"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.

The whole thing IS like a parent child thing. You are trying to claim a power you do not have the ability to possess.

You cannot stop a woman from having an abortion. We have clearly established that fact.

You don't have the ability to know if she is pregnant so you don't know you need to prevent her from having an abortion.

You don't know when an abortion has happened because no missing person is reported and there is no body.

If you get your way (you won't) the most you can do is put people in jail. 600,000 abortions (probably more) per year. You better start building those walls!

You didn't stop abortion, you just built more jails. It must be hard to live in such a SCARY world!!

Bless your precious hearts.
You libs/leftist are like arrogant petulant children who try to fool the grown ups, but it ain't working no matter how hard you try.

You try to use the stats prior to any law changing as if those stats would remain the same in violation of the law. If the law changes, then compliance will be next. Your 600,000 will instantly be reduced to a few thousand who would attempt to escape the law. Sadly that is what happens, but the help programs will be still intact or increased, but the monsters looking to extract living beings from their safe home inside their mothers womb will be a thing of the past. They will be unemployed or cross training snto something else. Hopefully they will be unemployed/unemployable after the henious things that they have done.

You better get to work on those scarlet letters. You're gonna need a lot.

$1,000,000 per fetus, and you can't control how many fetuses are unwanted. Are you gonna pay?
20+ pages since last night and all I've seen is the same leftist posters refusing to acknowledge science and precedent while regurgitating their debunked talking points as NotYourBody cheer-leads with her juvenile "LA LA LA LA I'LL DO AS I PLEASE LA LA LA LA NO NO NO NO LA LA LA LA TTTHTHHHHBBBBPPPPPPTTTTT!!!!" antics.

It's like watching a fucking kindergarten classroom.
Backing away from the cliff is something we in this country have been doing for centuries. Do liberals/leftist think that they have sealed this nations fate ??? The arrogance of the left is astonishing these days, but they are facing a learning curve right now, so it's understandable.

How will you achieve compliance? That's what I keep asking. What is your plan to take control of the fetus inside my uterus.

Spell it out. Don't be afraid.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.

The whole thing IS like a parent child thing. You are trying to claim a power you do not have the ability to possess.

You cannot stop a woman from having an abortion. We have clearly established that fact.

You don't have the ability to know if she is pregnant so you don't know you need to prevent her from having an abortion.

You don't know when an abortion has happened because no missing person is reported and there is no body.

If you get your way (you won't) the most you can do is put people in jail. 600,000 abortions (probably more) per year. You better start building those walls!

You didn't stop abortion, you just built more jails. It must be hard to live in such a SCARY world!!

Bless your precious hearts.
You libs/leftist are like arrogant petulant children who try to fool the grown ups, but it ain't working no matter how hard you try.

You try to use the stats prior to any law changing as if those stats would remain the same in violation of the law. If the law changes, then compliance will be next. Your 600,000 will instantly be reduced to a few thousand who would attempt to escape the law. Sadly that is what happens, but the help programs will be still intact or increased, but the monsters looking to extract living beings from their safe home inside their mothers womb will be a thing of the past. They will be unemployed or cross training snto something else. Hopefully they will be unemployed/unemployable after the henious things that they have done.

You better get to work on those scarlet letters. You're gonna need a lot.

$1,000,000 per fetus, and you can't control how many fetuses are unwanted. Are you gonna pay?
What do you think the stats we're in slavery before the laws were created against it ? Think about anything that laws have been created in order to lower the stats on or even stop a bad thing from affecting negatively civil society. If anyone was to buy into your bullcrap post or ideology, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this nation over time. Now it's time to deal with the deplorabalism of abortion.
Sooo....you're asking for a tissue?

How you gonna use it, with that paper bag you're forced to wear?

Gosh I hope I can survive your devastating word assault.


No rematch.

You lost when you lied and said you didn't read the proof that the fetus is not part of your body.

Every reader saw the knockout.

