"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

I find ALL of the anti-abortion talking points to be both stupid and laughable, but not in any way funny.

The very idea that YOUR beliefs about the sanctity of fetal life, none of which have ANY basis in biology, or reality, should govern how the rest of us live, is laughable.

Neither a zygote nor a fetus are babies. Babies can live and breathe on their own without benefit of a host.

God gave women choice in having babies. He recognized that timing is critical to the survival of the species. Being pregnant in times of war, or famine, or migration could lead to the death of both mother and child, or hardships for families so God gave us an out for bad timing. He could have made pregnancy absolute but He didn’t.

God gave us choice. You idiots would take it away.
And God gave the people in this world enough sense to know wrong when they see it, and killing innocent defenseless babies while in the womb is as wrong as it gets. No matter how the left cuts it or spins it, they are wrong in supporting the killing of babies in the womb. The corporate killing machine for profit must be stopped along with it's propaganda machine powered by the deep state etc. Trump is on the job.
An example of the insanity that is the Trump supporter.

They're desperate for anything that can help them crawl out from under the stigma of following Trump's depravity. Nothing is more dangerous than a self-righteous zealot with a guilty conscience.
...No matter how the left cuts it or spins it, they are wrong in supporting the killing of babies in the womb. The corporate killing machine for profit must be stopped along with it's propaganda machine powered by the deep state etc. Trump is on the job.
An example of the insanity that is the Trump supporter.
Uh-huh … because speaking for those whose voices are too small to be heard is irrefutable proof of insanity. Get a mirror … you've surrendered your soul to your religion … Leftardism.
They're desperate for anything that can help them crawl out from under the stigma of following Trump's depravity. Nothing is more dangerous than a self-righteous zealot with a guilty conscience.
You remain delusional. Most Americans don't obsess for 30 months over a lost election. In fact, most don't give a flying rat's ass about our chatter here or your still very painful Electoral College butt-hurt.

63 million Americans - me not among them - voted for Trump in 2016 including 4 million Dems and 19 million Independents. We all knew who and what he was and still he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" despite her having our MSM in her pocket and spending more than twice what he did. Evidently her gov't experience and political "elite" membership - which she never failed to flaunt - hurt her as much as helped.

Rational Americans are far more concerned with results and some hapless Democrat Socialist is gonna have to run against Trump's next year. Good luck with that. :laugh:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

I find ALL of the anti-abortion talking points to be both stupid and laughable, but not in any way funny.

The very idea that YOUR beliefs about the sanctity of fetal life, none of which have ANY basis in biology, or reality, should govern how the rest of us live, is laughable.

Neither a zygote nor a fetus are babies. Babies can live and breathe on their own without benefit of a host.

God gave women choice in having babies. He recognized that timing is critical to the survival of the species. Being pregnant in times of war, or famine, or migration could lead to the death of both mother and child, or hardships for families so God gave us an out for bad timing. He could have made pregnancy absolute but He didn’t.

God gave us choice. You idiots would take it away.
And God gave the people in this world enough sense to know wrong when they see it, and killing innocent defenseless babies while in the womb is as wrong as it gets. No matter how the left cuts it or spins it, they are wrong in supporting the killing of babies in the womb. The corporate killing machine for profit must be stopped along with it's propaganda machine powered by the deep state etc. Trump is on the job.
An example of the insanity that is the Trump supporter.

They're desperate for anything that can help them crawl out from under the stigma of following Trump's depravity. Nothing is more dangerous than a self-righteous zealot with a guilty conscience.
You are delusional. Most Americans don't obsess for 30 months over a lost election. In fact, most don't give a flying rat's ass about our chatter here or your still very painful Electoral College butt-hurt.

63 million Americans - me not among them - voted for Trump in 2016 including 4 million Dems and 19 million Independents. We all knew who and what he was and still he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" despite her having our MSM in her pocket and spending more than twice what he did. Evidently her gov't experience and political "elite" membership - which she never failed to flaunt - hurt her as much as helped.

