"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Where does it say in the Bible that thou shall not have an abortion and where does it say abortion is murder?
It SAYS taking an innocent human life is evil.
Science proves it is an innocent human life.
The Bible says, God is intimately involved in "knitting together" that innocent human life.

Now just accept that you WANT to do evil and quit looking for excuses.
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"
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All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians
Funny, I know NONE.

Maybe those you claim to know should stop PRACTICING and just do right.
Where does it say in the Bible that thou shall not have an abortion and where does it say abortion is murder?

Where does the 14th amendment say murder/abortion is legal? Where does the 1st amendment say freedom of speech on the radio, television, internet?
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"

That's not a Christian

Where does it say in the Bible that thou shall not have an abortion and where does it say abortion is murder?

Where does the 14th amendment say murder/abortion is legal? Where does the 1st amendment say freedom of speech on the radio, television, internet?
Penelope....Abortion is not mentioned in the bible per se because it was not done during that time. But it does refer to the forced expulsion of an unborn child is murder and "a life for a life" is the words used.
The unborn baby is undeniably alive and growing, and taking its life is clearly murder, as the prophet Jeremiah points out: “He did not kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave” (Jeremiah 20:17). God vowed to punish those who “ripped open the women with child” (Amos 1:13). In ancient Israel, the unborn child was granted equal protection in the law; if he lost his life, the one who caused his death must lose his own life: “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined . . .But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life” (Exodus 21:22,23).
Under the anti-abortions laws, a doctor performing abortions are given life sentences and they are lucky because if they did this under biblical law they would be put to death.
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I just remembered something. When I was a child and my family was attending the Methodist Church, the pastor's wife performed abortions and the entire town know it. Case in point is that most pro-choice are Christians.
You're wasting your time discussing Biblical matters with an left loon atheist

No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"

Yeah right....sit down
I just remembered something. When I was a child and my family was attending the Methodist Church, the pastor's wife performed abortions and the entire town know it. Case in point is that most pro-choice are Christians.

You tell tale tales, lady
Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, just like you guys did when you made it illegal for any retail establishment to be open on Sunday where I grew up in the South. I tolerated that for 26 years, before we overcame that absurdity. I have no intention of tolerating it again.
All laws are a compromise based on the conclusions of a particular civilization. All you've done here is show your civil disobedience at best, and your outright criminality at worst.

Last time you "tolerated" it, what are you going to do this time? Lie on your back screaming and pounding your little fists? Yea, that's what I thought.

Well, no, as I said before on this thread, first I will vote against any politician who would attempt to control my wife and daughter's body. If that failed, I would simply bypass the law, as we used to do in the 1960's, by having a doctor do a D &C instead of an abortion, If that didn't work, I would take her to another state to have it done, and if that didn't work, I would take her to another country to have it done. So, you see, your attempt to legislate our morality would work out pretty much like prohibition did.
Sorry, Unk. I asked my wife and daughter again if you can have legal control of their bodies. They still say, "No".

You and they have no choice in the matter as long as you live in my country. My fellow citizens and I, men and women, have established lots of laws about what you can and cannot do with your bodies and to the bodies of others. If you don't like that, there is a spaceship leaving in a few hours.

Ok, I agree. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that abortion is legal, have a nice trip!

That wasn't the ruling ignorant one.


Oh, my! I could have sworn that Roe VS. Wade legalized abortion! Please fill me in with your alternative facts!

14th amendment right to privacy, youre the one indoctrinated on alternative facts brother..


Bear, you will find that your postings are more comprehensible if you use complete sentences.
Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, just like you guys did when you made it illegal for any retail establishment to be open on Sunday where I grew up in the South. I tolerated that for 26 years, before we overcame that absurdity. I have no intention of tolerating it again.
All laws are a compromise based on the conclusions of a particular civilization. All you've done here is show your civil disobedience at best, and your outright criminality at worst.

Last time you "tolerated" it, what are you going to do this time? Lie on your back screaming and pounding your little fists? Yea, that's what I thought.

Well, no, as I said before on this thread, first I will vote against any politician who would attempt to control my wife and daughter's body. If that failed, I would simply bypass the law, as we used to do in the 1960's, by having a doctor do a D &C instead of an abortion, If that didn't work, I would take her to another state to have it done, and if that didn't work, I would take her to another country to have it done. So, you see, your attempt to legislate our morality would work out pretty much like prohibition did.

so you would vote to let your grandchild be murdered,,,
Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, just like you guys did when you made it illegal for any retail establishment to be open on Sunday where I grew up in the South. I tolerated that for 26 years, before we overcame that absurdity. I have no intention of tolerating it again.
All laws are a compromise based on the conclusions of a particular civilization. All you've done here is show your civil disobedience at best, and your outright criminality at worst.

