"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Birth control work but they have to be used. Birth control pills are very effective. They're most effective when taken correctly. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed. So why are there so many unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortions? Because the majority of women are stupid, reckless and irresponsible knowing if they are pregnant there is "abortions on demand" If abortions were illegal there would be less unwanted pregnancies. The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms. Condoms also cut down on STDs, etc.
This may be controversial but I don’t think people should look to birth control as the solution. I’m not against birth-control, but 1) many young people are irresponsible and don’t use it properly and 2) It’s not foolproof and often becomes a false sense of security. It’s like playing Russian roulette.

I think everyone has to have a complete mindset shift on these topics (sex, pregnancy, abortion ) The problem is that in today’s society, young people are brainwashed to believe that sex can be completely severed from its life-giving potential, which goes against reality. They are encouraged to have sex, they’re told it’s no big deal, that it doesn’t have life-changing consequences, which goes against the reality. The way they are taught (brainwashed) about sex is a recipe for disaster. And I think that’s by design, BTW, but I digress.

So I think the entire approach needs to change, people need to never forget that sex is the act that creates babies. And it has other potential consequences. Cause and effect. People need to stop ignoring reality. And if they know that, then willingly having sex KNOWING the consequences, is tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy.

Also, speaking of birth control, please watch this video. If even half of what she saying is true, then this is criminal and pure evil. And explains a lot!

There is no child before birth. It is first an embryo, then a fetus, then a child after birth.
You say you don't want to argue then you keep making these sophist's arguments.
A child is fully developed and capable of life outside the womb long before actual delivery. It would be better brought to full term but many children are born prematurely and wind up perfectly fine.
If you don't want to argue stop with the non-scientific nonsense.
There is no child before birth. It is first an embryo, then a fetus, then a child after birth.
You say you don't want to argue then you keep making these sophist's arguments.
A child is fully developed and capable of life outside the womb long before actual delivery. It would be better brought to full term but many children are born prematurely and wind up perfectly fine.
If you don't want to argue stop with the non-scientific nonsense.

Right? To say there’s no child before birth is the most idiotic thing I’ve heard, in a long time.


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Birth control work but they have to be used. Birth control pills are very effective. They're most effective when taken correctly. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed. So why are there so many unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortions? Because the majority of women are stupid, reckless and irresponsible knowing if they are pregnant there is "abortions on demand" If abortions were illegal there would be less unwanted pregnancies. The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms. Condoms also cut down on STDs, etc.
This may be controversial but I don’t think people should look to birth control as the solution. I’m not against birth-control, but 1) many young people are irresponsible and don’t use it properly and 2) It’s not foolproof and often becomes a false sense of security. It’s like playing Russian roulette.

I think everyone has to have a complete mindset shift on these topics (sex, pregnancy, abortion ) The problem is that in today’s society, young people are brainwashed to believe that sex can be completely severed from its life-giving potential, which goes against reality. They are encouraged to have sex, they’re told it’s no big deal, that it doesn’t have life-changing consequences, which goes against the reality. The way they are taught (brainwashed) about sex is a recipe for disaster. And I think that’s by design, BTW, but I digress.

So I think the entire approach needs to change, people need to never forget that sex is the act that creates babies. And it has other potential consequences. Cause and effect. People need to stop ignoring reality. And if they know that, then willingly having sex KNOWING the consequences, is tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy.

Also, speaking of birth control, please watch this video. If even half of what she saying is true, then this is criminal and pure evil. And explains a lot!

And that would be nice along with people respecting others. Parents becoming good role models and everyone treating others as they would like to be treated. Now, back to the real world...
Birth control work but they have to be used. Birth control pills are very effective. They're most effective when taken correctly. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed. So why are there so many unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortions? Because the majority of women are stupid, reckless and irresponsible knowing if they are pregnant there is "abortions on demand" If abortions were illegal there would be less unwanted pregnancies. The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms. Condoms also cut down on STDs, etc.
This may be controversial but I don’t think people should look to birth control as the solution. I’m not against birth-control, but 1) many young people are irresponsible and don’t use it properly and 2) It’s not foolproof and often becomes a false sense of security. It’s like playing Russian roulette.

I think everyone has to have a complete mindset shift on these topics (sex, pregnancy, abortion ) The problem is that in today’s society, young people are brainwashed to believe that sex can be completely severed from its life-giving potential, which goes against reality. They are encouraged to have sex, they’re told it’s no big deal, that it doesn’t have life-changing consequences, which goes against the reality. The way they are taught (brainwashed) about sex is a recipe for disaster. And I think that’s by design, BTW, but I digress.

