"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Baby murderers don't like to br disturbed during their butchery

Here's a clue. If you think abortion is murder, don't have one. The rest of it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

If it's not your vagina, and not your pregnancy, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

It’s everyone’s business whether you like it or not.

No. No it isn't.

Open your eyes. Look at all the laws that are being passed lately. Laws reflect the values and social morays of the society in which they are past. If society is viewing abortion shifts, then laws about abortion will also shift. If some ardent pro abortionists here don’t like that, that’s too fucking bad. Some people didn’t like it when social views about gay marriage changed, but they did and now getting marriage is a fact of life. People were still upset about that have to face reality just like you pro abortion is due. So yes, it is everyone’s business. Similarly, other laws that restrict what we may or may not do with our bodies to the bodies of others are the business of society as a whole. Again, if you don’t like it you can either go live on a deserted island or you can eat shit and except it.


Society accepts that abortion is a a moral choice. 70% of Americans are in favour of a woman's right to choose. But the 23% of evangelicals, most of whom vote for Republicans are adamantly opposed to abortion, and Trump, in an effort to pander to that base which he absolutely needs for re-election, is going full bore to ban abortion and guarantee their votes.

This strategy will backfire BIGLY, as women, few of whom were inclined to vote for Trump or the Republican Party because of the open and overwhelming misgyny of this Administration, are actively mobilizing to DEMAND THEIR RIGHTS!

I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Yep, if you're in Alabama, It's not your body. It belongs to the state. If you're a victim of rape, incest, or a husband who forces himself on you, your options are bear the child of the rapist, find a back alley abortionist, or get the fuck out of this state and go to a state where people live in the 21st century, where parents have children because they love and want.

OR carry a gun and don't make bad relationship decisions. In short, respect and protect your body.
Women will continue to get pregnant out of wedlock as they have done for thousands of years. Men will continue to rape women and force their wives into sex. Women will forget their birth control pills and condoms will fail. And couples will make poor decision in the heat of passion. If you believe passing a law will change that, you're deluding yourself.
We have many laws that do not deter criminal actions but we do not do away with those laws. Laws against drunk driving and doing illicit and illegal drugs. Driving without a license or insurance. Immigration laws. Abortions laws for or against. If a country will not have laws and order then it will be real hard to govern it . people may kill each other as there will be no reason to arrest him or something. A place without any law and order could be dangerous for anyone as his/her rights can easily be violated. Even if laws like abortion laws are passed there have to be limitations.
If you use your body to do recreational drugs while you are pregnant and it affects your unborn it is a crime if your baby is born addicted to drugs. You can be charged and lose your baby. When you become pregnant your body is a host and you chose to get pregnant when you chose to have sex. That unborn child depends on your body for life-sustaining oxygen and nourishment. Your body is not yours alone when you are pregnant. A woman is life support for that unborn child and a woman owes it to that unborn because it is because of your actions that it is in your body. A woman's body is a host. A putrid dish. Life support system. It is the way nature planned it and did not plan it to be aborted. Fuck with mother nature and mother nature will turn on you. This planet was given to us humans and we are misusing it against nature and we are seeing the results. Abortions are not a natural process.
A bulb if cut off the plant will die because it is cut off from the roots of the plant that provide food to come to full bloom.
No one wants your pathetic body, they just want to stop you from killing your own child.

This is why I think conservatives are no different than liberals - all bent out of shape worrying about other people's children. MYOFB
Worrying about children? Children are killed, kidnapped, raped and used in sex trafficking daily and you want the world to MIOFB? The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), passed by the federal government in 1974 and reauthorized in 2010, is the largest body of legislation with regard to the fair, ethical, and legal treatment of children and is intended to keep them free from all forms of abuse including physical, sexual, emotional, ...Child Protective Services.?
Adoption fees and red tape can be expensive and overwhelming. This needs to change. I know a young couple where the lady had a vasectomy before marriage as she didn't want kids. So they explored adoption. They then decided it was too expensive and the process cut too much into their free time.

Dude, a vasectomy is an operation which can only be performed on men. I think you mean a tubal ligation.

Maybe she just "identified" as a lady.

These days, who can tell? But if that's the case, unless his/her/its partner had a uterus and ovaries, no surgery was necessary to prevent reproduction.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Yep, if you're in Alabama, It's not your body. It belongs to the state. If you're a victim of rape, incest, or a husband who forces himself on you, your options are bear the child of the rapist, find a back alley abortionist, or get the fuck out of this state and go to a state where people live in the 21st century, where parents have children because they love and want.

Let me get right on worrying about how a man tells me I'm supposed to feel as a woman.

