"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Btw you kill a woman with child in her womb it is double homicide in most all jurisdictions
Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.
And, oh yeah, anytime you guys jack off, all of the living spermatozoa die. Should you be charged for murder? If not…why not?

Oh my word. You can't be serious. I mean, you are proving the OP absolutely correct by posting the most inane "argument" ever, in this debate. A sperm by itself is not a human being. An egg by itself is not a human being. When the sperm and the egg fuse together at conception, only THEN do you have the beginning of a brand new, genetically unique human being. And don't give me the "it's just a few cells" line, because by the time most abortions occur, the preborn has a beating heart, a face, a little body, even little arms and legs.

Come one guys, you're embarrassing yourself by bringing up the WORST, most blatantly incorrect responses in this debate.

If you’re pro-life….you should be pro all life.

Actually, it’s not a few cells, there are millions of cells you guys kill every time you rub one out.

Why are you not pro-life?
Really ??? You went there didn't ya ??? LMBO at the desperate attempts by the Democrats to defend the indefensible just as it had all finally gotten to be. Have you not kept up, it had gotten as far as infanticide with the talking points, yet it is still being defended ??

It is noted that you cannot argue the science but are relegated to personal attacks.

Thanks for the contribution..
Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

And, oh yeah, anytime you guys jack off, all of the living spermatozoa die. Should you be charged for murder? If not…why not?

Oh my word. You can't be serious. I mean, you are proving the OP absolutely correct by posting the most inane "argument" ever, in this debate. A sperm by itself is not a human being. An egg by itself is not a human being. When the sperm and the egg fuse together at conception, only THEN do you have the beginning of a brand new, genetically unique human being. And don't give me the "it's just a few cells" line, because by the time most abortions occur, the preborn has a beating heart, a face, a little body, even little arms and legs.

Come one guys, you're embarrassing yourself by bringing up the WORST, most blatantly incorrect responses in this debate.

If you’re pro-life….you should be pro all life.

Actually, it’s not a few cells, there are millions of cells you guys kill every time you rub one out.

Why are you not pro-life?
Really ??? You went there didn't ya ??? LMBO at the desperate attempts by the Democrats to defend the indefensible just as it had all finally gotten to be. Have you not kept up, it had gotten as far as infanticide with the talking points, yet it is still being defended ??

It is noted that you cannot argue the science but are relegated to personal attacks.

Thanks for the contribution..

Says the twat who thinks spilling semen is murder...Anti science
And, oh yeah, anytime you guys jack off, all of the living spermatozoa die. Should you be charged for murder? If not…why not?

Oh my word. You can't be serious. I mean, you are proving the OP absolutely correct by posting the most inane "argument" ever, in this debate. A sperm by itself is not a human being. An egg by itself is not a human being. When the sperm and the egg fuse together at conception, only THEN do you have the beginning of a brand new, genetically unique human being. And don't give me the "it's just a few cells" line, because by the time most abortions occur, the preborn has a beating heart, a face, a little body, even little arms and legs.

Come one guys, you're embarrassing yourself by bringing up the WORST, most blatantly incorrect responses in this debate.

If you’re pro-life….you should be pro all life.

Actually, it’s not a few cells, there are millions of cells you guys kill every time you rub one out.

Why are you not pro-life?

This talking point is even more stupid that "My Body, My Choice". This one is so stupid it's confined to the Underworld of Talking Points--pretty much just forums and such. "Sperm is just like a developing baby"

And these folks say WE are "anti-science"

My fourth graders are laughing at you

The phrase “even more stupid” makes 2nd graders laugh at you.

Living cells are living cells…right? No?

As for dumb arguments, the Biblical folks here should consider that many births are stillbirths and many result in the mother’s death. Was that God’s will to kill the unborn child? To kill the mother?

Please consider those questions and get back to us. I’m guessing there will be no answers provided. God must not have wanted you to answer.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
A pregnancy resulting from rape is ‘gods plan.’

