Muslims in Europe

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

In the UK we have very little in the way of problems with the Sikhs and Hindus who integrate and mix all the time. They invite us to their family homes and parties and mix their culture with ours. They will give charity willingly to collectors, and help the needy every day. I know this for a fact due to my work and charity work over the years.

That's true.

I'll never forget the Sikh wedding I went to in London.
yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

There is, but it is soon put down by the rest of the community

What kind of radicalism? Something decreed in their holy books?

Sikhs IN INDIA can be a bit "overwought" Remember they killed Indira. Hindus
in India------especially TAMILS can become a bit overwrought
Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

There is, but it is soon put down by the rest of the community

What kind of radicalism? Something decreed in their holy books?

Sikhs IN INDIA can be a bit "overwought" Remember they killed Indira. Hindus
in India------especially TAMILS can become a bit overwrought

I don't think they hold to a prophecy.

Isis is cold and calculated about its intentions.
A concern regarding the Muslim population in countries like England and France is that once their numbers are large enough, their laws will take over and they will have their fingers on "the bomb," as they are nuclear armed nations with intercontinental capabilities.
yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

There is, but it is soon put down by the rest of the community

What kind of radicalism? Something decreed in their holy books?

More like wanting more for themselves, a bit like radical left wing or right wing thinkers. Just your normal everyday political radicals and hot heads

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

What actually is "it"?

All I know is: they get interest free loans. But the rest of us don't.

Not quite the rules are complex but it means they get preferential interest rates that are not usury. So while we would pay 10% interest on a mortgage the muslims pay 3%. It also means that they only receive 2% interest on any savings which they must have before they can apply for a loan. Read the koran and you will see the "laws" as they stand

Germany's first interest-free Islamic bank opens in Frankfurt

I've read the Koran.

So you know the "laws" that amount to violent action against suspected criminals and the exploitation of the weak.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
To me, those numbers look very small. The only one over 10% is Bulgaria, and they have had a large Muslim population for eons; it's nothing new. All the others are under 10% and most way below 10%.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.
It doesn't need westerners to demonize Islam and Sharia; Sharia demonizes itself with its laws. Let's just look at Sharia, shall we:
Theft: Punishment...amputation of right hand.
Criticizing any part of the Quran: Punishment...death.
Criticizing that a**hole Muhammad: Punishment...death.
Denying Muhammad was a prophet: Punishment...death.
Muslims who leave Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslims who lead Muslims away from Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman: Punishment...death.
Men can marry infant girls and consummate the marriage when she reaches age 9 (pedophilia).
Men can beat their wives for insubordination.
Must have four "male" witnesses to verify rape (as if some fool will rape a woman in front of witnesses).
Women cannot testify in court against their rapist.
Women can only testify in property cases and their testimony is worth half that of a male's.
Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
I think those in themselves are enough to demonize not only Sharia, but also Islam, the Quran and Muhammad.
Isn't it interesting that Muslims should use Taqiyya to essentially protect their religion. If there were a god, which I personally doubt, it would be the absolute supreme being and thus incapable of losing and therefore would not need you Muslims to lie for it. Another being, were it to exist, say....Satan, could lose and would need its followers to lie to protect it.
Enough said.
The majority of Muslim countries do not even have full sharia law themselves. The idea that all Muslims or even the majority of Muslims want full sharia as the government of the countries they live in is ludicrious, LUDICROUS. In any case, they are not going to have the power to override any current government policies regarding sharia when they less than 15 percent of the population, and in most cases in Europe, they are well below 10% of the population. You people are being ridiculous.
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There is little doubt remaining that Europe made, and is still making, a terrible mistake in opening the floodgates to a fanatic population that cannot assimilate. To do so is not simply stupid, it is in fact suicidal.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.
It doesn't need westerners to demonize Islam and Sharia; Sharia demonizes itself with its laws. Let's just look at Sharia, shall we:
Theft: Punishment...amputation of right hand.
Criticizing any part of the Quran: Punishment...death.
Criticizing that a**hole Muhammad: Punishment...death.
Denying Muhammad was a prophet: Punishment...death.
Muslims who leave Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslims who lead Muslims away from Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman: Punishment...death.
Men can marry infant girls and consummate the marriage when she reaches age 9 (pedophilia).
Men can beat their wives for insubordination.
Must have four "male" witnesses to verify rape (as if some fool will rape a woman in front of witnesses).
Women cannot testify in court against their rapist.
Women can only testify in property cases and their testimony is worth half that of a male's.
Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
I think those in themselves are enough to demonize not only Sharia, but also Islam, the Quran and Muhammad.
Isn't it interesting that Muslims should use Taqiyya to essentially protect their religion. If there were a god, which I personally doubt, it would be the absolute supreme being and thus incapable of losing and therefore would not need you Muslims to lie for it. Another being, were it to exist, say....Satan, could lose and would need its followers to lie to protect it.
Enough said.
The majority of Muslim countries do not even have full sharia law themselves. The idea that all Muslims or even the majority of Muslims want full sharia as the government of the countries they live in is ludicrious, LUDICROUS. In any case, they are not going to have the power to override any current government policies regarding sharia when they less than 15 percent of the population, and in most cases in Europe, they are well below 10% of the population. You people are being ridiculous.