. . . And I'm done.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

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Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The misconception is that if you make abortion illegal, it will go away. The day it becomes illegal, the abortion pill (mifepristone and misoprostol) will become available through your neighborhood drug dealer. Thousands of women across the country will suffer complications and many will die because it needs to be administered in a medical facility. Just like it was 50 years ago, the fine upstanding members of the community that would never tolerate abortion in their city will hustle their pregnant teenage daughters off to medical facilities out of state for safe secret abortion.

The misconception is that we believe that making abortion illegal will make it go away.

The reality is that we know restricting it will greatly decrease the number of abortions, and also the number of unwanted pregnancies in general.

Only leftists ever dawdle around with silly concepts about laws completely eliminating a behavior.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?
Yep, if you're in Alabama, It's not your body. It belongs to the state. If you're a victim of rape, incest, or a husband who forces himself on you, your options are bear the child of the rapist, find a back alley abortionist, or get the fuck out of this state and go to a state where people live in the 21st century, where parents have children because they love and want.

OR carry a gun and don't make bad relationship decisions. In short, respect and protect your body.
Women will continue to get pregnant out of wedlock as they have done for thousands of years. Men will continue to rape women and force their wives into sex. Women will forget their birth control pills and condoms will fail. And couples will make poor decision in the heat of passion. If you believe passing a law will change that, you're deluding yourself.

If you believe that they will do it in the insane numbers they're doing it now (well, excepting rape), YOU are deluding yourself.
I find 'mind your own business' works well.

Baby murderers don't like to br disturbed during their butchery

Here's a clue. If you think abortion is murder, don't have one. The rest of it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

If it's not your vagina, and not your pregnancy, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

What sort of moron uses an argument which would allow every sort of crime and abomination????

Raise your paw, moron.

The unborn is not part of the mother's body, hence, she has no such right to murder it.

These are not your decisions to make - whether to have a baby, can the mother carry this child, can she raise it, what happens to her other child(ren), her life, her family. Having a baby is a life commitment, and there are times in our lives when, for any number of reasons, we cannot give another child what they deserve to have to grow up strong and healthy in all regards.

YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. You are also in no position to force a woman who comes to the painful decision that she cannot have another child, to carry that pregnancy forward.

If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away and you have one child per year until you reach menopause. How you pay for all of this is up to you.

You need another spanking?


1. I've force you to admit that the baby is NOT a part of the mother's body.

2. I've stated the fact that nearly every abortion is for nothing more than 'convenience'....you know, like having your groceries delivered instead of crossing the street to pick them up. Barbaric allusion, huh?

3. It is certainly my business if I belong to a society that I believe should protect human life....not one like your predecessors:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. I said nothing about raising the child. Your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?
5. "If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away ...."
Wait....you imagine (I almost said 'think') that that sentence makes any sense.

6. "YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. "
I believe that even a Democrat knows how that child came to be.
Obviating that cause is close to 100% in the woman's control.

If you need another lesson, I'd be happy to oblige.

1. You're an idiot who has fastasies of thought that have no basis in fact. The baby is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR VAGINA.

2. Your belief has no basis or validity in fact or in practice. Try using facts to support your eroneous conclusions. I guess it's just a total accident that 80% of all women who have abortions are living at or below the poverty line. And poor married couples who already have one or more children just can't be bothered to have more children.

3. So women who are pregnant have no right at all to determine who many children they should have. You're saying the state has total right to determine the size of my family. Then the state had better be prepared to provide the income, food, clothing and shelter to raise those children women are being forced to have to their benefit.

4. You're prepared to have poor women give birth to a million more babies every year that they have no means to provide for, and you choose to ignore the realities of what that ban would mean. I've seen what happens when women have no legal abortions available. You can't say "no abortions" and pretend that there are no economic consequences to the country to such a decision.

5. When you resort to insults, it represents the total dearth of a response.

6. Sex has other physical and emotion purposes than just procreation. Withholding sex is grounds for divorce. Conservatives always come back to "just say no" as a solution to abortion. Talk about controlling our lives and not in a good way. No sex for poor people. Yeah, that'll work.

None of your responses get past the idea that IF YOU BELIEVE ABORTION IS WRONG, DON'T HAVE ONE.

So much hypocrisy piled into one topic. People want to control vulnerable young women in the U.S., but have no problem with the taxes paid that the U.S. uses to kill babies all over the world.

