"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, ...n.

No dogma, just you lacking the courage and honesty to face your own position clearly and directly. Talk all the shit you want, you know damn well what slaughtering the completely innocent really is. The lie of your politics doesn’t get you off the hook with yourself when you dare to be honest in your private moments.

Sorry, Unk. I asked my wife and daughter again if you can have legal control of their bodies. They still say, "No".

You and they have no choice in the matter as long as you live in my country. My fellow citizens and I, men and women, have established lots of laws about what you can and cannot do with your bodies and to the bodies of others. If you don't like that, there is a spaceship leaving in a few hours.

Ok, I agree. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that abortion is legal, have a nice trip!

And if any of these recent laws are upheld you'll admit they are the rightful law of the land, right?

Yes, I will. Then, if my daughter wants an abortion, I will take her to a gynecologist to have a D & C, instead, just like people did in the 1960's.
Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, just like you guys did when you made it illegal for any retail establishment to be open on Sunday where I grew up in the South. I tolerated that for 26 years, before we overcame that absurdity. I have no intention of tolerating it again.
All laws are a compromise based on the conclusions of a particular civilization. All you've done here is show your civil disobedience at best, and your outright criminality at worst.

Last time you "tolerated" it, what are you going to do this time? Lie on your back screaming and pounding your little fists? Yea, that's what I thought.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

Clearly, you lack the courage to even look at the issue honestly and directly.
I AM looking at it honestly. I'm not the one spouting the religious crap here......

Recognizing life is "religious crap" now? If you came upon a dead body in the street, you wouldn't be able to recognize its condition?
Constantly preaching and quoting bible verses is religious crap. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one who is tired of it.
And finding a dead body on the street is not a good comparison to aborting a clump of cells.
Where do you people get these crazy ideas from anyhow?

The 70s called....it wants its "clump of cells" talking point back
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?


George Carlin was a rich white male millionaire. He made his fortune from mocking middleclass bourgeoisie whites, for Christ sake. That paradigm is dead now. Now we have a huge underclass living in fucking tents by the side of the road as of you weepy eyed liberal ignoramuses drive by, unaffected. But the plight of the poor poor Mexican illegal aliens, oh, compassion city! What the fuck? Abortion is infanticide by other name. And quoting a dead wealthy white male comedian about abortion isn't exactly a great example to legitimize anything, anyway. Is it?

The funny thing about this Carlin quote that he and pro-choice people never realize is that the obverse is also true: Liberals will do anything for the born but before that, they don’t want to know about you, they don’t want to hear from you.

Carlin was good for a few chuckles but I didn’t find him particularly funny. His monologues were nothing more than political and social rants interspersed with occasional sarcasm.
Carlin is spot on in where one's rights end, and one's obligations begin

Yet that simple concept rambles thru 57 pages of angst,anger,diversion & denial

You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.
No dogma, just you lacking the courage and honesty to face your own position clearly and directly. Talk all the shit you want, you know damn well what slaughtering the completely innocent really is. The lie of your politics doesn’t get you off the hook with yourself when you dare to be honest in your private moments.

Sorry, Unk. I asked my wife and daughter again if you can have legal control of their bodies. They still say, "No".

You and they have no choice in the matter as long as you live in my country. My fellow citizens and I, men and women, have established lots of laws about what you can and cannot do with your bodies and to the bodies of others. If you don't like that, there is a spaceship leaving in a few hours.

Ok, I agree. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that abortion is legal, have a nice trip!

That wasn't the ruling ignorant one.


Oh, my! I could have sworn that Roe VS. Wade legalized abortion! Please fill me in with your alternative facts!

14th amendment right to privacy, youre the one indoctrinated on alternative facts brother..

You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.

James 1:22

Do not merely read the word and decieve yourself, do what it says...

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.

James 1:22

Do not merely read the word and decieve yourself, do what it says...

Where does it say in the Bible that thou shall not have an abortion and where does it say abortion is murder?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.

James 1:22

Do not merely read the word and decieve yourself, do what it says...


Most so called Christian's don't read the Bible niether do their pastors , I know I go to 4 different denominations on Sundays
That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.

James 1:22

Do not merely read the word and decieve yourself, do what it says...


Most so called Christian's don't read the Bible niether do their pastors , I know I go to 4 different denominations on Sundays

So in the bible there is no such word about abortion. You just quoted me words from James, a book in the bible.

4 different denomination you say, yes protestants live for the bible, that is all they have.
Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up

Nearly one in four women in the United States (23.7%) will have an abortion by age 45, according to a new analysis by Guttmacher Institute researchers Rachel Jones and Jenna Jerman, just published in the American Journal of Public Health. By age 20, 4.6% of women will have had an abortion, and 19% will have done so by age 30.
Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates
It's foolish to believe 25% of all females in the US do not identify as Christian, I just gave an example of Abby Johnson, and I'm sure there are many like her.

We need to keep up PP and have title X available for all.

James 1:22

Do not merely read the word and decieve yourself, do what it says...


Most so called Christian's don't read the Bible niether do their pastors , I know I go to 4 different denominations on Sundays

So in the bible there is no such word about abortion. You just quoted me words from James, a book in the bible.

4 different denomination you say, yes protestants live for the bible, that is all they have.
The Bible doesn't mention cyanide either, but consuming it is still a very bad thing.

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