Must See Video: Black Man Attacks Flaunting Wimpy Homosexuals In Restaurant

I'm not arguing the law with you "the fag" as ignorantly stated will be charged with nothing..
and the "Negro" another ignorant statement will be punished according to ny law.
what humors me is your complete denial of any racist or homophobic intent in what you've posted.

" So the little faggot let his mouth write a check his ass couldn't cash?" STtAB.
everything you've posted after that is the worst kind of rationalizing...

what exactly is it you think im rationalizing stupid?
too obvious to require an answer
but I will say your quip In the Friday flame FEST thread proves everything I've said to be correct.

oh that's right you thik me using the term fag means I'm scared of gays right? LOL The guy called himself a mouthy broad, I think he might agree, he's a fag.
only because you are. your extremely intolerant attitude just screams it.
you're still rationalizing.
he can call himself whatever he wishes, you however cannot.

Bullshit, I can call whomever I want whatever I want, I don't need your permission

never said you need my permission you definitely need his.
The thugs were clearly the bad guys in this case. And just for the record, they would still be wrong if they were white.

?? :disbelief:

Does SJ know you're using his account -- whoever you are?
It's not inconsistent with anything I've ever said before. I don't condone anyone beating up someone and kicking them in the face if they are not a threat. Do you?
The asshole who wrote the OP does. It's why I go out of my way to make sure everyone knows he's not a conservative. He ain't one of us.
Oh no. He's a con. Yer stuck with him.

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No, I'm not.

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