So much hypocrisy piled into one post. People want to accuse the US of "killing babies all over the world" in order to excuse and justify the US killing babies at home, which they apparently champion in the names of women they want to characterize as ignorant victims who need big, strong men to protect their right to fuck those men and then destroy the evidence.
Baby murderers don't like to br disturbed during their butchery

Here's a clue. If you think abortion is murder, don't have one. The rest of it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

If it's not your vagina, and not your pregnancy, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

What sort of moron uses an argument which would allow every sort of crime and abomination????

Raise your paw, moron.

The unborn is not part of the mother's body, hence, she has no such right to murder it.

These are not your decisions to make - whether to have a baby, can the mother carry this child, can she raise it, what happens to her other child(ren), her life, her family. Having a baby is a life commitment, and there are times in our lives when, for any number of reasons, we cannot give another child what they deserve to have to grow up strong and healthy in all regards.

YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. You are also in no position to force a woman who comes to the painful decision that she cannot have another child, to carry that pregnancy forward.

If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away and you have one child per year until you reach menopause. How you pay for all of this is up to you.

You need another spanking?


1. I've force you to admit that the baby is NOT a part of the mother's body.

2. I've stated the fact that nearly every abortion is for nothing more than 'convenience'....you know, like having your groceries delivered instead of crossing the street to pick them up. Barbaric allusion, huh?

3. It is certainly my business if I belong to a society that I believe should protect human life....not one like your predecessors:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. I said nothing about raising the child. Your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?
5. "If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away ...."
Wait....you imagine (I almost said 'think') that that sentence makes any sense.

6. "YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. "
I believe that even a Democrat knows how that child came to be.
Obviating that cause is close to 100% in the woman's control.

If you need another lesson, I'd be happy to oblige.

1. You're an idiot who has fastasies of thought that have no basis in fact. The baby is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR VAGINA.

2. Your belief has no basis or validity in fact or in practice. Try using facts to support your eroneous conclusions. I guess it's just a total accident that 80% of all women who have abortions are living at or below the poverty line. And poor married couples who already have one or more children just can't be bothered to have more children.

3. So women who are pregnant have no right at all to determine who many children they should have. You're saying the state has total right to determine the size of my family. Then the state had better be prepared to provide the income, food, clothing and shelter to raise those children women are being forced to have to their benefit.

4. You're prepared to have poor women give birth to a million more babies every year that they have no means to provide for, and you choose to ignore the realities of what that ban would mean. I've seen what happens when women have no legal abortions available. You can't say "no abortions" and pretend that there are no economic consequences to the country to such a decision.

5. When you resort to insults, it represents the total dearth of a response.

6. Sex has other physical and emotion purposes than just procreation. Withholding sex is grounds for divorce. Conservatives always come back to "just say no" as a solution to abortion. Talk about controlling our lives and not in a good way. No sex for poor people. Yeah, that'll work.

None of your responses get past the idea that IF YOU BELIEVE ABORTION IS WRONG, DON'T HAVE ONE.


1. What does abortion and infanticide have to do with a vagina, you dolt?????

2. You couldn't deny that the unborn is not a part of the woman's body.....hence it is murder of another human being.

3."So women who are pregnant have no right at all to determine who (sic) many children they should have."
They have every right, and every responsibility for whether or not they have children: don't be part of the act that produces children.
You know how that works, don't you, ugly?

4."I've seen what happens when women have no legal abortions available."

"Experts Warn Murders Will Just Occur In Back Alleys If Murder Outlawed
May 15th, 2019

U.S.—Experts on murder rates in the United States have confirmed what we've all long suspected: banning murders is dangerous, because if we do so, murders will just occur in back alleys anyway."
Experts Warn Murders Will Just Occur In Back Alleys If Murder Outlawed

5. "Try using facts to support your eroneous (sic) conclusions. "

I am to facts what McDonald's is to hamburgers.

Abortion in the killing of another human being.
98.5% of all abortions don't involve rape or incest.
Nearly all abortions are for convenience.
The unborn is not part of her body any more than a 6-month old breast feeding is.
There is no way to separate late term abortion from infanticide.
Government funding for abortion...Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion dollars....is illegal.

Oh...and this fact: you are a savage.
Last edited:
While I expect the war against the savagery of abortion and infanticide to be won, I don't expect it to be won at the Supreme Court.

Rather, as the ability of medical technology advances, and babies can live at earlier ages, the age of survivability goes down.

On that basis, the murders will no longer be allowed, and we'll have to suffer through Democrat/Liberal tears.

