"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Tough shit brother we are a Christian nation always was, always will be..

Tough shit moron. We're not a theocracy. Jesus has no standing in US government. Sorry.

Lol the US Constitution was based on the Bible...

Nope it wasn't...

The US Constitution Founded on the Bible? Guess Again.

lol are you and that link that fucking stupid?????????????

Do you see the 10 or 613 commandments in the Constitution??

Uhm you cant even do 200 of them because the Romans burned the temple to the ground in 70 AD dumb ass.


Genesis 9:3
3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

Acts 10:15

The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes

Abortion is murder.

That's one opinion. But it's not the consensus of current law. You're free to argue that it should change, of course, but simply restating your opinion over and over again isn't very persuasive.

So....the ending of a human life is an opinion?

So, no. Abortion is not legally murder. It is simply your opinion that it should be.

This isn't that subtle. Are really confused on the matter? Or just posing?
The right to privacy is far more than reproductive autonomy –

More slick, blatantly dishonest proabort catchphrases. Let's go through this one more time. You already have "reproductive autonomy." You have the right to reproduce. And you have the right to NOT reproduce. ONCE YOU BECOME PREGNANT, YOU HAVE ALREADY REPRODUCED. Therefore, if you guys were honest, you wouldn't be calling it 'reproductive rights,' you would call it what it actually is - "killing rights."

Are you a vegan??

What's your point? If you're going to say that I should value the life of an ant as much as a preborn, sorry, but as a Christian I don't agree with standard (secular) vegans on everything. I do hold a few views that they don't hold.
Abortion is murder.

That's one opinion. But it's not the consensus of current law. You're free to argue that it should change, of course, but simply restating your opinion over and over again isn't very persuasive.

So....the ending of a human life is an opinion?

So, no. Abortion is not legally murder. It is simply your opinion that it should be.

This isn't that subtle. Are really confused on the matter? Or just posing?

Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.DUMBLAWS.COM
Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to promote the use of or own more than 6 dildos.IDIOTLAWS.COM
It’s strictly prohibited to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly.DUMBLAWS.COM
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not mutilate a rock in a state park.DUMBLAWS.COM
It's illegal for a barber to hum a tune while cutting your hair.IDIOTLAWS.COM
Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time.DUMBLAWS.COM
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.DUMBLAWS.COM
No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.DUMBLAWS.COM
Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears.DUMBLAWS.COM
Dirt may not be swept from one's house into the street.DUMBLAWS.COM
Those under 21 can drink legally, but they must be enrolled in a culinary program to do so.DUMBLAWS.COM
No one may catch a fish with his/her bare hands.DUMBLAWS.COM
Ministers must obtain a permit to carry their liquor across state lines.DUMBLAWS.COM
Hitting a vending machine that stole your money is illegal.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless more than six are for sale at once.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is a $500 fine to instruct a pizza delivery man to deliver a pizza to your friend without them knowing.DUMBLAWS.COM
Advertisements may not be placed in cemeteries.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons may not swear while on the highway.DUMBLAWS.COM
Candy may not contain more than 1% of alcohol.DUMBLAWS.COM
No man may seduce and corrupt an unmarried girl, or else he risks five years in prison.DUMBLAWS.COM
Airplanes may not be landed in city parks.DUMBLAWS.COM
If one is a parent to two illegitimate children, that person will go to jail for at least one month.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not drink in a bar between 2:00 and 6:00 AM.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not pretend to abuse an animal in the presence of a minor.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons with an STD may not marry.DUMBLAWS.COM
Sex toys are outlawed.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to collect and carry away seaweed at the beach, but only at night.DUMBLAWS.COM
All motorists must honk before passing another car, bicyclist, skater, and even a skateboarder.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons may not spit on the steps of the opera house.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity.DUMBLAWS.COM
A marriage can be declared void if either of the two persons is physically impotent.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even for wearing a hat to a function where dancing is taking place.DUMBLAWS.COM
If one loses their exotic animal, they must notify the authorities within one hour.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with an animal.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to place a container filled with human fecal matter on the side of any highway.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons convicted of felonies may not operate Bingo games.DUMBLAWS.COM
No person may bite off another’s limbs.DUMBLAWS.COM
A person must be eighteen years old to play a pinball machine.DUMBLAWS.COM
Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden.DUMBLAWS.COM
Students may not hold hands while at school.DUMBLAWS.COM
Wire cutters cannot be carried in your pocket.DUMBLAWS.COM
Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.DUMBLAWS.COM
Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.RD.COM
No animal may be hunted on Sunday with the exception of raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 AM.DUMBLAWS.COM
X-rays may not be used to fit shoes.DUMBLAWS.COM
A person may not hold public office if he or she has ever participated in a duel.DUMBLAWS.COM
Margarine may not be substituted for butter in restaurants unless it is requested by the customer.DUMBLAWS.COM
Junk dealers may not make any business transactions with drunk persons.DUMBLAWS.COM
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Yes and no SweetSue92

