My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

Why red for the hat why not purple?
I once joked that if you wore a red hat that said "this is a behavioral reaction experiment" the fun would begin. *L*
IT's like waving a red cape in front of a bull, or a Red Russian Flag in front of Rachel Maddow.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.
No you stupid fucker...they asked when YOU thought it was great.

We always thought it was.

When was this magical time for you?

You morons never say
Excellent twist.
I asked YOU..when YOU think America was great. I think it has ALWAYS been great

And again you failed to answer.

Why is that?
Ya know why this question never gets answered?

Because the answer would be pretty disgusting

They want to return us to the worst possible time this country has had.

Jim Crow years...pre-civil war years...
Still no response . But they’ll be glad to talk about hat colors
We've seen voter suppression during the last 2 elections.
/----/ Here's some voter suppression for ya Spanky. New Black Panthers at polling stations. I don't think they are Republicans.
Three morons at one predominantly black polling place who did essentially nothing...but thanks for that racist dog whistle
/---/ Now post any Tea Party member threating voters - go ahead azzwipe,
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
If you think Leftists care about voter suppression or intimidation, then you likely watch fake news. Look at these members of the New Black Panther Party. They campaign for GA gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams.

You do understand her opponent implemented voter suppression measures purging people from voter rolls for no real reason and at least 70 percent of those purged were black. He also denied the ability to seniors to vote by having police stop a bus of black senior citizens on their way to early voting.

That sellout Kevin Jackson says nothing about that.
/----/ Link?

"Kemp has embarked on what his opponents and critics say is a series of naked attempts to constrict the electorate. Since 2010, his office reports that it has purged upwards of 1.4 million voters from the rolls, including more than 660,000 Georgians in 2017 and almost 90,000 this year. Many of those voters found their registration canceled because they had not voted in the previous election. Additionally, under an “exact match” law passed by the state legislature that requires handwritten voter registrations to be identical to personal documents, 53,000 people had their registrations moved to “pending” status because of typos or other errors before a district court enjoined the policy. More than 80 percent of those registrations belonged to black voters."

The Georgia Governor’s Race Has Brought Voter Suppression Into Full View

voter suppression in georgia 2018 - Yahoo Search Results
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Why red for the hat why not purple?
Probably because purple is miktx favorite color.
Maybe red for the hats to signify anger.
-------------------------------- not anger but a Red Hat or anything Red ALERTS and says , feck you people that don't like my 'MAGA' thinking and 'MAGA' goals . Red 'MAGA' Hat is like a poke in the eye to the Enemy Erin ,
Good to know. Be sure and tell the enemy that.
----------------------------------- its just Common Sense , RED Alerts and draws attention . Happy to inform you though Erin .
The question by country sellouts: were we
MY PERSPECTIVE REQUIRES the haters TO PONDER MY background comparison.
I'M A KOHANIM, so my ancestors were slaves in Egypt, and fled persecution in Egypt then fled persecution by Babylonians, Assyrians and Rome. Fleeing to Europe one side of my family fled persecution in a Nazis sympathizing country that lined my lansmen up to shoot us into pits.
The other side fled persecution in the Ukraine.
So yeah, my comparison (subjective opinion) is the country we live in is great. Now what would not be great is telling me I am somehow responsible for the past of a portion of this nation or that I owe reperations to some clown who never suffered the sad events or inequalities they feel warrant the reperations nor can it be known if their ancestors did either, in fact their ancestors could just as well be a responsible party for the misstreatment not the victims, but the many sellouts or benefactors.
That proposal would create new victims, innocent people being extorted by country haters and that act would make our nation unjust and not great=creating your own self fulfilliment through sabotage. We have a word for people forcing this circle and idiotic logic=
It also means the reperations would have to include Egyptian and German Americans Paying Jewish Americans-good luck with that.
Should Christians pay Jews?
Should CNN and MSNBC pay the viewers for enslaving their minds?
WHERE do we draw the line of reperations?
Once you open that can, well you know the rest, our recent division in this country is the can of worms opened from attack ad campaigning that never ended after the election, one Hillary said she would not resort to.-oops.

Jews in America have been paid reparations by the American government for the holocaust. Americans did not participate in the holocaust. Please shut up.
Never said American Gov't, stop missrepresenting what is said like your news sources do. :)
By the way, your posts are showing your racism towards Jews. Besides your usual reverse racism rants that are very telling.
IT'S SAD when someone becomes that which they protest and hate. You can't fix a problem until you admit to yourself that even you have that same problem. -Teshuva 101
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

NEVER GREAT? LMAO. Then why do you live here?
That's not what he posted. Read it again.

He posted that in the past it was not great and called it the “bad old days”. What made it great was our evolution to give women and minorities equal rights. But Leftists cannot comprehend that.

" What made it great was our evolution to give women and minorities equal rights." Seemed to me that was the point he was trying to make. Anyway...

His point was the country sucked before that and that is simply not the case. Sure it wasn't perfect but it was still the best.
NEVER GREAT? LMAO. Then why do you live here?

You can't name when America was great. And that last sentence is played out. We have the right to oppose what we don't believe.

It was pretty great in 1980. Was actually great until GW Bush took office. So I can. You lost another debate.

It was not great then either. You lose.

As usual.

Subjective. You hate it so much? Leave.

It was no more subjective than what you said. I'm not going anywhere. Suck a ----.