“Babies are surviving and thriving at ever younger pre-term ages when given appropriate care and treatment

  • Survival of extremely preterm infants has increased significantly as doctors realize the advantages of active care for such young patients. The ages of survival have dropped from 28 weeks to 24 weeks and now less than 22 weeks.[25]
  • Groundbreaking New England Journal of Medicine study demonstrated that babies delivered as young as 22 weeks can survive, and active intervention for treatment greatly improves their survival.[26]
  • An NIH-funded study of infants who were delivered at 22-24 weeks and who received active treatment observed increasing rates of survival without any neurological impairment. Yet, three-fourths of those delivered at 22 weeks still received no active care.[27]
  • 60% of infants born at 22 weeks who receive active hospital treatment will survive.[28]"
Fact Sheet: Science of Fetal Pain | Charlotte Lozier Institute

Is it possible the forces of evil can be held back to a 3 or 4 weeks limit on abortions?

Can politicians be convinced that babies can survive out of the womb at 20 or 21 weeks?

“…this has been interpreted to be after 21 weeks of pregnancy. Since a fetus cannot survive before this point and abortion is illegal after, Democrats claim born-alive legislation is wholly unnecessary.

Only a fetus can survive before this point.

In 2014, San Antonio native Courtney Stensrud was 21 weeks and four days pregnant when she gave birth to a baby girl whose “skin was so thin, it was nearly see-through” and whose breathing was so faint it was barely detectable. USA Today reported: "In these situations, doctors don’t recommend resuscitation. But, when Stensrud looked at [her neonatologist Kaashif] Ahmad through tears and asked him to try, Ahmad did.

"'If you’d like us to try, I’m willing to try,' Ahmad said.

"When doctors placed a breathing tube into her airway, the baby that was once blue turned pink."

She is now a healthy preschooler."
https://townhall.com/columnists/danodonnell/2019/05/15/why-wisconsin-gov-evers-born-alive-v eto-pledge-is-wrong-n2546380

Democrats may have to demand the right to kill actual adults…..

Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


When I don’t want to be a moron I avoid websites that have an agenda and a bias like the antia-abortion website you linked to. The anto-abortion side does nothing but lie because the truth is not on their side and never has been.

They’re only in favour of forcing women to have babies but aren’t dealing with issues like the rate of infant mortality in America, or maternal death in childbirth. The USA has the highest rates of both in the first world. Real women and babies are dying and conservatives don’t care and are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood which does.

Campaign life your names lie you don’t care if women die
Baby murderers don't like to br disturbed during their butchery

Here's a clue. If you think abortion is murder, don't have one. The rest of it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

If it's not your vagina, and not your pregnancy, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

What sort of moron uses an argument which would allow every sort of crime and abomination????

Raise your paw, moron.

The unborn is not part of the mother's body, hence, she has no such right to murder it.

These are not your decisions to make - whether to have a baby, can the mother carry this child, can she raise it, what happens to her other child(ren), her life, her family. Having a baby is a life commitment, and there are times in our lives when, for any number of reasons, we cannot give another child what they deserve to have to grow up strong and healthy in all regards.

YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. You are also in no position to force a woman who comes to the painful decision that she cannot have another child, to carry that pregnancy forward.

If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away and you have one child per year until you reach menopause. How you pay for all of this is up to you.

You need another spanking?


1. I've force you to admit that the baby is NOT a part of the mother's body.

2. I've stated the fact that nearly every abortion is for nothing more than 'convenience'....you know, like having your groceries delivered instead of crossing the street to pick them up. Barbaric allusion, huh?

3. It is certainly my business if I belong to a society that I believe should protect human life....not one like your predecessors:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. I said nothing about raising the child. Your attempt to change the subject means I win again, huh?
5. "If you believe that women should be forced to bear children they do not want and cannot raise, then I suggest you have all of your birth control taken away ...."
Wait....you imagine (I almost said 'think') that that sentence makes any sense.

6. "YOU, are in no position to judge whether someone is capable of making that commitment to another child. "
I believe that even a Democrat knows how that child came to be.
Obviating that cause is close to 100% in the woman's control.

If you need another lesson, I'd be happy to oblige.

1. You're an idiot who has fastasies of thought that have no basis in fact. The baby is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR VAGINA.

2. Your belief has no basis or validity in fact or in practice. Try using facts to support your eroneous conclusions. I guess it's just a total accident that 80% of all women who have abortions are living at or below the poverty line. And poor married couples who already have one or more children just can't be bothered to have more children.

3. So women who are pregnant have no right at all to determine who many children they should have. You're saying the state has total right to determine the size of my family. Then the state had better be prepared to provide the income, food, clothing and shelter to raise those children women are being forced to have to their benefit.

4. You're prepared to have poor women give birth to a million more babies every year that they have no means to provide for, and you choose to ignore the realities of what that ban would mean. I've seen what happens when women have no legal abortions available. You can't say "no abortions" and pretend that there are no economic consequences to the country to such a decision.