Rational Americans are far more concerned with results and some hapless Democrat Socialist is gonna have to run against Trump's next year. Good luck with that. :laugh:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

See what I mean?
...No matter how the left cuts it or spins it, they are wrong in supporting the killing of babies in the womb. The corporate killing machine for profit must be stopped along with it's propaganda machine powered by the deep state etc. Trump is on the job.
An example of the insanity that is the Trump supporter.
Uh-huh … because speaking for those whose voices are too small to be heard is irrefutable proof of insanity. Get a mirror … you've surrendered your soul to your religion … Leftardism.
They're desperate for anything that can help them crawl out from under the stigma of following Trump's depravity. Nothing is more dangerous than a self-righteous zealot with a guilty conscience.
You remain delusional. Most Americans don't obsess for 30 months over a lost election. In fact, most don't give a flying rat's ass about our chatter here or your still very painful Electoral College butt-hurt.

63 million Americans - me not among them - voted for Trump in 2016 including 4 million Dems and 19 million Independents. We all knew who and what he was and still he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" despite her having our MSM in her pocket and spending more than twice what he did. Evidently her gov't experience and political "elite" membership - which she never failed to flaunt - hurt her as much as helped.

Rational Americans are far more concerned with results and some hapless Democrat Socialist is gonna have to run against Trump's next year. Good luck with that. :laugh:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

63 million Americans didn't realize that Donald Trump was lying to them about everything he was saying when they voted for him in 2016. Now they know better. Witness the mid-Term elections, and the daily hit that membership in the Republican Party is taking.

Look at the low quality of the candidates running on the Republican ticket these days. The mess being made of health care, the environment, global warming, the trade wars, the destruction of the EPA. States are busy adding environment regulations to counter the destruction on air and water quality that the EPA roll back of clean water and clean air regulations could have.

"Speaking for voices too small to speak" is such bullshit. A fetus has no voice, no mouth to speak with, and no brain to form a thought. In heeding this non-existent voice, you are utterly denying the WOMAN'S VOICE, and that of her existing children, when she says "I cannot afford to have this baby". Or the reality that the women who are making this choice, are doing so because of Republican policies.
abortion control.jpg

Yes, the idea that conservatives continue to refer to babies as "consequences" is chilling. Children are human beings who should be cherished and wanted by two loving parents who are prepared to provide for its needs, both physical and emotional, not inflicted as "punishment" for behaviour conservatives view as "immoral".

Then there's this overwhelming drumbeat to restrict access to birth control for young women because it encourages "immoral behaviour". Remembering what life was like for teenagers and young women in the 1950's, before the Pill, such talk is positively frightening. Girls in high school who got "in trouble", were immediately expelled and not allowed back into school. So you have a young couple who are pregnant and banned from completing high school.

Abortions were dodgy, back alley things. I remember a friend going for an abortion. Her brother found a guy he said was a doctor who would do it. I remember going to check on her after she got home, being frightened for her life. Years later, after abortions were legalized, I accompanied another friend to the hospital for a legal abortion. No fear or danger involved. Just concern for getting her through this process, and home to recover.

There were orphanages because so many children were born out of wedlock to unwed mothers. Sometimes the girl's parents "adopted" a baby and raised the child as his/her mother's sibling. There were far more children awaiting adoption than there were parents looking for children. There were also a LOT more children born with disabilities.

I grew up in the 1950's and 1960's and remember the terror of our "abstinence only" health classes. If things got "out of hand", it was the girl's responsibility to put a stop to it, because boy's couldn't really help themselves. And if things got out of hand and we found ourselves "in trouble", our lives would be forever ruined. Even if we went away and had the baby and gave it up, no decent man would ever want to marry us. And at one point, the child's birth certificate actually had the word "bastard" on it.