So I think the entire approach needs to change, people need to never forget that sex is the act that creates babies. And it has other potential consequences. Cause and effect. People need to stop ignoring reality. And if they know that, then willingly having sex KNOWING the consequences, is tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy.

Also, speaking of birth control, please watch this video. If even half of what she saying is true, then this is criminal and pure evil. And explains a lot!

And that would be nice along with people respecting others. Parents becoming good role models and everyone treating others as they would like to be treated. Now, back to the real world...

Well one thing’s for sure, the way things have been does not work. They throw condoms at kids and say have fun! Then when something goes wrong just kill your baby! It doesn’t work. Look at all the young people who have STDs, look at all the unwanted pregnancies or babies out of wedlock. It just doesn’t work. A different approach is needed and I don’t see why you would be against that.
There is no child before birth. It is first an embryo, then a fetus, then a child after birth.
You say you don't want to argue then you keep making these sophist's arguments.
A child is fully developed and capable of life outside the womb long before actual delivery. It would be better brought to full term but many children are born prematurely and wind up perfectly fine.
If you don't want to argue stop with the non-scientific nonsense.

Right? To say there’s no child before birth is the most idiotic thing I’ve heard, in a long time.
Childbirth is demarcation line between development of the fetus and the child. The fetus is a potential person and as such has certain protections under the law. It certainly does not have full rights of a person.
Government should not be making that decision.

Thank you so much for your "feminist" sentiment that I'm a weak little victim who just doesn't understand what's best for me.

I say let women decide , but just like the 'my body' mindset, it's 'your child' as well

Elevate the personal responsibility you seek to you and you alone , no man , no gub'mit, no welfare check, just you

who'll woman up to this?

Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.
I guess we feel different. I consider care for children is more important than a fetus. Obviously, neither of our opinions is going change so there is no point continuing this discussion.

I just heard, "I can't address your points, so I'm going to try to pretend that my running away from them is actually just agreeing to disagree . . . and then restate how my position of supporting abortion is somehow morally superior and compassionate."

Here's a thought. Maybe you could sack up and answer the questions about whatever-the-fuck point you were trying to make without really making it.

"Conservatives seem to care a lot more about unborn babies than those born. 9 out of 10 states that have highest infant mortality are red states and 8 out of 10 of the states with lowest infant mortality are blue states."

Explain, in detail, what causality you're implying with this, or admit that you were bullshitting to deflect. Your choice.

You could try being less condescending and snotty with people who are providing far more thoughtful responses to defend their positions that you're capable of writing.

These states are willing to spend money to pursue, charge, and incarcerate women who have abortions but are unwilling to spend money on children's health, nutrition, pre or post-natal care or follow-up.

Programs banning abortion are expensive to implement. You have to investigate women who were pregnant and now aren't. You have to chase down abortion providers. Investigations and trials are expensive, as are incarcerating the guilty. These laws are being passed in states which spend no money on maternal care, infant care, and as a result, both have high rates of mortality. These states would rather spend money pursuing women who don't want to have children, than using that money and those resources saving the lives of women who choose to have their babies, and ensuring those babies have adequate post-natal care.

Similarly, these are the states with the worst education records in the USA. They're not providing proper services for the pregnant women and their babies that they do have, much less having excess resources chasing down and prosecuting women who have abortions.
So to punish these states that you crap talk about, it is that these women are out to prove them to be bad states by getting pregnant within them, and then having an abortion just to show them eh ??

Don't you see how dumb your position is ??
Birth control work but they have to be used. Birth control pills are very effective. They're most effective when taken correctly. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed. So why are there so many unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortions? Because the majority of women are stupid, reckless and irresponsible knowing if they are pregnant there is "abortions on demand" If abortions were illegal there would be less unwanted pregnancies. The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms. Condoms also cut down on STDs, etc.
This may be controversial but I don’t think people should look to birth control as the solution. I’m not against birth-control, but 1) many young people are irresponsible and don’t use it properly and 2) It’s not foolproof and often becomes a false sense of security. It’s like playing Russian roulette.