The problem is that legislating and regulating abortion
through Govt is GOING TO AFFECT THE WOMEN carrying
the pregnancy, and not affecting the MEN even if the MEN
coerced the women to get into those situations to begin with.

That's where the protest is coming from.

Where is the outrage and commitment to stop MEN
from abusing women for sex with no responsibility for consequences?

That's the big question that is not being asked
and never been addressed by legislative battles focusing
on pregnancy AFTER THE FACT when it affects WOMEN more than men.

To avoid the whole "catch-22" of not being able to protect
the life and rights of unborn persons without interfering with
the equal rights and freedom of women, where this process is taking place
inside their bodies, we'd have to agree on policies to PREVENT
unwanted pregnancy IN THE FIRST PLACE.

We prevent unwanted pregnancy, then we prevent abortion
and thus prevent abortion politics from pitting the beliefs
or rights of "one side vs. another" when "equal protection
of the laws" would require ALL SIDES' beliefs and interests to be
represented and protected EQUALLY.

If we cannot do that, if abortion laws would either compromise
unless all sides can AGREE on how such laws are written or enforced.

We'd have to stick to points and policies of agreement
that would effectively prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion to begin with.

Then ALL rights and beliefs would be protected equally, by preventing
this conflicting situation from ever coming up in the first place!

You are just listing common sense and railing against biology--it's like making a fist and screaming at dark clouds that spill rain. You can do it, but it's unproductive and a waste of time.

Yes, women are the ones who get pregnant. It has always been so and, I suspect, will remain so for a very, very long time.

Yes, babies desperately need that human incubator. They need it for approximately nine months. Then they don't.

The vast majority of women become pregnant of their own volition. You can cry about the "patriarchy" or whatever, but really, they can take ownership. They were not raped. They were not "coerced". They were ignorant, or stupid, or lazy. Or a mix of those three. Listen, if we want to be strong independent women, then let's be strong independent women and not sniveling little girls about our biology. Let's not cry about the fact that we can get pregnant, but actually own it, like grown women.
Yup...you got us on that one

Women become pregnant. They are obviously ignorant, stupid or lazy. But the same conservatives who despise abortion also oppose funding for sex education, birth control and social programs to care for babies

But what happens when a woman becomes pregnant? Most choose to keep the babies. Some are faced with a difficult decision to terminate.

Conservatives could make that decision easier.....they don’t

Once again what part don't you get abortion is murder pure and simple?

Men's laws fluctuate like the wind, (prohibition and the like) depending how many people you can indoctrinate in your twisted sick ways...

Jesus commandments never change, only one god and love your neighbor as God loves you .I love ya but I don't have to associate with you in your evil ways..

Titus 3:9~10


Dear bear513
This is assuming that the soul of the person has already entered that body
so this constitutes a person legally with conscious free will.

However, it is not proven or disproven whether the soul can be kept from entering the body if the mother does not want the baby to be born.

Many other women I have talked with express similar experiences and belief
that the soul of the baby was not necessarily in the body
so that abortion affected the body but not the soul of that person.

In cases where the soul WAS integrated with the body,
yes, if the baby has the will to live and this is violated, then it
is the same process as murder.

If the soul wanted to enter and be born but was blocked,
that could be a form of abuse like coercing someone against their will.
This could go either way, if you believe some souls are not meant to be born
at that time even if they thought they wanted to.

And if the soul does NOT want to enter the body, as some women
report their children born later telling them they went away previously,
as if they had conscious memory of coming through before but
not being born or being miscarried or aborted, then this does
not fit the definition of murder - if the soul was not in the body
and didn't want to be but stayed out because they agreed it wasn't their time
to be born.

bear513 all this is faithbased and cannot be proven or disprove either way.

