"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

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Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.
You mean like your argument for guns?

Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


When I don’t want to be a moron I avoid websites that have an agenda and a bias like the antia-abortion website you linked to. The anto-abortion side does nothing but lie because the truth is not on their side and never has been.

They’re only in favour of forcing women to have babies but aren’t dealing with issues like the rate of infant mortality in America, or maternal death in childbirth. The USA has the highest rates of both in the first world. Real women and babies are dying and conservatives don’t care and are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood which does.

Campaign life your names lie you don’t care if women die

When you don't want to be a moron, you pretty much just have to sit and cry in despair, because it's unavoidable for you.

As always, there's no false accusation you can bitterly hurl at us that will make as immoral and evil as people who are trying to excuse killing unborn babies.

"You don't care if women die . . . even though I can't actually explain what deaths I'm babbling about. Just ignore the fact that I DO care if unborn babies die, and I want as many of them to as possible!"

Conservatives seem to care a lot more about unborn babies than those born. 9 out of 10 states that have highest infant mortality are red states and 8 out of 10 of the states with lowest infant mortality are blue states.

Stats of the States - Infant Mortality
Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.

Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


When I don’t want to be a moron I avoid websites that have an agenda and a bias like the antia-abortion website you linked to. The anto-abortion side does nothing but lie because the truth is not on their side and never has been.

They’re only in favour of forcing women to have babies but aren’t dealing with issues like the rate of infant mortality in America, or maternal death in childbirth. The USA has the highest rates of both in the first world. Real women and babies are dying and conservatives don’t care and are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood which does.

Campaign life your names lie you don’t care if women die

When you don't want to be a moron, you pretty much just have to sit and cry in despair, because it's unavoidable for you.

As always, there's no false accusation you can bitterly hurl at us that will make as immoral and evil as people who are trying to excuse killing unborn babies.

"You don't care if women die . . . even though I can't actually explain what deaths I'm babbling about. Just ignore the fact that I DO care if unborn babies die, and I want as many of them to as possible!"

Trying to put words in my mouth that I have never uttered does not change the lies and the misleading narrative of the right.

Providing health care and maternity leave for pregnant women would save women from making the choice or abortion. Providing job protections for pregnant women would save women from choosing abortion.

There are dozens of ways that will reduce abortions, maternal deaths and infant deaths and conservatives don’t want to do any of them. In fact, they are reducing the availability of health care for women and children. They won’t even discuss maternity leave. And women and children are on their own for women’s health issues.

When you’re prepared to address the roots causes if abortion, I’ll believe this is something other than a way to shame women for having sex and controlling them. Until then, you’re just another lying hypocrite.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


When I don’t want to be a moron I avoid websites that have an agenda and a bias like the antia-abortion website you linked to. The anto-abortion side does nothing but lie because the truth is not on their side and never has been.

They’re only in favour of forcing women to have babies but aren’t dealing with issues like the rate of infant mortality in America, or maternal death in childbirth. The USA has the highest rates of both in the first world. Real women and babies are dying and conservatives don’t care and are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood which does.

Campaign life your names lie you don’t care if women die

When you don't want to be a moron, you pretty much just have to sit and cry in despair, because it's unavoidable for you.

As always, there's no false accusation you can bitterly hurl at us that will make as immoral and evil as people who are trying to excuse killing unborn babies.

"You don't care if women die . . . even though I can't actually explain what deaths I'm babbling about. Just ignore the fact that I DO care if unborn babies die, and I want as many of them to as possible!"

Conservatives seem to care a lot more about unborn babies than those born. 9 out of 10 states that have highest infant mortality are red states and 8 out of 10 of the states with lowest infant mortality are blue states.

Stats of the States - Infant Mortality

They "seem" to, huh? How would you know? Do you spend a lot of time talking with, as opposed to talking at, conservatives? Or was that what the media and your talking points told you?

Infant mortality rates have little or nothing to do with "caring about born babies", and you should be ashamed of being so putridly dishonest as to pretend otherwise. Even assuming that your statistics are correct - and after that little display of disingenuity, the only thing I assume about you is that you're a lying partisan hack - I'd be fascinated to hear what causal link you think there is in "We voted for a Democrat in the last Presidential election, and that kept babies from dying."

Feel free to explain what you're preening yourself about this time.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.
In your opinion…
Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.
I guess we feel different. I consider care for children is more important than a fetus. Obviously, neither of our opinions is going change so there is no point continuing this discussion.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.

You remain a blood-drenched, atavistic, knuckle-dragging savage.

Here are the details.

"Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg

Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.

An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.

Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.

“To see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking.”

Professor Teresa Woodruff, Northwestern University

Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg.

Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby.

“It’s a way of sorting egg quality in a way we’ve never been able to assess before. “All of biology starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human.”

The bright flash occurs because when sperm enters and egg it triggers calcium to increase which releases zinc from the egg. As the zinc shoots out, it binds to small molecules which emit a fluorescence which can be picked up my camera microscopes.

Over the last six years this team has shown that zinc controls the decision to grow and change into a completely new genetic organism.

In the experiment, scientists use sperm enzyme rather than actual sperm to show what happens at the moment of conception.

In a companion paper published in Scientific Reports on March 18, a zinc spark is shown at the precise time a sperm enters a mouse egg.

This discovery was made by Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern. Little is known about the events that occur at the time of fertilization, because it is difficult to capture the precise time of sperm entry.

The study will be published April 26 in Scientific Reports."
Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg

That life ends when Democrats/Liberals take charge.
Last edited:
BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

Then the responsibility should be as well

Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.
I guess we feel different. I consider care for children is more important than a fetus. Obviously, neither of our opinions is going change so there is no point continuing this discussion.