I think everyone has to have a complete mindset shift on these topics (sex, pregnancy, abortion ) The problem is that in today’s society, young people are brainwashed to believe that sex can be completely severed from its life-giving potential, which goes against reality. They are encouraged to have sex, they’re told it’s no big deal, that it doesn’t have life-changing consequences, which goes against the reality. The way they are taught (brainwashed) about sex is a recipe for disaster. And I think that’s by design, BTW, but I digress.

So I think the entire approach needs to change, people need to never forget that sex is the act that creates babies. And it has other potential consequences. Cause and effect. People need to stop ignoring reality. And if they know that, then willingly having sex KNOWING the consequences, is tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy.

Also, speaking of birth control, please watch this video. If even half of what she saying is true, then this is criminal and pure evil. And explains a lot!

And that would be nice along with people respecting others. Parents becoming good role models and everyone treating others as they would like to be treated. Now, back to the real world...

Had all that once upon a time in this real world to a large degree, but the left destroyed it. Now real Americans of all colors are fighting back, and thank God for it.
A fetus is not a baby until birth and it takes its first beath? Science debunks that. The unborn baby is taking in life-sustaining oxygen and nutrient early in development and is a LIVING BEING. After 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, the umbilical cord develops to deliver oxygen directly to the developing fetus's body.
For the first 11 weeks of pregnancy, before the mother’s nutrient-rich blood supply is plumbed in, all the materials and energy for building a baby are supplied by secretions from glands in the uterus lining. Life begins at conception. The embryo protection law in force as of January 1, 1991, defines the beginning of life in a medical sense, to wit, the embryo is the fertilized egg cell capable of development already from the time of fertilization. ... No other law explicitly provides a similar definition of the appearance of early human life.

The fifth-grade textbook stated "Human life begins when the sperm cells of the father and the egg cells of the mother unite. This union is referred to as fertilization. For fertilization to take place and a baby to begin growing, the sperm cell must come in direct contact with the egg cell."
Birth control work but they have to be used. Birth control pills are very effective. They're most effective when taken correctly. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed. So why are there so many unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortions? Because the majority of women are stupid, reckless and irresponsible knowing if they are pregnant there is "abortions on demand" If abortions were illegal there would be less unwanted pregnancies. The first rubber condom was produced in 1855, and by the late 1850s several major rubber companies were mass-producing, among other items, rubber condoms. Condoms also cut down on STDs, etc.
This may be controversial but I don’t think people should look to birth control as the solution. I’m not against birth-control, but 1) many young people are irresponsible and don’t use it properly and 2) It’s not foolproof and often becomes a false sense of security. It’s like playing Russian roulette.

I think everyone has to have a complete mindset shift on these topics (sex, pregnancy, abortion ) The problem is that in today’s society, young people are brainwashed to believe that sex can be completely severed from its life-giving potential, which goes against reality. They are encouraged to have sex, they’re told it’s no big deal, that it doesn’t have life-changing consequences, which goes against the reality. The way they are taught (brainwashed) about sex is a recipe for disaster. And I think that’s by design, BTW, but I digress.

So I think the entire approach needs to change, people need to never forget that sex is the act that creates babies. And it has other potential consequences. Cause and effect. People need to stop ignoring reality. And if they know that, then willingly having sex KNOWING the consequences, is tacitly consenting to the consequences, including pregnancy.

Also, speaking of birth control, please watch this video. If even half of what she saying is true, then this is criminal and pure evil. And explains a lot!

And that would be nice along with people respecting others. Parents becoming good role models and everyone treating others as they would like to be treated. Now, back to the real world...

Well one thing’s for sure, the way things have been does not work. They throw condoms at kids and say have fun! Then when something goes wrong just kill your baby! It doesn’t work. Look at all the young people who have STDs, look at all the unwanted pregnancies or babies out of wedlock. It just doesn’t work. A different approach is needed and I don’t see why you would be against that.

They don’t just throw condoms at them and say have fun, they educate them to act responsibly and part of that means understanding that they may have sex anyway so at least be protected.

The rise in STD’s is noteworthy. Guess which states are experiencing the highest rates?

U.S. States With High STD Rates Have One Thing In Common
A fetus is not a baby until birth and it takes its first beath? Science debunks that. The unborn baby is taking in life-sustaining oxygen and nutrient early in development and is a LIVING BEING. After 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, the umbilical cord develops to deliver oxygen directly to the developing fetus's body.
For the first 11 weeks of pregnancy, before the mother’s nutrient-rich blood supply is plumbed in, all the materials and energy for building a baby are supplied by secretions from glands in the uterus lining. Life begins at conception. The embryo protection law in force as of January 1, 1991, defines the beginning of life in a medical sense, to wit, the embryo is the fertilized egg cell capable of development already from the time of fertilization. ... No other law explicitly provides a similar definition of the appearance of early human life.

