Muslims torture a christian every 3 minutes

it will be a good day when people stop believing in fairy tales

Won't it though.

I just did a re-watch of the Zeitgeist Movie and it is just mind boggling how gullible the "average" human is about "religious" mythology. It is all such a crock of sewage, but it sure does support the powerful and keep the wars running at full bore...
it will be a good day when people stop believing in fairy tales

Just curious, what "fairy tales" are you referring to?

I'm sure you know which ones he's referring to. If not, I'll list a few....

Resurrection from the grave
That God told Muhammad to pen the Koran
That the Koran, Tora, and the Bible are the 'word of God'.....

You know, those fairy tales.
On the resurection from the grave. Even in the bible Jesus was not the only one ressurected. After his death many were raised from the dead and were seen wandering the city for some time.

So why is the resurection of Jesus so special?
Americans on average kill more Muslims every three minutes over the course of the illegal war in Iraq. America is as guilty as the Muslim fundamentalists.

From 2003 to the end of 2006 approxiamtely 655, 000 Iraqis were slaughtered.
Why then does the WHO list the entire conflict as taking ~ 100,000 civilian lives during the entire time from the onset of the war to now?
Is this just more baseless propaganda?
By the numbers you are off by a factor of ~ 10 for the time frame you denote.
Americans on average kill more Muslims every three minutes over the course of the illegal war in Iraq. America is as guilty as the Muslim fundamentalists.

From 2003 to the end of 2006 approxiamtely 655, 000 Iraqis were slaughtered.
Why then does the WHO list the entire conflict as taking ~ 100,000 civilian lives during the entire time from the onset of the war to now?
Is this just more baseless propaganda?
By the numbers you are off by a factor of ~ 10 for the time frame you denote.

Charles, I think you left out the collateral damage of the children, et al who were killed as a result of the illegal sanctions because the Iraqis didn't want us stealing their oil, which we were enabling Kuwait in doing! I think the figure should have included the time from the start of desert storm.

'We Think the Price Is Worth It'
Media uncurious about Iraq policy's effects--there or here

By Rahul Mahajan

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.

--60 Minutes (5/12/96)

When you add all the figures together of all the dead, for the whole conflict, which actually started in 1992, and has yet to terminate (no the Mission is not Accomplished) then it does add up. The poster's mistake was the time frame.
Americans on average kill more Muslims every three minutes over the course of the illegal war in Iraq. America is as guilty as the Muslim fundamentalists.

From 2003 to the end of 2006 approxiamtely 655, 000 Iraqis were slaughtered.
Why then does the WHO list the entire conflict as taking ~ 100,000 civilian lives during the entire time from the onset of the war to now?
Is this just more baseless propaganda?
By the numbers you are off by a factor of ~ 10 for the time frame you denote.

Charles, I think you left out the collateral damage of the children, et al who were killed as a result of the illegal sanctions because the Iraqis

The poster's mistake was the time frame.
Yet the longer time frame has the same effect of reducing deaths per minute.

It also seems like the 'collateral' damage from sanctions is much harder to assess. Do we have a good baseline mortality for the country? How do we need to adjust for Saddam's reign? Are their other unaccounted sources of childhood deaths in that interval? How many of those dead children were Christian minorities who suffered more from their religious status?

Finally what was the goal of the sanctions? I doubt it was to kill Iraqi children. whereas the goal of torturing Christians must be either to extract information, confessions, or conversion or else just to satisfy the cruel lusts of the captors.
Ok all you Christians out there...

Line up.....we will be getting to you shortly
655000 slaughtered by AMERICAN forces and each of the 655000 have family and each of them HATE America and AMRICANS. Oh yeah !

Invading IRAQ was real smart. Congrats to the CONSERVATIVE wackjobs of the USA .
655000 slaughtered by AMERICAN forces and each of the 655000 have family and each of them HATE America and AMRICANS. Oh yeah !

