Muslims say; religious freedom for me, but not for thee.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Muslims say; religious freedom for me, but not for thee.

The Golden Rule and other reciprocity sayings indicate that what we grant ourselves or some others should also be granted to everyone. This would include the right to critique religions and governments.

Islam and it’s Muslim adherents are quite vocal in denigrating other religions and political system, yet say that others who denigrate Islam and Sharia should be penalized in various ways, --- even unto death.

Where I come from, reciprocity is fair play and all players in a game play by the same rules. Islam and Muslims wants to win the God wars by having different restrictive rules for their interlocutors.

Should we respect and tolerate a religion that denies us the rights and play by the same rules that they enjoy?

If yes, please tell me why we should respect such a religion.


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Muslims say; religious freedom for me, but not for thee.

The Golden Rule and other reciprocity sayings indicate that what we grant ourselves or some others should also be granted to everyone. This would include the right to critique religions and governments.

Islam and it’s Muslim adherents are quite vocal in denigrating other religions and political system, yet say that others who denigrate Islam and Sharia should be penalized in various ways, --- even unto death.

Where I come from, reciprocity is fair play and all players in a game play by the same rules. Islam ND Muslims wants to win the God wars by having different restrictive rules for their interlocutors.

Should we respect and tolerate a religion that denies us the rights and play by the same rules that they enjoy?

If yes, please tell me why we should respect such a religion.



Good post.
The pussies among us, and coincidentally our Takers will say; "yeah but this is America! We're suppose to suck everyone's ass and let everyone shit in our what we do, it says so in our Constitution."
Muslims say; religious freedom for me, but not for thee.

The Golden Rule and other reciprocity sayings indicate that what we grant ourselves or some others should also be granted to everyone. This would include the right to critique religions and governments.

Islam and it’s Muslim adherents are quite vocal in denigrating other religions and political system, yet say that others who denigrate Islam and Sharia should be penalized in various ways, --- even unto death.

Where I come from, reciprocity is fair play and all players in a game play by the same rules. Islam ND Muslims wants to win the God wars by having different restrictive rules for their interlocutors.

Should we respect and tolerate a religion that denies us the rights and play by the same rules that they enjoy?

If yes, please tell me why we should respect such a religion.



Good post.
The pussies among us, and coincidentally our Takers will say; "yeah but this is America! We're suppose to suck everyone's ass and let everyone shit in our what we do, it says so in our Constitution."


Some fight back.

Islam is a world-domination ideology/plan masquerading as a religion.

The key is that no Muslim recognizes the blessed Wall of Separation between Church (Mosque) and State. The Church and the State are inseparable in Islamic polemics...and if you are in Arabia and say are likely to get your head chopped off... because Islam is not just a is a very harsh political doctrine as well.

England was in the same shape about 4 centuries ago....and some New Englanders (forerunners to today's intolerant Pinheads) brought the barbarity over to America...and so Puritans in Massachusetts, who came for religious liberty, were hanging Quaker women in Boston Commons for being Quakers instead of Puritans. (Google Mary Dyer)

Thomas Jefferson was mainly responsible for putting a stop to that nonsense.

Muslims should not be allowed in this country until they produce their own Thomas Jefferson, instead of those bat-shit crazy Ayatollahs, Mullahs, Muftis etc. who will cut your head off for thinking different than they do, and will use the power of the State to do so.

In other words, lets suspend Arabian and Persian immigration for about 3 or 4 centuries---until they catch up with civilization...and quit being Barbarians...if that ever happens.

Mac, they have to follow the law here, whether they agree in principle with separation of church and state.

You have no religious ground to ban Muslims, all, period.

Shoot, we let the Alt Right stay here, and many of them want to overthrow the government. :)
Mac, they have to follow the law here, whether they agree in principle with separation of church and state.

You have no religious ground to ban Muslims, all, period.

Shoot, we let the Alt Right stay here, and many of them want to overthrow the government. :)

And, why in the Hell would we let a whole culture into this country which is essentially stuck in the 9th century; and which does not believe in some of the basic tenants...established Western Values...which has made this country the greatest in history? And instead believe in a type of Barbarity which has left them in this backward state...who will not change; who will not proven by the failed experiment in Europe.

What do you think you mean by "We" let Right-wingers stay?

"You" apparently don't let anything happen. With almost 150,000 posts, on just this board..."You" obviously do nothing but sit in your mother's basement in front of a computer you mother or the Taxpayers bought for you.

Right-Wingers can "stay" because they were born here. That's a different category than some barbarians sweltering in the Yemeni or Iranian desert who think they would like to come over and get on the Federal Government Plantation and vote Democratic while they dream of the 72 virgins they get to bed when they blow themselves up, and take up some American Infidels with them when they do.

I never can figure out what is predominant in Your Loon Culture---Marxism, Dumbassery or Hypocrisy.

Between the three---there is a full definition of today's Democratic Party.

No one is letting a "whole culture" move here.

Please stop the hysterics.
No one is letting a "whole culture" move here.

Please stop the hysterics.

This is true, but if you look at many of the European countries who are moving to the political right in self defence, you will see how few it takes to disrupt a community.
No one is letting a "whole culture" move here.

Please stop the hysterics.

How many do you think it takes before the home culture comes under attack and Muslims try to implement Sharia?

It has already happened in Canada and the U.S.

Are you saying that what it depicts does not happen?
They have capital punishment for certain crimes, just like we do in America.

We have used gas chambers, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection.

They still prefer just an old fashion stoning for their executions.

No matter the method used, the convicted criminal is punished and justic is served. ...... :thup: .. :cool:
Are you saying that what it depicts does not happen?
They have capital punishment for certain crimes, just like we do in America.

We have used gas chambers, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection.

They still prefer just an old fashion stoning for their executions.

No matter the method used, the convicted criminal is punished and justic is served. ...... :thup: .. :cool:

Gays and fornicators, criminals to Islam, are not criminals to anyone with decent morals.


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