Good times. Conservatives are on a determined march to return us to these times. When women bled out in emergency rooms from botched abortions. All that ended with Roe v Wade.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

I find 'mind your own business' works well.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

I find 'mind your own business' works well.

Baby murderers don't like to br disturbed during their butchery
Leave it to democrats to refer to the most innocent, potential-abounding human life as “punishment,” while completely overlooking who is REALLY being punished.
Personal opinion and religious dogma are subjective and in no manner mitigate facts of law – the fact of law that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ and that abortion is not ‘murder.’

GODs law trumps man's law. Sad you do not know your GOD>

Islamics everywhere rejoice in your validation!!!!!

Hey I found your FB page!


if you have a problem with the way Islamic women are treated by men, you should address your post to Lilolady, who posted, "GODs law trumps man's law. Sad you do not know your GOD".
More unborn babies are murdered in this country then honor killing of Muslim women. We also killed more innocent Muslims in unnecessary wars than Muslim men. "Clean up your own back yard before telling someone else how to clean their back yard."

So, your solution to women wanting to end pregnancies is to imprison doctors. Sounds like high order GOP thinking! Then, we can go back to the days when they were performed by your friendly neighborhood abortionist! I guess that is good for the economy. Frank Sinatra's mother used to do that for a living.
...No matter how the left cuts it or spins it, they are wrong in supporting the killing of babies in the womb. The corporate killing machine for profit must be stopped along with it's propaganda machine powered by the deep state etc. Trump is on the job.
An example of the insanity that is the Trump supporter.
Uh-huh … because speaking for those whose voices are too small to be heard is irrefutable proof of insanity. Get a mirror … you've surrendered your soul to your religion … Leftardism.
They're desperate for anything that can help them crawl out from under the stigma of following Trump's depravity. Nothing is more dangerous than a self-righteous zealot with a guilty conscience.
You remain delusional. Most Americans don't obsess for 30 months over a lost election. In fact, most don't give a flying rat's ass about our chatter here or your still very painful Electoral College butt-hurt.

63 million Americans - me not among them - voted for Trump in 2016 including 4 million Dems and 19 million Independents. We all knew who and what he was and still he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" despite her having our MSM in her pocket and spending more than twice what he did. Evidently her gov't experience and political "elite" membership - which she never failed to flaunt - hurt her as much as helped.

Rational Americans are far more concerned with results and some hapless Democrat Socialist is gonna have to run against Trump's next year. Good luck with that. :laugh:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
63 million Americans didn't realize that Donald Trump was lying to them about everything he was saying when they voted for him in 2016...
Probably because he wasn't. Not all Americans are bitter, frustrated, delusional twits.

Yeah … our Democrat Socialist Party will have to run on their identity and against Trump's record.

2020 is gonna be epic and sooo much fun. :D
...Witness the mid-Term elections, and the daily hit that membership in the Republican Party is taking.

Look at the low quality of the candidates running on the Republican ticket these days.
Ah … the Midterms. Even you must know the Dems fell far short of the Repub Tsunami in Obama's first middie (2010), failing even to snag the 2 lousy Senate seats they needed to capture it. Hell, the Dems actually lost 2 Senate seats. You must realize fully 1/3 of the Democrat Socialist Party members are running for POTUS because they have no real candidate … just a bunch of retreads (losers), VP hopefuls, 2024 dreamers, and those needing to fill their campaign coffers.
"Speaking for voices too small to speak" is such bullshit. A fetus has no voice, no mouth to speak with, and no brain to form a thought. In heeding this non-existent voice, you are utterly denying the WOMAN'S VOICE, and that of her existing children, when she says "I cannot afford to have this baby". Or the reality that the women who are making this choice, are doing so because of Republican policies.
I'm denying no one anything. I'm defending the same right of unborn babies to life as you have enjoyed.

I do understand that many women feel their rights are being trampled but I must weigh that against the right of the unborn to live. It's no contest in my mind.
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You just declare things with no arguments. That's because you have none. This is obvious.
My argument is abortion is not murder. That you can't figure that out is a reflection on you, not me.
That you cling to that silliness is a reflection on you. As the OP noted, it may still be legal but there is no good argument for abortion.


