"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

172 pages of word vomit and I am still in complete control of my uterus including any and all contents inside.

No law will ever take that from me. You don't have a choice but to accept that reality.

You should concentrate your efforts on all those frozen embryos. Maybe you can save them. There are en estimated 1,000,000. You should probably start now.
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Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.
Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
Are you still yapping at me? Good grief. I'll engage with you when you demonstrate how you are able to take control of my reproductive system.

That's the only issue I care about. I know that's hard for you to comprehend but I can't help you with that.

Still with the arguments of a five year old. "You can't make me".
Welp that was fast--came in like a barrel of rifles, left saying you're done with the debate. That's because you were trounced, but at least you sort of admit it.
Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
Ha, I'm not interested in your life story. Can you lock horns or not? So far, I've seen zero from you that resembles intelligent material for debate. This is my basis for debate. If you can't do anything with it then head to the back of the bus, and quit your bellyaching about nothing;
I did. It is a "that is this and that is that" video, that never breaks the code for the beginning of life. Anyone can tell you, even an embryologist that life begins at a certain time, but at the end of the day, science still tells us that really, there is no consensus. Only in the unknwn of God, can that power do that. I can post many more articles of "SCIENTISTS" telling us the same thing, that there is no consensus. And they are exactly right. All science can do is present theories. And it's up to us to filter the best possible one's.

Your video is based on theory, and quite likely a paid for Republican talking points video. The beginning of life is a state of mind that neither God, nor the science has given us concrete evidence of. That said, logic, through the best science, will always be our best clues. As my article points out, if the cells from the egg and sperm are alive, and they do not unite, then you just aborted "life", if we were to go by Right wing logic, that life begins at conception. The life was already there, with the living cells before conception, therefore, women abort all the time living cells. And so, science nor God, has given us the definitive answers to the "beginning of life " question. The explanation cannot be any more clearer than that.

If you want to assert that ovum and sperm is just like a newly conceived life than you're not even worth debating with. That's not even close to "intelligent material for debate"--that's moronic.
It's not me asserting it, it's the radical religious Right. You are running from this debate, because there is nothing you can debate. See how easy it is to kick your ass.

What is your justification for killing a unique human life in the womb?
In the meantime, my argument was too much for SweetSue92 to handle. Her response hardly made sense. There problem is, they cannot lock horns with the truth, the science, the religion, and their own emotional confusion.

What is your justification for taking a unique human life?
You'll submit to it if it becomes law or you will lose. Fact. The state doesn't want to control human reproduction, only that all things pertaining to human rights and the handling of human life is done with the humanity and dignity that all life deserves.

How you gonna make me submit? Details.

Are you an actual child? As in, not yet even 18? Because you reason like a child.
You'll submit to it if it becomes law or you will lose. Fact. The state doesn't want to control human reproduction, only that all things pertaining to human rights and the handling of human life is done with the humanity and dignity that all life deserves.

How you gonna make me submit? Details.

Are you an actual child? As in, not yet even 18? Because you reason like a child.
You're the one who refuses to accept reality. Much like a child.
Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
Are you still yapping at me? Good grief. I'll engage with you when you demonstrate how you are able to take control of my reproductive system.

That's the only issue I care about. I know that's hard for you to comprehend but I can't help you with that.

Still with the arguments of a five year old. "You can't make me".
Negative! You haven't trounced shit. "NotYourBody sucked the "pro-life" bs right out of you. But I'm here anytime you need consultation.

Hahahaha, sure. If you haven't noticed NotYourBody is not even responding to me anymore, so soundly did I trounce her arguments--if you can call them that.

There are no valid arguments for being pro-choice other than convenience and, at heart, selfish desires. When I saw that, long about 25 years ago, I changed from pro-choice to pro-life. The ONLY reason I was formerly pro-choice is that I was too young, busy and foolish to have ever really looked at the arguments, and past the talking points, with any amount of critical thinking. Once I did, the whole thing went up in smoke.
Ha, I'm not interested in your life story. Can you lock horns or not? So far, I've seen zero from you that resembles intelligent material for debate. This is my basis for debate. If you can't do anything with it then head to the back of the bus, and quit your bellyaching about nothing;
I did. It is a "that is this and that is that" video, that never breaks the code for the beginning of life. Anyone can tell you, even an embryologist that life begins at a certain time, but at the end of the day, science still tells us that really, there is no consensus. Only in the unknwn of God, can that power do that. I can post many more articles of "SCIENTISTS" telling us the same thing, that there is no consensus. And they are exactly right. All science can do is present theories. And it's up to us to filter the best possible one's.

