Must See: New Video Captures Barbarity Of Corey Lowandowski's Brutal Assault On Michelle Fields

The web. Where do you get yours ftom?

You just told me there was no rightwing media. The web is part of the media. Radio is media. Television is media. duh
The web is rightwing?
YOU BETCHA IT IS................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way around it!
I think it's cuz you're so far left everything appears right.

this is just the TOP 100
The 100 Most Popular Conservative Websites Of 2015 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

1) Fox News: 212
2) Wall Street Journal: 294
3) Independent Journal Review 341
4) The Drudge Report: 635
5) Western Journalism: 819
6) New York Post: 870
7) The Blaze: 1045
8) Breitbart: 1,533
9) WorldNetDaily: 2,500
10) Conservative Tribune: 2,555
11) Newsmax: 2,622
12) Young Conservatives: 2972
13) Infowars: 3,133
14) Top Right News: 3,203
15) The Washington Times: 3,241
16) The Daily Caller: 3,328
17) National Review: 4,379
18) Rare: 5,159
19) Real Clear Politics: 5,617
20) PJ Media/Instapundit: 5,799
21) TownHall: 6,643
22) Investor’s Business Daily: 6,930
23) Hot Air: 7,136
24) The Washington Examiner: 7,372
25) Reason: 7,882
26) The Washington Free Beacon: 8,176
27) Qpolitical: 8,564
28) Twitchy: 8,783
29) The Weekly Standard: 9,124
30) Cybercast News Service: 9,154
31) Free Republic: 10,125
32) Right Wing News: 10,545
33) Chicks On The Right: 11,575
34) Newsbusters: 12,674
35) Mad World News: 13,110
36) The American Thinker: 13,279
37) The Gateway Pundit: 14,301
38) The Tea Party News Network: 14,928
39) Glenn Beck: 15,422
40) Freedom Outpost: 15,869
41) The Heritage Foundation: 15,991
42) Lifesitenews: 16,045
43) Buzzpo: 17,949
44) The Federalist: 17,512
45) The Federalist Papers: 17,759
46) Shoebat: 17,976
47) Power Line: 18,615
48) The Rush Limbaugh Show: 19,421
49) Lew Rockwell: 20,179
50) Watts Up With That? 21,357
51) Bizpac Review: 21,506
52) Redstate: 22,625
53) Life News: 22,747
54) Clash Daily: 23,254
55) Truth Revolt: 23,564
56) Lucianne: 23,856
57) Ace of Spades HQ/My Pet Jawa/Rhymes With Right: 24,253
58) Viral Buzz: 24,918
59) The Right Scoop: 27,873
60) Pamela Geller: 28,467
61) Front Page Magazine: 30,367
62) Universal Free Press: 31,314
63) Tell Me Now: 31,221
64) Weasel Zippers: 32,545
65) Louder With Crowder: 30,631
66) Jihad Watch: 33,200
67) Mr. Conservative 33,894
68) American Conservative: 33,952
69) RedFlagNews: 35,048
70) The Ludwig von Mises Institute: 35,700
71) Freedom Outpost: 36,794
72) The Cato Journal: 37,900
73) Taki’s Magazine: 40,558
74) Joe For America: 44,530
75) Legal Insurrection: 45,079
76) Steyn Online: 46,174
77) The American Spectator: 49,116
78) American Enterprise Institute: 49,548
79) Personal Liberty Digest: 49,747
80) Allen West: 49,872
81) Commentary: 49,515
82) Bad Blue: 49,522
83) Three Percenter Nation: 50,012
84) The New American: 54,502
85) Judicial Watch: 59,172
86) Washington Weekly News:
87) Althouse:
88) Daily Paul:
89) Bill O’Reilly:
91) Canada Free Press:
92) Human Events Online:
93) Jewish World Review:
95) Ricochet:
96) Day by Day:
97) Numbers USA:
98) Vox Day:
99) X Tribune:
100) City Journal:
Drudge has everything on it, not just conservative stories. It's nothing like Think Progress or Media Matters.