Last time you "tolerated" it, what are you going to do this time? Lie on your back screaming and pounding your little fists? Yea, that's what I thought.

Well, no, as I said before on this thread, first I will vote against any politician who would attempt to control my wife and daughter's body. If that failed, I would simply bypass the law, as we used to do in the 1960's, by having a doctor do a D &C instead of an abortion, If that didn't work, I would take her to another state to have it done, and if that didn't work, I would take her to another country to have it done. So, you see, your attempt to legislate our morality would work out pretty much like prohibition did.

so you would vote to let your grandchild be murdered,,,

No, I think that instead, I would vote to make your Erectile Dysfunction medication illegal.....
Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, just like you guys did when you made it illegal for any retail establishment to be open on Sunday where I grew up in the South. I tolerated that for 26 years, before we overcame that absurdity. I have no intention of tolerating it again.
All laws are a compromise based on the conclusions of a particular civilization. All you've done here is show your civil disobedience at best, and your outright criminality at worst.

Last time you "tolerated" it, what are you going to do this time? Lie on your back screaming and pounding your little fists? Yea, that's what I thought.

Well, no, as I said before on this thread, first I will vote against any politician who would attempt to control my wife and daughter's body. If that failed, I would simply bypass the law, as we used to do in the 1960's, by having a doctor do a D &C instead of an abortion, If that didn't work, I would take her to another state to have it done, and if that didn't work, I would take her to another country to have it done. So, you see, your attempt to legislate our morality would work out pretty much like prohibition did.

so you would vote to let your grandchild be murdered,,,

No, I think that instead, I would vote to make your Erectile Dysfunction medication illegal.....

now thats funnier the shit,,,NOT

but what did I expect from a baby killer
And join a nutty church perhaps?
No matter how much you try to convince yourself or others otherwise. Aborting a baby even up until birth or killing a baby born alive after a botched abortion is murder.

If you can’t hack that knowledge and have to lie to convince yourself by pretending otherwise sounds like a personal problem.

I'll keep that in mind while thinking of ways to control your life, in accordance with my moral beliefs...

That's EXACTLY what you do when you support laws making rape, murder, or theft of any kind illegal. Or are you coming out as full anarchist?

Since abortion is not "murder", you are violating my rights with your religious dogma, ...n.

No dogma, just you lacking the courage and honesty to face your own position clearly and directly. Talk all the shit you want, you know damn well what slaughtering the completely innocent really is. The lie of your politics doesn’t get you off the hook with yourself when you dare to be honest in your private moments.

And yet again: one can oppose abortion, believe it to be wrong, and seek its end consistent with the constitution and the right to privacy.

Respecting a woman's right to privacy while advocating for the end of abortion are not at odds with each other .
No kidding. WTF? Why do religious people assume their irrational beliefs matter to anyone else?
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"

Yeah right....sit down
One does not have to be a Christian to believe in GOD and the bible. I believe in GOD but I reject traditional Christian teachings of the bible. There are 35 Christian denominations in the United States and they all teach a different interpretation of the bible. If asked if I am a Christian, I have to say no not in the traditional sense. I have a personal relationship with my GOD and I base my beliefs on my understanding. The government needs to back off making laws that pertain to my body. I have a basic human understanding of what is right or wrong and I put it into practice. I remember when I was pregnant with my youngest and my two older children were protective of the baby inside me and they had no understanding of what it was except it was there sister and wanted no harm to come to her. You do not have to know GOD or be a Christian to have respect for life. I am so pro-life that I will not accept cut flowers or cut a flower and watch it die. If one chose to have an abortion do not ask others to participate like a doctor to do it for you. And doctors should not be forced by law to perform abortions. Abortion should not be a medical procedure unless the mother's life is at risk. People abort because the unborn baby has Downs Syndrome, etc. Am I less a human if I am on a ventilator and forced tube fed to stay alive. I have a granddaughter that has downs syndrome and I have Multiple Sclerosis and I cannot walk. Have COPD because I was a smoker. I am disabled but does that make me not a viable human being. I depend on assistance to live. An unborn child depends on its mother for life sustaining oxygen and food, etc.
Obviously, there are many who do care about the life of the unborn. Jehovah’s Witnesses (75%) and Mormons (70%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, according to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, a survey of more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states. The same holds true for members of some evangelical churches, including the Pentecostal denominations Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (77%) and Assemblies of God (71%), as well as America’s largest evangelical denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention (66%). Indeed, among all those who are part of the evangelical tradition, nearly twice as many say they oppose legal abortion as support it (63% to 33%).

