Muslums..bad....Hispanics...bad...negro's bad....but Trump supporters...all american!!

In the South, home of the KKK, of course, where they're still pissed they lost the civil war they started and the ******* got rights like whitey.
Did you know the KKK was started by democrats? That's your heritage, nit the GOPs.
You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here

What do you think Mexico or other countries will do with their US dollars? Souvenirs? And yes I do not have a problem if people here in US send their US$ overseas. I need them to pay me US$ what I sold to them and sometimes they scrambled to get US$. That is the same as spending their money here in US because they bought US goods.[/QUOTE
You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here

What do you think Mexico or other countries will do with their US dollars? Souvenirs? And yes I do not have a problem if people here in US send their US$ overseas. I need them to pay me US$ what I sold to them and sometimes they scrambled to get US$. That is the same as spending their money here in US because they bought US goods.

When a Mexican takes his money home he doesn't buy American products he buys Mexican stuff

First they convert their us$ to local currency........ Then us$ get centralized and funneled to buy American products.

wow.... hysterically funny.... baseless and without rational thought.

typical uneducated bigot who is competing for jobs with people who don't speak english.

maybe an education would make it so you can get a real job.
Does unkotard agree with charwin or did he simply want to derail the conversation?

Notice the only thing unkotard said was "like you", referring to people who don't speak English.

In other word unkotard offered this thread less than nothing.

How could unkotare possibly be a good teacher when he's a retarded dick here? Those poor black kids. (Because all urban kids are black according to him)

You are incapable of producing a single sentence in proper English.
What a ridiculous statement.

he rarely makes anything but ridiculous statements.

even when you agree with him he goes into meltdown.
He must get off on being a dick. Either that or he doesn't know how to communicate. I feel sorry for his students.
He has students? How sad.
This Joke's Not Funny Anymore
Donald Trump's talk of registering Muslims and closing mosques is deeply un-American.

Donald Trump is no longer funny.

For the last several months, the former reality TV star has provided comic relief as the front-runner in the Republican presidential field – especially if, like me, you have remained in the camp that believes that Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee, let alone president of the United States. Granted, his antics have been juvenile, offensive and reflected an unappealing seam in the national character, but his focus on dumb insults and general oafishness kept Trump's pronouncements for the most part in the realm of clumsy diversion. As The New Yorker's John Cassidy wrote yesterday, "Since so much of what Trump says is hot air, it's tempting to dismiss all of it as mere rabble-rousing or showboating."

[SEE: Editorial Cartoons on Donald Trump]

But things have changed.

This Joke's Not Funny Anymore

If there's one person I'm not going to listen to is a highschool [sic] teacher with a phylosophy [sic] degree.

You and Jillian could take a remedial English class together and see who flunks out first.
In the South, home of the KKK, of course, where they're still pissed they lost the civil war they started and the ******* got rights like whitey.
Did you know the KKK was started by democrats? That's your heritage, nit the GOPs.
Former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866.

If there's one person I'm not going to listen to is a highschool [sic] teacher with a phylosophy [sic] degree.

You and Jillian could take a remedial English class together and see who flunks out first.
I have a master's degree in English, with honors, and I was a teaching fellow, in English, during my graduate years. I wouldn't fail any English class, anywhere, at any time. I know that Jillian is very well educated and very intelligent. If she chooses certain stylistic elements in her writing, she does so consciously. You are apparently not sophisticated enough in the use of English to appreciate that.
This Joke's Not Funny Anymore
Donald Trump's talk of registering Muslims and closing mosques is deeply un-American.

Donald Trump is no longer funny.

For the last several months, the former reality TV star has provided comic relief as the front-runner in the Republican presidential field – especially if, like me, you have remained in the camp that believes that Trump is not going to be the GOP nominee, let alone president of the United States. Granted, his antics have been juvenile, offensive and reflected an unappealing seam in the national character, but his focus on dumb insults and general oafishness kept Trump's pronouncements for the most part in the realm of clumsy diversion. As The New Yorker's John Cassidy wrote yesterday, "Since so much of what Trump says is hot air, it's tempting to dismiss all of it as mere rabble-rousing or showboating."