Clearly it is a SPIRITUAL process where the soul or consciousness of the
person may or may not have full control of whether to enter the body
and be born yet, or if there are spiritual reasons for not being born,
or suffering miscarriage, stillborn conditions, disease, abortion or other
such circumstances besides healthy normal birth.

The Government cannot be in the business of regulating or dictating
someone's spiritual experience and process, or our BELIEFS about this.

Since spiritual beliefs from all sides should be treated equally,
the best most effective solution to represent ALL people of ALL beliefs
in public policy is to PREVENT abortion and unwanted pregnancy to begin with.

Again the Govt CANNOT require that everyone go through spiritual counseling
before having relations, sex, or children; but if PEOPLE agree in advance to
get counseling to prevent unwanted situations, then we can still solve this problem.

It has to come from the PEOPLE since spiritual beliefs and process are involved
that are not Govt jurisdiction or business to regulate.

If we can AGREE to respect each others rights, beliefs and consent,
we can prevent and solve these problems to keep them OUT OF GOVT in the first place.

Everyone will be satisfied and represented by agreeing to prevent
abortion and unwanted pregnancy, including rape and abuse, at 100% rate.

If it's anything less, we are going to disagree, so I'd set the bar at 100% prevention
to make sure all grievances and objections are resolved and all beliefs are protected.

If it takes time to educate all people in all districts to prevent abuse and abortion,
then there should be a timeline set on an agreed schedule and plan for reducing the rates until 100% prevention is reached. In the meantime, people who don't believe
in funding abortion or any programs tolerating sex outside of married commitment
to start families, then we need to separate taxes and agree on a schedule until
abortion and abuse is completely eradicated so there is no more conflict over policy.
Abortion is murder.

That's one opinion. But it's not the consensus of current law. You're free to argue that it should change, of course, but simply restating your opinion over and over again isn't very persuasive.

So....the ending of a human life is an opinion?

So, no. Abortion is not legally murder. It is simply your opinion that it should be.

This isn't that subtle. Are really confused on the matter? Or just posing?

Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.DUMBLAWS.COM
Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to promote the use of or own more than 6 dildos.IDIOTLAWS.COM
It’s strictly prohibited to pronounce “Arkansas” incorrectly.DUMBLAWS.COM
Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not mutilate a rock in a state park.DUMBLAWS.COM
It's illegal for a barber to hum a tune while cutting your hair.IDIOTLAWS.COM
Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time.DUMBLAWS.COM
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.DUMBLAWS.COM
No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.DUMBLAWS.COM
Coins are not allowed to be placed in one’s ears.DUMBLAWS.COM
Dirt may not be swept from one's house into the street.DUMBLAWS.COM
Those under 21 can drink legally, but they must be enrolled in a culinary program to do so.DUMBLAWS.COM
No one may catch a fish with his/her bare hands.DUMBLAWS.COM
Ministers must obtain a permit to carry their liquor across state lines.DUMBLAWS.COM
Hitting a vending machine that stole your money is illegal.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless more than six are for sale at once.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is a $500 fine to instruct a pizza delivery man to deliver a pizza to your friend without them knowing.DUMBLAWS.COM
Advertisements may not be placed in cemeteries.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons may not swear while on the highway.DUMBLAWS.COM
Candy may not contain more than 1% of alcohol.DUMBLAWS.COM
No man may seduce and corrupt an unmarried girl, or else he risks five years in prison.DUMBLAWS.COM
Airplanes may not be landed in city parks.DUMBLAWS.COM
If one is a parent to two illegitimate children, that person will go to jail for at least one month.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not drink in a bar between 2:00 and 6:00 AM.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may not pretend to abuse an animal in the presence of a minor.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons with an STD may not marry.DUMBLAWS.COM
Sex toys are outlawed.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to collect and carry away seaweed at the beach, but only at night.DUMBLAWS.COM
All motorists must honk before passing another car, bicyclist, skater, and even a skateboarder.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons may not spit on the steps of the opera house.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity.DUMBLAWS.COM
A marriage can be declared void if either of the two persons is physically impotent.DUMBLAWS.COM
One may be jailed for wearing a hat while dancing, or even for wearing a hat to a function where dancing is taking place.DUMBLAWS.COM
If one loses their exotic animal, they must notify the authorities within one hour.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with an animal.DUMBLAWS.COM
It is illegal to place a container filled with human fecal matter on the side of any highway.DUMBLAWS.COM
Persons convicted of felonies may not operate Bingo games.DUMBLAWS.COM
No person may bite off another’s limbs.DUMBLAWS.COM
A person must be eighteen years old to play a pinball machine.DUMBLAWS.COM
Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden.DUMBLAWS.COM
Students may not hold hands while at school.DUMBLAWS.COM
Wire cutters cannot be carried in your pocket.DUMBLAWS.COM
Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.DUMBLAWS.COM
Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.RD.COM
No animal may be hunted on Sunday with the exception of raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 AM.DUMBLAWS.COM
X-rays may not be used to fit shoes.DUMBLAWS.COM
A person may not hold public office if he or she has ever participated in a duel.DUMBLAWS.COM
Margarine may not be substituted for butter in restaurants unless it is requested by the customer.DUMBLAWS.COM
Junk dealers may not make any business transactions with drunk persons.DUMBLAWS.COM