5. When you resort to insults, it represents the total dearth of a response.

6. Sex has other physical and emotion purposes than just procreation. Withholding sex is grounds for divorce. Conservatives always come back to "just say no" as a solution to abortion. Talk about controlling our lives and not in a good way. No sex for poor people. Yeah, that'll work.

None of your responses get past the idea that IF YOU BELIEVE ABORTION IS WRONG, DON'T HAVE ONE.

What part of BIRTH CONTROL do you not understand? 98% of the time it works and if it were used we would not have the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions that we have. 17,000 on an average week. We can control mosquitoes from getting pregnant, we can certainly control you from getting pregnant. In Nevada wild horses are given birth control.

Rape and Sexual Assault in the Abortion Industry
Our new report, “America’s Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal”, proves that one of the darkest and best-kept secrets in America is that women are sometimes raped or sexually assaulted inside the clinics where they go for abortions. In fact, it’s unlikely that there’s any other business in the country where a woman is as likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than in an abortion clinic.

BUSTED! The Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics


When I don’t want to be a moron I avoid websites that have an agenda and a bias like the antia-abortion website you linked to. The anto-abortion side does nothing but lie because the truth is not on their side and never has been.

They’re only in favour of forcing women to have babies but aren’t dealing with issues like the rate of infant mortality in America, or maternal death in childbirth. The USA has the highest rates of both in the first world. Real women and babies are dying and conservatives don’t care and are trying to shut down Planned Parenthood which does.

Campaign life your names lie you don’t care if women die

When you don't want to be a moron, you pretty much just have to sit and cry in despair, because it's unavoidable for you.

As always, there's no false accusation you can bitterly hurl at us that will make as immoral and evil as people who are trying to excuse killing unborn babies.

"You don't care if women die . . . even though I can't actually explain what deaths I'm babbling about. Just ignore the fact that I DO care if unborn babies die, and I want as many of them to as possible!"
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

Do you seriously think that by making abortion illegal it will somehow go away?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are you seriously making the argument that, because it won't make it all go away, we shouldn't make it illegal?

Okay then, RAPE should be legal because, what the heck, people will rape anyway.

Dumb argument.

If you keep abortion legal you keep it safe. Truth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The misconception is that if you make abortion illegal, it will go away. The day it becomes illegal, the abortion pill (mifepristone and misoprostol) will become available through your neighborhood drug dealer. Thousands of women across the country will suffer complications and many will die because it needs to be administered in a medical facility. Just like it was 50 years ago, the fine upstanding members of the community that would never tolerate abortion in their city will hustle their pregnant teenage daughters off to medical facilities out of state for safe secret abortion.

The misconception is that we believe that making abortion illegal will make it go away.

The reality is that we know restricting it will greatly decrease the number of abortions, and also the number of unwanted pregnancies in general.

Only leftists ever dawdle around with silly concepts about laws completely eliminating a behavior.
It would decrease abortions in the state where it is illegal. There are blue states where it will always be legal. With only 28% of the people in the country agreeing that Rowe v Wade should be overturned, legal abortion is not going away. Some states may be able to restrict it forcing the poor into back alley abortions but for most women an abortion will be as close as nearest airport or bus station.
What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?



Yeah, George Carlin, comedian, surely knows all about it, doesn't he?
I'm against abortion...but he is right...the conservatives are hypocrites....they care about the fetus but they dont care about it after it is born. Infact they dont care for the desperate, the refugees, the poor it is confusing because that's what they preach all year long.
I say "the worst" but in reality, they're all bad. The Abortion Industry has nothing on their side anymore: not science, not truth. They have talking points to win over the uninformed. That's all.

The one I particularly loathe is "My Body, My Choice". Stupid women love this one, but the stupidity is laughable. It's not your body, sweetheart. If it were your body, you could do what you like. Have your entire female organs removed, tattoo it up, pierce your entire face--I agree. Your choice.

But again. Not your body.

Your BABY'S body. Separate DNA, separate heartbeat, separate and unique set of fingerprints. Not yours. His. Or hers.

What other abortion talking points do you find stupid, laughable, both or other?

So,since fingerprints are not fully developed until the 6 month mark, are you saying abortions are OK under 6 months?

DNA in cancerous tumors do not match that of the person. Are you saying we can't remove tumors?

When does life begin?
There is no rational justification for abortion. None, nada.

"My body" is the weakest justification the filthy Moon Bats use for the killing of children for the sake of convenience.
Now people are killing children.

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