Zone1 Must Stop Looking for Racism Under Every Rock...


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021

Black Player Covered In Cotton By White Teammates At Little League World Series​

Summary, kids on a little league team were filmed taking stuffing out of a stuffed animal and putting on a black boys head.

However, race baiters immediately called it a racism. Even the damn article is wrong and stokes the racist flames in the title by calling the stuffing "Cotton".

If you're the type who hunts the interwebs, social media, news coverage, looking for anyway to call out racism, even when there is no intent, please stop. You're not doing this country or the world any favors.

Black Player Covered In Cotton By White Teammates At Little League World Series​

Summary, kids on a little league team were filmed taking stuffing out of a stuffed animal and putting on a black boys head.

However, race baiters immediately called it a racism. Even the damn article is wrong and stokes the racist flames in the title by calling the stuffing "Cotton".

If you're the type who hunts the interwebs, social media, news coverage, looking for anyway to call out racism, even when there is no intent, please stop. You're not doing this country or the world any favors.
Wait til IM2 sees this, he will use it to prove 'Systemic Racism' is everywhere. :abgg2q.jpg:
It's beyond that now.
Racism in America is an 'offspring' of fascism, which first has to be stopped.

The cause of reducing or eliminating some amount of racism is for the future.
It's beyond that now.
Racism in America is an 'offspring' of fascism, which first has to be stopped.

The cause of reducing or eliminating some amount of racism is for the future.
...says the LWNJ moonbat who constantly supports the Democratic party of racism, slavery, Jim Crow and fascism.

And before you ask, no, communism is not the opposite of fascism, LWNJ morons

Black Player Covered In Cotton By White Teammates At Little League World Series​

Summary, kids on a little league team were filmed taking stuffing out of a stuffed animal and putting on a black boys head.

However, race baiters immediately called it a racism. Even the damn article is wrong and stokes the racist flames in the title by calling the stuffing "Cotton".

If you're the type who hunts the interwebs, social media, news coverage, looking for anyway to call out racism, even when there is no intent, please stop. You're not doing this country or the world any favors.
What is your explanation for why they did this? And what explanation did any of the kids give?

Black Player Covered In Cotton By White Teammates At Little League World Series​

Summary, kids on a little league team were filmed taking stuffing out of a stuffed animal and putting on a black boys head.

However, race baiters immediately called it a racism. Even the damn article is wrong and stokes the racist flames in the title by calling the stuffing "Cotton".

If you're the type who hunts the interwebs, social media, news coverage, looking for anyway to call out racism, even when there is no intent, please stop. You're not doing this country or the world any favors.
And for the record, we don't have to go "looking" for racism, it's just a part of life for Black Americans.

But if you're not Black then you would never have experienced what we do so your ignorance is understandable, however now you know, right?
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What is your explanation for why they did this? And what explanation did any of the kids give?
I can't begin to answer that and neither can you. You'll have to ask one of the kids and maybe even the young black athlete who seemed to not care at the fun they were having. If you want to say racism, then you're clearly speculating. The point is why do we automatically assume something is racist with no attempt to understand context? It's rampant in our leftist media and race baiters.

Must Stop Looking for Racism Under Every Rock...​

It's usually in plain view after all. One has only to go on safari through this message bored to see it roaming the savannah.
And for the record, we don't have to go "looking" for racism, it's just a part of life for Black Americans.

But if you're not Black then you would never have experienced what we do so your ignorance is understandable, however now you know, right?
I get it. Racism is real. There are racist assholes everywhere and of every ethnicity. But when the media and twitter-race-baiting-trolls see something clearly not racists and try to project racism, it's the societal narrative they are trying to control. The LLWS had to interject and comment because people can't stop looking for anything they can find and call out as racist. Politicians and the media are out of control.

I'll give another example (and I'm sorry I don't have a link to the article and will try and find it).
The article in question basically stated that inner city neighborhoods, which are predominantly black, don't have access to air conditioning, and this is due to systemic racism of some type. The article pointed out that these urban areas have lots of brick, mortar, concrete, and asphalt and thus retain more heat that suburban areas. That part is true as urban areas can trap heat. What is bothersome about the article is how it tries to control the narrative that the lack of AC (Because the buildings are older and don't have central air) and the inhabitants are poorer and can't afford window units, is about systemic racism.

