"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

an embryo/fetus is not a person born in the United States; as a consequence, it is not a citizen, not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Every fucking time you meatheads bring this up, I point out fetal homicide laws. And without fail, none of you morons explain how/why someone can be charged with it if the fetus is not a person with Constitutional protections.
Another bit of honesty - it's not a fair fight. You don't know if there is a fetus inside my body. When you can solve that simple bit of reality, come talk to me. I might be willing to listen.

That's what I'd like to hear more about. Lets hear the gory details of how they plan to enforce abortion bans? beagle9 was upfront about his plans for a large scale re-education program. What else? Will there be mandatory womb monitors?
It wasn't posted to you. I already know that you literally don't care about anything but yourself.

Again with the same politics used by the left for their social engineering agenda. Anyone who opposes it is accused of not caring about whatever problem they're addressing. If you oppose government health care, you want poor people to go without. If you oppose "free" college, you hate education. If you opposed an abortion ban, you must be a selfish jerk who loves abortion.

How does it feel to be a statist liberal?

Um, dude, she basically admitted that! She doesn't even hide the fact that on this issue, she doesn't care about valid arguments, logic, ethics, other people's lives, or anything.
buttercup said:
Yep, the preborn is not your body, not for you to control.

Fuck if it isn't. My body, including its contents, is mine and mine alone. It's not yours, not society's. A nation that claims otherwise has lost respect for the most fundamental of human rights.

No, you own yourself and you alone. No human being is property, not even your own offspring. And the fact that you actually think that another human being is your property is horrific, and brings to mind the same mentality as slaveowners.

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The 14th Amendment acknowledged the citizenship of former slaves and codified their rights as Americans born in the United States.

Unlike a former slave, an embryo/fetus is not a person born in the United States; as a consequence, it is not a citizen, not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Moreover, because a woman was born in the United States and a citizen of the United States, her right to privacy is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment:

‘Constitutional protection of the woman's decision to terminate her pregnancy derives from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It declares that no State shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." The controlling word in the case before us is "liberty." Although a literal reading of the Clause might suggest that it governs only the procedures by which a State may deprive persons of liberty, for at least 105 years, at least since Mugler v. Kansas, 123 U.S. 623, 660-661 (1887), the Clause has been understood to contain a substantive component as well, one "barring certain government actions regardless of the fairness of the procedures used to implement them."' ibid

In this case, government actions seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.
*sigh* Did you completely miss my previous post to you? Hold on, I'll find the # for you in case you missed it.

Here you go: #1746

You basically are left to deal with 3 or 4 of the dumber proaborts. You're wasting your time...
an embryo/fetus is not a person born in the United States; as a consequence, it is not a citizen, not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Every fucking time you meatheads bring this up, I point out fetal homicide laws.

Laws that were pushed through deliberately for the purpose of creating a wedge for the anti-abortionist cause. Not much validation really.
That's what I'd like to hear more about. Lets hear the gory details of how they plan to enforce abortion bans? beagle9 was upfront about his plans for a large scale re-education program. What else? Will there be mandatory womb monitors?
I'm not sure why they are so unwilling to answer this question. Especially since they claim the moral high ground.

I would appreciate more information from beagle9 about the re-education camps. I am quite curious how it would all work.

So lets hear it pro-lifers. How exactly is this going to work?
an embryo/fetus is not a person born in the United States; as a consequence, it is not a citizen, not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Every fucking time you meatheads bring this up, I point out fetal homicide laws.

Laws that were pushed through deliberately for the purpose of creating a wedge for the anti-abortionist cause. Not much validation really.

Fetal homicide laws existed long before Roe v Wade you assclown.
an embryo/fetus is not a person born in the United States; as a consequence, it is not a citizen, not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Every fucking time you meatheads bring this up, I point out fetal homicide laws.

Laws that were pushed through deliberately for the purpose of creating a wedge for the anti-abortionist cause. Not much validation really.

Fetal homicide laws existed long before Roe v Wade you assclown.

They've been radical expanded by pro-lifers, dingleberry.
You basically are left to deal with 3 or 4 of the dumber proaborts. You're wasting your time...

Especially if you think we're going to accept your big government, intrusive solution to the problem.

Seems more than a few states are saying no more. You're losing and don't realize it

Oh, we're all losing - for now. Things are going to shit far faster than I ever thought I'd see. But I still hold out hope. The good guys usually win in the end.
Well, we have one poster here who demands that we stop talking about the law, and instead talk about ethics and morality. Then, we have another poster here who demands that we talk about the law. I suggest that Buttercup duke it out with Satrebil, until the bitter end!

You might want to share that with someone you have a chance to influence. I don't see anyone like that in here.

But I could be wrong.

Is there anyone in here willing to let Buttercup determine her reproductive choices?
You don't see the other HALF of the board, and you don't see the thousands of lurkers who see YOU and the insanity of your indefensible position. People like you make our work easy.
You basically are left to deal with 3 or 4 of the dumber proaborts. You're wasting your time...

Especially if you think we're going to accept your big government, intrusive solution to the problem.

Seems more than a few states are saying no more. You're losing and don't realize it

Oh, we're all losing - for now. Things are going to shit far faster than I ever thought I'd see. But I still hold out hope. The good guys usually win in the end.

We will. Trust me. We will.
Question for the proaborts.

When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, did he kill one or two people?

Question for the proaborts.

When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Lacy Peterson, did he kill one or two people?


What is a "pro-abort"? - oh, is this the thing where you do like the liberals do and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with your big government solution as having twisted motives???

Yeah, it is. You guys!... I tell ya.
Question for the proaborts.

When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Lacy Peterson, did he kill one or two people?


What is a "pro-abort"? - oh, is this the thing where you do like the liberals do and accuse anyone who doesn't agree with your big government solution as having twisted motives???

Yeah, it is. You guys!... I tell ya.

Just answer the question. No more red herrings.
You don't see the other HALF of the board, and you don't see the thousands of lurkers who see YOU and the insanity of your indefensible position. People like you make our work easy.

You'd think if they were so outraged, they would let that be known. But let's ask them -

Lurkers? Any input? Don't be shy! I don't bite.

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