremists? Could you pull the trigger on a 2 or 3 year old? What about 5 or 6 year olds? Just group them all together and mow them down? Could YOU do that? And could you do that if a 7 year old was holding an uzi but have no idea (yet) what it is? Is there an age where they are exempt?
We are Americans.

We should not tolerate this or excuse it in our country or in our politicians and elected officials.
In a news conference Friday, lawyers for Mr. Farook’s family cautioned the public against jumping to conclusions about the attackers’ motivations. One lawyer, David Chesley, said the F.B.I.’s claim that Mr. Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook was “nebulous” evidence.

“Until there is absolute, clear evidence, every headline doesn’t have to say ‘Muslim massacre’ or ‘Muslim shooters,’ because it’s going to cause intolerance,” Mr. Chesley said.

However, Muslim Americans are now confronting the fact that to many Americans, Mr. Farook and other terrorists do represent Islam — especially since polls show that most Americans know no Muslims and little about Islam.

“My identity and everything that I am becomes erased every time one of these incidents occurs,” said Nabihah Maqbool, 27, a law student at the University of Chicago. “It all becomes collapsed into these senseless acts of violence being committed by people who are part of my group.”

Like many other Muslim American women, Ms. Maqbool said that she had considered taking off her hijab, or head scarf, out of fear of being victimized. She said that driving back to Chicago after celebrating Thanksgiving with her family, she had decided not to stop and pray on the grassy lawn outside an interstate rest stop, as she usually does.

“I just got so nervous that something could happen to me by any unhinged individual who saw me as someone who deserved violence,” Ms. Maqbool said.

The F.B.I. said it did not yet have data for hate crimes in 2015, and would not comment on whether there had recently been a rise in attacks on Muslims and their houses of worship. A chart provided by Stephen G. Fischer Jr., chief of multimedia productions for the F.B.I.’s criminal justice information service, showed that bias-related hate crimes against Muslims were at a peak in 2001, with 481 reported. In 2014, 154 such crimes were reported.

But in recent weeks, American Muslims have reported a spate of violence and intimidation against them: women wearing head scarves accosted; Muslim children bullied; bullets shot at a mosque in Meriden, Conn.; feces thrown at a mosque in Pflugerville, Tex.

Omair Siddiqi said he had been about to get into his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall in the Dallas suburbs last month when a man came up to him, flashed a gun and said, “If I wanted to, I could kill you right now.”

Mr. Siddiqi said he stayed quiet and the man walked away. Mr. Siddiqi called 911 and is now in the process of getting a concealed-handgun permit. “It’s very scary in times like this,” he said.

In a Dallas suburb, about a dozen protesters congregated outside the Islamic Center of Irving last month, some covering their faces with bandannas and carrying hunting rifles, tactical shotguns and AR-15s. The group that organized the protest posted on Facebook a list of the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and what they called “Muslim sympathizers.

Khalid Y. Hamideh, a spokesman for the Islamic Association of North Texas and a Dallas lawyer, called the mosque protest “un-American.”

“It would be unfathomable for that to occur outside a church or synagogue,” he said. “At the same time, we’re realists. We understand what’s going on around the country. We thank God for our friends in law enforcement and our interfaith partners.”

Yes, American's are constantly murdering poor peaceful Muslims. I can't walk down the street without tripping on all the dead Muslims who were indiscriminately slaughtered by Americans.

You democrats really have this figured out.

Kill them. All. To the last man, woman, and child. It is very simple. Radical jihad has declared war of the U.S. and the entire west. There is no negotiation.
The problem is...does this mean kill 2 year olds who parents and grandparents and gg grandparents are all radical extremists? Could you pull the trigger on a 2 or 3 year old? What about 5 or 6 year olds? Just group them all together and mow them down? Could YOU do that? And could you do that if a 7 year old was holding an uzi but have no idea (yet) what it is? Is there an age where they are exempt?
You mow them down where you find them. If you can avoid the kids you do. If not...

Jihadists release image of terrorists involved in Mali hotel attack
Muslims in America Condemn Extremists and Fear Anew for Their Lives

As they should. There are walking targets for the New Crusaders off to their Holy War, for Jesus.

Luke 23:34

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Thanks Ahmed.