What the article doesn't mention is that prior to the African Americans moving into those areas, those neighborhoods were built by and lived in with white people. White people lived in those same buildings during a time when window AC units weren't even a reality, and they put up with the heat. Now all of a sudden older urban neighborhoods with a lack of AC are due to systemic racism?? That's my point. If a black person suffers in anyway, someone will say it's due to systemic racism and it is never the fault of the individual, community or culture.
Now all of a sudden older urban neighborhoods with a lack of AC are due to systemic racism??
Blacks were prevented from moving to the newer housing in the suburbs by various devices. Deprived of government guaranteed mortgages for veterans for one. I can't be bothered to again look up the other stratagems used to enable segregation.

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What is your explanation for why they did this? And what explanation did any of the kids give?
The more important question is "what is the relationship between the kids doing it and the kid receiving it?"

You look for racism in everything you do, so see racism. The kids look like they are all friends, so don't.

Herein lies the problem with people like you who beat the racism drum as obsessively as you do, as your agenda involves REINFORCING racism, not eliminating it.
And for the record, we don't have to go "looking" for racism, it's just a part of life for Black Americans.

But if you're not Black then you would never have experienced what we do so your ignorance is understandable, however now you know, right?
A lot of what you experience is your obvious hatred of white people being reflected back on you.
Blacks were prevented from moving to the newer housing in the suburbs by various devices. Deprived of government guaranteed mortgages for veterans for one. I can't be bothered to again look up the other stratagems used to enable segregation.

Don't disagree. U.S. history is full or racial atrocities. But it is "History". There is debate as to what caused whites to move from industrial cities into the suburbs. Some of those reasons can very well be pointed at racists moving due to the influx of African Americans moving into the inner cities. And we understand that historical red-lining, mortgage discrimination, racist housing covenants were all to real.
Those practices are GONE! How does the black community move forward?
Pointing fingers into the past does nothing to fix the future. However, creating racism where it doesn't exist, like the boys in the LLWS, does nothing to advance the fight against racism.
And for the record, we don't have to go "looking" for racism, it's just a part of life for Black Americans.

But if you're not Black then you would never have experienced what we do so your ignorance is understandable, however now you know, right?
Was the player offended?
I get it. Racism is real. There are racist assholes everywhere and of every ethnicity. But when the media and twitter-race-baiting-trolls see something clearly not racists and try to project racism, it's the societal narrative they are trying to control. The LLWS had to interject and comment because people can't stop looking for anything they can find and call out as racist. Politicians and the media are out of control.

I'll give another example (and I'm sorry I don't have a link to the article and will try and find it).
The article in question basically stated that inner city neighborhoods, which are predominantly black, don't have access to air conditioning, and this is due to systemic racism of some type. The article pointed out that these urban areas have lots of brick, mortar, concrete, and asphalt and thus retain more heat that suburban areas. That part is true as urban areas can trap heat. What is bothersome about the article is how it tries to control the narrative that the lack of AC (Because the buildings are older and don't have central air) and the inhabitants are poorer and can't afford window units, is about systemic racism.

What the article doesn't mention is that prior to the African Americans moving into those areas, those neighborhoods were built by and lived in with white people. White people lived in those same buildings during a time when window AC units weren't even a reality, and they put up with the heat. Now all of a sudden older urban neighborhoods with a lack of AC are due to systemic racism?? That's my point. If a black person suffers in anyway, someone will say it's due to systemic racism and it is never the fault of the individual, community or culture.
Agree. There was some liberal on the TV right now, complaining that forgiving “only” $10,000 of the debt students agreed to pay back is racist, and in order to be fair to blacks, “we” have to forgive even more.
Here is another article about HBO's business decisions which unfortunately appears to be impacting some people of color.