Your video is based on theory, and quite likely a paid for Republican talking points video. The beginning of life is a state of mind that neither God, nor the science has given us concrete evidence of. That said, logic, through the best science, will always be our best clues. As my article points out, if the cells from the egg and sperm are alive, and they do not unite, then you just aborted "life", if we were to go by Right wing logic, that life begins at conception. The life was already there, with the living cells before conception, therefore, women abort all the time living cells. And so, science nor God, has given us the definitive answers to the "beginning of life " question. The explanation cannot be any more clearer than that.

If you want to assert that ovum and sperm is just like a newly conceived life than you're not even worth debating with. That's not even close to "intelligent material for debate"--that's moronic.
It's not me asserting it, it's the radical religious Right. You are running from this debate, because there is nothing you can debate. See how easy it is to kick your ass.

What is your justification for killing a unique human life in the womb?
None is needed. Why do you think it's your business?
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.
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Yes. Anyone who intentionally kills an innocent in the womb, absent extenuating circumstances, deserves life in prison. IDGAF what their salutation is. As far as I'm concerned the doctor and the mother should rot together.

Life in prison no parole. Very good. That woman will NEVER have another abortion. Problem solved.

Like I said to another poster. Advocate for that. Convince society. Go for it. It's the only power you have. There's always a chance.

The tide is turning against abortion and you know it. That's why your flailing all over this thread like a lunatic. It's called desperation, sweetie. You WILL see abortion dramatically restricted, if not made outright illegal, in your lifetime. Get ready.

Fortunately, they still train gynecologists to do D&C's, so even Hobby Lobby will have to start paying their employees through their insurance plan to have this done. Personally, I appreciate the irony!
And YOU specifically sad "there is no such thing as pro-abortion. With every post you show us all that you are a liar.

Surely, I don't have to explain to you that none of us are advocating that people get an abortion. We are advocating that people have a CHOICE.
You'll submit to it if it becomes law or you will lose. Fact. The state doesn't want to control human reproduction, only that all things pertaining to human rights and the handling of human life is done with the humanity and dignity that all life deserves.

How you gonna make me submit? Details.

Are you an actual child? As in, not yet even 18? Because you reason like a child.
You're the one who refuses to accept reality. Much like a child.

I posted this about 40 pages ago, but I guess I must do it again, because they just don't get it.

If my wife or child wanted an abortion, I would find a doctor in my state to do it. if I could not find one in my state, I would find a doctor who would do a D&C. If I could not find one, I would take my wife or child to other state. If I still could not find one, I would take my wife or child to another country. And, like you, there is absolutely no way that any of them is ever going to keep me from doing that.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Slave owners. Yes, that is your mentality. Claiming control of my body is what slavery is all about.
I'm glad you recognize that.
In the meantime, my argument was too much for SweetSue92 to handle. Her response hardly made sense. There problem is, they cannot lock horns with the truth, the science, the religion, and their own emotional confusion.

What is your justification for taking a unique human life?
What is your justification for thinking you are smart enough to solve complicated problems?
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.
If your body contains a human with a heartbeat and feelings, You're a murderer if you kill tat child..
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.
If your body contains a human with a heartbeat and feelings, You're a murderer if you kill tat child..

...and, yet, the Supreme Court has ruled otherwise, on several different levels. but, keep swinging, kid!
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buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Slave owners. Yes, that is your mentality. Claiming control of my body is what slavery is all about.
I'm glad you recognize that.

Do you have an original thought in your head? Just like BWK earlier, your responses are akin to “I know you are but what am I?” In fact everything you have said on this thread is on the level of a five-year-old child.