Almost all of those you listed I don't visit. I look at Newsbusters periodically. Wouldn't mind looking at some if those others in the future.
Last edited:
good grief, get that title

and the little girly so called reporter needs to Get into another job. she's way too sensitive and not cut out for Politics. she isn't even a full Fledge reporter she works for the : The DailyBeast. aren't they a blog? when did they become so important? . she's so freaking WHINY.
good grief, get that title

and the little girly so called reporter needs to Get into another job. she's way too sensitive and not cut out for Politics. she isn't even a full Fledge reporter she works for the : The DailyBeast. aren't they a blog? when did they become so important? . she's so freaking WHINY.
You aren't supposed to touch women who break through security.
I am traumatized after seeing that display of inhumanity....
I don't know which is worse...
That or going out into the world and seeing TRUMP 2016 written in chalk on the sidewalk.
I may need to get some counseling after seeing chalk on the sidewalk.
Chalk....chalk....where did someone ever get the idea to use that?
You just told me there was no rightwing media. The web is part of the media. Radio is media. Television is media. duh
The web is rightwing?
YOU BETCHA IT IS................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way around it!
I think it's cuz you're so far left everything appears right.

this is just the TOP 100
The 100 Most Popular Conservative Websites Of 2015 | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

1) Fox News: 212
2) Wall Street Journal: 294
3) Independent Journal Review 341
4) The Drudge Report: 635
5) Western Journalism: 819
6) New York Post: 870
7) The Blaze: 1045
8) Breitbart: 1,533
9) WorldNetDaily: 2,500
10) Conservative Tribune: 2,555
11) Newsmax: 2,622
12) Young Conservatives: 2972
13) Infowars: 3,133
14) Top Right News: 3,203
15) The Washington Times: 3,241
16) The Daily Caller: 3,328
17) National Review: 4,379
18) Rare: 5,159
19) Real Clear Politics: 5,617
20) PJ Media/Instapundit: 5,799
21) TownHall: 6,643
22) Investor’s Business Daily: 6,930
23) Hot Air: 7,136
24) The Washington Examiner: 7,372
25) Reason: 7,882
26) The Washington Free Beacon: 8,176
27) Qpolitical: 8,564
28) Twitchy: 8,783
29) The Weekly Standard: 9,124
30) Cybercast News Service: 9,154
31) Free Republic: 10,125
32) Right Wing News: 10,545
33) Chicks On The Right: 11,575
34) Newsbusters: 12,674
35) Mad World News: 13,110
36) The American Thinker: 13,279
37) The Gateway Pundit: 14,301
38) The Tea Party News Network: 14,928
39) Glenn Beck: 15,422
40) Freedom Outpost: 15,869
41) The Heritage Foundation: 15,991
42) Lifesitenews: 16,045
43) Buzzpo: 17,949
44) The Federalist: 17,512
45) The Federalist Papers: 17,759
46) Shoebat: 17,976
47) Power Line: 18,615
48) The Rush Limbaugh Show: 19,421
49) Lew Rockwell: 20,179
50) Watts Up With That? 21,357
51) Bizpac Review: 21,506
52) Redstate: 22,625
53) Life News: 22,747
54) Clash Daily: 23,254
55) Truth Revolt: 23,564
56) Lucianne: 23,856
57) Ace of Spades HQ/My Pet Jawa/Rhymes With Right: 24,253
58) Viral Buzz: 24,918
59) The Right Scoop: 27,873
60) Pamela Geller: 28,467
61) Front Page Magazine: 30,367
62) Universal Free Press: 31,314
63) Tell Me Now: 31,221
64) Weasel Zippers: 32,545
65) Louder With Crowder: 30,631
66) Jihad Watch: 33,200
67) Mr. Conservative 33,894
68) American Conservative: 33,952
69) RedFlagNews: 35,048
70) The Ludwig von Mises Institute: 35,700
71) Freedom Outpost: 36,794
72) The Cato Journal: 37,900
73) Taki’s Magazine: 40,558
74) Joe For America: 44,530
75) Legal Insurrection: 45,079
76) Steyn Online: 46,174
77) The American Spectator: 49,116
78) American Enterprise Institute: 49,548
79) Personal Liberty Digest: 49,747
80) Allen West: 49,872
81) Commentary: 49,515
82) Bad Blue: 49,522
83) Three Percenter Nation: 50,012
84) The New American: 54,502
85) Judicial Watch: 59,172
86) Washington Weekly News:
87) Althouse:
88) Daily Paul:
89) Bill O’Reilly:
91) Canada Free Press:
92) Human Events Online:
93) Jewish World Review:
95) Ricochet:
96) Day by Day:
97) Numbers USA:
98) Vox Day:
99) X Tribune:
100) City Journal:
Drudge has everything on it, not just conservative stories. It's nothing like Think Progress or Media Matters.

Almost all of those you listed I don't visit. I look at Newsbusters periodically. Wouldn't mind looking at some if those others in the future.

I was cruising through youtube and came across this and many more from the Democrat/liberals.

wow, things we never see. get this BS

We haven't got to this point YET
What on earth happened to Ben Shapiro? I remember listening to him, and he appeared sane.

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