Muslims on a holy rampage during the holy month of Ramadan!

Oh, so it's bombing that upsets you so. Hmmmmmmmmmmm .....

To get a full scope of American violence in the world, it is worth asking a broader question: how many countries in the Islamic world has the U.S. bombed or occupied since 1980? That answer was provided in a recent Washington Post op-ed by the military historian and former U.S. Army Col. Andrew Bacevich:

As America’s efforts to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants extent into Syria, Iraq War III has seamlessly morphed into Greater Middle East Battlefield XIV. That is, Syria has become at least the 14th country in the Islamic world that U.S. forces have invaded or occupied or bombed, and in which American soldiers have killed or been killed. And that’s just since 1980.

Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria. Whew.

Bacevich’s count excludes the bombing and occupation of still other predominantly Muslim countries by key U.S. allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, carried out with crucial American support. It excludes coups against democratically elected governments, torture, and imprisonment of people with no charges. It also, of course, excludes all the other bombing and invading and occupying that the U.S. has carried out during this time period in other parts of the world, including in Central America and the Caribbean, as well as various proxy wars in Africa.

How Many Muslim Countries Has the U.S. Bombed Or Occupied Since 1980?
Irrelevant crap, from a terrorist apologist.

Ha ha ha ha, yes, of course. Bwa ha ha ha ha ....
Farting Dumb, keep up with the topic. We are talking about Muslims killing even more people during their so called holy month.

You can't handle it, your topic.

Bullshit from a "the intercept" a conspiracy site for morons like you about US wars isn't the topic, idiot.

How is it that these devout Muslims kill exponentially more during their holy month of Ramadung? Answer that one, Achmed.

I will answer, roudy-----it is PIETY ---LOVE FOR ALLAH
Irrelevant crap, from a terrorist apologist.

Ha ha ha ha, yes, of course. Bwa ha ha ha ha ....
Farting Dumb, keep up with the topic. We are talking about Muslims killing even more people during their so called holy month.

You can't handle it, your topic.

Bullshit from a "the intercept" a conspiracy site for morons like you about US wars isn't the topic, idiot.

How is it that these devout Muslims kill exponentially more during their holy month of Ramadung? Answer that one, Achmed.

I will answer, roudy-----it is PIETY ---LOVE FOR ALLAH
You have hereby hit the nail on its head.
why is this in current events?

Should be in the middle east section.
Because the uptick of Muslims bombing innocent people is a current event, and the location of the bombings is not limited to the Middle East, dumbass.
I don't mind if we impose a ban on islam in Western countries: They can still live here as long as they stop practicing.

assimilation should be no great hardship, if they have good intentions towards their new country.

I totally agree with you, Islam is incompatible with freedom and democracy. In the past, part of the naturalization process for immigrants applying for citizenship was to renounce communism and that you were ever member of a communist party. We can do a hybrid of that with regards to Islam.
I'm not saying we should. I was just saying it wouldn't bother me. If it really is a threat then our Governments should treat it like one. If it isn't then they shouldn't be saying it is. Either way, I'm not fussed. Islam has never affected me personally.
Islam is a threat however Western govt.'s, the US included, cannot respond accordingly, because they are controlled by delusional leftist hacks.
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.
maybe they think other Muslim sects are infidels?
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.

not really----mecca has been attacked before. In fact your hero BINNY----had well laid plans to attack Mecca. Way back in the distant past of Islamic history------mecca has been attack and even the black turd was once hijacked. He who owns the turd ----OWNS ISLAM
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.

not really----mecca has been attacked before. In fact your hero BINNY----had well laid plans to attack Mecca. Way back in the distant past of Islamic history------mecca has been attack and even the black turd was once hijacked. He who owns the turd ----OWNS ISLAM
wow, it's like Chronicles of Riddick
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.
The 72 year old Virginians are for those who die in the way of Jihad. The Shia's are apostates according to the Sunnis, and Mecca and Medina are being controled by sinners and infidels, therefore in their mind they are fighting for the return of true Caliphate, and will be rewarded the 72 year old Virginians.
The attack on Mecca is unprecedented. Do they think Allah will give them 72 virgins for blowing up Mecca?

What about blowing up other Muslim Shia's?

I thought 72 virgins was only for killing Christians.

there were far fewer SHIAS in mecca this year----most shias are Iranians and Iran would not let them go----leads me to believe that the action in Mecca WAS SHIA----because those who did it knew they would get MOSTLY SUNNIS and very few, if any, Shiites

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