I could list numerous ways why you are exactly like a slaveowner. You dehumanize your victim, just as the slaveowners did, to justify killing the victim. You think that you can own another human being, just like the slaveowners did, in this case your own child. You have zero respect for people who are not like you, just like the slaveowners did. You have zero respect for human life, just like the slaveowners did. You discriminate based on age, size and location, instead of skin color.

And just like slavery, the barbaric practice of abortion will one day be illegal, because as a society thankfully we have enough decent and responsible people who grow and evolve past those barbaric, selfish cruel mindsets. Hopefully one day you will, but whether you do or not, you’ll eventually learn, as I have been telling you.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Slave owners. Yes, that is your mentality. Claiming control of my body is what slavery is all about.
I'm glad you recognize that.

Do you have an original thought in your head? Just like BWK earlier, your responses are akin to “I know you are but what am I?” In fact everything you have said on this thread is on the level of a five-year-old child.

I could list numerous ways why you are exactly like a slaveowner. You dehumanize your victim, just as the slaveowners did, to justify killing the victim. You think that you can own another human being, just like the slave owners did, in this case your own child. You have zero respect for people who are not like you, just like the slaveowners did. You have zero respect for human life, just like the slaveowners did. You discriminate based on age, size and location, instead of skin color.

And just like slavery, the barbaric practice of abortion will one day be illegal, because as a society thankfully we have enough decent and responsible people who grow and evolve past those barbaric, selfish cruel mindsets. Hopefully one day you will, but whether you do or not, you’ll eventually learn, as I have been telling you.

buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Slave owners. Yes, that is your mentality. Claiming control of my body is what slavery is all about.
I'm glad you recognize that.

Do you have an original thought in your head? Just like BWK earlier, your responses are akin to “I know you are but what am I?” In fact everything you have said on this thread is on the level of a five-year-old child.

I could list numerous ways why you are exactly like a slaveowner. You dehumanize your victim, just as the slaveowners did, to justify killing the victim. You think that you can own another human being, just like the slave owners did, in this case your own child. You have zero respect for people who are not like you, just like the slaveowners did. You have zero respect for human life, just like the slaveowners did. You discriminate based on age, size and location, instead of skin color.

And just like slavery, the barbaric practice of abortion will one day be illegal, because as a society thankfully we have enough decent and responsible people who grow and evolve past those barbaric, selfish cruel mindsets. Hopefully one day you will, but whether you do or not, you’ll eventually learn, as I have been telling you.
The answer is STILL -

In addition you will not control my thoughts, but I'm not surprised that you think you can. That's really what has you so worked up.

Carry on with your foaming at the mouth, your ranting and raving and your agony. It doesn't change a thing and I don't care if you are miserable. That's on you.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Your delusion will lead you into a world of hurt. The aftermath of your idiocy will make Prohibition look like a walk in the park. You can't have the kind of power over people that you want.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

Slave owners. Yes, that is your mentality. Claiming control of my body is what slavery is all about.
I'm glad you recognize that.

Do you have an original thought in your head? Just like BWK earlier, your responses are akin to “I know you are but what am I?” In fact everything you have said on this thread is on the level of a five-year-old child.

I could list numerous ways why you are exactly like a slaveowner. You dehumanize your victim, just as the slaveowners did, to justify killing the victim. You think that you can own another human being, just like the slave owners did, in this case your own child. You have zero respect for people who are not like you, just like the slaveowners did. You have zero respect for human life, just like the slaveowners did. You discriminate based on age, size and location, instead of skin color.

And just like slavery, the barbaric practice of abortion will one day be illegal, because as a society thankfully we have enough decent and responsible people who grow and evolve past those barbaric, selfish cruel mindsets. Hopefully one day you will, but whether you do or not, you’ll eventually learn, as I have been telling you.
The answer is STILL -

In addition you will not control my thoughts, but I'm not surprised that you think you can. That's really what has you so worked up.

Carry on with your foaming at the mouth, your ranting and raving and your agony. It doesn't change a thing and I don't care if you are miserable. That's on you.
Projecting again dude? Of course you are.

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