My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat

[QUOTE="JoeB131, post: 22136133, member: 31057"

Yes, you can't even spell the names of the drugs. But you probably need some kind of medication.[/QUOTE]

Ah Ha!!!
I don't but you do, perhaps you checked your bottles in your cabinet?
My Ah Ha moment to why Dems really hate & demonize the Maga slogan and hat.

It's because they can't ever compete with, nor explain, how the goal to make America better was achieved with their known resistance, sabotage, and obstruction.=That it was done without them, and in spite of them tying the govt's hands and feet.
It also equates that the last administration failed therefore needing the improvements to get better aka great again.
In political arguments it's in likeness to religious ones, whereby you'll notice that shaking up the status quo and fake mythologies while making the world a better place is fought against tooth and nail by those in claimed religious authority who failed humanity.
So we see this same fight in politics against those who find challenging & changing of the guards and making the country better a knock on their inadequacies. Therefore, personal pride is at stake and they can never admit they failed in the same way established religious authority failed and displaced blame and demonized opponents. Only in a Bizarro world do you see people opposing making
The Country and The World a better place, thus opposing statements of such. Never mind the fact that making the U.S. better makes the World better, as our success is their success they feed from. That's to obvious for the left to grasp.
America First is still World's (best interest) First because of this over looked fact.- signed Captain Obvious
trump could have said "we rock and you don't" and they'd have hated that slogan. it's not as if what trump says matters at this point - haters gonna hate.

analysis beyond that is time wasted away from ice cream.
/——/ That’s why Obozo wanted to fundamentally change it.

The fundamental change he wanted was in the partisan discourse. I knew when he said it that because of people like you, that was naive.
/—-/ Stop lying. You know that isn’t true. His change started with Obozocare
Really? Lying?

Here's what he actually said

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."

and for 8 years he did just the opposite.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

NEVER GREAT? LMAO. Then why do you live here?
"Why do Democrats hate clothing with swastikas?".

Answer that, and you'll have answered "Why do Democrats hate MAGA hats?".

Conflating swastikas and MAGA hats is not only obtuse and wrong but highly offensive to Jewish people. Educate yourself please. I don't see people in MAGA hats trying to throw my people into ovens and nuke Israel. Your rhetoric is just plain ignorant.
Only one American President threw innocent American citizens into prisons simply for their ancestry ... and he wasn't among those you named.

Um, yeah, that and their home country had just attacked us. While it was bad, that was actually understandable.

But, um, yeah, Nixon and Trump have done awful things during peacetime... that's what make them despots.

America's greatness lies in its ability to correct itself and redress wrongs. Thus, it has always been great, and remains a model for the world.

Okay, when we correct the wrongs, let me know.... looks like there are still a lot of wrongs out there that need correcting.

Right, you never debate Dems, you just make a mockery of them.

No, man, I'm just mocking a guy who shows us a picture of his unmedicated brain..
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People put on a MAGA hat and become bitter vindictive assholes. Point a camera at them and it only gets worse. What power does this simple made in china head-wear have to make wearers forget their sense of decency and compassion?
You should get that looked into.
Why would he say something like that if he wasn't trying to get dirt on her from the Russians.

You are so in lockstep with the socialist party you can't see a joke when it's told on national TV, Here's a hint, you are a dummie.
/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.

Meh, not really. It would probably force the candidates to talk to people in the states where people actually live instead of the few swing states.

The National POPULAR VOTE should be the only vote that counts, PERIOD. That's how we pick every other office in this country and it's fine.
Many of those other cities and mostly blue areas have serious financial issues brewing. You have emasculated white males. A slow process with the help of other white people. Maybe the problem is now that competition was on an even keel, they were still better in many ways for any reason and this was unacceptable. So promoting white supremacist was a sore loser agenda. It is now in its fifth decade. That is a lifetime in a nation. We are all supposed to be in this together. Instead what we got was a subculture that plays the system and has blown trillions of dollars of the tens of trillions of dollars that was spent to make things right. With Progs and special interest stirring the chitt to make people angry with each other. South Korea went from an agrarian state to a regional world power in less time. So please tell us how we can compete with what you support.
We despise it because we never saw America as not being great to start with, and that we would be better off if we went back to the bad old days when women and minorities knew 'Their place".

NEVER GREAT? LMAO. Then why do you live here?

You can't name when America was great. And that last sentence is played out. We have the right to oppose what we don't believe.
Only one American President threw innocent American citizens into prisons simply for their ancestry ... and he wasn't among those you named.