Once again Mans laws fluctuate like the wind just depending how many people you indoctrinate into your evil ways, But Jesus laws remain the same......

Abortion is murder.

That's one opinion. But it's not the consensus of current law. You're free to argue that it should change, of course, but simply restating your opinion over and over again isn't very persuasive.

So....the ending of a human life is an opinion?

So, no. Abortion is not legally murder. It is simply your opinion that it should be.

This isn't that subtle. Are really confused on the matter? Or just posing?

Actually, dope, it not being murder is the opinion of unelected judges.

Science knows it is murder.

Nazi Germany had the same sorts of 'opinions' backed by the same sorts of judges.

Every reader recognizes the sort of scum that you are.

Live with it.
I am not a Christian but I know what is morally right and wrong and murder is wrong even if you are an atheist.
Murder is against the law, abortion isn't.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.

Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?
Like the Passover. As it pertains to Sodom and Gomorrah ...God sent two angels to find at least 10 righteous men ...if this could be done he would save the city. The only righteous man they found was Lot...so they told him to take his family and flee. Another case of “free will”. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah chose their own path( and fate).
I am not a Christian but I know what is morally right and wrong and murder is wrong even if you are an atheist.
Murder is against the law, abortion isn't.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.
Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?
No where will you hide from his judgement. You can hide in the mountains, and they will fall down upon you. You can hide in space, and the meteor's will shower your position, otherwise you will have no where you can hide from him nor from his judgement, so be ready for it, because it shall come.

Your blasphemy is noted.
Murder is against the law, abortion isn't.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.
Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?
No where will you hide from his judgement. You can hide in the mountains, and they will fall down upon you. You can hide in space, and the meteor's will shower your position, otherwise you will have no where you can hide from him nor from his judgement, so be ready for it, because it shall come.


Your blasphemy is noted.

Don't forget mine! I never pass up an opportunity to blaspheme.
Murder is against the law, abortion isn't.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.
Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?
No where will you hide from his judgement. You can hide in the mountains, and they will fall down upon you. You can hide in space, and the meteor's will shower your position, otherwise you will have no where you can hide from him nor from his judgement, so be ready for it, because it shall come.

Your blasphemy is noted.

You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?



Yeah, George Carlin, comedian, surely knows all about it, doesn't he?

He ate all the "BLUE FOOD" made him really funny! A devout leftist scumbag but Still Pretty funny, I think he was lucky ! His mom was Pro life!:dance:
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

Clearly, you lack the courage to even look at the issue honestly and directly.
I AM looking at it honestly. I'm not the one spouting the religious crap here......

Recognizing life is "religious crap" now? If you came upon a dead body in the street, you wouldn't be able to recognize its condition?
Constantly preaching and quoting bible verses is religious crap. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one who is tired of it.
And finding a dead body on the street is not a good comparison to aborting a clump of cells.
Where do you people get these crazy ideas from anyhow?

Answer the question. Or do your religious beliefs forbid answering simple questions?
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?

From Forbes no less.............................

Is The Biblical Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah Based On A Real-Life Impact Event?

Is The Biblical Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah Based On A Real-Life Impact Event?

Tall el-Hammam is the largest archaeological site in the Jordan valley. Discovered during quarrying operations for gravel, the site has been excavated as a joint project of the Trinity Southwest University and the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan since 2005.

The region was occupied by humans for at least 2,500 years until around 1,700 BCE, when its farming settlements and cities were suddenly abandoned and people did not return to the region for 600 to 700 years. Tall el-Hammam was apparently destroyed, as the remains of mud-brick walls suggest. Pieces of pottery recovered and dated to the same time of the destruction of the city show evidence of intense heat. The outer layers of the vessels and other objects made from clay partially melted, forming a glassy coat.