[SEE: Editorial Cartoons on Donald Trump]

But things have changed.

This Joke's Not Funny Anymore

Trump must know that his proposals don't make sense, but he's pushing on regardless. He has moved from rabble-rousing to demagoguery, or something even uglier. And this time, sadly, we have no option but to take him seriously.

I am deeply uncomfortable with comparisons to the Nazis. They are thrown around too lightly and inherently cheapen the sheer scope of the evil acts committed by Hitler and his henchmen. But that doesn't give lesser nods to fascism a pass until they rise to Holocaust levels; and this talk of religious registration and identification flirts with fascism in a way that should be deeply upsetting to Americans of all political stripes.

[SEE: Editorial Cartoons on the 2016 Presidential Elections]

Trump should explain himself – let him hoist himself on his own petard. And every other candidate in the race should be put on the record as to whether they're with the GOP's unhinged front-runner or with basic American values of liberty and justice for all.
Muslums..bad....Hispanics...bad...negro's bad....but Trump supporters...all american!!


No, Muslims.


No, negroes.

That said, people form their assessments by reported behavior. The state of the ME does not advantage the Muslims in an objective perception of Muslims. Neither do high crime rates in the United States among Latinos and blacks advantage them.

Sorry, but that's reality, Fred.

On the other hand, groups clearing their rallies of disruptive attendees is no crime, and an old fart decking one who flipped him the finger is hardly indicative of a crime wave or widespread politically-incorrect discrimination.

As an aside, my rather vast music collection is probably at least half the work of "Negroes", none of whom committed any serious crimes to my knowledge.

But dey sho' gots da rhythm, yassuh!


Judging Muslims by what is happening in the ME or minorities by crime rates is in no way being objective. By definition it's just the opposite, judging with bias.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.
If unions don't lobby for workers no one else does
Muslums..bad....Hispanics...bad...negro's bad....but Trump supporters...all american!!


No, Muslims.


No, negroes.

That said, people form their assessments by reported behavior. The state of the ME does not advantage the Muslims in an objective perception of Muslims. Neither do high crime rates in the United States among Latinos and blacks advantage them.

Sorry, but that's reality, Fred.

On the other hand, groups clearing their rallies of disruptive attendees is no crime, and an old fart decking one who flipped him the finger is hardly indicative of a crime wave or widespread politically-incorrect discrimination.

As an aside, my rather vast music collection is probably at least half the work of "Negroes", none of whom committed any serious crimes to my knowledge.

But dey sho' gots da rhythm, yassuh!


Judging Muslims by what is happening in the ME or minorities by crime rates is in no way being objective. By definition it's just the opposite, judging with bias.

Then call me biased. I judge by behavior, not polls.
I've done neither, but you are doing that to yourself -- making an issue where there is none.

The fact that you have to try too hard should tell you something.
I'm not trying too hard.

You are, and you're still failing anyway.
Hmmm....interesting. You didn't have the balls to post the complete statement I made. Looks like you are the one trying too hard to make a ridiculous accusation stick. You're laughable.
That's what he does. Don't expect him to answer any questions you ask either.

He only knows how to do what he does. What you get is all you'll get from the guy

You're going to get dehydrated from all this crying.
In your transparent attempt at playing the apologist for an idiot, you have contradicted and demeaned yourself.

I've done neither, but you are doing that to yourself -- making an issue where there is none.

The fact that you have to try too hard should tell you something.
I'm not trying too hard.

You are, and you're still failing anyway.
Hmmm....interesting. You didn't have the balls to post the complete statement I made. Looks like you are the one trying too hard to make a ridiculous accusation stick. You're laughable.

You still can't find one post from her, can you?
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.
If unions don't lobby for workers no one else does



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