There's no good argument to save the live of a woman?

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.
1. Nothing is done. The woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives.

That's it. Either an abortion is performed or the woman dies.

You're saying there's no good argument to save the lives of over 65 thousand women in America each year?

That's what's wrong with you far right wing radical extremists. You're just way too extreme.

You are one sick person.
You just declare things with no arguments. That's because you have none. This is obvious.
My argument is abortion is not murder. That you can't figure that out is a reflection on you, not me.
That you cling to that silliness is a reflection on you. As the OP noted, it may still be legal but there is no good argument for abortion.


There's no good argument to save the live of a woman?

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.
1. Nothing is done. The woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives.

That's it. Either an abortion is performed or the woman dies.

You're saying there's no good argument to save the lives of over 65 thousand women in America each year?

That's what's wrong with you far right wing radical extremists. You're just way too extreme.

You are one sick person.
No where have I stated we should not consider the mama's life first but life-saving abortions are 1% of the 800,000 who are slaughtered and flushed each year. Your argument is shrill, lame, and irrational.
I am not a Christian but I know what is morally right and wrong and murder is wrong even if you are an atheist.
Murder is against the law, abortion isn't.
The unborn is alive and living off the host who is the mother where it gets it food, oxygen, etc so aborting a living being is murder and a crime. When the unborn is aborted it dies. It is not like cutting down a tree.
You can keep saying that until the cows come home, but it still doesn't make it murder except in your mind. Like I said before, murder is a crime in this country, abortion isn't.

In the eyes of our creator abortion is a crime. And GOD's law always trump man's law.

It's called Google darlin
God, the biggest mass murderer in history?
"The 10 incidents and declarations surveyed above document God's complete rejection of the anti-abortion crusaders' claims about the sanctity of life and a divine right to life. There is clearly no biblical justification for the radical theology they espouse. This section summarizes God's monumental history of murderous behavior as recorded in holy writ.

We know that God killed millions of unborn children and their pregnant mothers-to-be in the Noachian deluge, the conquest of Canaan, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah and in 20 major slaughters described in the bible. The critical feature of these horrific events is that all people were exterminated. Whenever entire communities were massacred, we can be sure that pregnant mothers-to-be and their unborn children were among the victims. Moreover, there are no stated exemptions for this specific segment of the population.

It can be concluded from this ghastly program of human annihilation that the God of the bible is the greatest mass murderer in history and that he does not care about unborn children or living children or living adults. If God really opposes abortion, why didn't he just say so? Why didn't he authorize one of his trusted spokesmen—Moses, Jesus or Paul—to issue a definitive statement on the subject?

It is also noteworthy that while the bible requires the death penalty for 60 specified criminal violations, abortion is not among them. When all relevant documentation is examined, it is obvious that God does not love the unborn and he certainly does not disapprove of abortion.

Killed millions of unborn children?
Which bible ARE you reading?

Far right radical extremists pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to follow.

That is IF they've actually read the whole book.
"The founding fathers were Deists..."

You must be a government school grad, huh?

No, they weren't 'deists.'

Let's prove it together.

The truth about American's founders is..."all of whom, even if some did not individually adhere to orthodox Christianity, were steeped in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."


As the dupes of the Left throw around terms to make their case, let's see what "Deist" actually means.

As there is far, far too much evidence for the Judeo-Christian basis of our nation, those on the Left....desiring to adhere to Marx's doctrines....attempt to call the Founders 'deists' to attempt to pry them from being called 'religious.'

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind. Google

"The notion that any of the Founders believed in an impersonal deity who merely created the universe and then left it to itself is false. All of them believed in a God who, as Franklin said at the Constitutional Convention, “governs in the affairs of men.”

I'd be happy to prove it with specific Founders.