Um, yeah, that and their home country had just attacked us. While it was bad, that was actually understandable.

But, um, yeah, Nixon and Trump have done awful things during peacetime... that's what make them despots.

America's greatness lies in its ability to correct itself and redress wrongs. Thus, it has always been great, and remains a model for the world.

Okay, when we correct the wrongs, let me know.... looks like there are still a lot of wrongs out there that need correcting.

Right, you never debate Dems, you just make a mockery of them.

No, man, I'm just mocking a guy who shows us a picture of his unmedicated brain..

The country doesn't have to match your ideal to be considered great.
/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.

Meh, not really. It would probably force the candidates to talk to people in the states where people actually live instead of the few swing states.

The National POPULAR VOTE should be the only vote that counts, PERIOD. That's how we pick every other office in this country and it's fine.
Many of those other cities and mostly blue areas have serious financial issues brewing. You have emasculated white males. A slow process with the help of other white people. Maybe the problem is now that competition was on an even keel, they were still better in many ways for any reason and this was unacceptable. So promoting white supremacist was a sore loser agenda. It is now in its fifth decade. That is a lifetime in a nation. We are all supposed to be in this together. Instead what we got was a subculture that plays the system and has blown trillions of dollars of the tens of trillions of dollars that was spent to make things right. With Progs and special interest stirring the chitt to make people angry with each other. South Korea went from an agrarian state to a regional world power in less time. So please tell us how we can compete with what you support.

Only one American President threw innocent American citizens into prisons simply for their ancestry ... and he wasn't among those you named.

Um, yeah, that and their home country had just attacked us. While it was bad, that was actually understandable.

But, um, yeah, Nixon and Trump have done awful things during peacetime... that's what make them despots.

America's greatness lies in its ability to correct itself and redress wrongs. Thus, it has always been great, and remains a model for the world.

Okay, when we correct the wrongs, let me know.... looks like there are still a lot of wrongs out there that need correcting.

Right, you never debate Dems, you just make a mockery of them.

No, man, I'm just mocking a guy who shows us a picture of his unmedicated brain..

The country doesn't have to match your ideal to be considered great.

Yours either.
Trump is one of those figures in history who marks the end of an era and forces history to give up its own pretense - Henry Kissinger, July 2018
Trump is a joke that history will not be kind to.
/——/ States are passing laws that mandate the electors cast their vote for the candidate who wins the national PV. So if you live in a state that goes 90% for one candidate but the national vote goes to the other one, those 90% votes are tossed in the trash. Their vote won’t count. You realize this can backfire on you sore losers.

Meh, not really. It would probably force the candidates to talk to people in the states where people actually live instead of the few swing states.

The National POPULAR VOTE should be the only vote that counts, PERIOD. That's how we pick every other office in this country and it's fine.
Many of those other cities and mostly blue areas have serious financial issues brewing. You have emasculated white males. A slow process with the help of other white people. Maybe the problem is now that competition was on an even keel, they were still better in many ways for any reason and this was unacceptable. So promoting white supremacist was a sore loser agenda. It is now in its fifth decade. That is a lifetime in a nation. We are all supposed to be in this together. Instead what we got was a subculture that plays the system and has blown trillions of dollars of the tens of trillions of dollars that was spent to make things right. With Progs and special interest stirring the chitt to make people angry with each other. South Korea went from an agrarian state to a regional world power in less time. So please tell us how we can compete with what you support.

/——/22L is 100% correct.
Only one American President threw innocent American citizens into prisons simply for their ancestry ... and he wasn't among those you named.

Um, yeah, that and their home country had just attacked us. While it was bad, that was actually understandable.

But, um, yeah, Nixon and Trump have done awful things during peacetime... that's what make them despots.

America's greatness lies in its ability to correct itself and redress wrongs. Thus, it has always been great, and remains a model for the world.

Okay, when we correct the wrongs, let me know.... looks like there are still a lot of wrongs out there that need correcting.

Right, you never debate Dems, you just make a mockery of them.

No, man, I'm just mocking a guy who shows us a picture of his unmedicated brain..

The country doesn't have to match your ideal to be considered great.

Yours either.

That's my point. The country is great because we can actually effect change.
You never stop lying. I've so many liberals on the net ask when it was ever great. Scum like you are a boil on the ass.
No you stupid fucker...they asked when YOU thought it was great.

We always thought it was.

When was this magical time for you?

You morons never say

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