I just heard, "I can't address your points, so I'm going to try to pretend that my running away from them is actually just agreeing to disagree . . . and then restate how my position of supporting abortion is somehow morally superior and compassionate."

Here's a thought. Maybe you could sack up and answer the questions about whatever-the-fuck point you were trying to make without really making it.

"Conservatives seem to care a lot more about unborn babies than those born. 9 out of 10 states that have highest infant mortality are red states and 8 out of 10 of the states with lowest infant mortality are blue states."

Explain, in detail, what causality you're implying with this, or admit that you were bullshitting to deflect. Your choice.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.

"BIRTH is the beginning of life. "

Another dunce who failed high school biology.

1. “The formation, maturation and meeting of a male and female sex cell are all preliminary to their actual union into a combined cell, or zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual. The penetration of the ovum by the spermatozoon, and the coming together and pooling of their respective nuclei, constitutes the process of fertilization.”
Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

2. “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization… is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new genetically distinct human organism is formed when the chromosomes of the male and female pronuclei blend in the oocyte.”

“[All] organisms, however large and complex they might be as full grown, begin life as a single cell. This is true for the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Turns out Democrats are the party of death.
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?



Yeah, George Carlin, comedian, surely knows all about it, doesn't he?
I'm against abortion...but he is right...the conservatives are hypocrites....they care about the fetus but they dont care about it after it is born. Infact they dont care for the desperate, the refugees, the poor it is confusing because that's what they preach all year long.
Liberals always believe if they are for murdering babies in the womb that exempts them from helping the needy. It doesn’t.
Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.
I guess we feel different. I consider care for children is more important than a fetus. Obviously, neither of our opinions is going change so there is no point continuing this discussion.
So go care for some. I donate to help kids in foster care, those of military families and NA’s with FAS.

Don’t assume people do nothing just because that’s what liberals do...
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.

"BIRTH is the beginning of life. "

Another dunce who failed high school biology.

1. “The formation, maturation and meeting of a male and female sex cell are all preliminary to their actual union into a combined cell, or zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual. The penetration of the ovum by the spermatozoon, and the coming together and pooling of their respective nuclei, constitutes the process of fertilization.”
Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

2. “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization… is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new genetically distinct human organism is formed when the chromosomes of the male and female pronuclei blend in the oocyte.”

“[All] organisms, however large and complex they might be as full grown, begin life as a single cell. This is true for the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Turns out Democrats are the party of death.

And what is behind their reasoning for it all ??? They have a reason or a number of reasons, but what are they ?

Is it population control, race experimentation, social engineering, political reasons what ?
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.

"BIRTH is the beginning of life. "

Another dunce who failed high school biology.

1. “The formation, maturation and meeting of a male and female sex cell are all preliminary to their actual union into a combined cell, or zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual. The penetration of the ovum by the spermatozoon, and the coming together and pooling of their respective nuclei, constitutes the process of fertilization.”
Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

2. “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization… is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new genetically distinct human organism is formed when the chromosomes of the male and female pronuclei blend in the oocyte.”

“[All] organisms, however large and complex they might be as full grown, begin life as a single cell. This is true for the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Turns out Democrats are the party of death.

And what is behind their reasoning for it all ??? They have a reason or a number of reasons, but what are they ?

Is it population control, race experimentation, social engineering, political reasons what ?

Nope.....it's this:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
Are we to infer that children die in red states out of pure neglect? Or malice?
Because we know that in states like Virginia, New York, Vermont children are left to die
or aborted just prior to delivery thanks to official state law.
I guess we feel different. I consider care for children is more important than a fetus. Obviously, neither of our opinions is going change so there is no point continuing this discussion.
So go care for some. I donate to help kids in foster care, those of military families and NA’s with FAS.

Don’t assume people do nothing just because that’s what liberals do...

I donate to a crisis pregnancy center which helps women not only through the pregnancy, but also afterward, whether they need help and guidance with adoption services, or they need baby furniture and diapers and whatnot.
Whether you call the unborn in the womb a fetus or a baby it is still an alive being that has the right to life as all of us even those born with disabilities and the elderly past the age of viability. "Right to LIfe" is a GOD given right whether you believe in GOD or not does not prove he does not exist. Conception is the beginning of life.

BIRTH is the beginning of life. A fetus no rights, and is incapable of making decisions as to whether its family is capable of adding another member. The rights of its mother, and her decisions are final.

The ONLY way you can give rights to the fetus is to take them away from the mother. This way lies madness.

"BIRTH is the beginning of life. "

Another dunce who failed high school biology.

1. “The formation, maturation and meeting of a male and female sex cell are all preliminary to their actual union into a combined cell, or zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual. The penetration of the ovum by the spermatozoon, and the coming together and pooling of their respective nuclei, constitutes the process of fertilization.”
Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

2. “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization… is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new genetically distinct human organism is formed when the chromosomes of the male and female pronuclei blend in the oocyte.”

“[All] organisms, however large and complex they might be as full grown, begin life as a single cell. This is true for the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Turns out Democrats are the party of death.

And what is behind their reasoning for it all ??? They have a reason or a number of reasons, but what are they ?

Is it population control, race experimentation, social engineering, political reasons what ?

Nope.....it's this:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

If you believe that other humans are intrinsically valuable and important, that means you are sometimes obligated to put your selfish whims aside for their benefit. Leftists can't handle that idea, since - like all spoiled children - they consider their whims to be all-important.

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