One former employee says as many as 13 people of color previously in charge of developing shows like The Gordita Chronicles and the Spanish-language docuseries Menudo: Forever Young have been let go, likely influencing the types of shows and movies that are greenlit moving forward. Among those laid off are Jen Kim, an Asian woman who served as the senior vice president of the international team, and Kaela Barnes, a Black woman who worked under Kim.

“I don’t think anyone knows just how white the staff is,” one former executive told The Daily Beast.

Again, an article creating a racial issue where one really isn't meant to be. Do people think the executives are making business decision based on race of those they employ?

Let's ask the question. Whites are 75% and Blacks are 14% and all other make up the rest of the racial diversity in the US. So what is fair for the racial diversity of an employer, pro sports league, or for that fact any thing that includes "people" to be involved?

Black Player Covered In Cotton By White Teammates At Little League World Series​

Summary, kids on a little league team were filmed taking stuffing out of a stuffed animal and putting on a black boys head.

However, race baiters immediately called it a racism. Even the damn article is wrong and stokes the racist flames in the title by calling the stuffing "Cotton".

If you're the type who hunts the interwebs, social media, news coverage, looking for anyway to call out racism, even when there is no intent, please stop. You're not doing this country or the world any favors.

Best way of stopping people seeing racism everywhere, is to stop racism.

Unfortunately in the US people seem to think it's "indoctrination" to teach tolerance in schools. Can you image, TOLERANCE is considered a bad thing?
Best way of stopping people seeing racism everywhere, is to stop racism.

Unfortunately in the US people seem to think it's "indoctrination" to teach tolerance in schools. Can you image, TOLERANCE is considered a bad thing?
What schools are teaching tolerance?

Targeting white people as the source of all malfeasance in the world does anything BUT teach tolerance.
Agree. There was some liberal on the TV right now, complaining that forgiving “only” $10,000 of the debt students agreed to pay back is racist, and in order to be fair to blacks, “we” have to forgive even more.
On PBS news, a black woman who heads a black whine organization was interviewed. She said black women have it tougher than all other students, so they should receive much higher amounts of government handouts to pay for their student loans. She said this with a straight face. Not a trace of embarrassment about demanding more FREE money from her working neighbors. It's disgusting.

There are a lot of people - some on this board - who seem to spend all their time searching fo something to be offended by - something that can be twisted into a racist issue. They'll never change. Because doing something productive would require effort and intelligence.

But in the end, the people who insist on beating everyone over the head with their endless accusations of racism are accomplishing something they seem totally unaware of: they're changing minds - in the wrong direction.

A lot of people are sick and tired of all the whining about racism. The word, "racist" has lost all it's power through gross overuse. And, imo, all the whining is now turning people off. It's old and tired and boring. And the end result will be that blacks are disliked more, not less.
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I get it. Racism is real. There are racist assholes everywhere and of every ethnicity. But when the media and twitter-race-baiting-trolls see something clearly not racists and try to project racism, it's the societal narrative they are trying to control. The LLWS had to interject and comment because people can't stop looking for anything they can find and call out as racist. Politicians and the media are out of control.

I'll give another example (and I'm sorry I don't have a link to the article and will try and find it).
The article in question basically stated that inner city neighborhoods, which are predominantly black, don't have access to air conditioning, and this is due to systemic racism of some type. The article pointed out that these urban areas have lots of brick, mortar, concrete, and asphalt and thus retain more heat that suburban areas. That part is true as urban areas can trap heat. What is bothersome about the article is how it tries to control the narrative that the lack of AC (Because the buildings are older and don't have central air) and the inhabitants are poorer and can't afford window units, is about systemic racism.

What the article doesn't mention is that prior to the African Americans moving into those areas, those neighborhoods were built by and lived in with white people. White people lived in those same buildings during a time when window AC units weren't even a reality, and they put up with the heat. Now all of a sudden older urban neighborhoods with a lack of AC are due to systemic racism?? That's my point. If a black person suffers in anyway, someone will say it's due to systemic racism and it is never the fault of the individual, community or culture.
You have a limited knowledge of American history.

And this threads OP is a poor example for why blacks call things racist. The fact you created this thread making that assertion is an example of how we don't have to look for racism, it just shows up.

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