Another dreadful rightwing talking point.
And, oh yeah, anytime you guys jack off, all of the living spermatozoa die. Should you be charged for murder? If not…why not?

Oh my word. You can't be serious. I mean, you are proving the OP absolutely correct by posting the most inane "argument" ever, in this debate. A sperm by itself is not a human being. An egg by itself is not a human being. When the sperm and the egg fuse together at conception, only THEN do you have the beginning of a brand new, genetically unique human being. And don't give me the "it's just a few cells" line, because by the time most abortions occur, the preborn has a beating heart, a face, a little body, even little arms and legs.

Come one guys, you're embarrassing yourself by bringing up the WORST, most blatantly incorrect responses in this debate.

If you’re pro-life….you should be pro all life.

Actually, it’s not a few cells, there are millions of cells you guys kill every time you rub one out.

Why are you not pro-life?

This talking point is even more stupid that "My Body, My Choice". This one is so stupid it's confined to the Underworld of Talking Points--pretty much just forums and such. "Sperm is just like a developing baby"

And these folks say WE are "anti-science"

My fourth graders are laughing at you

The phrase “even more stupid” makes 2nd graders laugh at you.

Living cells are living cells…right? No?

As for dumb arguments, the Biblical folks here should consider that many births are stillbirths and many result in the mother’s death. Was that God’s will to kill the unborn child? To kill the mother?

Please consider those questions and get back to us. I’m guessing there will be no answers provided. God must not have wanted you to answer.
The only truly innocent party involved in an abortion, is the baby the only one paying the ultimate price.

Sucks to be that baby... Extremely painful death

The vast majority of abortions are due to bad life choices, Rape and incest Make up for very few of abortions by percentage. Obviously those have to be dealt with and it should be up to the individual and law-enforcement. But there is no reason why individuals should be paying for other individuals bad life choses. The country cannot afford it.... fact

Fuck the collective

But then again baby butchery is extremely profitable...
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Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
I find YOUR talking points stupid.
Separate DNA. So what? Sperm have separate DNA. Lots of them are wasted.
Consider this ...
Many pregnant women (-25%) have miscarriages. That is NATURAL.
Those natural abortions have unique DNA.
Welcome to the NORMAL world of ours!
Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.
and the reason why was?????

come on tell us the entire story......
That is because only he that gives life has the right to take lives. When did he kill thousands of babies? In the flood? Sodam and Gomorrah, Cannan when he orders the Jews to kill all the man women children and every living being? Then he tells us "Thou shall not kill" All that happened in the bible was for a reason and I don't know what it really is. Some Christians believe he is going to kill even more by sending them to hell. I have to believe all those aborted will be resurrected to life in the end.
Make excuses all you want but don’t lecture me about God caring about aborted babies
He killed babies because he was having a bad day

How about the first born of Egypt?
If you read and understood the old testament and the new testament after Jesus came you would understand. Until then I do not expect you to understand. Things changed after Jesus came and his death.
Dead babies are dead babies

You can’t excuse the savage slaughter of hundreds of thousand of babies and then say God would be outraged over abortion
Your simple mind concerning God is noted. For you to even attempt to contend with he for whom has created the universe and everything in it is highly laughable, but you have fun with that audience of one you like to entertain, because no one else is impressed with your ramblings at all but you.
Personal opinion and religious dogma are subjective and in no manner mitigate facts of law – the fact of law that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ and that abortion is not ‘murder.’
Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.

Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?

You mad bro?

Btw, men's laws are only for the law breakers unrighteous like you..the righteous like me inherit the full kingdom of God here on Earth and in heaven .. James 2:24

James 2:24
24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

Matthew 5:20

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.

Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?

We're not a theocracy.

It seems to really gnaw at you that I keep saying that. Why does it bother you so much? Is a theocracy what you want?
Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.

Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?

We're not a theocracy.

It seems to really gnaw at you that I keep saying that. Why does it bother you so much? Is a theocracy what you want?

You repeat that over and over again why? Once again men's laws change like the wind, just depends how many people are you indoctrinate into your evil ways

Timothy 1:9

We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,
Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.

Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?

We're not a theocracy.

It seems to really gnaw at you that I keep saying that. Why does it bother you so much? Is a theocracy what you want?

You do amuse me thinking you can indoctrinate me into your baby killing ways..

Are you that shallow?

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

So was the First Amendment - specifically designed to prevent a theocracy. That must be frustrating for you.

Where in the Constitution does it say separation of church and state?

We're not a theocracy.

It seems to really gnaw at you that I keep saying that. Why does it bother you so much? Is a theocracy what you want?

You repeat that over and over again why?

Because it bothers you. And I wonder why. Is it because you want to convert the US to a theocracy? I can only conclude that is what you want - otherwise you'd just say "yep, we're not a theocracy". But you don't say that.
Maybe the woman should've controlled herself before having unprotected sex?

Yes I am all for prevention. So what do you say about rape and incest?

You have the day after pill if you are raped. No need in waiting till the baby is formed to kill it.

What about incest?

What about it? I personally knew a family years ago where a son impregnated his sister. He was arrested for the fact that she was a minor but she went ahead and had the baby and gave it up for adoption.

Tell me more, what year was this and did she had info for an abortion and the means to have it?

Abortion was never considered as they were an evangelical family (the son obviously was not).
Make excuses all you want but don’t lecture me about God caring about aborted babies
He killed babies because he was having a bad day

How about the first born of Egypt?
If you read and understood the old testament and the new testament after Jesus came you would understand. Until then I do not expect you to understand. Things changed after Jesus came and his death.
Dead babies are dead babies

You can’t excuse the savage slaughter of hundreds of thousand of babies and then say God would be outraged over abortion
Your simple mind concerning God is noted. For you to even attempt to contend with he for whom has created the universe and everything in it is highly laughable, but you have fun with that audience of one you like to entertain, because no one else is impressed with your ramblings at all but you.
Your simple mind ignores the slaughter of innocents by your God

He may have created the universe, but to kill innocent children for the actions of their parents is not admirable

You can’t claim God cares about the innocent unborn when he slaughters the innocent living
You mean like after slaughtering millions of unborn babies in the most heinous fashion and equating them to parasites...liberals then like to pretend that when they exploit living children for political reasons others are supposed to all of a sudden believe it’s because they “care”?
Aborting an undeveloped embryo is not the same as God slaughtering a smiling, giggling little baby
Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

If it were pure and simple there would no debate on the matter.

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I can love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10

We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing.

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Does this make you mad baby killer, that I am at church right now?

And, oh yeah, anytime you guys jack off, all of the living spermatozoa die. Should you be charged for murder? If not…why not?

Oh my word. You can't be serious. I mean, you are proving the OP absolutely correct by posting the most inane "argument" ever, in this debate. A sperm by itself is not a human being. An egg by itself is not a human being. When the sperm and the egg fuse together at conception, only THEN do you have the beginning of a brand new, genetically unique human being. And don't give me the "it's just a few cells" line, because by the time most abortions occur, the preborn has a beating heart, a face, a little body, even little arms and legs.

Come one guys, you're embarrassing yourself by bringing up the WORST, most blatantly incorrect responses in this debate.

If you’re pro-life….you should be pro all life.

Actually, it’s not a few cells, there are millions of cells you guys kill every time you rub one out.

Why are you not pro-life?

This talking point is even more stupid that "My Body, My Choice". This one is so stupid it's confined to the Underworld of Talking Points--pretty much just forums and such. "Sperm is just like a developing baby"

And these folks say WE are "anti-science"

My fourth graders are laughing at you

The phrase “even more stupid” makes 2nd graders laugh at you.

Living cells are living cells…right? No?

As for dumb arguments, the Biblical folks here should consider that many births are stillbirths and many result in the mother’s death. Was that God’s will to kill the unborn child? To kill the mother?

Please consider those questions and get back to us. I’m guessing there will be no answers provided. God must not have wanted you to answer.

Yes it was God's plan, any more stupid questions?

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