Deism and the Founding Fathers
As 'children of the Enlightenment,' many of America's 'Founding Fathers' were deists. There is much debate among historians over which Founding Fathers were or were not deists. This is because many of the writings of our Founders contain varying degrees of deist thought. It is important to keep in mind that deist thinking was often synthesized with Christianity, and also tended to be vague. So historians often disagree over who was an outright deist, and who was a Christian 'with deist sympathies.' That said, many of our Founders were influenced by deist thinking to varying degrees.


Thomas Jefferson is generally considered a deist. In fact, he was so skeptical of supernatural occurrences that he took a knife and cut out passages in his Bible that referred to miracles. 'Jefferson's Bible,' as it has been called, is still around today and belongs to the Smithsonian Institute. Benjamin Franklin is also widely believed to have been a deist. James Madison is thought to have been a deist, though there is much debate over this. A leading American deist was Thomas Paine, writer of The Age of Reason, Common Sense, and many other works. How about George Washington? Debate over his religious views is particularly heated. The truth is that no one is really sure. Washington commonly referred to 'Providence' instead of 'God,' yet he is generally thought to have been an Episcopalian.

Deism & the Founding Fathers: Definition & Beliefs | Study.com

Sure thing:

4. As there is far, far too much evidence for the Judeo-Christian basis of our nation, those on the Left....desiring to adhere to Marx's doctrines....attempt to call the Founders 'deists' to attempt to pry them from being called 'religious.'

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind. Google

5. "The notion that any of the Founders believed in an impersonal deity who merely created the universe and then left it to itself is false. All of them believed in a God who, as Franklin said at the Constitutional Convention, “governs in the affairs of men.”

Let’s start with George Washington.

Washington’s writings, both public and private, are full of references to the Bible. This is certainly true during his eight years as the first President of the United States.

Here is Washington at his first Inaugural:
“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained.”
In all likelihood, Washington was an orthodox Christian.

Like Washington, Benjamin Franklin also referenced Bible verses, stories, and metaphors throughout his life. His calls for prayer at the Constitutional Convention were typical of his attitude. Franklin, who had his own unorthodox views, summed up his faith this way: “That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this.”

Clearly not a view of God ignoring his creations.

6. When it comes to John Adams, the Leftwing sophists have a field day!

"Adams referred to himself as a Christian throughout his life, but did not believe in traditional Christian doctrines such as the trinity or the divinity of Jesus.... [but] before, during and after his tenure as President, Adams repeatedly asserted his admiration for the Christian faith... Adams spoke of his great respect for the Bible. “[T]he Bible is the best book in the world. It contains more of my… philosophy than all the libraries I have seen…”

a. Those who suggest that Adams was in any way against religion like to quote from a letter he wrote to Thomas Jefferson in which he said, “This would be the best of all possible worlds if there was no religion in it.”

Seems to be a perfect spokesman for Marx or Lenin, no?

Definitely, no.

Unfortunately, those who cite this line never quote the lines that immediately follow “But in this exclamation, I should have been as fanatical as [the skeptics of religion]. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company—I mean hell.”

So, those who quote the first line without quoting the subsequent lines are either unaware of the full comment or are deliberately misleading people as to Adams’s beliefs."

7. "Like Adams, Thomas Jefferson did not adhere to orthodox doctrine. Yet he often declared himself to be a Christian. “I am a Christian, he said, “in the only sense he [Jesus] wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines...”

As one of the leaders of the American Revolution, his views are well known. After all, this is the man who wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” You can’t get a much more explicit statement of belief than that.

These four founders – Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin – were practical men with a sober view of human nature. They understood that man is morally weak and that religion provides the best encouragement and incentive to be good.

It does so, first and foremost, by teaching that choices have consequences. Not necessarily in the here and now, but most certainly in the hereafter – meted out by a just God.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Jefferson, in his second inaugural, asked for, “The favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our forefathers, as Israel of old, from their native land.”