There never was any hope for you once picked that obviously false avi.

You don't have a clue as to how much of a stereotype you are: a cookie-cutter collectivist.
20+ pages since last night and all I've seen is the same leftist posters refusing to acknowledge science and precedent while regurgitating their debunked talking points as NotYourBody cheer-leads with her juvenile "LA LA LA LA I'LL DO AS I PLEASE LA LA LA LA NO NO NO NO LA LA LA LA TTTHTHHHHBBBBPPPPPPTTTTT!!!!" antics.

It's like watching a fucking kindergarten classroom.
It is like kindergarten!

You keep demanding I respond to your arguments when you have yet to give me one. single. reason. why I have to even read your arguments. You have no control! Yet, like a toddler, you insist that you do.
What do you think the stats we're in slavery before the laws were created against it ? Think about anything that laws have been created in order to lower the stats on or even stop a bad thing from affecting negatively civil society. If anyone was to buy into your bullcrap post or ideology, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this nation over time. Now it's time to deal with the deplorabalism of abortion.

Normally laws are effective because there is evidence of a crime that can be pursued. In this case, there is no missing person to look for, no body to be found.

You don't even know there WAS a pregnancy.

Logical paths.....
Backing away from the cliff is something we in this country have been doing for centuries. Do liberals/leftist think that they have sealed this nations fate ??? The arrogance of the left is astonishing these days, but they are facing a learning curve right now, so it's understandable.

How will you achieve compliance? That's what I keep asking. What is your plan to take control of the fetus inside my uterus.

Spell it out. Don't be afraid.
Don't have to take control of you or your fetus, but to only issue you a notice of the law, and if you don't comply, and you have your baby killed, then you will suffer the penalty of that law or laws when passed.

Could be a huge fine with some prison time in order to make an example of those wishing to do such a thing beyond those who had chosen to violate the law.
Sooo....you're asking for a tissue?

How you gonna use it, with that paper bag you're forced to wear?

Gosh I hope I can survive your devastating word assault.


No rematch.

You lost when you lied and said you didn't read the proof that the fetus is not part of your body.

Every reader saw the knockout.

There never was any hope for you once picked that obviously false avi.

You don't have a clue as to how much of a stereotype you are: a cookie-cutter collectivist.

Devastating, I'm sure.
Backing away from the cliff is something we in this country have been doing for centuries. Do liberals/leftist think that they have sealed this nations fate ??? The arrogance of the left is astonishing these days, but they are facing a learning curve right now, so it's understandable.

How will you achieve compliance? That's what I keep asking. What is your plan to take control of the fetus inside my uterus.

Spell it out. Don't be afraid.
Don't have to take control of you or your fetus, but to only issue you a notice of the law, and if you don't comply, and you have your baby killed, then you will suffer the penalty of that law or laws when passed.

Could be a huge fine with some prison time in order to make an example of those wishing to do such a thing beyond those who had chosen to violate the law.
I'm telling you today, right now, I WILL NOT comply.

Again, you have no way of knowing that I had an abortion. You think words on paper will stop me? Lol.

So hard for pro-lifers to figure this out. It's why you're so agonized.
What do you think the stats we're in slavery before the laws were created against it ? Think about anything that laws have been created in order to lower the stats on or even stop a bad thing from affecting negatively civil society. If anyone was to buy into your bullcrap post or ideology, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this nation over time. Now it's time to deal with the deplorabalism of abortion.

Normally laws are effective because there is evidence of a crime that can be pursued. In this case, there is no missing person to look for, no body to be found.

You don't even know there WAS a pregnancy.

Logical paths.....
You sound like someone who would have some kind of weird thought process that includes killing a human being. Are you some kind of evil person or what ?? I mean listen to yourself carry on here in the way that you do.
You sound like someone who would have some kind of weird thought process that includes killing a human being. Are you some kind of evil person or what ?? I mean listen to yourself carry on here in the way that you do.

