Muslims Stage Prayer Protest at DFW and......

Just mind boggling this situation exists. What is becoming more apparent with these inbred third Muslims, the females actually do like being oppressed by the faggot Muslim males. After all, that is who is reproducing them. It is a function of DNA.
Lovely.....I've heard this argument history books.
Soggy, previewed that on Amazon. Dude seems to think the "civil war" was about slavery.

But bodecea, I am impressed you read a book. My jew instructors in high school did not make us read that, even though at that time my high school was one of the highest rated in America! I bet you really comprehended the content. Would you be willing to answer some questions with answers in the this site at a time of your choosing? :p
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Soggy, previewed that on Amazon. Dude seems to think the "civil war" was about slavery.

But bodecea, I am impressed you read a book. My jew instructors in high school did not make us read that, even though at that time my high school was one of the highest rated in America! I bet you really comprehended the content. Would you be willing to answer some questions with answers in the this site at a time of your choosing? :p
"My jew instructors".......pretty much says it all, doesn't it? So, you've jumped right from "Soros" code to flat out "Jews"........
Soggy, previewed that on Amazon. Dude seems to think the "civil war" was about slavery.

But bodecea, I am impressed you read a book. My jew instructors in high school did not make us read that, even though at that time my high school was one of the highest rated in America! I bet you really comprehended the content. Would you be willing to answer some questions with answers in the this site at a time of your choosing? :p
You realize I read it in 1971.....but I do remember clearly the part about how he tried to create a new Aryan religion.

Oh, and the Civil War WAS about slavery....with the "Lost Cause" propaganda in full swing afterwards to make the story about "states rights"......Yeah, the right for states to hold slaves.

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