who mentioned "full shariah"? -----shariah law is virtually undoable in modern times. I do not believe that muslims expect to impose "full shariah law"----or
even PART SHARIAH law. The danger of shariah law is that it exists and is
regarded by muslims are an IDEAL. It is the law of the GLORIOUS GOLDEN
INCOMPARIBLY HOLY AND TERRIFIC Islamic "culture" In fact it is SO HOLY--
that "doing it" is pleasing to -----"god" I will provide a recent example that inspired some very pious people out to please their "god". ----to wit
tashfeen malik and syed farook. They did what their god wanted them to do ---
consistent with shariah law-----the law of allah. ------they went all the way----dressed
right, prayed right and killed right all for the HOLINESS OF SHARIAH LAW. I have
known lots of muslims--------you have, I believe, also claimed that you have ------try to face reality. HOLY LAW ****INSPIRES***** lots of people. Shariah law

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.
It doesn't need westerners to demonize Islam and Sharia; Sharia demonizes itself with its laws. Let's just look at Sharia, shall we:
Theft: Punishment...amputation of right hand.
Criticizing any part of the Quran: Punishment...death.
Criticizing that a**hole Muhammad: Punishment...death.
Denying Muhammad was a prophet: Punishment...death.
Muslims who leave Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslims who lead Muslims away from Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman: Punishment...death.
Men can marry infant girls and consummate the marriage when she reaches age 9 (pedophilia).
Men can beat their wives for insubordination.
Must have four "male" witnesses to verify rape (as if some fool will rape a woman in front of witnesses).
Women cannot testify in court against their rapist.
Women can only testify in property cases and their testimony is worth half that of a male's.
Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
I think those in themselves are enough to demonize not only Sharia, but also Islam, the Quran and Muhammad.
Isn't it interesting that Muslims should use Taqiyya to essentially protect their religion. If there were a god, which I personally doubt, it would be the absolute supreme being and thus incapable of losing and therefore would not need you Muslims to lie for it. Another being, were it to exist, say....Satan, could lose and would need its followers to lie to protect it.
Enough said.
The majority of Muslim countries do not even have full sharia law themselves. The idea that all Muslims or even the majority of Muslims want full sharia as the government of the countries they live in is ludicrious, LUDICROUS. In any case, they are not going to have the power to override any current government policies regarding sharia when they less than 15 percent of the population, and in most cases in Europe, they are well below 10% of the population. You people are being ridiculous.

those of us (like me) who actually know muslims WELL------and have spoken very very candidly with them for many many decades (like me) know that shariah law is
not just a system of law for muslims ------it is HOLY AND ETERNAL and the only
valid legal system for ALL MANKKIND -----according to that which even non religious muslims are TAUGHT if they are educated in muslim countries or even
observant muslim homes thruout the world. Sharia is that which pleases "god"-------Religious muslims want to please "god"-------Tashfeen and Syed Farook were
religious muslims-----they dressed like muslims should dress, prayed like muslims
should pray and engaged in those activities that fulfill SHARIAH LAW <<<<
that is the danger of shariah law. In any population of muslims----there will be those FERVENTLY RELIGIOUS-------like tashfeen and syed. Sometimes that
BACK TO RELIGION fever takes hold of large groups of people. That is what
the TALIBAN ARE and that is what ISIS is and that is what lots of other
enterprises ongoing right now in the world-------are.
There is little doubt remaining that Europe made, and is still making, a terrible mistake in opening the floodgates to a fanatic population that cannot assimilate. To do so is not simply stupid, it is in fact suicidal.

