My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

Thank you for proving my point and validating my post. In your mind to cope, you need us to be stupid and medicated, as you need to claim Trump in order to humor yourself.
KEEP THINKING THAT, AND keep using that as a crutch to AVOID refuting any and all topics you can't garnish an viable argument over.

So tell the forum, what kind of reasoning do you have for a party to spend 24/7 over someone they claim is mentally unstable, and bashing that disabled person 24/7?
THEN reflect that behavior you are doing here, arguing 24/7 with what you deem are disabled and challenged? I'd laugh at the irony if it wasn't so disturbing a behavior, patterned after pure
denial and deflective behavior.

Okay, definitely get the docs to adjust your meds...

When you guys bring a valid argument, I debate it. When you bring the crazy, I point out the crazy and laugh at it.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.

So again, when did America stop being great? Why did it stop being great?
/—-/ Stop lying. You know that isn’t true. His change started with Obozocare

OH, noes, America stopped being great because poor people could get insurance and insurance companies couldn't cheat people anymore?

What kind of a world do we live in where a big insurance company can't cheat a policyholder after they have their money!
/——/ The libtards did think about it. That’s why they want to eliminate the EC

You mean we want our votes to actually mean something...OH THE HORROR!
/——/ Your vote does matter. You vote for the elector who then votes for president. If Hildabeast lost the PV but won the EC you’d be singing the praises of the founding fathers for their wisdom. So stop with the fake outrage. After 2 years -it’s tiresome.
/——/ Your vote does matter. You vote for the elector who then votes for president. If Hildabeast lost the PV but won the EC you’d be singing the praises of the founding fathers for their wisdom. So stop with the fake outrage. After 2 years -it’s tiresome.

Naw, i've never been a fan of the EC, even when I voted Republican and supported George W. Bush. (Although in that case the PV was a lot closer).

The GOP hasn't won the PV since 1988, except that time they barely won it after scaring the shit out of us with 9/11.

Maybe instead of figuring out ways to stop poor people of color from voting, you can find ways to appeal to them.
So again, when did America stop being great?

Part of what has always made, and continues to make, America a great country, is our willingness to stand alone in our ideals and values. America, unlike Europe and Asia, have never embraced a despot. We never sought to build an empire around the world (seeking instead to spread our influence with economic power versus military power).

Recently, there have been strong voices shouting out for America to emulate our allegedly more enlightened brothers of Europe in embracing the ways of state-ism and apologizing to the world for America's unique qualities.

In order for America to stay great, we must embrace our uniqueness, not be ashamed or apologetic of it.
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Thank you for proving my point and validating my post. In your mind to cope, you need us to be stupid and medicated, as you need to claim Trump in order to humor yourself.
KEEP THINKING THAT, AND keep using that as a crutch to AVOID refuting any and all topics you can't garnish an viable argument over.

So tell the forum, what kind of reasoning do you have for a party to spend 24/7 over someone they claim is mentally unstable, and bashing that disabled person 24/7?
THEN reflect that behavior you are doing here, arguing 24/7 with what you deem are disabled and challenged? I'd laugh at the irony if it wasn't so disturbing a behavior, patterned after pure
denial and deflective behavior.

Okay, definitely get the docs to adjust your meds...

When you guys bring a valid argument, I debate it. When you bring the crazy, I point out the crazy and laugh at it.
That's right Liberals solve all their problems with meds, give ridelin to their kids because they can't raise them, so they deflect the blame. You Give qualudes to your wives because you can't handle their independence. You let your kids smoke pot because you can't control them unless they "mellow out man". You give extacy to your secretaries so they'll sleep with you, and you give the rest of your household antidepressents just to to put up living with you & having to watch your debby downer news.
But hey, deflect your open support of drug
use and cartels on people like me and the president who don't even drink.
Notice, you've yet to refute a subject or win a debate so all you have left is ad hominem attacks on people instead of on subject matter.
Basically you have been stating that you've been losing arguments to mentally disabled people and medicated people and ignorant people.
In other words you have made fun of yourself while keeping a once dated burried topic floating on top in the forefront.
:) wile-e-coyote-genius.gif
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/——/ Your vote does matter. You vote for the elector who then votes for president. If Hildabeast lost the PV but won the EC you’d be singing the praises of the founding fathers for their wisdom. So stop with the fake outrage. After 2 years -it’s tiresome.

