My 13 yr old got her 2nd COVID Vax shot today


Hoping she feels better soon


She is super sick and tired. Ugh. She was perfectly fine and didn’t need it as she had COVID19 the same time I did. So annoying. Tylenol did help.

Just venting sorry
I did Aleve and chicken noodle soup. Was over it in a few hours. She'll be fine. Let us know for sure tomorrow, dude. Sorry she's feelin' bad right now.
I did Aleve and chicken noodle soup. Was over it in a few hours. She'll be fine. Let us know for sure tomorrow, dude. Sorry she's feelin' bad right now.
Thank you. She is tall but very thin. I am very worried. Ugh.
Thank you. She is tall but very thin. I am very worried. Ugh.
Understand, but you guys have seen her with fever before. Watch the tylenol. Can be hard on the stomach. That is why we switched over to Aleve.
Just curious. You said she didn't need it. Is it being mandated by her school, or something?

Hope she gets well soon.
Just curious. You said she didn't need it. Is it being mandated by her school, or something?

Hope she gets well soon.
Not “mandated” but highly encouraged and it’s required if she wants to go to Celtics and or Bruins games and she likes going.
She is super sick and tired. Ugh. She was perfectly fine and didn’t need it as she had COVID19 the same time I did. So annoying. Tylenol did help.

Just venting sorry
2nd Shot fucked me up way worse than the disease.

In order to keep my job I had to get vaxed. Since the empire pumped me full of God Knows what when joining the army after 9/11 to help kill jihadists I figured this probably won't KILL me, but lemme tell ya sumpin. After the second "booster" within 9 hours I was shivering with a coat on in TX waiting for my shift to be over.

I had the fuckin disease in March. It was a minor cold. Some Vitamin C, Chicken soup in a can, and netflix binge watching Lucifer and in 4 days I was just fine.

The 48+ hours after getting the 2nd "booster" of the Moderna shot was awful. Far worse than the actual fucking cold itself was. On top of the chills and fever, every muscle in my body felt like wet wood. I had insane dreams in the 36 hours I was sleeping. I will not get a 3rd shot. If I have to sue to avoid it I will.

I can not legally articulate how fucking pissed off I am at all of the sniveling, servile, bed wetting, ballot box stuffing, piece of shit leftist parasites that keep this hysterical covid bullshit alive. You malignant mask wearing shit worms should have all been aborted with rusty coat hangers and tossed to starving rats in an inner city back alley.

I do not understand why a 13-year old would get one of these shots, was she somehow vulnerable to illness, or was it due to some other pressure?

Normal, healthy children have absolutely nothing to fear from the glorified cold virus referred to as "Wuhan Fever," it is literally harmless to them absent a deeply serious preexisting disease or genetic defect.
She is super sick and tired. Ugh. She was perfectly fine and didn’t need it as she had COVID19 the same time I did. So annoying. Tylenol did help.

Just venting sorry
Hope she feels better tomorrow. Y’all did the right thing. Thank you
I do not do well with vaccines for health reasons, but when these vaccines came out and I watched one after another get very, very sick after getting them--and I heard the crowd say "that's good, it means your immune system is working"-- I knew these shots were bad news. These reactions with people regularly missing work, getting high fevers, etc, is WAY beyond what we've ever seen for flu shots.

At any rate, I hope she's feeling better.

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