LOL. Triggered.
We've seen voter suppression during the last 2 elections.

A right wing jew. You are a sellout.
You've seen nothing.

We've seen voter suppression during the last 2 elections.
/----/ Here's some voter suppression for ya Spanky. New Black Panthers at polling stations. I don't think they are Republicans.
Three morons at one predominantly black polling place who did essentially nothing...but thanks for that racist dog whistle
/---/ Now post any Tea Party member threating voters - go ahead azzwipe,
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
If you think Leftists care about voter suppression or intimidation, then you likely watch fake news. Look at these members of the New Black Panther Party. They campaign for GA gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams.
What is so intimidating about them?
/----/ Here's some voter suppression for ya Spanky. New Black Panthers at polling stations. I don't think they are Republicans.
Three morons at one predominantly black polling place who did essentially nothing...but thanks for that racist dog whistle
/---/ Now post any Tea Party member threating voters - go ahead azzwipe,
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
Armed Black Panthers: Voter INTIMIDATION in Georgia
If you think Leftists care about voter suppression or intimidation, then you likely watch fake news. Look at these members of the New Black Panther Party. They campaign for GA gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams.

You do understand her opponent implemented voter suppression measures purging people from voter rolls for no real reason and at least 70 percent of those purged were black. He also denied the ability to seniors to vote by having police stop a bus of black senior citizens on their way to early voting.

That sellout Kevin Jackson says nothing about that.
/----/ Link?

"Kemp has embarked on what his opponents and critics say is a series of naked attempts to constrict the electorate. Since 2010, his office reports that it has purged upwards of 1.4 million voters from the rolls, including more than 660,000 Georgians in 2017 and almost 90,000 this year. Many of those voters found their registration canceled because they had not voted in the previous election. Additionally, under an “exact match” law passed by the state legislature that requires handwritten voter registrations to be identical to personal documents, 53,000 people had their registrations moved to “pending” status because of typos or other errors before a district court enjoined the policy. More than 80 percent of those registrations belonged to black voters."

The Georgia Governor’s Race Has Brought Voter Suppression Into Full View

voter suppression in georgia 2018 - Yahoo Search Results
/----/ I don't see any issue with updating polling records and keeping them current. I vote in every election and this is never a problem for me. Why don't people make sure everything is in order before election day rolls around?
Why red for the hat why not purple?
Probably because purple is miktx favorite color.
Maybe red for the hats to signify anger.
-------------------------------- not anger but a Red Hat or anything Red ALERTS and says , feck you people that don't like my 'MAGA' thinking and 'MAGA' goals . Red 'MAGA' Hat is like a poke in the eye to the Enemy Erin ,
Good to know. Be sure and tell the enemy that.
----------------------------------- its just Common Sense , RED Alerts and draws attention . Happy to inform you though Erin .
The color red stands for a lot of things, love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, alerts, etc. Find someone else to be snarky to.
"The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" - Trump
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious

You realize you are deconstructing a mindless political slogan, right? I can't think of a more pointless endeavor. It was no better, of course, the first time around when Reagan coined it. So, not only is it meaningless, it's recycled.

All the other bullshit you spewed is simply politically biased rhetoric.
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.
Na, not really
Crazy Cali does not count.
They are the last people we want speaking for America

The largest economy in the country doesn't count? What podunk flyover state do you hail from that's anywhere near that? You're an idiot. Sit down and STFU.
its YOU guys that attack the MAGA Hat and wearer of the HAT and some times getting arrested or fired . See yesterdays ' mohawk wearing' casualty of Trump MAGA Hat hate TTWeed .
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.
Na, not really
Crazy Cali does not count.
They are the last people we want speaking for America

The largest economy in the country doesn't count? What podunk flyover state do you hail from that's anywhere near that? You're an idiot. Sit down and STFU.

Traitors in California have allied with illegals and a bunch of freaks. Fortunately we don't need California to win presidential elections or control of congress so they don't matter. Tissue?
People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
The hat triggers the left to extreme rage and violence. Not the other way around.

Never have seen a more powerful hat, the left just goes nuts over it. To watch the temper tantrums, the violence, the rage, it has demoted the left to little children incapable of any rational conversation or thought.

I love them. It's like a warning label that tells me not to include people wearing them in conversation.
No Trump lost by 4 million votes in illegal infested California. Trump won by 1 million votes in the other 49 states so the vast majority of people outside California chose Trump suck it!

He won by 4 million votes in CA vs 80,000 in the Rust belt... I think the 4 million are more important.
Na, not really
Crazy Cali does not count.
They are the last people we want speaking for America

The largest economy in the country doesn't count? What podunk flyover state do you hail from that's anywhere near that? You're an idiot. Sit down and STFU.

Traitors in California have allied with illegals and a bunch of freaks. Fortunately we don't need California to win presidential elections or control of congress so they don't matter. Tissue?

By "we", of course, you mean DeplorableNation, not America. Good luck with that.
'rebecca parker mankin' , she went after an old guy wearing a Red MAGA Hat in a STARBUCKS . She got fired from her job and her stated intent was to rip the guy apart publicly . You might know her and I'll get her picture for you TTWeed .
its YOU guys that attack the MAGA Hat and wearer of the HAT and some times getting arrested or fired . See yesterdays ' mohawk wearing' casualty of Trump MAGA Hat hate TTWeed .

I have never attacked anyone wearing a MAGA hat. So, you're lying. And stupid.

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