The fifth-grade textbook stated "Human life begins when the sperm cells of the father and the egg cells of the mother unite. This union is referred to as fertilization. For fertilization to take place and a baby to begin growing, the sperm cell must come in direct contact with the egg cell."
Life and human beings are truly miracles to marvel at. Anyone not in awe of all of it are simply lost souls in this world.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Gotta love when these Pro-Choice folks speak out , "Women should terminate pregnancies resulting from rape because it's what God intended."

Since when did God even intend any woman to terminate their pregnancies at all?
Nothing like hearing Pro-choicers invoke historical geno-cides like slavery and the Holocaust to rally their cause as if harassing women at clinics is the same thing as running the Underground Railroad.

This is the US and we have a Constitution that governs this country, and no matter how many times you say it, abortion is NOT a crime here. You want to live in a country that is governed by religion, move to Brazil. It's a Catholic country that outlaws abortion. You'd fit right in there.
Again it is not about Christianity but Morality which is an inborn trait in all humans.
You may ignorantly believe the constitution is in charge but the reality is that GOD is in charge. Writers of the Constitution were Christians. All of the signers were Protestant Christians with one exception, Charles Carroll of Maryland, who was Roman Catholic. LMAO
Abortion may not be a crime in this country but in eyes of GOD it is a crime.
Why would God be concerned? He/She aborts about a quarter of embryos (miscarriages).
Cannot believe a woman can be such a Dumb Ass. GOD does not cause miscarriages. WE are imperfect humans and sometimes there is a defect in the egg, etc that cause a miscarriage. Sometimes is it drugs, etc and GOD does not give you drugs. GOD does not cause disease and disabilities. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause of miscarriage. ... These abnormalities result in a non-viable embryo and ultimately a pregnancy loss, including miscarriages such as a blighted ovum miscarriage or chemical pregnancy.
If not influenced by Free Will, then it’s God’s doing, “Dimb Ass”.
All powerful God works in mysterious ways, like killing baby embryos by causing biological “abnormalities”, etc.

Your posts are very telling. It's common for anti-God people to support abortion. Makes perfect sense, as abortion has a demonic origin.
I am not “anti-God”; i have no beliefs about supernatural concepts used in religions.

Those who believe there is a God need to explain why an all-powerful and benevolent “saviour” would allow MANY miscarriages among innocent women.

I simply support the privacy and independent beliefs of women and their families to make the right decision about their own lives.
Not your business.
Again it is not about Christianity but Morality which is an inborn trait in all humans.
You may ignorantly believe the constitution is in charge but the reality is that GOD is in charge. Writers of the Constitution were Christians. All of the signers were Protestant Christians with one exception, Charles Carroll of Maryland, who was Roman Catholic. LMAO
Abortion may not be a crime in this country but in eyes of GOD it is a crime.
Why would God be concerned? He/She aborts about a quarter of embryos (miscarriages).
Cannot believe a woman can be such a Dumb Ass. GOD does not cause miscarriages. WE are imperfect humans and sometimes there is a defect in the egg, etc that cause a miscarriage. Sometimes is it drugs, etc and GOD does not give you drugs. GOD does not cause disease and disabilities. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common cause of miscarriage. ... These abnormalities result in a non-viable embryo and ultimately a pregnancy loss, including miscarriages such as a blighted ovum miscarriage or chemical pregnancy.
If not influenced by Free Will, then it’s God’s doing, “Dimb Ass”.
All powerful God works in mysterious ways, like killing baby embryos by causing biological “abnormalities”, etc.

Your posts are very telling. It's common for anti-God people to support abortion. Makes perfect sense, as abortion has a demonic origin.
I am not “anti-God”; i have no beliefs about supernatural concepts used in religions.

Those who believe there is a God need to explain why an all-powerful and benevolent “saviour” would allow MANY miscarriages among innocent women.

I simply support the privacy and independent beliefs of women and their families to make the right decision about their lives.

No. You're a sadist. Literally. Your mind, on this issue, runs on the derived teachings of one Donatien Alphonse François, better known to history as Le Marquis de Sade. You just didn't know it.

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