Naw, i've never been a fan of the EC, even when I voted Republican and supported George W. Bush. (Although in that case the PV was a lot closer).

The GOP hasn't won the PV since 1988, except that time they barely won it after scaring the shit out of us with 9/11.

Maybe instead of figuring out ways to stop poor people of color from voting, you can find ways to appeal to them.
/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.
Part of what has always made, and continues to make, America a great country, is our willingness to stand alone in our ideals and values. America, unlike Europe and Asian, have never embraced a despot. We never sought to build an empire around the world (seeking instead to spread our influence with economic power versus military power).

The Filipinos might dispute that... so would Native Americans and Latin America.

And we've had our share of despots... Nixon, Trump, Jackson.

Recently, there have been strong voices shouting out for America to emulate our allegedly more enlightened brothers of Europe in embracing the ways of state-ism and apologizing to the world for America's unique qualities.

In order for America to stay great, we must embrace our uniqueness, not be ashamed or apologetic of it.

No, we should be apologetic for the things we've done, wrong. Most of what we did during the Cold War of propping up the most awful dictators against the will of their people was wrong.
/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.

Meh, not really. It would probably force the candidates to talk to people in the states where people actually live instead of the few swing states.

The National POPULAR VOTE should be the only vote that counts, PERIOD. That's how we pick every other office in this country and it's fine.
That's right Liberals solve all their problems with meds, give ridelin to their kids because they can't raise them, so they deflect the blame. You Give qualudes to your wives because you can't handle their independence. You let your kids smoke pot because you can't control them unless they "mellow out man". You give extacy to your secretaries so they'll sleep with you, and you give the rest of your household antidepressents just to to put up living with you & having to watch your debby downer news.
But hey, deflect your open support of drug
use and cartels on people like me and the president who don't even drink.

Yes, you can't even spell the names of the drugs. But you probably need some kind of medication.

Notice, you've yet to refute a subject or win a debate so all you have left is ad hominem attacks on people instead of on subject matter.
Basically you have been stating that you've been losing arguments to mentally disabled people and medicated people and ignorant people.
In other words you have made fun of yourself while keeping a once dated burried topic floating on top in the forefront.

Uh, check out the last two posts, the other side brought an argument and I refuted it. I don't refute crazy, I just mock it.
And we've had our share of despots... Nixon, Trump, Jackson.

Only one American President threw innocent American citizens into prisons simply for their ancestry ... and he wasn't among those you named.

You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.

So again, when did America stop being great? Why did it stop being great?
Why do you get so upset over a slogan for a presidential campaign? Every campaign has one by all candidates. But this one bothers you.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.

So again, when did America stop being great? Why did it stop being great?
Why do you get so upset over a slogan for a presidential campaign? Every campaign has one by all candidates. But this one bothers you.

I kind of have a problem with this one...

/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.

Meh, not really. It would probably force the candidates to talk to people in the states where people actually live instead of the few swing states.

The National POPULAR VOTE should be the only vote that counts, PERIOD. That's how we pick every other office in this country and it's fine.
The reason Dems want the change is because they've had success cheating the numbers with fake late car trunk type, wharehouse box type prefilled absantee ballots, double voters, illegal votes etc.
Furthermore it's not beneath them to sacrifice the security of the nation with policies and open entrances used to pander to the benefactors.
It will also open a pandoras box of even more corruption and selling out of our nation for mere numbers play.
You really never think these things through and forget the morality of the people who seek power over our best interests.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.

So again, when did America stop being great? Why did it stop being great?
America's greatness lies in its ability to correct itself and redress wrongs. Thus, it has always been great, and remains a model for the world.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.

So again, when did America stop being great? Why did it stop being great?
Why do you get so upset over a slogan for a presidential campaign? Every campaign has one by all candidates. But this one bothers you.

I kind of have a problem with this one...

Well that's why they cut off the bottom half of his picture
Uh, check out the last two posts, the other side brought an argument and I refuted it. I don't refute crazy, I just mock it.
Right, you never debate Dems, you just make a mockery of them.

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