Invading IRAQ was real smart. Congrats to the CONSERVATIVE wackjobs of the USA .
Sounds like you ought to move to Arabia and join the Jihad against the evil west.
it will be a good day when people stop believing in fairy tales

Won't it though.

I just did a re-watch of the Zeitgeist Movie and it is just mind boggling how gullible the "average" human is about "religious" mythology. It is all such a crock of sewage, but it sure does support the powerful and keep the wars running at full bore...

I could say the exact same thing about your religion - LIBERALISM!:eek:
Why then does the WHO list the entire conflict as taking ~ 100,000 civilian lives during the entire time from the onset of the war to now?
Is this just more baseless propaganda?
By the numbers you are off by a factor of ~ 10 for the time frame you denote.

Charles, I think you left out the collateral damage of the children, et al who were killed as a result of the illegal sanctions because the Iraqis

The poster's mistake was the time frame.
Yet the longer time frame has the same effect of reducing deaths per minute.

It also seems like the 'collateral' damage from sanctions is much harder to assess. Do we have a good baseline mortality for the country? How do we need to adjust for Saddam's reign? Are their other unaccounted sources of childhood deaths in that interval? How many of those dead children were Christian minorities who suffered more from their religious status?

Finally what was the goal of the sanctions? I doubt it was to kill Iraqi children. whereas the goal of torturing Christians must be either to extract information, confessions, or conversion or else just to satisfy the cruel lusts of the captors.

Six of one, half a dozen of another, we kill them, they kill us, the goal of sanctions is to make them submit to the tyranny of those not part of their sovereign nation.... and as the Albright bitch said, "who gives a fuck about half a million arab children, they are entirely expendable."

and if the Iraqis were, or arabs were killing one Christian every three minutes that would be roughly 3 million over the last seventeen years, and that did not happen, that be 10% of the total Arab Christian population, of the entire Middle East, and it just has not happened!
Americans on average kill more Muslims every three minutes over the course of the illegal war in Iraq. America is as guilty as the Muslim fundamentalists.

From 2003 to the end of 2006 approxiamtely 655, 000 Iraqis were slaughtered.

Why not declare 63.3 billion? It would be no more accurate.

And how is it that America is killing people when it is muslims walking into crowded markets suicide bombing each other?

Or are muslims incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions?

And with moronic comments like yours, its incredible why muslims feel noone respects them... :eusa_whistle:
Americans on average kill more Muslims every three minutes over the course of the illegal war in Iraq. America is as guilty as the Muslim fundamentalists.

From 2003 to the end of 2006 approxiamtely 655, 000 Iraqis were slaughtered.

Why not declare 63.3 billion? It would be no more accurate.

And how is it that America is killing people when it is muslims walking into crowded markets suicide bombing each other?

Or are muslims incapable of accepting responsibility for their own actions?

And with moronic comments like yours, its incredible why muslims feel noone respects them... :eusa_whistle:

or 63.3 trillion. Only when Muslim nutjobs are condemned by the average Muslim and go after those behind the "suiciders", because those pulling the strings are too smart to blow themselves up.

Remember, we killed right wing Christian Republican Timothy McVeigh. People who do what he did, get killed. That's what the non extremist Muslim has to do. Stop their own.l
As usual, few want to condemn the bad thing that is the opening post, most would much rather blame someone else for something, or just attack religion in general.

And you all wonder why this shit never stops, all of you are examples of why, you either make excuses or you attack and act like bigots against someone else's faith.

For example, if Jews tortured Muslims every second, would it make the OP less true? Nope.

But it is a good way to be politically correct and not blame Islamists for what they do.

And there are no shortage of threads about how christains and Jews are this or that.
Six of one, half a dozen of another, we kill them, they kill us, the goal of sanctions is to make them submit to the tyranny of those not part of their sovereign nation.... and as the Albright bitch said, "who gives a fuck about half a million arab children, they are entirely expendable."

Provide a CREDIBLE source for your quote.

So Carter's sanctions against the USSR to apply pressure on them because of their invasion of Afghanistan was tyrannical. Gotcha.
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