At the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, the researchers from Trinity Southwest University presented these findings, including a possible explanation. The researchers found zircon crystals in the glassy layer. Zircon is a mineral that can form under extremely high temperatures and pressure, as experienced during the impact of a celestial body on Earth. The researchers found also tiny glass beads on the site. Such spherules are known from other impact sites both on Earth and the Moon.

The spherules, they suggest, were created when an asteroid impact vaporized the ground and small droplets of molten rock fall back to Earth. This explanation of the destruction of Tall el-Hammam by an impact poses an intriguing question, was the destruction of the mythological cities Sodom and Gomorrah, as described in the Bible by fire and brimstone, based on a real-life event? The identification of Tall el-Hammam as the mythological sites of Sodom and Gomorrah is based on the interpretation of some passages in the Bible, describing the land of Sodom as located in the fertile Jordan River plain in the southern region of the land of Canaan.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

Clearly, you lack the courage to even look at the issue honestly and directly.
I AM looking at it honestly. I'm not the one spouting the religious crap here......

Recognizing life is "religious crap" now? If you came upon a dead body in the street, you wouldn't be able to recognize its condition?
Constantly preaching and quoting bible verses is religious crap. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one who is tired of it.
And finding a dead body on the street is not a good comparison to aborting a clump of cells.
Where do you people get these crazy ideas from anyhow?

Answer the question. Or do your religious beliefs forbid answering simple questions?
A clump of cells?
Day 1: fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins.

Day 6: embryo begins implantation in the uterus.

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood, often a different type than the mothers’.

Week 3: By the end of third week the child’s backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape.

Week 4: By the end of week four the child is ten thousand times larger than the fertilized egg.

Week 5: Eyes, legs, and hands begin to develop.


Unborn baby at approximately 7 weeks after conception.

Week 6: Brain waves are detectable; mouth and lips are present; fingernails are forming.

Week 7: Eyelids, and toes form, nose distinct. The baby is kicking and swimming.

Week 8: Every organ is in place, bones begin to replace cartilage, and fingerprints begin to form. By the 8th week the baby can begin to hear.
Diary of an Unborn Child | National Right to Life
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.
Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?
No where will you hide from his judgement. You can hide in the mountains, and they will fall down upon you. You can hide in space, and the meteor's will shower your position, otherwise you will have no where you can hide from him nor from his judgement, so be ready for it, because it shall come.

Your blasphemy is noted.

You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

But it is so fun to fuck with them :)

"Ants are extremely social creatures and their ability to survive depends on their community in a very similar way to humans," said Dr. Reinberg, who is also a member of the NYU Cancer Institute. "Whether they are workers, soldiers or queens, ants seem to be a perfect fit to study whether epigenetics influences behavior and aging."

So have you ever killed an ant?? If you eat meat, mushrooms or fish or even an egg then you ok killing. If you kill an ant, a fly, or even a worm, then you are a killer or murderer, see that takes premeditation.
There is a difference between the life of an animal and the life of a human. Man is the only creature or creation of God which has the ability to be saved if he will turn to the Lord Jesus. Animals do not have the moral conscience which tells them they are sinners in need of forgiveness
Man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 2:26-27). Therefore, man is triune in nature–he possesses spirit, soul and body. He is a trichotomous being. On the other hand, animals possess body and soul, but not spirit. This would make them dichotomous beings.

Being dichotomous in nature, an animal would have no sense of right or wrong–no conscience. Therefore, even though he loves his master, and is loved by his master, and even though he may learn to “obey” his master, he would not be held accountable by God for his actions. The Lord gave man “dominion” over all animal life (Genesis 1:26-28).

However, the Lord made provision for the care of animals (Genesis 9:9-10; Psalm 36:6-1 Deuteronomy 25:4; Psalm 104). Even though animals are without a soul and we do have “dominion” over them, this doesn’t mean we should ever be intentionally abusive to anima

You do realize that this board is made up of many who are not Christian, don't you? So your referring to Jesus and being saved doesn't interest them in the least.
I am not a Christian but I know what is morally right and wrong and murder is wrong even if you are an atheist.
No one is saying murder isn’t wrong.

What is wrong is to propagate the lie that abortion is ‘murder’ – where as a fact of law it is not.

It is amazing it is legal to declaw a cat in this country, most of the rest of the world thinks not...............

You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

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