I understand. Ad hominem is all you have left when logic fails.

I just hope that I can live through this bad dangerous word attack!

Try a little humor in the next attack, you'll have more fun with it.
You sound like someone who would have some kind of weird thought process that includes killing a human being. Are you some kind of evil person or what ?? I mean listen to yourself carry on here in the way that you do.

I understand. Ad hominem is all you have left when logic fails.

I just hope that I can live through this bad dangerous word attack!

Try a little humor in the next attack, you'll have more fun with it.
What do you think the stats we're in slavery before the laws were created against it ? Think about anything that laws have been created in order to lower the stats on or even stop a bad thing from affecting negatively civil society. If anyone was to buy into your bullcrap post or ideology, nothing would have ever changed for the better in this nation over time. Now it's time to deal with the deplorabalism of abortion.

Normally laws are effective because there is evidence of a crime that can be pursued. In this case, there is no missing person to look for, no body to be found.

You don't even know there WAS a pregnancy.

Logical paths.....
You sound like someone who would have some kind of weird thought process that includes killing a human being. Are you some kind of evil person or what ?? I mean listen to yourself carry on here in the way that you do.

I suspect that one has never been pg nor ever will be....two reasons I think it's male given it's vocabulary and two on the slim chance it's female no guy would touch it. It can't shut up
What is so amusing about the anti-abortion movement is that it is equivalent to outlawing incoming tides. If Roe is reversed, then the issue will be decided by states, and 15 or more states are NOT going to outlaw it. In addition, one can get abortion pills in the mail, now, and you can do it at home:

Analysis: Here's why overturning Roe v. Wade wouldn't turn back the clock to 1973
Well like you say in effect, that "modern day medicine has finally caught up", so really RvW is outdated and useless these days, and serves no purpose other than an evil one. If a person is raped of course they should report it, and then immediately take the morning day after pill in order to stop a pregnancy from ever getting started. The same goes for incest. Outside of those two, if a woman becomes pregnant due to having consentual sex with the one she loves just as it should be, and it was because neither used protection knowing the consequences of their actions, then both should own up to their responsibility, and do the right thing in life by not aborting the baby.

Killing a baby/life forming in the womb is the wrong thing to do, where as these things shouldn't be happening in 2019. Are the citizens getting dumber or smarter in life ??

Hard to tell anymore.

I'm STILL waiting for anyone who has a plan to FORCE a man to take responsibility for ALL of his unwanted children. A plan that hasn't already failed.

That would do your side a world of good convincing those who are willing to be convinced. I'm not sure why you aren't willing to concentrate your efforts in that area instead of demanding a women undergo lifetime changes to her physical body because you want a child in the world nobody is willing to care for. But that's just me....

Some of us are no longer willing to consider your arguments under any circumstances and you'll have to deal with it. We are absolutely not willing to let you have any say about the internal functions of our bodies.

Even the mere idea that you think you have the right to do that makes you as evil and vile as any slave owner in history. And just as worthless.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.
You all are still having trouble aren't you? Lol! Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about "when is the beginning of life", and how is it "killing" if they can't answer? Let me help you all out with that one. Because your religion/emotions/ ignorance tells you so. Thank goodness there is a separation of Church and State.

You have to wonder if the anti-abortion crowd tunes their brains out when the brain is trying to tell them that they have no answer for when life begins, and so therefore, how is it killing "human life', when that very question has not been answered? It's called willful idiocy.
So you look at something that might appear to be dead to you, so you go ahead and thrust in the spike as so to ensure it's death although it may have been alive to begin with ??? You take chances like that in life do you ??? It's great you are not looked to in order to give life a chance, because it's obvious which way you would go.
The question has been asked and asked again, and we get no answer. Folks, like it or not, the argument goes to pro-choice for the absence of intelligent debate with not answering the scientific and religious questions. The posters on the Right are not God, so they can't answer it that way, nor were they able to answer the questions scientifically with conclusive evidence. You lose. Game over.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.