And all of them were rooted in the Judeo-Christian values found in the Bible.
“52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Why is it sooooo very important for Leftist to disparage religon?

Because it is essential to their central doctrine to do so.

8. "The concept of atheism is an essential element of Marxism. As Lenin stated: "Atheism is a natural and inseparable portion of Marxism, of the theory and practice of Scientific Socialism." If God exists and is in supreme command of the universe, He possesses discretionary power, and His actions cannot always be calculated accurately in advance. The whole edifice of Marxism collapses.

When Marx and the Communists deny the existence of God, they simultaneously deny the authority of the Ten Commandments, the existence of absolute standards of right and wrong, of good and evil; and man is left on the playing fields of the universe without a referee, without a book of rules. The winning side in any conflict can decide on what rules of conduct to apply. Morality is the creation of the victor." The Schwarz Report | Essays

9. The Founders memorialized the very opposite in our founding documents.

There are four references to ‘Divine’ in Declaration of Independence

1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’ 2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,” 3) Supreme Judge of the world, and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

This is important because our historic documents memorialize a government based on individuals born with inalienable rights, by, in various references, by the Divine, or Nature’s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence.

Since these rights are associated with each individual, they cannot be withdrawn, or subjugated to the will of a governing body.

And...despite the secular nature of our national government, there is one unambiguous reference to Christ in the Constitution. Article VII dates the Constitution in "the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven."
"The Year of Our Lord" and separation.

This leaves Leftists with only two choices....deny, or ignore.

Maybe three: lie.

Two of those links don't work and the third one pretty much just addresses what I said about freedom both from and of religion.
And, the Declaration of Independence says "creator" not God or Jesus. Many different religions have different names for their "God."
Maybe we dreaded liberals aren't so much against religion as we are against those that try to shove theirs down our throats. Believe all you want, but don't come on public forums and preach it and attack those that don't think and believe as you do.
And, you don't even know what I believe because unlike many of you here, I don't publicly discuss it. I mainly don't like any kind of organized religion, and especially the kind that preaches politics from the pulpit. For some reason, they now think they can do it without any repercussions. Maybe it's because now they can.
Do you honestly want this country to become a theocracy? What if the religion chosen to be the only one is not something you believe in? Will you be good with that?
You know what they say....beware of what you wish for, you just might get it.

Actually, the DoI has four such references.

There are four references to ‘Devine’ in D of I… 1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’ 2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,” 3) Supreme Judge of the world, and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

And, as I said earlier, the Constitution has a specific reference to Jesus Christ.

This is important because our historic documents memorialize a government based on individuals born with inalienable rights, by, in various references, by the Devine, or Nature’s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence.

Where exactly does it mention specifically Jesus Christ by his name because all I could find was the word creator. Here's an article about it and this is in it..

This is not supported by the historical evidence, and the prime exhibits are the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, with no explicit mention of God in the Constitution, and one mention of, as Cooper clearly points out, “…*a* god…”, in the Declaration of Independence.
It's a pretty comprehensive piece and covers about everything...


Actually it doesn't say "a god."

The original text of the Declaration of Independence uses the words "their Creator, the laws of Nature and Nature's god."

I don't see any words that are used to describe the christian god.

A list of grievances follows the words I pasted. I've included a link to the page it came from. This isn't anyone's opinion about what the document says. It's the actual document.

We all were supposed to have learned what's in that document when we went to school. A full year of US History is required for everyone to be able to graduate from high school. The first quarter of that class is mostly about the revolution, that document and the constitution.

It's shameful to me that so many conservatives have no clue what's in those documents and what they really mean.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Leave it to democrats to refer to the most innocent, potential-abounding human life as “punishment,” while completely overlooking who is REALLY being punished.
So what's your solution to end abortion that's consistent with the constitution and doesn't involve more and bigger government?

The morality, faith, and family structures democrats have been working so hard to undermine over the past century.

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