Muslims in Georgia


What a only has to YOUTUBE "NO GO" zones all over Europe and then come back and tell me that these people are assimilating to the culture. Have to have a plate in your head to think it possible. duh..........

What is it that some among us cant possibly comprehend this shit? Its fascinating!:spinner:

The old lady knows nothing about Islam and so too is acting out on her delusional emotions.
You know only what is fed to you by the Alt-Rright.
Marching, with firearms, protesting the building of a religious house of worship, or school, or cemetery is wrong in so many, of course, as long as it's peaceful but I wonder how I, if I were an American citizen who is Muslim, would feel seeing that.

Angry. Not at them, but at the people committing atrocities in the name of my religion. These people are reacting naturally to what they see as a threat to their safety. My faith has only itself to blame for not reining in these blasphemers who kill in the name of Allah.

Hopeless. Because no matter how much I try to convince them I'm not like those terrorists overseas, they will simply dismiss it. No matter how many times I assert my faith as a "religion of peace" they will contend otherwise, naturally with the atrocities committed on 9/11. By radical Islamic terrorists.

Afraid. Because there could come a time when another large scale terrorist attack is carried out on American soil, by a member of my faith, and then those same people protesting with their firearms will only become more hostile to me and people of my faith.

Isolated. Because each time there is a terrorist attack on American soil, the first thing people will do is see if people of my faith were responsible for it. It would make me feel different and wary.

I never really fully comprehended how prophetic this post was going to be. Two days later there was a string of bombings in New York and a stabbing in Minnesota. This sends chills down my spine thinking about it.

I was thinking of you when I heard the news and of this post. And, this morning, they were talking to members of the Muslim community about just this thing. Very sad :(

There was news that a federal building in Atlanta had been evacuated due to a suspicious package. Don't know if that amounted to anything or not. The past three days are starting to creep me out. There is a discernible pattern here.

Atlanta federal building locked down; West Point scene cleared - Story
6 hours ago - A federal building in Atlanta, Georgia was placed under lockdown this ... said the blasts are looking increasingly like an act of terrorism with a ...
church doctrine that Christians followed and hardly love of thy brother and neighbor

Even what was in the bible is now considered barbaric and wrong.

Quran was not written for those outside, it spoke in a language and phrasing of arabs at the time. Most is not speaking of the people acting on behalf of god but of what god will do in the right time. Sura, phrases take out of context.

We don't use language for what it means. Simple words like good and bad, hot and cold, are not used in the same way as their original dictionary meaning.

Outsiders try to read the quran but not to understand it. Reading the bible is like reading a horror story at time if you don't consider the times and audience.

Christianity has a long and blood history and is full of hate and condemnation. The distant world and isolation of Islam in some cases is taking a bid longer. Christians attacked them and kept them at a distant. Many muslims remember the crusades like we will remember 9/11 and terrorism and wars in "their" lands, and blame all the other people for the actions of a select few, or few thousand.

Knowledge and understanding, communication and cooperation, simple ideas that can make all the difference, both ways, instead the vicious cycle of distrust and hate and blame.

Shilling for an evil ideology is all you're doing. You don't fool me.

I don't believe in god so why should I shill for any religion?

I studied religion (all religions) to understand them, not to believe in any of them as the "right" religion.

Just because I used to be able to recite the quran at one time in no way means I support the corruption and abuse of Islam by terrorists, radicals, fundamentalists of any kind.

People can believe in religion if it give them comfort and a sense of moral behavior towards others, not to misuse religion to commit crimes and incite war or Armageddon. I want to understand so I can communicate and argue against the abuses not because I want to promote them.

You think I am shilling, then you really would never understand anything about my life or work in the past, or my opinions or posts now.

I'd rather you just choose to ignore me, and if it gets to that point perhaps I will eventually do the same of you.
Muslims in Georgia announced a town meeting with the purpose of building a Muslim-only cemetery, an Islamic school, and yet another mosque

"The Express reports that the non-Muslim majority responded to the proposals by marching on the town square with firearms in tow to not only protest the construction of the Islamic facilities but also to demonstrate the American freedoms that are opposed by Islamic fundamentals and outlawed under Sharia law.

Newton County Muslims were apparently so appalled at the peaceful demonstration that they immediately called off the town meeting over a proposed mosque and attached religious school."


so wrong
so right
so wrong
so right

people have been heard. This is what democracy is about

as long as it stays peaceful

Now is there a compromise of a church donating space on Fridays for prayer or letting them use a hall for feeding the homeless when not serving food? Park gazebo? Maybe even a synagogue could rent or offer space at certain hours or on Fridays? Make it open to the public so the community knows what is happening in a mosque and what is being sermonized so they can understand and learn to have less objections? Find ways to integrate into the community instead of being isolated and treated with suspicion? Have community forums where by modifications to the misuse of sharia can be discussed and reform might be implemented? Christians, jews, etc. are subject to state and federal law above their religious laws and beliefs. Find a way for muslims in the community to conform as well. Teach them to understand they are american's first and muslims second.


It's both very American....and very unAmerican.
Islam Is a Cretins' Creed and Must Be Silenced

You Dhimmis doormats are preaching18th Century ideas about Freedom of Religion. Do you drive a horse and buggy, too? We, the majority, make the rules. The government is not authorized to use its anti-democratic manifesto, the Constitution, to make deals on its own. We never demanded that Muslims be brought into our country, so they will have to leave at gunpoint.

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