The whole thing IS like a parent child thing. You are trying to claim a power you do not have the ability to possess.

You cannot stop a woman from having an abortion. We have clearly established that fact.

You don't have the ability to know if she is pregnant so you don't know you need to prevent her from having an abortion.

You don't know when an abortion has happened because no missing person is reported and there is no body.

If you get your way (you won't) the most you can do is put people in jail. 600,000 abortions (probably more) per year. You better start building those walls!

You didn't stop abortion, you just built more jails. It must be hard to live in such a SCARY world!!

Bless your precious hearts.
You libs/leftist are like arrogant petulant children who try to fool the grown ups, but it ain't working no matter how hard you try.

You try to use the stats prior to any law changing as if those stats would remain the same in violation of the law. If the law changes, then compliance will be next. Your 600,000 will instantly be reduced to a few thousand who would attempt to escape the law. Sadly that is what happens, but the help programs will be still intact or increased, but the monsters looking to extract living beings from their safe home inside their mothers womb will be a thing of the past. They will be unemployed or cross training into something else. Hopefully they will be unemployed/unemployable after the henious things that they have done.
You lose. You failed to engage the questions with proof or answers. You all are bull shitters with nothing.
Well like you say in effect, that "modern day medicine has finally caught up", so really RvW is outdated and useless these days, and serves no purpose other than an evil one. If a person is raped of course they should report it, and then immediately take the morning day after pill in order to stop a pregnancy from ever getting started. The same goes for incest. Outside of those two, if a woman becomes pregnant due to having consentual sex with the one she loves just as it should be, and it was because neither used protection knowing the consequences of their actions, then both should own up to their responsibility, and do the right thing in life by not aborting the baby.

Killing a baby/life forming in the womb is the wrong thing to do, where as these things shouldn't be happening in 2019. Are the citizens getting dumber or smarter in life ??

Hard to tell anymore.

I'm STILL waiting for anyone who has a plan to FORCE a man to take responsibility for ALL of his unwanted children. A plan that hasn't already failed.

That would do your side a world of good convincing those who are willing to be convinced. I'm not sure why you aren't willing to concentrate your efforts in that area instead of demanding a women undergo lifetime changes to her physical body because you want a child in the world nobody is willing to care for. But that's just me....

Some of us are no longer willing to consider your arguments under any circumstances and you'll have to deal with it. We are absolutely not willing to let you have any say about the internal functions of our bodies.

Even the mere idea that you think you have the right to do that makes you as evil and vile as any slave owner in history. And just as worthless.
Nothing but ranting and raving out of you, and it's liken to an unlearned child attempting to make the rules instead of the parents making the rules in the household.

No amount of ranting justifies you wanting to take a human life just because you are more powerful than that life is at the time of your taking.
You all are still having trouble aren't you? Lol! Why is it that the Right won't/ can't answer my question about "when is the beginning of life", and how is it "killing" if they can't answer? Let me help you all out with that one. Because your religion/emotions/ ignorance tells you so. Thank goodness there is a separation of Church and State.

You have to wonder if the anti-abortion crowd tunes their brains out when the brain is trying to tell them that they have no answer for when life begins, and so therefore, how is it killing "human life', when that very question has not been answered? It's called willful idiocy.
So you look at something that might appear to be dead to you, so you go ahead and thrust in the spike as so to ensure it's death although it may have been alive to begin with ??? You take chances like that in life do you ??? It's great you are not looked to in order to give life a chance, because it's obvious which way you would go.
The question has been asked and asked again, and we get no answer. Folks, like it or not, the argument goes to pro-choice for the absence of intelligent debate with not answering the scientific and religious questions. The posters on the Right are not God, so they can't answer it that way, nor were they able to answer the questions scientifically with conclusive evidence. You lose. Game over.

Its been answered numerous times you befuddled dumb fuck

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