That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"

Yeah right....sit down
One does not have to be a Christian to believe in GOD and the bible. I believe in GOD but I reject traditional Christian teachings of the bible. There are 35 Christian denominations in the United States and they all teach a different interpretation of the bible. If asked if I am a Christian, I have to say no not in the traditional sense. I have a personal relationship with my GOD and I base my beliefs on my understanding. The government needs to back off making laws that pertain to my body. I have a basic human understanding of what is right or wrong and I put it into practice. I remember when I was pregnant with my youngest and my two older children were protective of the baby inside me and they had no understanding of what it was except it was there sister and wanted no harm to come to her. You do not have to know GOD or be a Christian to have respect for life. I am so pro-life that I will not accept cut flowers or cut a flower and watch it die. If one chose to have an abortion do not ask others to participate like a doctor to do it for you. And doctors should not be forced by law to perform abortions. Abortion should not be a medical procedure unless the mother's life is at risk. People abort because the unborn baby has Downs Syndrome, etc. Am I less a human if I am on a ventilator and forced tube fed to stay alive. I have a granddaughter that has downs syndrome and I have Multiple Sclerosis and I cannot walk. Have COPD because I was a smoker. I am disabled but does that make me not a viable human being. I depend on assistance to live. An unborn child depends on its mother for life sustaining oxygen and food, etc.

A child is not viable per se until it is able to provide for its own care and not depend on it's mother to stay alive but it is still a life. Just as the unborn child. An unborn child does not breathe but still takes in oxygen from its mother. I believe with time science will be able to bring a child to full term in a putrid dish, etc without being in the womb of a host woman. There are animals that not have lungs to breathe in oxygen but are still living being. There was a time when Blacks in this country and under the law were not considered human and then was only considered 3/4 human.
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That is good, no one likes or is pro abortion, but its all about pro choice. So many of those so called Christians have had one or more abortions.

Take Abby Johnson, who worked at PP for several years, and had 2 abortions. She found God.

Prove" so many of those Christians had one ir more abortions"...if not shut the hell up
All the women I have known that have had abortions were practicing Christians. All the women I know that are pro-choice are practicing Christians. One of the reasons I am not a practicing Christian. I am one with GOD and nature. Not religious but spiritual knowing right from wrong. Was taught from an early age to respect life.
Americans with no religious attachment (self-identified atheists, agnostics, ... Men, Nonwhites, and Southerners Are Among the Most "Pro-Life".
In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads Are Highly "Pro-Choice"

Yeah right....sit down
One does not have to be a Christian to believe in GOD and the bible. I believe in GOD but I reject traditional Christian teachings of the bible. There are 35 Christian denominations in the United States and they all teach a different interpretation of the bible. If asked if I am a Christian, I have to say no not in the traditional sense. I have a personal relationship with my GOD and I base my beliefs on my understanding. The government needs to back off making laws that pertain to my body. I have a basic human understanding of what is right or wrong and I put it into practice. I remember when I was pregnant with my youngest and my two older children were protective of the baby inside me and they had no understanding of what it was except it was there sister and wanted no harm to come to her. You do not have to know GOD or be a Christian to have respect for life. I am so pro-life that I will not accept cut flowers or cut a flower and watch it die. If one chose to have an abortion do not ask others to participate like a doctor to do it for you. And doctors should not be forced by law to perform abortions. Abortion should not be a medical procedure unless the mother's life is at risk. People abort because the unborn baby has Downs Syndrome, etc. Am I less a human if I am on a ventilator and forced tube fed to stay alive. I have a granddaughter that has downs syndrome and I have Multiple Sclerosis and I cannot walk. Have COPD because I was a smoker. I am disabled but does that make me not a viable human being. I depend on assistance to live. An unborn child depends on its mother for life-sustaining oxygen and food, etc.

That is expected from people who do not have an answer.

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