Farook and Malik showed that Americans need to embrace Islam. You are such a peaceful creed, created of a Warlord who used rape and terror to subjugate those before him. Yeah, we shouldn't let the actions of those following the religion color the words of liars and frauds promoting it..
So the poor, peaceful, innocent muzzies arent blaming their jihadist brethren for added scrutiny , scorn, and derision ? Shocking
And it's a damn shame 3 people in Colorado.... as well as as several hundred people all over the country ... can't live their lives because of some deviated lunatic Christians who did the same thing.

Funny, no one defended the scumbag in Colorado.

But here you are defending your ISIS buddies. democrats and terrorists are thick as thieves and the dims will defend the terrorists to the death.

Hey I get it Pogo, you and Farook have a common enemy, America. Same as with Hillary.
That's because, as a republican, you're a big ol' pussy who's afraid of everything.

Really? Isn't it #fucktardObama, #crookHillary, and you demanding that Americans be disarmed because you're pissing yourself in fear?

Who is the pussy, Comrade?
And Christians committed all those abortion bombings, shootings, murders, arson, vandalism and anthrax attacks, most recently the shootings of random innocent people and a police officer less than a week ago in Colorado.

So what's your point?

They did?

You know huffer, if you had a legitimate point, you wouldn't need to shamelessly lie like this.
That's not what I was saying. One of ISIS strengths is it's sophisticated recuiting methods and actions that disenfranchise Muslim Americans (just as one example) would strengthen their propoganda.

Oh, but weakness from the decedent infidels doesn't?

The left and their terrorist allies are linked in a war on America - end of story.
That's not what I was saying. One of ISIS strengths is it's sophisticated recuiting methods and actions that disenfranchise Muslim Americans (just as one example) would strengthen their propoganda.

Oh, but weakness from the decedent infidels doesn't?

The left and their terrorist allies are linked in a war on America - end of story.

I don't know what you are talking about or what it has to do with what I'm saying, but feel free to go on.
I don't know what you are talking about or what it has to do with what I'm saying, but feel free to go on.

Right, backlash against Muslims will cause more terrorism, but a show of weakness is the winning strategy.

You Communists are so smart..
That's because, as a republican, you're a big ol' pussy who's afraid of everything.

Really? Isn't it #fucktardObama, #crookHillary, and you demanding that Americans be disarmed because you're pissing yourself in fear?

Who is the pussy, Comrade?
Neither of them are demanding that. You're just shitting your pants again. You pussy.
I don't know what you are talking about or what it has to do with what I'm saying, but feel free to go on.

Right, backlash against Muslims will cause more terrorism, but a show of weakness is the winning strategy.

You Communists are so smart..

Again - that's not what I said. I was talking about recruiting propoganda. Try again.
Neither of them are demanding that. You're just shitting your pants again. You pussy.

Oooh lying, how clever.

After the shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Obama went on CBS News to talk about gun control.
It is unclear whether there was just one shooter or multiple shooters at the time of publication, but they were reportedly still at large as Obama weighed in.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” he said, during an interview with CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell. Obama argued in favor of gun control laws that he says could prevent mass shootings, including a law that would ban people on the national “no-fly list” from purchasing firearms.}

Obama Calls for Gun Control with Shooters Still at Large

Again - that's not what I said. I was talking about recruiting propoganda. Try again.

That is what you said. Weakness by America is the greatest recruiting propaganda ISIS has. That little pussy #fucktardObama is the symbol of fear by America that emboldens ISIS across the globe.
Neither of them are demanding that. You're just shitting your pants again. You pussy.

Oooh lying, how clever.

After the shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Obama went on CBS News to talk about gun control.
It is unclear whether there was just one shooter or multiple shooters at the time of publication, but they were reportedly still at large as Obama weighed in.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” he said, during an interview with CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell. Obama argued in favor of gun control laws that he says could prevent mass shootings, including a law that would ban people on the national “no-fly list” from purchasing firearms.}

Obama Calls for Gun Control with Shooters Still at Large
Gun control is not the same disarming people. You little pussy.
I don't know what you are talking about or what it has to do with what I'm saying, but feel free to go on.

Right, backlash against Muslims will cause more terrorism, but a show of weakness is the winning strategy.

You Communists are so smart..
We are not limited to those two options but please do continue to display your lack of critical thinking skills.

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