It is already bloody------and it is going to get bloodier. --------uhm----modest person
that I am --------I HESITATE to remind my fellow posters that........rosie---oracle of usmb (me) predicted this outcome (not actually in detail but in general) way back
-----like five years ago-------when the GLORIOUS ARAB SPRING-------first started.
We are in the throes of a phenomenon that has existed for muslims since the inception of islam--------A BACK TO THE OLD TIME RELIGION craze. ----------
well-----other religions have had them------but islam does it GRAND SCALE

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
To me, those numbers look very small. The only one over 10% is Bulgaria, and they have had a large Muslim population for eons; it's nothing new. All the others are under 10% and most way below 10%.

That is only the known ones who are there legally, the numbers of illegals is believed to be about the same as the legals.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
To me, those numbers look very small. The only one over 10% is Bulgaria, and they have had a large Muslim population for eons; it's nothing new. All the others are under 10% and most way below 10%.

That is only the known ones who are there legally, the numbers of illegals is believed to be about the same as the legals.
Really? According to whom? Cite your source. I'll bet you've never even been to Europe, much less lived there. You have no idea what it is like; you're jus promoting your racist ideology. I've been to Europe so often, I'd have stop and think about it and make a list. As well, I have lived there for years and spent long periods of time, months, visiting numerous and repeated times.

You think you know something, but you don't.
Muslims in Europe

Granny says keep `em there...

... dat way dey'll be closer to get back home...

... when all the fightin's over.
Sweden on Lock-Down due to Religion of Peace

Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder “non-believers” in a terrifying campaign of violence

Norway's trying to send them home. Other countries are shutting their borders. Europe finally beginning to panic over Muslim refugees?

Read more @ The Captain's Journal » News From Sweden Concerning The Religion Of Peace And Tolerance

Merkel Appears to Back Away From Muzzie ‘Refugee’ Plans @ Merkel Appears to Back Away From Muzzie 'Refugee' Plans

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
To me, those numbers look very small. The only one over 10% is Bulgaria, and they have had a large Muslim population for eons; it's nothing new. All the others are under 10% and most way below 10%.

That is only the known ones who are there legally, the numbers of illegals is believed to be about the same as the legals.
Really? According to whom? Cite your source. I'll bet you've never even been to Europe, much less lived there. You have no idea what it is like; you're jus promoting your racist ideology. I've been to Europe so often, I'd have stop and think about it and make a list. As well, I have lived there for years and spent long periods of time, months, visiting numerous and repeated times.

You think you know something, but you don't.

Like these

Illegal immigration to Europe shows sharp rise

Illegal Immigrants in Greece: At the Mercy of the People Smugglers - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I do know as I watch what is happening, silly things like the police letting illegals go because they don't have the facilities to keep them under lock and key.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
To me, those numbers look very small. The only one over 10% is Bulgaria, and they have had a large Muslim population for eons; it's nothing new. All the others are under 10% and most way below 10%.

That is only the known ones who are there legally, the numbers of illegals is believed to be about the same as the legals.
Really? According to whom? Cite your source. I'll bet you've never even been to Europe, much less lived there. You have no idea what it is like; you're jus promoting your racist ideology. I've been to Europe so often, I'd have stop and think about it and make a list. As well, I have lived there for years and spent long periods of time, months, visiting numerous and repeated times.

You think you know something, but you don't.

Esmeralda-------your post is rude and vulgar. I bet you "smell"
I keep hoping that one of the European nations will drop out of the EU, form an anti-Islamic government and forcibly remove Muslims from their country and then other nations following that action.

I keep hoping they deport all the idiots who want things like this.
I keep hoping that one of the European nations will drop out of the EU, form an anti-Islamic government and forcibly remove Muslims from their country and then other nations following that action.

I keep hoping they deport all the idiots who want things like this.

deport from where to where? An interesting perspective >>>> or question>>>
What would happen if a country in the EU ----were to declare itself "CHRISTIAN"??
What would happen if such a country were to declare that in order to be a citizen
of that country one had to be a "Christian" and also to declare islam "not a religion"?? In a gesture of decency-----such a country could declare a few other
religions "legal"-------Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism----but -----
ISLAM <<< simply, NOT LEGAL ?. I could imagine----based on history-----
a CATHOLIC FRANCE ------France could agree to tolerate protestants---this time

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